Article 2 indicates that marbury’s appointment had been carried out properly. Article 3 indicates that the supreme court holds jurisdiction over federal officials Article 6 indirectly uses supremacy clause Amendment 10 states that powers not delegated in the constitution go to the states , banking is not delegated. Article 1 proves the federal government’s right to banking using the taxing and spending clause along with the necessary and proper clause. Article 6 used the supremacy clause to prove that federal law is higher than state law. Amendment 10 indicates that NY is free to regulate their own water ways. Article 1 uses interstate commerce clause allows congress to regulate commerce between state including water ways. Article 6 uses the supremacy clause to indicate federal law is higher than state law. Amendment 5 explains habeas corpus Article 1 is that of the suspension clause Forbidding of the authoritative appointers not choose two appointees of one party Violates the bill of rights Encroaches on the freedoms of those who are not citizens Established a basis for executive power Encroaching on his rights President must give state of the union adress Before a bill becomes a law it must be presented to the president Due process clause no long hours allowed Fire arms in a school zone Commerce clause Equal protection clause Equal protection clause Equal protection clause Right to privacy Allow for a right to privacy Due process sets boundaries between individual and society Establishment of religion Establishment of religion No establishment of religion Establishment & free exercise clauses Due process clause Establishment clause Free exercise of religion Free exercise clause Violates bill of rights Protection of freedom of speech Violating obscenity Due process clause Freedom of press Rights in schools Objection to obscenity as a freedom of speech Flag burning is an expression of freedom of speech Powers not delegated go to the states Government may not take private property without compensation Extended certain provisions of first amendment protecting the freedom of speech Right to privacy Exclusionary rule As well as the due process clause Protection of the right to counsel Can not compel someone to incriminate himself Taking clause and due process clause Separate but equal did not violate equal protection clause. Promoting social and political equality. Equal protection clause was violated by racial quotas Equal protection clause – no choosing some less qualified in education only for their race. Equal protection clause