India Travel Guide

GWU School
of Business
India Trip
Travel Guide
Observed Social Customs
Observed Social Customs
Lighting Lamp
In many Hindu homes a lamp is lit daily
before the altar of the Lord. In some
houses it is lit at dawn. All auspicious
functions and moments like daily
worship, rituals and festivals and even
many social occasions like
inaugurations commence with the
lightning of lamp. Light symbolizes
knowledge and darkness, ignorance.
Knowledge removes ignorance, just as
light removes darkness.Also knowledge
is a lasting inner wealth by which all
outer achievements can be
accomplished. Hence we light the lamp
to bow down to knowledge as the
greate st of all f o rm s of wealth .
Namaskar or Namaste is the most
popular form of greeting in India. It is a
general salutation that is used to greet
or welcome somebody and also for
Namaskar, both the palms are placed
together and raised below the face to
greet a person. It is believed that both
the hands symbolise one mind, or the
self meeting the self. While the right
hand represents higher nature, the left
hand denotes worldly or lower nature.
It has also a spiritual significance of
negating or reducing one's ego in the
presence of another.
India has hot tropical weather with
variations occurring region to region.
While the coolest months are from
November to mid-March, hottest are from
April to June. From mid-July to September
one can experience Monsoon rains.
Winters in India are pleasant with plenty of
sunny days. Most of the North India
remains dry, dusty, and unpleasant during
the summer months. For a tourist, India
provides ample opportunities to participate
in diverse activities in different parts of the
country. You can explore India in all the
seasons, but you will have to be selective
about the destinations
Observed Social Customs
Observed Social Customs
Observed Social Customs
Time has changed but the lavishness
has always been an integral and
indispensable part of Indian marriages.
In India, marriage is still taken as an
institution where not two people but
two families get united. So, it always
calls for boisterous celebrations full of
music and dance. Within India, every
caste and community has its own way
of performing the rituals of marriage. In
Hindu marriages, while Punjabis
perform the ‘Roka’ ceremony in
weddings, Sindhis perform the
‘Berana’. But most common of all is
the ritual of Hast Milap ceremony
popularly called Paanigrahan Sanskar.
Indian Dresses: Beauty of Indian
women lies in the clothes she wears.
Very traditional and ethnic yet
contemporary Indian Saris are famous
worldwide. It is worn with a blouse that
covers the upper part of the body. In
rural parts a version of sari, called
ghagara -choli is very much popular.
Choli is like a short blouse that covers
the upper part of the body and ghagara
is like a long skirt.
For the men, there is no dearth of
variety. >From dhoti kurta to shirt
pants, an Indian man prefers
Everything that fits well and looks
good. But, traditionally you can see
north Indians wearing kurta pajama,
dhoti kurta or sherwani on formal
celebrations whereas south Indian
men prefer lungi with shirt.
Observed Social Customs
In order to have a graceful and
complete look, women folk carry a
duppatta, which is a soft and delicate
material of reasonable length thrown
over the shoulder. Though with slight
variations, Salwar kameez is a dress
that is famous in every part of India.
This attire contains two pieces-kameez,
which is a like a long top covering upper
part of the body and salwar is like
trousers. Like ghagara choli, salwar
kameez is also complemented by
Observed Social Customs
Muslims also have their own special
way of celebrating the marriage
ceremony, popularly called Nikaah.
During the auspicious occasion, the
groom’s family gives mehar (nuptial
gift) to the bride. Parsis plant a young
mango tree in a pot during the
marriage ceremony. This ceremony is
famous as ‘Madhavsaro’ ceremony.
Every state has its own special way
of celebrating the marriage ceremony.
Common and Useful Hindi
"Goodbye." -- ACH-HA, CHALTA
"Please enter." -- PADHARIYE
"See you again." --PHIR MI-LENGAE
"Thank you." -- DHAN-YA-VAD or
"It is nice to meet you." -- AAP SE
"Please take me to my hotel." -KRIP-YA MUJ-HE MAY-RAY HOTEL LE CHA-LI-YE
"here is the bathroom?" – SHAUCHALAY KID-HAR HAI?
“Water.” – PAA-NEE
“Can I please have some water?”KRIP-YA MU-JHE PAA-NEE DIJIYE
“Can you help me?”- KYA
“Help!” – BA-CHA-O (literally
means “save me”, but that’s what
people shout out when in trouble)
“Call police.” – POLICE KO BULA-AIYE.
