EMERGING CHOREOGRAPHERS SHOWCASE 2015 TECH SCHEDULE Draft 2 DANCE PRODUCTION FACULTY TONI VALLE: 713/409-2838 OR toni@6degreesdance.org. Lighting Tech: If you are not in one of those acts, you are not required to attend that tech day. If you are teching that day, you are not required to stay for the entire tech- only the times your piece is teching. Please arrive an hour before your tech time in case we are running early. You will be responsible for warming yourselves up and taking care of your bodies. Bring Costumes. Check your name off on the call board and find your lighting designer. The choreographer and lighting designer will set the cues, then run the piece, with the Stage Manager calling cues. Each piece should have the choreographer, lighting designer and dancers on stand by in the house 30 minutes prior to tech. Also be prepared to stay as long as needed in case we are running late. MONDAY NOVEMBER 23 Light Tech. Please arrive an hour before your tech time in case we are running early. You will be responsible for warming yourselves up and taking care of your bodies. 5:00 pm Production Class and First Piece Dancers Call / Teresa 5:30 pm Tech Call 6 pm Alma / Ryan 7 pm Crystal / Amanda 8 pm Liannet / Celeste 9 pm Jasmine / Trent 10 pm Gaby / Hudson TUESDAY NOVEMBER 24 Light Tech. Please arrive an hour before your tech time in case we are running early. You will be responsible for warming yourselves up and taking care of your bodies. 5:00 pm Production Class and First Piece Dancers Call / John 5:30 pm Tech Call 6 pm Nichole / Shelby 7 pm Somya / Alicia 8 pm Koreena / Juan 9 pm Josh / Gabriella MONDAY NOVEMBER 30 Light Tech. Please arrive an hour before your tech time in case we are running early. You will be responsible for warming yourselves up and taking care of your bodies. 5:00 pm Production Class and First Piece Dancers Call / Becky 5:30 pm Tech Call 6 pm Katrina / Jason 7 pm Mallory / Teresa Chapman 8 pm Juan / Jason 9 pm Kara / Jmidd TUESDAY DECEMBER 1 Full Tech Run Through EVERY DANCER & CHOREOGRAPHER MUST BE PRESENT FOR WARM-UP. ALL LIGHTING DESIGNERS HAVE A CALL TIME OF 6PM AND MUST STAY FOR THE LENGTH OF THE RUN THROUGH. Check your name off on the call board. We will be stopping if there are any problems, so be prepared to stay until we are finished. We will be giving notes onstage after the show - all dancers and crew must stay for notes. 4:50pm Dancer Call 5:00 Required Dancer Warm-up (student lead TBA) / Karen 5:30pm Dance Production Class Call/Tech Call WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2 Full Tech Run Through / Photoshoot 4:50pm Dancer Call 5:00 pm Required Dancer Warm-up (student lead TBA) / All Faculty 5:30pm Dance Production Class Call/Tech Call 6:30pm FULL TECH RUN THROUGH / Photoshoot During Run Be prepared to stay until we are finished. We will be giving notes onstage after the show - all dancers and crew must stay for notes. THURSDAY DECEMBER 3 Open Dress Rehearsal ALL DANCERS AND CHOREOGRAPHERS MUST BE PRESENT FOR WARM-UP. 4:50pm Dancer Call 5:00 pm Required Dancer Warm-up (student lead TBA)/ John 5:30pm Dance Production Class Call/Tech Call 7:30pm Performance FRIDAY DECEMBER 4 Matinee Performance ALL DANCERS AND CHOREOGRAPHERS MUST BE PRESENT FOR COMPANY CLASS. 10am Company class in WT 207 / Teresa 10:30am Dance Production Class Call/Tech Call 12pm Performance FRIDAY DECEMBER 4 Evening performance ALL DANCERS AND CHOREOGRAPHERS MUST BE PRESENT FOR WARM-UP. 4:50pm Dancer Call 5:00 pm Required Dancer Warm-up (student lead TBA) / Karen 5:30pm Dance Production Class Call/Tech Call 7:30 Performance Saturday, December 5 Closing Night ALL DANCERS AND CHOREOGRAPHERS MUST BE PRESENT FOR WARM-UP. All dancers, tech crew and choreographers must be prepared to stay for strike of the show. 4:50pm Dancer Call 5:00 pm Required Dancer Warm-up (student lead TBA) / Becky 5:30pm Dance Production Class Call/Tech Call 7:30 Performance