Power Point GII' - GII-2010

• In our senior project, we
were looking at the
reasons that caused the
genocide and what
made it the happened
The Rwandan genocide was caused by
The Hutu extremist thinking the Tutsi rebels
shot down the president of Rwanda’s plane
 Tutsi’s getting the better favor than the Hutu.
 German and Belgian colonizer said it is hard
to find the racial differences between them.
Hutu and Tutsi both of them speak French and
Bantu-dialect language, and they believe same
religion as Christianity.
• The myth says Tutsi was from Ethiopia and
Hutu came later from Chad. Because of Tutsi’s
home country was closer to Europe in the myth,
they thought Tutsi is better than Hutu from
Chad. Until the Rwanda independent, this
myth was told by people.
 The ID card made many Tutsis death during
1994, Rwanda genocide. Tutsis were killed
if their ID card shows they are Tutsi and the
check point was in every road block by
Hutus government.
 President Juvenal Habyarimana and Burundi’
Cyprian Ntayamira were coming back from
Tanzania, their airplane was shot down by rocket
fire near by the Rwanda’s capital city.
 Radio said the genocide will start and it happened
because Hutu politicians thought RPF shot down
the plane.
 Juvénal Habyarimana
born in 1937.
 He was the president of
Rwanda from 1973 to
April 6, 1994.
 He was supporting his
ethnic group, Hutu.
 PRF is called The Rwandan Patriotic Front
 The members were largely Tutsi.
 Now’s president of Rwanda, Paul Kagame is
in this group of political force too.
 During July 8, 1993 to July 31, 1994, and during
the Rwanda genocide, the radio station named call
RTLM (Radio Télévision Libre des Mille
Collines) was playing the significant role.
 Every Rwandan got mentally harm from this
RTLM broadcasts.
"When people ask me, good listeners, why do I hate
all the Tutsi, I say, ‘Read our history.’ The Tutsi
were collaborators for the Belgian colonists, they
stole our Hutu land, they whipped us. Now they
have come back, these Tutsi rebels. They are
cockroaches. They are murderers. Rwanda is our
Hutu land. We are the majority. They are a minority
of traitors and invaders. We will squash this
infestation. We will wipe out the RPF rebels. This
is RTLM, Hutu power radio. Stay alert. Watch your