"How much does this cost?" -YEH KIT-NE KA HAI
How are you?" -- KYA HAAL
"Where's the phone?" -- PHONE
what time is it = KYA SA-MAY HAI
"Where are you?" -- KAHAN HAIN
"Can I sit here?" (If you are male,
then say) --KYA MEIN YA-HAN
"Can I sit here?" (If you are
female, then say) --KYA MEIN YAHAN BAYTE SAK-TI HOON
Hotel & Embassy Info
Le Méridien New Delhi
Windsor Place New Delhi
Phone: (91)(11) 23710101
U.S. Embassy Shantipath,
New Delhi - 110021
Tel: +91-11-2419-8000
Fax: +91-11-2419-0017
Instructions FROM
(011) is the international prefix
used to dial somewhere outside
of U.S.A (91) is the international
code used to dial to India (11) is
the local area or city code used
to dial to Delhi; please omit it if
calling from within Delhi and If
calling from within India but
outside of Delhi, one must dial
“0” before (22)
Hotel & Embassy Info
Hotel & Embassy Info
Le Méridien Bangalore
28 Sankey Road · PB No 174
· Bangalore, Karnataka 560
052 Phone: (91)(80) 2226
Taj Lands End Band Stand,
Bandra (West), Mumbai 400 050,
Tel No. : (91-22) 6668 1234 Fax :
((91-22) 6699 4488
Consulate Information
American Corner Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan Race Course
Road Bangalore 560 001
Phone: 080 - 2226 5746/7303
Fax: 080 - 2228 7373
Unit Consulate Information
American Citizen Services Gene
ral Mumbai 78, Bhulabhai Desai
Rd.Mumbai, Maharashtra 400-026
Phone: (91-22) 2363 3611,4306/41
Instructions FROM
(011) is the international prefix
used to dial somewhere outside
of U.S.A (91) is the international
code used to dial to India (80) is
the local area or city code used
to dial to Bangalore; please omit
it if calling from within Bangalore
and If calling from within India
but outside of Mumbai, one
must dial “0” before (22)
Instructions FROM
(011) is the international prefix
used to dial somewhere outside
of U.S.A (91) is the international
code used to dial to India (22) is
the local area or city code used
to dial to Mumbai; please omit it
if calling from within Mumbai
and If calling from within India
but outside of Mumbai, one
must dial “0” before (22)
Sightseeing Ideas and
Options in New Delhi,
India Gate, Delhi: the 42 metre
high, free standing arch, popularly
known as India Gate, was designed
by Luytens and built in 19111. It
was originally called All India War
Memorial in memory of the 90,000
Soldiers of the Indian Army who
died in World War I. The names of
the soldiers are inscribed all along
the walls of the arch. In1971, an
eternal flame was lit here to honour
the Amar Jawan (immortal
C o n n a u g h t
P l a c e
One of Delhi's most popular shopping
centres built as early as 1931 there is
nothing that one cannot buy here and
it also has several eating houses. The
state emporia buildings are also
located in this area so are the head
offices of major banks, airlines and
other such things of importance to the
t ou rist . The comp le x popu la rly
referred to as CP is an important
meeting points for all sections of
people and is something which no
tourist should miss if for nothing else
then for its architecture and the
humdrum of everyday life.
Sightseeing Ideas and
Options in New Delhi
Sightseeing Ideas and
Options in New Delhi
Purana Qila (Old Fort), Delhi
the ruins of the fort are located
on a small hill which once stood
on the banks of the river Yamuna.
Legend has it that the fort marked the
site of Indraprastha, the magnificent
capital of the pandavas, though the
construction was carried out by Sher
Shah Suri sometime between 1538 to
1545 AD. The structure houses a
mosque which has a double storeyed
octagonal tower. At the foot of the hill
is a lake where the Delhi Tourism has
arrangements for boating.
