Name: 10/8/14 Character & Settings

Name: _________________________________________________
Character & Settings- Phillies & Eagles
Brad’s Vacation
by Alicia Skelton
School was out, and Brad’s family went on a trip. Brad wanted to learn how to surf, and his little
sister wanted to build a whale in the sand. On the first morning, Brad’s whole family woke up early.
They took a boat ride out to sea to do some fishing. When the boat came back to shore, Brad rented a
surf board and took off for the waves. His little sister grabbed her pail and shovel. This was going to be
the best day ever.
1. Where does this story take place?
A. at the sand box
B. at Brad's pool
C. at the beach
D. at the hotel
The Carnival
I looked up into the dark night sky and tried to see the top of the Ferris wheel. It was too dark outside
and the Ferris wheel was too high for me to see the top. My friend Sharon and I were at the carnival, and
she wanted to ride on the Ferris wheel. We were waiting in line in front of the Ferris wheel, and I was
worried. I tried to be brave as we waited to buy our tickets because I didn’t want to tell Sharon that I was
afraid. I didn’t want her to think I was a crybaby. Suddenly, Sharon grabbed my hand.
"I changed my mind, Mary. I think I’m afraid of the Ferris wheel,” she said.
"Me too!" I said. Next, we walked over to the roller coaster. I tried to look brave as I saw the roller
coaster go up and down so fast. I could hear the people on the roller coaster screaming as loud as they
could. I wondered how scary the roller coaster must be to make them scream so loud.
"Maybe we should try to ride the merry-go-round," I said to Sharon. I knew that I could be brave on
the merry-go-round. After all, that had been my favorite carnival ride when I was a little girl.
"Good idea!" Sharon said, and we had fun riding the merry-go-round together until it was time to go
2. During which time of day does this story take place?
A. at night
B. at noon
C. in the morning
D. in the afternoon
3. Where is the speaker at the beginning of this story?
A. standing by the Ferris wheel
B. sitting on the merry-go-round
C. crying in the back of the classroom
D. riding the roller coaster
4. Which line from the story tells you where the speaker is waiting in line?
A. " 'I think I'm afraid of the Ferris wheel,' she said."
B. "We were waiting in line in front of the Ferris wheel."
C. "We rode the merry-go-round until it was time to go home."
D. "Next, we walked over to the roller coaster."
Directions: Underline all the correct sentences in the passage.
Which sentences help the reader know where the passage takes place?
The Journey
The wind began to pick up speed, and the rain poured down. The waves crashed heavily against the
ship. The men were used to this kind of weather, though. Most of them had left home at a very young
age to travel the world. They were tough, and they were ready for anything.
The men rushed across the ship's deck to their positions. They pulled on the ropes to move the sails to
the right spots. The men also made sure that everything was fastened tightly. They needed to have the
supplies last the entire journey. The captain yelled out, "Hurry! The storm is not letting up, men!"
The men worked more quickly than before. The captain rarely, if ever, told the men to hurry. This
meant the storm was big.
Santa's Sweets
by Audge Podge
On Christmas Eve, Santa was ready to deliver presents when Mrs. Claus said, “Be careful, and
remember, no sweets! You are supposed to be watching your weight.”
“But what will I do with all the cookies?” asked Santa. “Leaving them will be rude.”
“Well,” answered Mrs. Claus, “bring them home for the elves. They deserve a treat for all their hard
Santa grabbed an extra sack for the cookies. Then, he flew away on his sleigh.
After Santa slid his first plate of cookies in the sack, he said with surprise, “This will not be so bad!”
Soon, Santa had traveled half way around the world without eating a single cookie. However, his
belly started to growl.
When he entered the next house, he saw a big glass of chocolate milk beside a plate of cookies.
“Well, I will just have one,” he quietly said to himself. “After all, I am hungry,” and in no time, the plate
was clean.
On the way home, Santa’s stomach was still growling. I’ll just have a few of the elves’ cookies,
thought Santa. I am still hungry.
When Santa got home, Mrs. Claus ran out to his sleigh and gave him a hug. “Welcome home,
Santa!” she said.
“Do not squeeze me so tightly,” said Santa.
“What is wrong?” asked Mrs. Claus.
“My tummy hurts!” cried Santa.
6. What does Mrs. Claus suggest that Santa do with his sweets?
A. place them in a sack
B. give them to the elves
C. leave the sweets alone
D. eat only a few cookies
7. How does Santa change from the middle of the story to the end?
A. He goes from being very excited to being calm.
B. He goes from being hungry to being really full.
C. He goes from being wide awake to being tired.
D. He goes from being skinny to being overweight.
8. Which word best describes Mrs. Claus?
A. selfish
B. mean
C. caring
D. playful
9. Mrs. Claus tells Santa "no sweets!" because
A. Santa needs to watch his weight.
B. Santa eats only half of his dinner.
C. sweets are bad for Santa's teeth.
D. sweets will upset Santa's stomach.
Boingo the Bunny
by Audge Podge
“Ta-da!” said the Amazing Zach, and Boingo sighed as Zach pulled him up by his ears. The crowd
loudly clapped, and the magic show ended.
Backstage, Boingo said, “My mother warned me to stay away from show business, but I just had to
do this for a living!”
“What is wrong, Boingo?” Zach asked.
“I am tired of being a magic-show rabbit,” answered Boingo.
"But I thought you liked magic!” Zach said.
“You do magic," said Boingo. "I sit in a top hat until you pull me from it. Would you want to sit
around and wait for someone to pull you from a hat? It is a boring job. The crowd claps for you, not for
“What would you rather do?” asked Zach.
“I do not know exactly,” said Boingo. “I have always wanted to be an egg artist for the Easter Bunny.
Running my own carrot farm would also be nice. However, I would rather do something that makes
people laugh.”
Zach thought for a minute and said, “I have an idea!”
During the next show, Zach reached into his top hat and found nothing. Puzzled, he looked around.
Suddenly, Boingo’s head peaked out from under Zach’s pant leg, and the crowd laughed. Boingo had
been hiding in Zach's pant leg! When Zach looked at Boingo, he ran across the stage, and the crowd
laughed louder as Zach chased him.
After the show, Boingo said, "I am glad I did not listen to my mother. Show business is the best!"
10. The word that best describes Boingo at the end of the story is
A. upset.
B. curious.
C. happy.
D. tired.
1. C
12. A
13. A
14. B
5. –
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. C