CURS.6 -

IV. Stringuri și Fișiere I/O (Intrare/Ieșire)
A. String controls and indicators
B. String functions
C. File I/O
A. Controale și Indicatoare String
• Un rol aparte între controalele/indicatoarele din
mediul LabView îl joacă cele pentru lucrul cu șir
de caractere și tabele. Componentele din
această categorie permit citirea/afisarea acestui
tip de date.
• Un string este o secvență de caractere (ASCII)
afișabile sau neafișabile (spațiu, tab, e.t.c.)
• Utilizări – afișarea mesajelor, controlul
instrumentelor, fișiere I/O
Figure 4.1. Control string
Moduri de afișare a stringurilor
• Normal display
• \ code display
• Password display
• Hex display
B. Funcţii String
• Funcţiile pentru valorile alfanumerice sunt grupate în
subpaleta String a paletei de funcții. Mai frecvent
utilizate sunt cele pentru transformarea caracterelor
în majuscule (To Upper Case), pentru transformarea
caracterelor în minuscule (To Lower Case), de
calculare a lungimii unui şir de caractere (String
Length), de compunere a unui şir din două şiruri
distincte (Concatenate String), de identificare şi
înlocuire a unui şir în cadrul altuia (Search and
Replace String) etc.
• De asemenea, subpaleta String conţine un element
String Constant utilizat pentru introducerea în
diagramă a valorilor alfanumerice constante.
Figure 4.2. Paleta cu funcții string
• Funcţia String Length determină numărul
de caractere dintr-o valoare alfanumerică.
Sunt luate în considerare şi caracterele
neafişabile (spaţiu, Tab, sfârşit de linie etc).
Numărul de caractere de la ieşirea funcţiei
este exprimat ca un număr întreg pe patru
• Funcţia Concatenate Strings posedă un
număr de intrări ce poate fi modificat de
către utilizator prin dimensionarea
simbolului funcţiei (în mod asemănător cu
Compound Arithmetic). La ieşirea sa,
funcţia generează o valoare alfanumerică
obţinută prin concatenarea textelor de la
intrările sale, în ordinea de sus în jos.
• Funcţia String Subset extrage, din textul conectat la
intrarea String, o porţiune de Length caractere începând
de la caracterul aflat la poziţia Offset inclusiv (pentru
primul caracter se consideră offset = 0). Dacă la intrarea
Offset a funcţiei nu este introdusă nici o valoare, funcţia
consideră că extragerea se va efectua începând cu
primul caracter (valoarea implicită 0 a intrării offset).
Dacă la intrarea Length nu este introdusă nici o valoare,
funcţia consideră că extragerea se va efectua până la
ultimul caracter inclusiv.
• Funcţia Replace Substring şterge o porţiune din textul conectat la
intrarea String şi introduce în locul respectiv textul conectat la
intrarea Substring. Porţiunea înlocuită începe de la caracterul aflat pe
poziţia Offset inclusiv şi conţine Length caractere. Intrarea Offset are
valoarea implicită 0, iar intrarea Length are o valoare implicită egală
cu numărul de caractere legat la intrarea Substring. Dacă la intrarea
Substring nu se leagă nici o valoare, funcţia efectuează o ştergere a
unei porţiuni, iar dacă la intrarea Length se leagă valoarea 0 funcţia
efectuează, de fapt, o inserare a unei porţiuni.
• Funcţia Search and Replace String caută textul Search String în textul
conectat la intrarea String, iar când îl găseşte, îl înlocuieşte cu textul
conectat la intrarea Replace String. Căutarea are loc începând de la poziţia
Offset a textului String. Dacă la intrarea Offset nu se conectează nici o
valoare, căutarea are loc începând cu prima poziţie. Dacă la intrarea
Replace String nu se conectează nici o valoare, atunci funcţia efectuează o
ştergere (înlocuire cu text vid). Dacă la intrarea Replace All nu se
conectează nici o valoare, atunci funcţia se opreşte după prima apariţie a
textului Search String. Dacă la această intrare se conectează o valoare
logică de tip True, funcţia efectuează înlocuiri pentru toate apariţiile textului
Search String. Funcţia generează textul rezultat în urma înlocuirii la ieşirea
Result String, iar la ieşirea Offset Past Replacement generează o valoare
indicând poziţia caracterului aflat imediat după ultimul caracter înlocuit.
