Movie reviews will be completed in essay format. The following rubric should be used as a guide to a quality paper. Name_________________________________________ Criteria An introduction that is well developed including a thesis statement that is clear and concise, basic information about movie including title and any unique features. The thesis is your original proposition of what the movie teaches. (1 paragraph) Overview of the movie. This is a factual overview of the movie. This should by a summary in your words and should not be more than a paragraph. (1 paragraph) Analysis of the movie. What mental illness is depicted in the film? Based on your knowledge from class and your book, determine if the film accurately depicts the disorder or if it is flawed. What observable behaviors do you see that lead you to believe they have a disorder? What therapy was present in the film (psychoanalytic, humanistic, behavioral, etc.)? (3 or 4 paragraphs) A conclusion that accurately summarizes the review and restates the thesis. (1 paragraph) All paragraphs (except the introduction and conclusion) include supporting detail that draws on specific examples from the movie. Writing Mechanics: Pay attention to sentence structure, grammar, spelling and word choice. No use of “you,” "I" or "me.” Typed, 12 inch Times New Roman font; name, date, and teacher name in upper left corner of paper. Late penalty– (-10 per day) Points Possible 15 15 25 15 15 10 5 Points Given and Comments ‐ Obsessive Compulsive Disorder As Good as it Gets (1997; Comedy, Drama, Romance; Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, Greg Kinnear) The Aviator -Dissociative Disorders Primal Fear (1996 Drama/Suspense; Richard Gere, Edward Norton) Me, Myself And Irene (2000 Comedy; Jim Carey, Renee Zellweger) Identity (2003 Thriller; John Cusack, Ray Liotta, Amanda Peete) Fight Club (1999 Action/Drama; Brad Pitt, Edward Norton) Manchurian Candidate (1992 Drama) Donnie Darko -Personality Disorders Girl Interrupted (1999 Drama; Angelina Jolie, Winona Ryder, Whoopie Goldberg) Fatal Attraction (1987 Thriller/Drama; Glenn Close, Michael Douglas) Natural Born Killers (1994 Thriller/Drama; Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis) American Psycho (1999 Drama/Suspense; Christian Bale) Citizen Kane (1941 Drama) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004 Drama) Good Will Hunting (1999 Drama) Gone Girl (2014 Drama) -Schizophrenia A Beautiful Mind (2001 Drama/Mystery; Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly) Shutter Island (2010 Drama) -Mood Disorders The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2013 Comedy/Drama) What Dreams May come (1998 Drama) Adaptation (2002 Comedy/Drama) Silver Linings Playbook (2012 Comedy/Drama) Deer Hunter (1978 Drama) -Addiction Requiem For a Dream (2000 Drama) Trainspotting (1996 Drama)