Bebop in the 1980's

Bebop in the 1980’s1989
Nakeitha Jones
March 18, 2011
8th grade exit
What is bebop?
• Bebop is a style of jazz, characterized by its obscure,
random, trial melodies. Jazz musicians were looking
for a new direction to discovery. Bebop is that kind
of music that makes your head bop side-to-side, and
it makes you want to dance to it. On the first slide
there were people on the sides. They are the most
known composers of bebop. Like Thelonious Monk,
Charlie Parker, Max Roach, Dizzy Gillespie, Roy
Haynes, Charles Mingus, JJ Johnson, Bud Powell, Ray
Brown, Kenny Clarke, Sonny Stitt, and Hank Jones.
Where did bebop
• Bebop originated in a place called Minton’s
in the heart of Harlem. Under the hands of
the most known bebop composers of all times.
It developed from after hours “Jam Sessions”
from musicians who were all talented in
“swing” but wanted to create something new,
something different that no one has ever
heard before, to separate them from any other
Jazz musician.
How has bebop changed
since the 1980’s-1989??
Bebop has changed a lot since the 1980’s because most
of the composer of bebop are deceased, and no one
could EVER make their bass throbbing music like
they could. So thanks to bebop it gave other artists,
that were being brought out the world, inspiration to
make different music like Thelonious Monk, or
Charlie Parker but better. New genres such as rap,
hip-hop, and R&B started being introduced to world,
and like bebop, almost everyone loved the music!
Bebop Tributes
Thanks to bebop we have so many genres to
this day. Many people loved bebop, and some
still do. Some of the bebop best known artists
are still alive so maybe they will create more
music and remind us just how good bebop
really is. I hope you enjoyed the Triple P
(Power Point Presentation) but I am not done
yet! On the next few slides after this one there
will be information about Teena Marie (my
second main topic) so ENJOY!!! 
Teena Marie
Nakeitha Jones
March 28, 2011
8th grade exit project
Who is Teena Marie?
• Teena Marie, born Mary Christine Brockert, was a
famous singer, songwriter, producer, and
instrumentalist. She was very talented, her music
over showered the world with tunes of love,
happiness, and just good spirit. She was known all
over the world for her multiple personalities. Lady T,
Ivory Queen of Soul, Vanilla Child and Teena Marie.
Lady T was brought out during her rapping debut
“Square Biz” Ivory Queen of Soul was a legacy name
brought to her by her soulful music. Vanilla Child,
was just what the world would call her sometimes.
And lastly Teena Marie, that was her stage name.
Once she stepped on the stage she was no longer
Mary Christine Brockert, she was Teena Marie.
Her Life Story
• Mary Christine Brockert was born March 5, 1956 and
died December 26, 2010 at the age of 54. The labels
that she worked with were Motown Records (19761982), Epic/ CBS records (1983-1990), Ca$h Money
Classics/ Universal Records (2004-2007), Stax Concord
Records (2009-2010). The artists she associated with
were Rick James, Q.T. Hush, Bernadette Cooper, and
Eve. Some of her songs that she made were: “Fire
and Desire”, which was a duet with Rick James, and
the song came out in 1981. Teena did numerous
duets with Rick James, but that was the most known
More Information
• Sad to say, Teena Marie died on December 26th,
2010 because of a Grand Mal Epileptic Seizure.
An Grand Mal Epileptic Seizure is a very
violent muscle contraction and loss of
consciousness. She was found by her daughter
apparently dying in her sleep. Once the news
was brought out mostly everyone that loves
her music was shocked. We still remember her
in our memories!
I hope you have enjoyed this Power Point
Presentation. Here is a picture of a Cute Kitty
wearing a Frog Hat, to hopefully add some
fun humor to the Power Point!!! Thank You!!