• Funcţia Search/Split String caută textul conectat la intrarea Search
String/char în textul conectat la intrarea String. Căutarea se
efectuează începând cu poziţia Offset. Dacă textul căutat este găsit,
funcţia împarte textul iniţial în două părţi, astfel: partea dinaintea
textului căutat (Substring Before Match) şi textul căutat urmat de
restul textului în care s-a făcut căutarea (Match + Rest Of String).
Funcţia generează la ieşirea Offset Of Match poziţia în care a fost
găsit textul căutat. Dacă textul căutat nu a fost găsit, ieşirea
Substring Before Match conţine tot textul legat la intrarea String, iar
ieşirea Offset Of Match are valoarea -1.
• Funcția Format Into String convertește numere într-un șir de
caractere (1.28→1.2800). Această funcție nu este folosită doar
pentru conversia datelor numerice în date string. Mai pot fi convertite
în stringuri următoarele elemente: căi de fișiere, enumerări, date
Booleene. De exemplu, utilizând formatul %s un Boolean va fi
convertit în "FALSE" sau "TRUE." Utilizând formatul %d, Booleanul
va fi convertit în "0" sau "1." Similar, utilizând formatul %s, un Enum
va fi convertit în textul său. Utilizând formatul %d, Enum va fi
convertit în valoarea sa întreagă.
Converting Numerics to Strings
The Build String Express VI
concatenates an input string. If
the inputs are not a string, the
inputs are converted to a string
based on the configuration of the
Express VI. The Build String
Express VI is available in the
Functions»Output palette.
Converting Strings to Numerics
Scan From String: Converts the input string containing valid
numeric characters to individual numbers. Format string can specify
multiple outputs with differing data types (numeric, Boolean, etc.).
The function can be stretched out to add more output terminals.
C. Fișiere Intrare/Ieșire (I/O)
• Operaţiile cu fişiere de intrare / ieşire (I/O) au ca scop
principal stocarea datelor într-un fișier şi preluarea datelor
dintr-un fişier
• Principalele operații ce pot fi realizate sunt:
 Deschidere și închidere fișiere de date;
 Citirea datelor din fișiere si scrierea datelor în fisiere;
 Mutarea și redenumirea fișierelor si directorilor;
 Crearea de directori și fișiere, specificați în controlul cale;
 Scrierea de stringuri, numere, vectori și clustere în fișiere.
• Fișierele pot fi binare, text sau tabel.
• Scrierea/Citirea în fișierele de măsurare LabVIEW au
extensia “lvm” (*.lvm)
Operațiile tipice cu fișierele I/O presupun următoarele
1. You create or open a file. After the file opens, a unique
identifier called a refnum represents the file.
2. The File I/O VI or function reads from or writes to the
3. You close the file.
Figure 4.3. Steps in a Typical File I/O Operation
Formatul Fişierelor
• LabVIEW pot folosi sau crea următoarele formate de fișier:
Binary, ASCII,LVM, and TDMS.
•Binary— Fișierele binare sunt formatul de fișier care stau la
baza tuturor celorlalte formate de fișiere.
•ASCII—un fișier ASCII este un tip specific de fișier binar, şi
care este un standard utilizat de cele mai multe programe. It
consists of a series of ASCII codes. ASCII files are also
called text files.
•LVM—fișierul de date de măsurare ( .lvm ) este un fișier text
delimitat de tabulatori, cu ajutorul cărora se pot deschide
diferite aplicații de calcul tabelar sau aplicații de editare de
text. Fișierul cu extensia .lvm conţine informații despre date,
cum ar fi data și ora la care datele au fost generate.
• TDMS—Acest format de fișier este un tip specific de fișier
binar creat pentru produsele National Instruments.
Figure 4.4. Paleta cu funcții File I/O
Understanding High-Level File I/O
Some File I/O VIs perform all three steps of a file I/O
process—open, read/write, and close. If a VI performs all
three steps, it is referred to as a high-level VI. However,
these VIs may not be as efficient as the low-level VIs and
functions designed for individual parts of the process. If
you are writing to a file in a loop, use low-level file I/O
VIs. If you are writing to a file in a single operation, you
can use the high-level file I/O VIs instead.