Jantar Mantar, Delhi :
Within Connaught Place is the
Jantar Mantar Observatory built
by the Rajput King of Jaipur
Sawai Jai Singh in 1724. It was
believed to have been built with
masonry instruments for
observing the movements of the
s t a r s a n d p l a n e t s
Sightseeing Ideas and
Options in New Delhi
C h a n d n i
C h o w k
It was the eyes and ears of the
Mughal's commercial instincts and is
today one of the country's best known
wholesale markets f or textiles,
electronic goods and watches. The
entire area was designed by
Jahanara Begum, Shah Jahan's
favourite daughter and was then
inhabited by the well-to-do families of
that time. There is however a word of
caution and that is that there are
several elements who are believed to
be selling duplicate goods and the
tourist needs to be careful about this.
Dilli Haat
Food and Crafts Bazaar, opposite
INA Market, is a one-stop shopping
place for tourists, which not only
offers various arts and handicrafts of
India, but also a taste of the ethnic
cuisine. Visitors can also witness the
different performing arts of the
Sightseeing Ideas and
Options in Bangalore,
Sightseeing Ideas and
Options in Bangalore
Sightseeing Ideas and
Options in Bangalore
L a l B a g h G a r d e n s
Lal Bagh is a must see while
visiting Bangalore. The name Lal
Bagh has been given to it for the
wonderfully bloomed red roses that
remain blooming all through the year
in this garden. The garden has also
a collection of famous Botanical
species. Though the flow of visitors
to the park is a regular affair, the
garden gets a festive look during the
Republic Day and on the days of
flower shows that are held here
V i d h a n
S o u d h a
Vidhan Soudha, built in the year
1954 is one of the major centres of
att racti on i n Bangal or e . T h e
architecture of the building is
based on the neo Dravidian style
a n d i t p r es ent l y hous es t he
Legislative Assembly of the state
of Karnataka. The building also
houses a part of the Karnataka
s e c r e t a r i a t .
T i p u ' s
P a l a c e
The palace and the fort of Tipu
Sultan are the must see spot in
Bangalore. The architecture, the
layout and the overall look of the
palace gives you the idea of the
ethnic Mughal lifestyle. The fort
and its remains present the history
of the era in which it was built. The
construction of the Tipu palace
was started by Haider Ali and
completed by Tipu Sultan himself.
Sightseeing Ideas and
Options in Mumbai,
Fashion Street refers to a cluster of
about 130 to 140 clothing shops on MG
Road in South Mumbai, India. Ready
made garments are one of Mumbai's
chief exports, so the same clothes sold
at leading US & European retail stores
can be purchased on Fashion Street for
a f ra ct ion o f t heir p rice ab road .
Furthermore, many proprietors haggle
over bargain prices. There are also
several shoe and jewelry shops. It is a
very popular area with college students
and teenagers, and, since Fashion
Street is little known to those outside of
Mumbai, tourists only rarely venture
there. Bollywood celebrities are also
known to patronize Fashion Street.
Sightseeing Ideas and
Options in Mumbai
The Bombay Stock Exchange LTD: the oldest stock exchange in Asia. It is
located at Dalal Street, Mumbai.
Bombay Stock Exchange was
established in 1875. There are around
3,500 Indian companies listed with the
stock exchange. As of October 2006,
the market capitalization of the BSE
was about Rs. 33.4 trillion (US $ 730
billion). The BSE SENSEX (SENSitive
indEX), also called the BSE 30, is a
widely used market index in India and
Asia. It is among the 5 biggest stock
exchanges in the world in terms of
transactions volume.
Sightseeing Ideas and
Options in Mumbai
Chowpatty Beach & Juhu Beach
Chowpatty beach is situated on Marine
Drive. This beach is well-known for it's
stalls selling "Bhel-Puri and Pani -Puri
chat" a favourite fast food among the
Mumbaites and visitors to the city.
Juhu Beach is the
most popular beach in Mumbai which
is 30 kms away from the heart of
Mumbai. It is a long stretch of sandy
beach from Santacruz to Vile-Parle.
This is a very popular beach for picnic.
Sightseeing Ideas and
Options in Mumbai
The Universit y of Mumbai
(formerly University of Bombay)
is a university situated in
Maharashtra state of India. It has
been given a five-star ranking by
NAAC. The name of the University
was changed from University of
Bombay to University of Mumbai
according to a Government
Gazette dated 4 September 1996.
It is abbreviated as either (UoM)
for University of Mumbai or as
( MU) for Mumbai Uni versit y.
