Writing Prompt:_______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Types of Workers Blue collar: members of _____________________________earns ________ White collar: _____________________ who tend to do more non manual labor, individuals who ____________________________ Pink Collar: _____________________________, such as teacher, secretaries, nurses Skilled workers: individuals_____________________________________to perform a job. Unskilled workers: _____________________ Human capital: training, skills and knowledge obtained by workers_______________________________________________________ Analyze the quote? 1. What is human capital? 2. Why is the federal government in a human capital crisis? Analyze the quote? 1. According to Pres. Fox what should the government do with its revenues from oil companies? 2. What should politicians not be allowed to do? 1. What percentage of foreign born Hispanics believes having more high-skilled labor would greatly help the economy? 2. What percentage of native born Hispanics believes having more high-skilled labor would not help the economy? 3. What percentage of foreign born Asians believes having more high-skilled labor would help the economy some? 4. What percentage of native born Asians believes having more high-skilled labor would greatly help the economy? 5. Do you believe allowing more visas for high skilled labor would greatly, somewhat or not at all help the U.S. economy? Why? Organized Labor Labor Unions are _______________________________________________ _______________________better working conditions 1. Which country has the highest percentage of child labor? 2. How many children are working Bangladesh? 3. Which percentage of the work force is child labor in India? 4. At what age do the children in India and Bolivia start working? 5. How many children b/w the ages of 5-14 work in Burkina Faso? Types of Union Shops In the past, some unions supported a _______________________________________ __________________. The ___________________ Act of 1947 banned most ________ shops. Open Shop: workers______________________________________ to get jobs this called “______________________” states. employees- employees can be _________________________________except for job discrimination . 1. Who was polled? 2. When were the polls conducted? 3. What happened to Republicans approval of Labor unions from 2008-2009? 4. Which group approves of labor unions the most? 5. Between 2008-2009 did labor unions approval increase or decrease? _____________________________ union. The AFL-CIO union movement represents 11.5 million members. They are teachers and miners, firefighters and farm workers, bakers and engineers, pilots and public employees, doctors and nurses, painters and plumbers and more. The labor union’s____________________________________________________________ _________________. 1. List 2 states that have the highest percentage of unionized workers. 2. What is North Carolina's percentage of unionized workers? 3. Which part of the country has the highest percentage of unionized workers? 4. Which part of the country has the lowest percentage of unionized workers? Craft Union-All workers of a ________________________________ to get better conditions/wages. Must pay ______________________ Industrial/Trade Union-_________________________________________ join together to get better conditions/wages 1. Are private (private companies) or public sector (gov’t) employees unionized the most? 2. How many educators and health workers are unionized? 3. Which category has the least union membership? How many? 4. Which 2 industries make up the largest union membership? Analyze the political cartoon 1. What are the key items in the cartoon and what do they represent? 2. Describe the action taking place in the cartoon. 3. What is the cartoon’s message? Analyze the political cartoon 1. What are the key items in the cartoon and what do they represent? 2. Describe the action taking place in the cartoon. 3. What is the cartoon’s message? Collective Bargaining: ______________________________________________ _____________________________________when the old one nears the end. Focus on _______________________________________________________ Life, medical, (_____________) If the two sides cannot agree, they may try ____________________ In some cases they choose ______________________________. Arbitration:___________________________________________ Mediation:______________________________________________ To pressure management to accept their position, _____________________ ___________________________. (picketing, boycotts) Management can stage a lockout-_____________________________________. Management hopes lost wages will pressure workers to accept its terms. Labor Movie 1. 2. 3. Analyze the political cartoon 1. What issue or event does the cartoon deal with? 2. Describe the action taking place in the cartoon. 3. What is the cartoon’s message? The National Labor Relations Act: known as the Wagner Act, its authors intended it as a law to extend democratic rights in the workplace by_____________________________ _________________________________________. NLRA -The Wagner Act guarantees that workers have the right to collective bargaining, outlawed company unions, and listed unfair labor practices. _______________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________. Fair Labor Standards Act or Wages and Hours Act, establish minimum living standards for workers engaged directly or indirectly in interstate commerce. ______________________________________________________________________ ___________along with a maximum workweek of 44 hours. Other provisions banned products of child labor from interstate commerce. 1. How much do Chinese make an hour? 2. How much do Indians people make an hour? 3. How much do Mexicans make an hour? 4. Based on the graph how many countries have a higher minimum wage than U.S. 5. Which country’s minimum wage is twice as high as the U.S.? 6. Do you think the U.S. should raise its minimum wage? Why or Why not? 1. Which part of the country tends to have minimum wages higher than $7.25? 2. What is North Carolina’s minimum wage? 3. Overall what is the minimum wage in most U.S. states? 4. Which part of the county has no minimum wage or a wage lower than the federal minimum wage? 5. According to the Supremacy Clause what is the wage for those states listed in #4? Analyze the quote? 1.Details According to President Obama how has the labor Critical union movement improved working conditions in the 21st century? 2. Describe the middle-class workers? Thinking Questions S (Subject): What is the topic discussed? 1. O (Occasion): What event inspired the topic? 2. 3. 4. A(Audience): Who do you think it was targeted for? P(Purpose): What does writing inform the audience about? 5. 6. What type of historical source is this document?