LabVIEW includes the following high-level file I/O VIs:
- Write to Spreadsheet File—Converts a 2D or 1D array
of double-precision numbers to a text string and writes
the string to a new ASCII file or appends the string to an
existing file. The VI opens or creates the file before
writing to it and closes it after wards. You can use this VI
to create a text file readable by most spreadsheet
- Read From Spreadsheet File—Reads a specified
number of lines or rows from a numeric text file
beginning at a specified character off setand converts
the data to a 2D double-precision array of numbers.
The VI opens the file before reading from it and closes
it afterwards. You can use this VI to read a
spreadsheet file saved in text format.
- Write to Measurement File—An Express VI that
writes data to a text-based measurement file (.lvm) or a
binary measurement file (.tdms) format. You can
specify the save method, file format (.lvm or.tdms),
header type, and delimiter.
- Read from Measurement File—An Express VI that
reads data from a text-based measurement file (.lvm)
or a binary measurement file (.tdms) format. You can
specify the file name, file format, and segment size.
• The text files created by LabVIEW can be opened in
spreadsheet programs such as Excel. Writing data to a
spreadsheet file is the mechanism used to move
LabVIEW data into a spreadsheet.
• A LabVIEW spreadsheet file is a text file that
spreadsheets such as Excel can read, but LabVIEW
does not create .xls or .xlsx files directly. However,
opening a text file in Excel is so straightforward, it
makes little difference that LabVIEW creates .txt files
instead of .xls files.
• The Write to Spreadsheet File function is
available in the Function Palette’s Programming
Group, in the File I/O group. For example, here
are the directions to the Write to Spreadsheet
File function:
Function Palette / Programming Group / File
I/O group / Write to Spreadsheet File
• To learn how to send data from a matrix to a
text file, we will create a VI that uses the Write
to Spreadsheet File function.
• We begin on the front panel by creating an
array and filling it with some data values.
Figure 4.5.
Front panel showing
data to be saved in
each text file format.
Figure 4.6.
Connection pane for
Write to Spreadsheet
File function
Figure 4.7. Block
diagram to send Data
array values to a text
• Because we did not specify a file path, when we run
the VI the Choose File to Write dialog (Figure 4.8)
opens to allow the user to select a folder and enter a
file name.The .txt file extension was used so that the
text file will be recognized by other programs. Click
OK to save the data to the “Write Test.txt” file.
• We can open the file in any program that can display
a text file (Notepad was used in Figure 4.9) to see
how data were saved.
Figure 4.8. The Choose File to Write dialog allows the user to
set the file name.
Figure 4.9. The data in the
Write Test.txt file.
• The values in the Data array were sent to the file, but
only three decimal places were saved. This is a result
of using the default format string (%.3f, as indicated in
Figure 4.6.) we can change the format string to save
more decimal places, if needed.
• The terminals on the Write to Spreadsheet File function
block (see Figure 4.6) include:
• format (%.3f)—the format string used to write the values to the text
• file path (dialog if empty)—this is a path variable indicating where
the file should be stored. If no path is specified, the Choose File to
Write dialog is opened to determine the path at run time.
• 2D data—the terminal used to save a 2D array or matrix of values.
• 1D data—the terminal used to save single row or column of values.
• append to file (new file: F)—a Boolean (True or False) value used
to tell LabVIEW how to handle the data if the file already exists.
TRUE means append the data to the data already in the file.
FALSE (the default) means overwrite the existing data.
• transpose? (no: F)—a Boolean (True or False) value indicating
whether or not the data should be transposed (rows and columns
interchanged) before saving. The default is not to transpose the
• delimiter (\t)—the delimiter is the value placed between numbers to
separate them. The default is a tab character (“\t”).
• new file path—provides programmatic access to the file path that was
used to
save the data.
To see how these inputs can be used to modify the way the data are saved,
we will change the format string that controls how LabVIEW writes the
data to the file.
Format Strings
A format string for writing floating point numbers:
• Begins with the “%” character.
• Sometimes includes “^” (caret, [Shift 6]) to force engineering notation
notation in multiples of three, e.g., e3, e6.)