Kamala Nehru Park & Hanging
The giant Old woman's shoe in the
Kamala Nehru Park is very popular
with children to play in. One gets a
panoramic view of parts of the
city from these parks situated at the
height of Malabar Hill. At night, the
view of street lights of Marine Drive
resemble a dazzling bejeweled
"Queen's Necklace". At sunset, the
waterfall and fountains in the park
are lit with colorful lights which are
worth seeing. The Hanging Gardens
surrounded by beautiful flower beds
and lush green lawns are very
popular as picnic spots.
Hospital Information
Mumbai Asian Heart Institute
G/N Block
Bandra Kurla Complex
Bandra East
Mumbai 400051
Tel: 5698-6666 Fax: 5698-6506
Mumbai Blue Cross Medicheck
506 Doctor Hs.
5th fl., Pedder Road
Opp. Jaslok Hospital
Mumbai 400 026 Tel: 23867079
Tele-fax: 23872776
Hospital Information
Mumbai Bombay Hospital
and Medical Research Center
12 New Marine Lines
Mumbai 400 020
Tel: 2206-7676 Fax: 2208-0871
Mumbai Clinical Diagnostic Center
A-2 Ben Nevis
ground floor
Bhulabhai Desai Road
Mumbai 400 036
Tel: 23684764/65,23618839
fax: 23671019 Email:
Hospital Information
Mumbai Dalvi Hospital
38 Nyayamurti
Sitaram Patkar
Marg Gamdevi
Mumbai 400007 Tel: 56022848
Mumbai Dalvi Hospital Pharmacy
Pvt. Ltd.
(Day and Night)
38 Nyayamurti
Sitaram Patkar
Marg Gamdevi
Mumbai 400 007
Tel: 5602 2848 Tel: 23692454
Hospital Information
Mumbai Lilavati Hospital and
Research Centre
A-791 Bandra Reclamation
Bandra (W), Mumbai 400 050
Tel: 26438281, 26455891
fax: 26407655 Email:
Mumbai Metropolis Health Services
250 D Udhyog Bhavan
Hind Cycle Marg Behind Glaxo, Worli
Mumbai 400025
Tel: 56622040 (11 lines)
Hospital Information
New Delhi
All India Institute of Medical
Sciences, (AIIMS)
Ansari Nagar, tel.: 6864851.
Apollo Hospital,Sarita Vihar
Mathura Rd,Tel.: 6925858/01
Escorts Heart Institute & Research
Centre, Okhla Rd, tel.: 6844820,
Holy Family Hospital,
Okhla Tel.: 6845900-09.
Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital,
Wellingdon Crescent.
Tel.:3365933, 3365525.
Safdarjung Gen. Hospital
AIIMS Crossing, Tel.: 665060,
Hospital Information
New Delhi
Mumbai Asian Heart Institute
G/N Block Bandra Kurla Complex
Bandra East Mumbai 400051
Tel: 5698-6666 Fax: 5698-6506
Mumbai Blue Cross Medicheck
Centre 506 Doctor Hs.
5th fl., Pedder Road Opp. Jaslok
Hospital Mumbai 400 026 Tel:
23867079 Tele-fax: 23872776
Hospital Information
Bangalore Hospital
202, RV Road26562753/ 26565494/
Bangalore Institute of Oncology
Cancer Detection Centre, 44-45/2ND
CRS RM Roy extension
Bangalore Kidney Foundation
No. 18762 Block Padmanabha
Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain Heart
Centre General Miller Road, V
Social & Cultural
Social & Cultural
Sweets are very popular all over India
and are usually cooked in a lot of fat.
‘Jalebis’, luscious pretzel shaped loops
fried to a golden crisp and soaked in
saffron syrup can be had from any street
ve ndo r in No rth Ind ia. ‘Khee r ’ o r
‘payasam’ are equivalents of the rice
pudding and ‘Kulfi’ is an Indian ice cream
made in conical moulds and frozen. Tea
is drunk as a beverage in India. Tea from
the hills of Darjeeling and Kalimpong are
boiled in milk and water and served with
a liberal dose of sugar. Filtered coffee is
a favorite among South Indians and is a
very sweet, milky version of coffee.
Most Indian cuisine are related by the
similar usage of spices and the use of
a greater variety of vegetables than
many other cuisine. Religious and
caste restrictions, weather, geography
and the impact of foreigners have
affected the eating habits of Indians.
