Bone tissue review Ch7

Ch7 Bone Tissue review
1. Name the three characteristics of cartilage
2. Cartilage is surrounded by a membrane known as the ….
3. What is the function of the perichondrium?
4. What are the three types of cartilage?
5. What cells make cartilage.
6. Hyaline cartilage is characterized as being very__________ and ____________.
7. Which cartilage is the most abundant.
8. Name 4 locations for hyaline cartilage.
9. What fiber predominately makes up hyaline cartilage?
10. Elastin cartilage is very______________ to allow the most movement.
11. The fiber that makes up elastin cartilage is________________.
12. Name two locations you will find elastin cartilage.
13. Fibrocartilage is a cross between ________________ and ________________.
14. Three locations you will find fibrocartilage is….
15. The function of fibrocartilage is….
16. Describe the two ways cartilage grows using the perichondrium and chondrocytes.
17. How many bones are there in the human body?
18. The skeleton is divided into two groups…they are…
19. Bones are classified by 4 shapes…they are…
20. List the 5 functions of bone.
21. What is hematopoiesis and where does it occur?
22. Two tissues exist in bone…spongy bone and ______________ bone.
23. What are the characteristics of both?
24. The diaphysis is part of what bone type and is important for what?
25. Describe the epiphysis…what cartilage is associated with it and why?
26. The importance of the epiphyseal line is….
27. Describe the structure and function of the periostium.
28. Osteoblasts and osteoclast are what?
29. What anchors the periostium to bone?
30. Differentiate between the red marrow and the yellow marrow
31. What is the location for both?
32. The Haversian system is the structural unit of bone to give perpendicular support and are pillar
like. What is another name for it?
33. What canal supplies a route for blood vessels up and down long bones?
34. What canal supplies blood laterally?
35. Caniculi supply blood for?
36. The chemical composition of bone is organic and _________________.
37. The organic part is called the osteoid, a cellular matrix composed of proteins to give
bone______________________instead of just strength.
38. The inorganic part of bone is made of mineral salts, calcium and phosphorus collectively known
as ________________________.
39. What does the organic and inorganic parts of bone provide together?
40. What are all the bone markings for on bones?
41. Bones of the skull and clavicles are formed by what process?
42. All other bones are formed by?
43. Which ossification is more complex and requires the breakdown of old bone?
44. In summary, endochondrial ossification is the main type of bone growth in which _________
cartilage is replaced with ossified bone.
45. Long bones grow away from each other at what point or area of growth?
46. In infancy, what hormones control growth?
47. In puberty, what hormone control growth?
48. How much bone is recycled weekly? What amount of calcium enters and leaves bone daily?
49. How often is spongy bone and compact bone replaced?
50. Which cells release lysosomal enzymes to break bone down?
51. Which cells secrete osteoid or matrix to make new bone?
52. Remodeling of bone occurs always, sometimes, or when bone is injured?
53. Bone deposition occurs when bone is ________________.
54. Bone resorption is…. And uses what cells?
55. What hormones control bone remodeling?
56. Wolfe’s law says…..
57. Name the two types of bone breaks in terms of skin penetration
58. How long does it take before a cast is removed from a simple fracture?
59. There are 4 stages to bone repair
1. A ______________ is formed which is a mass of clotted blood where bone cells die
2. A_________________ ________ is formed..capillaries form, dead cells are removed and
osteoblasts make new bone
3. A ____________ _________ is formed where new bone is ossified or hardened into
compact bone.
4. Bone ______________ where all membrane and surface structure return to normal.
60. Osteomalacia refers to….
61. What might be the cause of soft bones?