• Sometimes a “#” symbol—instructs LabVIEW to drop trailing zeros.
• Sometimes includes a period and a number (e.g., “.3”) indicating the
number of
decimal places to show.
• Ends with a final letter indicating the notation style.
• f—floating point notation (decimal point)
• e—scientific notation
• g—LabVIEW uses “f” or “e” depending on size of number
• The following table shows how the value 12.3450000
will be saved using various formats.
%.3f (default) 12.345
%.7f 12.3450000
%#.7f 12.345
%e 1.234500e1
%.3e 1.235e1 (rounded)
%^.3e 12.345e0
%g 12.345000
%#g 12.345
• Figure 4.10 shows how the format string can be sent to
the Write to Spreadsheet File function.
• The resulting file is shown in Figure 4.11. Notice that
LabVIEW rounds when the “f” format is used.
Figure 4.10. Asking for
seven decimal places on
saved values.
Figure 4.11. Data file
created using the “%.7f”
• A LabVIEW measurement file (file extension .lvm) is a
text file used to save waveforms.
• A LabVIEW waveform is a collection of data values
collected over time plus some additional header
information. Waveforms are automatically generated
when data are acquired using LabVIEW data
acquisition functions.
• Measurement files are commonly used to save the data
collected using a data acquisition system. LabVIEW can
read measurement files to reload data for processing
and analysis. And, because measurement files are text
files, they can be opened by other programs such as
word processors and spreadsheets.
• A measurement file is created using the Write to
Measurement File Express VI.
• An Express VI is a function, or VI, that comes with a
dialog box to help the programmer configure the
required connections. You can recognize Express VIs
by a blue border around the icon in the Function
• The Write to Measurement File Express VI is located in
the Programming Group’s File I/O Group.
Functions Palette / Programming Group / File I/O
Group / Write to Measurement File
• When the Write to Measurement File Express VI is
placed on the block diagram, the icon for the function is
placed on the block diagram and the Configure Write to
Measurement File dialog (shown in Figure 4.12)
automatically opens.
Figure 4.12. The Configure Write to Measurement File dialog.
• Six areas have been indicated on the Configure Write to Measurement
File dialog (shown in Figure 4.12):
1. File Name—you can specify the name of the file to be created.
2. Action—instructs LabVIEW what to do if you run the VI multiple
(creating multiple files).
3. File Format—the function will output text files (.lvm) and binary files.
4. Segment Headers—you can configure the data acquisition functions
to take multiple data sets in a single run. Each of these would be
considered a segment. The segment header provides information on
when the data were collected, who collected the data, and what data
were collected.
5. X Value Columns—a typical waveform contains data collected over
a period of time, and time is the X value.You can select how the time
values are reported in the measurement file.
6. Delimiter—the delimiter is the character that is placed between each
numeric value so that the program that reads the file can tell where
one number ends and the next starts.Tab delimiters are very
commonly used.
În figura de mai jos se exemplifică utilizarea funcţiei de
scriere a datelor într-un fişier (Write To Measurement
File). Se remarcă construcţia fişierului de date cu
precizările referitoare la data simulării, numărul de
eşantioane etc.
LabVIEW Measurement
X_Columns No
X_Dimension Time
Figure 4.13. Scrierea datelor într-un fișier
• To read a LabVIEW measurement file, use the Read
From Measurement File Express VI (see Figure 4.14)
found in the File I/O group:
Functions Palette / Programming Group / File I/O
Group / Read From Measurement File
• When the Read From Measurement File Express VI is
placed on the block diagram, the Configure Read From
Measurement File dialog (shown in Figure 4.15)
automatically opens. You should ensure that the correct
.lvm file is indicated in the File Name field, or check
Ask user to choose file in the Action section to select
the desired file at run time.
Figure 4.14. Block
diagram for a VI
to read a
file and plot the
Figure 4.15. The Configure Read From
Measurement File dialog.
• Exemplificarea citirii unui fişier de măsurători test_2.lvm
şi vizaualizarea informaţiei acetuia este prezentată în
figura de mai jos.
Figure 4.16. Citirea datelor dintr-un fișier
• LabVIEW provides a Read From Spreadsheet File
function, which can be used to read values from a
text file into LabVIEW.
