
Ch. 3 Test
1. Advertising of this era was clean and minimalist, with simple copy and a
sense of self-effacing humor.
A. The Seventies
B. Creative Revolution
C. Designer Era
D. Great Depression
2. In the 1990s New York began to face challenges for its claim to the
advertising center of America. That is because other cities were being less
numbers oriented and more:
A. consumer oriented
B. money oriented
C. family oriented
D. creatively oriented
3. What
advertising amendment was passed in 1938 declared
“deceptive acts of commerce” to be against the law?
The Cox-Garcia amendment
The Wheeler-Lea amendment
The Franklin-Richardson amendment
The Slater-Pilsner Act
4. The increases circulation of newspaper dailies increase the amount of
advertising is what era?
A. Pre-industrialization
B. Industrialization
C. The twenties
D. The Great Depression
5. Which of these does not portray advertising during the Great
Depression (1929-1941)?
A. Advertising was seen as villainous and as something that had
helped lead to the great economic depression.
B. Advertisers responded to this feeling by adopting a tough, nononsense advertising style.
C. The Wheeler-Lea Amendments to the Federal Trade
Commission Act were introduced.
D. Advertisements of this era were characterized by scenes of
modern life, social promises, and reliance on science and
6. Which of the following time period did advertisers start to
present women in “new” roles and to include people of color?
A. Designer Era (1980–1992)
B. The Seventies (1973–1980)
C. E-Revolution (1993–2000)
D. Creative Revolution (1960–1972)
7. Which of the following is not a period of promotion?
a) Industrialization era
b) Creative revolution
c) The twenties
d) The thirties
e) P.T. Barnum era
During the Great Depression, advertising was seen as
which of the following;
A. a safe career option
B. patriotic
C. villainous/dishonest
D. honest
9. During
WWII, which of the following did advertising stress
to help its image?
A. socialism
B. patriotism
C. internationalism
D. children
10. The name of the promotional era of the 1990s was which of the following?
Millennium Era
Technology Era
Clinton’s Crew Era
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. B
10. C
MKT 4354-001
Chapter 3 Quiz
1. What federal regulation enacted in 1906 required manufacturers to list active
ingredients in their products?
A. Food Safety and Inspection Services
B. Customs Tariff
C. Food Safety Modernization Act
D. Pure Food and Drug Act
2. In what era did the United States begin to see the effects of successful subliminal
A. P.T. Barnum Era (1875-1918)
B. The Twenties (1918-1929)
C. The Great Depression (1929-1941)
D. World War II and after (1941-1960)
3. The introduction of TV in the 80's introduced what new kind of promotion?
B. Informercials
C. Brand imaging on the Internet
D. Interactive media
4. Which of the following was not one of the major factors in the rise of advertising?
A. The rise of capitalism
B. Rise of Mass Media
C. Large corporations
D. The industrial revolution
5. This was the shift toward a greater influence of creative’s in the advertising agency?
A. Industrial revolution
B. Interactive media
C. Brand entertainment
D. Creative revolution
6. What is a way of life centered on consumption that came to be between 1875 and
A. Democratic Culture
B. Radical Thinking
C. Consumer Culture
D. Reformation
7. What is subliminal advertising?
X-rated Advertising
Subconscious Advertising
8. During this era advertising became a full-fledged industry and helped usher in a
consumer culture. This is an example of which era?
A. The Twenties
B. The Great Depression
C. Industrialization
D. P.T. Barnum Era
9. What is the term used for blending marketing messages with entertainment in music,
movies, television, etc?
A. Brand Placement
B. Market Orientation
C. Branded Entertainment
D. Product Placement
10. The difference between ethics and morals is that Ethics _______________, while
morals ___________________.
A. generally govern the conduct of an individual; develop as a result of cultural
values and norms.
B. develop as a result of cultural values and norms; generally govern the conduct
of an individual.
C. are internal; are external
D. are good and evil behaviors; are right and wrong behaviors
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. D
9. C
10. A