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US Army Garrison
Fort Carson, CO 80913
OPORD 15-012 (Fort Carson Tree Lighting, 03 December 2014)
References: N/A
Time Zone used throughout the OPORD: Local (Sierra)
Task Organization: No change.
1. SITUATION. The Directorate of Family & Morale, Welfare & Recreation (DFMWR) and the 4th
Infantry Division will host the Fort Carson Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony to kick off the holiday
season. The event will include the official lighting of the tree, photos with Santa Claus, a 1940’s style
holiday production, children’s activities, and holiday treats for purchase. The ceremony will take place
outside the Special Events Center (SEC), Bldg. 1829, on 3 DEC 2014, beginning at 1730. The
additional entertainment, photos with Santa and other activities will take place inside the SEC
immediately following the ceremony.
2. MISSION. The Mountain Post Garrison Team provides units mission support and services
including quality of life programs for the Fort Carson Soldiers, Families and the community to enable
forces to execute expeditionary operations and to minimize stress on Soldiers and Families in a time
of persistent conflict.
3. EXECUTION: Each addressee has an important part to ensure a successful event and is
responsible for the coordination and support for tasks assigned. Each addressee is responsible to
alert the DFMWR Project Officer of any concerns, issues, or anticipated problems.
Commander’s Intent: N/A
a. Concept of the Operation. In effort to kick-off and spread the holiday season 4ID and
Garrison supporting assets will be hosting a tree lighting event for the entire Fort Carson community.
Since the greatest gifts we have are friends and Family, we want to start the season by showing
appreciation to Soldiers, Families, retirees, and DoD civilians with some holiday cheer. The event will
include entertainment, activities, pictures with Santa, free cookies and hot cocoa, and additional food
and beverages for purchase.
(1) Phase 1: Preparation for event: 03 December 2014.
(a) Receive all equipment required.
(b) Implement design and decorate.
(c) Setup all required equipment and deploy.
(2) Phase 2: Execution - Opening and execution of the event, 03 December 2014 at 1730.
(3) Phase 3: Clean Up and Tear Down, 03 December 2014.
OPORD 15-012 (Fort Carson Tree Lighting, 03 December 2014)
b. Tasks to Directorates:
(1) Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (DFMWR):
(a) Recreation Division (RD):
(1) Provide staff to support the operation of the ice rink during the event.
(2) Reserve SEC for 03 December, 2014, 0800-2200.
(3) POC is Steave Barness at 521-1239, Steave.l.barness.naf@mail.mil.
(4) Recreation Delivery Team (RDT):
(5) Serve as Project Officer to plan, coordinate, implement, manage, and conduct all
details in support of the event. Serve as team leader during the event. Prepare all briefings, reports,
plans and OPORD as needed for the operation of the event.
(6) Provide information for the command group calendars, briefings, and other reporting
(7) Handle the budget, review purchase orders, and make any logistical arrangement
(8) Develop and lead the execution of the decoration plan.
(9) Review all work orders and expenditures for the event.
(10) Prepare and execute the approved event's budget.
(11) Plan and execute event in coordination with other directives as addressed.
(12) Provide a variety of entertainment experiences.
(13) Gather After Action Reports (AAR) from each proponent support agency and write an
event AAR.
(14) Project Officer is Anne Connor at 526-4495, anne.c.connor.naf@mail.mil.
(b) Marketing and Sponsorship Branch (MB):
(1) Marketing will develop an approved, well-rounded promotional plan.
(2) Responsible for all sponsorship in support of the event.
(3) Cross marketing for other DFMWR events.
(4) Take digital pictures of the event for historical files and sponsorship requirements.
Take digital pictures of kids with Santa Claus and upload to website.
(6) POC is Sean Stewart at 526-0536, shaune.d.stewart.naf@mail.mil.
OPORD 15-012 (Fort Carson Tree Lighting, 03 December 2014)
(c) Business Division (BD):
(1) Provide food and beverage for the event.
(2) Provide one golf cart for transporting Santa. Will be picked up by Supplies & Services
Branch on 01 December 2014.
(3) POC is Jennifer Dunlap at 576-6646, jennifer.l.dunlap2.naf@mail.mil.
(d) Supplies & Services Branch (SSB):
(1) Responsible for logistical support for the event to include but not limited to: securing
and delivery of all equipment (chairs, tents, lights, ice rink, barricades and generators if required).
(2) Pick up golf cart from Cheyenne Shadows Golf Course and deliver to SEC on 01
December 2014.
(3) Provide support for setup and tear down on 03 December 2014.
(4) POC is Roy Gaytan at 526-7585, rosendo.gaytan1.naf@mail.mil
(2) Garrison Safety Office (GSO):
(a) Coordinate with Project Officer for safety inspection if needed for event.
(b) POC is Richard Fluharty at 526-2109, richard.d.fluharty.civ@mail.mil.
(3) Directorate of Public Works (DPW):
(a) Light, with cherry picker, the four outside large trees and one portable artificial tree at
SEC, bldg. 1829, NLT 01 December 2014. Ensure Christmas lights are on a timer.
(b) Provide an electrician to plug in lights during the flipping of the switch.
(c) Provide generator with two spider boxes or power support to include but not limited to
sound system, lighting for two tents and ice rink, one portable artificial tree, two accent trees, and one
cash register.
(d) Provide cherry picker for SEC staff to setup artificial tree outside the SEC, date TBD.
(e) Provide two light stands for outdoor ceremony.
(f) POC is Mayo Aguilera at 526-9239, bulmaro.a.aguilera.civ@mail.mil.
(4) Directorate of Emergency Services (DES):
(a) Prepared to assist with any traffic trouble spots that develop in and around the SEC,
bldg 1829.
(c) POC is Steven Jacob at 526-1453, steven.m.jacob.6civ@mail.mil
OPORD 15-012 (Fort Carson Tree Lighting, 03 December 2014)
(5) Public Affairs Office (PAO):
(a) Provide information to all possible sources as appropriate for this event.
(d) POC is Peggy Martinez at 526-8597, peggy.s.martinez.civ@mail.mil.
(6) Religious Support Office (RSO):
(a) Provide a Chaplain to deliver the invocation.
(b) POC is LTC Jose Herrera at 526-8583, jose.g.herrera.mil@mail.mil.
(7) Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security (DPTMS) Visual Information
(a) Provide a PA system for the outdoor ceremony. System will need multiple
microphones and ability to play music via auxiliary or USB port.
(b) DA Form 3903 Visual Information Work Order number #2015000186 was submitted 08
October 2014.
(c) POC is Dan Todd Beck at 526-9044, dan.t.beck.civ@mail.mil.
(8) Garrison CSM Detail:
(a) Provide a minimum of ten Soldiers and one NCOIC at 0900-1600 on 03 December
2014 for event setup. Meeting place is SEC.
(c) Coordination was made on 08 October 2014.
(d) POC for CSM Detail is SSG Janness at 526-5249.
c. Coordinating Instructions: All sections are responsible for sending a representative to the
IPR on 27 November 2014 at 1300-1400, bldg 1217, Events conference room 109.
a. Mission Command. The Fort Carson DFMWR is the lead agency for this event and all others
are in support.
OPORD 15-012 (Fort Carson Tree Lighting, 03 December 2014)
b. Signal. The DFMWR POC for this event Anne Connor at 526-4495,
anne.c.connor.naf@mail.mil. Alternate DFMWR POC: Toni Savino, DFMWR, 526-4494,
Dennis Johnson
Chief, DPTMS P&O Division