Viscosity in electron liquids Davide Forcella - Université de Bruxelles Jan Zaanen – Universiteit Leiden Davide Valentinis - Université de Genève Dirk van der Marel - Université de Genève Specific Heat Landau-Fermi liquids Example: CeAl3 Heavy fermions: m*/m≈300 1 t »l 2 T2 e F* Resistivity (μΩcm) T (mK) Andres,Gräbner&Ott, PRL 35,1779 (1975) T2 (K2) Not-So-Fermi liquids C.M. Varma, Z. Nussinov, Wim van Saarloos, Physics Reports 361, 267 (2002) J. Zaanen, Nature 430, 512 (2004) J. Moreno and P. Coleman, PRB 53, R2995 (1996). Hole doping Resistivity (μΩcm) Resistivity (μΩcm) Magnetic field H. von Löhneysen et al., PRL 72, 3262 (1994) Temperature (K) Y. Ando et al, PRL 93, 267001 (2004) A brief reminder of what viscosity is A brief reminder of what viscosity is Navier-Stokes for current flow with transverse (shear) stress : éë¶t - n Ñ2 ùûu = f Velocity field External forces, friction,… Accelleration Dynamic Shear Viscosity Viscosity According to Fermi Liquid theory A. A. 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Reflection and transmission of EM waves at the boundary from vacuum to a viscous charged fluid e iw ( z-t ) re -iw ( z+t ) Constituant relations at the interface: ( ) 2 na -1 1- ilw na (1 From Maxwell) E = continuous ü ì ï ïJa = na +1 na + nb 1+ ilw 1- na - nb ï ï ï ï (2 From Maxwell) H = continuous ý Þ í ï ï ï ï (3 From N&S) u 0 = lu ' 0 ïþ ïr = J + J -1 1 2 î ( () l º "slip length" () )( ) ( ) Surface Impedance The electromagnetic response of a metal, whether normal or superconducting, is described by a complex surface impedance: Surface Impedance: Z s = Rs + iX s = E(0) ¥ ò J(z)dz 0 Z 0 = Vacuum impedance = 377 W Re Zs = Rs = surface resistance Im Zs = Xs = surface reactance Classical skin effect : Z s = 2 ipwr DC c Brian Pippard, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 191, 385 (1947) Brian Pippard The theory of the anomalous skin effect in metals G. E. H. Reuter and E. H. Sondheimer, Proc. R. Soc. 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A 195, 336 (1948) FZVM equations for Zs 2 1 t -1 - iw é t -1 - iw ù i4w p 1) n± = 1± ê1+ ú + w 2n w 2n û w 3n 2 ë 2 n+ + n- + ilw (1- n+2 - n-2 - n+n- ) 2) Z s = Z 0 1+ n+ n- - ilw n+ n- (n+ + n- ) Forcella, Zaanen, Valentinis, vdMarel, PRB 90, 035143 (2014) Comparison of hydrodynamical approach (present work) and Reuter-Sondheimer model of anomalous skin effect (Proc.R.Soc. A195 (1948)) Forcella, Zaanen, Valentinis, vdMarel, PRB 90, 035143 (2014) Surface Impedance of correlated electrons The anomalous skin effect and the reflectivity of metals Hydronamical approach C. W. Benthem and R. Kronig, Physica 20. 293 (1954) "internal friction" from the formula for the stopping power On the possible influence of electron interaction on the reflectivity of metals C. W. Benthum, Appl. Sci. Research B 1, 275 (1959) "It seems, therefore, that the effect … …. will be too small to measure" Ralph de Laer Kronig Holography and hydrodynamics: diffusion on stretched horizons P. Kovtun, D.T. Son and A.O. Starinets, JHEP 10 (2003) 064 Kovtun Son Starinets Reflection of EM waves at the boundary from vacuum to a viscous charged fluid Smooth surface High temperature Drude Rough surface Low temperature Viscous Forcella, Zaanen, Valentinis, vdMarel, PRB 90, 035143 (2014) Sr2RuO4: the `Helium 3’ of transition-metal oxides ! Beautiful review articles: • A.Mackenzie & Y.Maeno, RMP 75, 657 (2003) • C. Bergemann, Adv. Phys. 52, 639 (2003) Resistivity anisotropy D. Stricker et al, unpublished Reflectivity E r(ω) ε(ω)=(1-r)2/(1+r)2 E r(ω) ε(ω)=(1-r)2/(1+r)2 Reflectivity Experimental test on Sr2RuO4 The overlap of the spectra with and without viscosity implies an upper limit for ν / τ n -7 2 < 10 c t Reflection and transmission of EM waves at the boundary from vacuum to a viscous charged fluid e iw ( z-t ) re -iw ( z+t ) ( E ( z) / E ( 0) = J + + J - + 2 Re J +J -e 2 2 2 iw ( n+ +n- ) z ) Interference between the two modes inside the material: m*/m = 3 Transmission through a film E τ(ω) E ( z ) / E ( 0) = eiw z + e-iw z (z < 0) = J +eiwn+z + y+e-iwn+z + J -eiwn-z + y-e-iwn-z (0 < z < d) = J eiw z (z > d) Material: aluminum Film thickness = 100 nm Transmitted Intensity Drude Perfectly smooth interface Wavenumber (cm-1) Transmitted Intensity Transmitted Intensity Wavenumber (cm-1) Wavenumber (cm-1) Maximally rough interface Summary Viscosity is a manifestation of non-local correlations Viscosity renders the response to a force non-local In electron liquids two coupled charge-matter modes exist for given ω One of these two modes has a negative index of refraction In the optical properties interference between the two modes occurs New challenges: non-local (q-dispersive) optics Application to strongly interacting matter Jackpot: disappearance of viscosity in quantum critical matter Forcella, Zaanen, Valentinis, vdMarel, PRB 90, 035143 (2014) Reflection and transmission of EM waves at the boundary from vacuum to a non-viscous charged fluid e iw ( z-t ) re -iw ( z+t ) Two solutions for the index of refraction Two “modes” for each frequency m*/m = 3