Functions Palette / Programming Group / File I/O
Group / Read From Spreadsheet File
Note: LabVIEW does not read Excel files directly. But
an Excel workbook can be saved as a tab-delimited
text file (.txt file extension) and LabVIEW can read it.
• The general process for getting data from an Excel
workbook into LabVIEW is as follows:
1. Get the data values (no text column headers) into an Excel
a. Make sure it is the only worksheet in the workbook.
b. The top-left value should be in cell A1.
2. Save the Excel file as a .txt file.
3. Place a Read From Spreadsheet File function on a LabVIEW
block diagram.
4. Select the data type of the values to be read from the file.
5. Use a string constant to specify the format string that should be
used to read the values, if desired. The default format string is
“%.3f”, which reads floating point numbers with three decimal
6. Use a string constant to specify the path name if desired. If the
path name is omitted, LabVIEW will ask the user to choose the
file at run time.
7. Add an indicator to the block diagram to display the values read
from the file.
Step 1: Get the data values into an Excel worksheet
• Figure 4.17 shows an Excel file containing temperature
data from seven thermocouples collected over a period
of 1 hour. It is a typical spreadsheet with
• Title information at the top
• Column headings
• Graph
• Three worksheets in the workbook
• All of that information needs to be deleted before saving
the workbook as a text file that LabVIEW can read.
Figure 4.18 shows the same temperature and time data
in a worksheet by itself.
Figure 4.17. Excel file with extraneous information.
Figure 4.18. Excel worksheet with extraneous information removed.
Step 2: Save
the Excel
file as a .txt
• To save the
as a tabdelimited
text file,
start with
the following
illustrated in
Figure 4.19:
button /
Save As /
Figure 4.19. Using the Office button to save the Excel worksheet
in another format.
• This opens the Save As dialog shown in Figure 4.20. Select Text
(Tab delimited) (*.txt) in the Save as type: field.
Figure 4.20. Select tab-delimited text file in the Save As dialog.
• Excel will likely display a warning box that information
may be lost by saving in a text file, but you must use a
text file for LabVIEW. The numeric values will not be
lost when the file is saved as a text file.
Note: Undisplayed digits are lost when the text file is
saved. The Time Temperature.txt file will contain values
with only one decimal place (because that’s how they
were displayed in the Excel worksheet, see Figure
Step 3: Place a Read From Spreadsheet File function
on a LabVIEW block diagram
• The Read From Spreadsheet File function is in the
Programming Group’s File I/O Group on the Functions
Functions Palette / Programming Group / File I/O
Group / Read From Spreadsheet File
• The annotated connection pane for the function is
illustrated in Figure 4.21.
• Most of the terminals have default values that work most
of the time.
Figure 4.21. Connection pane for the Read From Spreadsheet
File function.
• format (%.3f)—the format string used to read the values from the text file.
• file path (dialog if empty)—this is a path variable indicating where the file
should be stored. If no path is specified, the user is asked to choose a file at
run time.
• number of rows (all:1)—if only a part of the file is to be read, you must
indicate the number of rows to be read. Accept the default to read the
entire file.
• start of read offset (chars.: 0)—if the top-left corner of the data set is not
in cell A1, you must indicate the required offset. Because the offset must
be specified in characters, not cells, this is very inconvenient to use.
• max characters/row (no limit: 0)—you can set a limit on the number of
characters read per row.The default is to read the entire row.
• transpose? (no: F)—a Boolean (True or False) value indicating whether
or not the data should be transposed (rows and columns interchanged) as
it is read.The default is not to transpose the data.
• delimiter (\t)—the delimiter is the value that has been placed between
numbers to separate them.The default is a tab character (“\t”).
• new file path—provides programmatic access to the file path
that the user may have selected using the Choose File to
Write dialog.
• all rows—this is the most commonly used output terminal. All
rows of data are available through this output.
• first row—this terminal provides access to only the first row of
• mark after read (chars.)—the location of the file marker after
the file has been read. Rarely used, this might be useful if you
needed to append data to the end of the file.
• EOF?—this output is set to TRUE when the end of the file has
been read.
In this example, we will set a format string constant to increase
the number of decimal places slightly, and send all rows to an
Step 4: Select the data type of the
values to be read from the file
• LabVIEW must know the data type of the
values that will be read so that it can
read, store, and display the values
correctly. The default data type is
“Double” (double-precision floating point
numbers), as indicated on the data type
selector shown below the Read From
Spreadsheet File function icon in Figure
4.22. In this example, we want to use the
Double data type.
Note: The data type selector can be
hidden. Right-click on the node and
select Visible Items from the pop-up
menu if needed.
Figure 4.22
The dropdown
“Double” is
to indicate
the data
of the values
to be read.
Step 5: Use a string constant to specify
the format string
• To attempt to display more decimal places
than were saved in the text file, we will
instruct LabVIEW to use format string
“%.5f” to read the data. This will allow us
to observe how LabVIEW handles a
request to read more digits than are
present in the values in the file.
• To set the format string:
1. Right-click on the format input terminal.
2. Select Create/Constant from the pop-up
3. Enter “%.5f” (without the quotes) into the
• The result is shown in Figure 6.24.
Figure 4.22
Setting the
specifies the
read format.
Step 6: Use a string constant to specify the path
• If the path name is not specified, LabVIEW will ask the
user to choose the file at run time. In this example, we
will not specify the file path name.
Step 7: Add an indicator to the block diagram to
display the read values
• Right-click on the Read From Spreadsheet File
function’s all rows output and select Create / Indicator
from the pop-up menu. LabVIEW will add an array
indicator to the block diagram and the front panel to
display the values read from the file. The complete (for
now) block diagram is shown in Figure 4.23.
Figure 4.23
Block diagram, ready to read
data from text file.
• When the VI is run from the front panel, the user is asked
to select the file to be read as shown in Figure 4.24.
• The results are shown in Figure 4.25. The array indicator
was resized to show the entire array of values.
• Recall that we asked LabVIEW to read five decimal places (“%.5f”),
but the values in the text file contained only one decimal place.
LabVIEW read the values in the file anyway, with as much precision
as the values would allow. The values are displayed on the front
panel with three decimal places because of the (default) display
format used with the array indicator.
Figure 4.24. The Choose file to read dialog is used to select the
text file.
Figure 4.25. Front panel showing the values read from the text file.
Understanding Low-Level File I/O
Low-level file I/O VIs and functions each perform only
one piece of the file I/O process. For example, there is
one function to open an ASCII file, one function to read
an ASCII file, and one function to close an ASCII file.
Use low-level functions when file I/O is occurring within
a loop.
You also can use File I/O functions for disk streaming
operations, which save memory resources by reducing
the number of times the function interacts with the
operating system to open and close the file.
Disk streaming is a technique for keeping files open
while you perform multiple write operations, for
example, within a loop.
The examples in Figure 4.26 and Figure 4.27 show the
advantages of using disk streaming.
Figure 4.26. Non-Disk Streaming Example
• In Figure 4.26, the VI must open and close the file during
each iteration of the loop. Figure 4.27 uses disk
streaming to reduce the number of times the VI must
interact with the operating system to open and close the
Figure 4.27. Disk Streaming Example
• By opening the file once before the loop begins and
closing it after the loop completes, you save two file
operations on each iteration of the loop.
Model de program pentru un Fișier I/O
Scrie în Fișier
Salvarea (Scrierea) datelor într-un fișier
• Deschide/Crează/Înlocuiește, deschide fișierul existent test1.dat și
generează fișierul identificator refnum și clusterul error, care este un
mănunchi de date ce conține informații referitoare la erorile posibile.
• Write File scrie datele
• Close File închide fișierul
• Simple Error Handler verifică erorile
Exemplu de scriere într-un fișier
• Open/Create/Replace opens the existing file TEST1.DAT and
generates refnum and error cluster
• Write File writes the data
• Close File closes the file
• Simple Error Handler checks for errors
Citirea datelor dintr-un fișier
• Open/Create/Replace opens the file
• Read File reads the specified number of bytes from the file
• Close File closes the file
• Simple Error Handler checks for errors
Exercițiu: Să se realizeze VI-ul de mai jos, care stochează datele
într-un fișier și care afișază valoarea medie, maximă și minimă a
acestor date