For example, Brahmins (one of the
highest orders of caste) are strict
vegetarians usually, but in the coastal
states of West Bengal and Kerala, they
consume a lot of fish.
Hospital Information
CDR Medical Centre 11th Main Road
Jayanagar 6655055
Church of South India Hospital
2, Hazarat Kambal Posh
Road2861103, 2861104 City
Corporation Hospital
5 Kempegowda CLE 923300977
Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain Hospital
Millers Road, V Nagar2207641-49,
2260944, 2261153
Cauvery Medical Center
3-B, HBS Apartments No.1, Edward
Observed Social Customs
Muslims also have their own special
way of celebrating the marriage
ceremony, popularly called Nikaah.
During the auspicious occasion, the
groom’s family gives mehar (nuptial
gift) to the bride. Parsis plant a young
mango tree in a pot during the
marriage ceremony. This ceremony is
famous as ‘Madhavsaro’ ceremony.
Every state has its own special way of
celebrating the marriage ceremony.
Social & Cultural
Eating from a ‘thali’ (a metal plate or
banana leaf) is quite common in most
parts of India. Both the North Indian
and South Indian thali contain small
bowls arranged inside the rim of the
plate(or leaf), each filled with a
different sort of spiced vegetarian food,
curd and sweet. At the center of the
thali you would find a heap of rice,
some puris(wheat bread rolled into
small circular shapes and deep-fried in
hot oil) or chapathis(wheat bread rolled
out into large circular shapes and
sh a llo w-f ried o ve r a ho t ‘ta va ) .
Regionalism, religion, language and
caste are all factors that need to be
taken into account when doing
b u s i n e s s i n I n d i a . B e h a v i o r,
etiquette, and approach are all
modified depending on whom you are
addressing and the context in which
they are being addressed.
Hierarchy plays the most important
role of all cultural influences that most
influence Indian business culture.
With its roots in Hinduism and the
caste system, Indian society operates
within a framework of strict hierarchy
that defines people’s roles, status,
a n d
s o c i a l
o r d e r .
Central government only recognizes
Hindi as the official language. When
doing business in India, English is the
language of international commerce.
Indians only deal favorably with those
they know and trust – even at the
expense of lucrative deals. A good
working relationship must be founded
upon demonstrating strong business
acumen and relating to your partner.
Meeting etiquette requires a
handshake. Indians themselves will
use the namaste. Using the namaste is
a sign of your understanding of the
I n d i a n
e t i q u e t t e .
When addressing an Indian whom you
know personally, always use the
appropriate formal title, whether
Professor, Doctor, or Mrs. or if you do
not know their names use Sir or
Madam. Business cards should be
exchanged at the first meeting. Be
sure to receive and give with your right
hand. Make sure the card you are
given is put away respectfully and not
simply pushed in your trouser pocket.
Indians generally allow an arm’s length
space between themselves and others
in business situations. Do not stand
too close, they value personal space.
Indian men may engage in friendly
back patting merely as a sign of a
friend ship. When an an Indian smiles
and jerks his/her head backward or
moves his head in a figure 8, this
u s u a l l y m e a n s ‘ y e s ’ .
The Western
side-to-side hand wave for hello is
frequently interpreted as no or go
away. Only use your right hand to
touch someone, pass money or pick
up merchandise. The left hand is
c o n s i d e r e d u n c l e a n .
Feet are considered unclean. Pointing
footwear at people is considered an
Arrive 15-30 minutes later than the
stated time for a dinner party.
At a social gathering, a garland of
flowers is often placed around a
guest’s neck. Remove it after a few
minutes and carry it in your hand to
show humility. Allow hosts to serve
you. Never refuse food, but do not
feel obligated to empty your plate.
If hosts eat with hands, assure them
you enjoy doing the same. If utensils
are not used, use your right hand’s
first three fingers and thumb.
Meetings should be arranged well in
advance. This should be done in writing
and confirmed by phone.
Punctuality is expected, although being
10 minutes late will not have disastrous
consequences. Flexibility is paramount.
When entering a meeting room, you
must always approach and greet the
most senior figure first. Meetings should
always commence with some
conversation. This is the part of the
getting to know you process. Avoid
talking about personal matters, and if
new to India, do not comment on matters
s u ch a s t h e p o ve r t y o r b e g ga rs .
Indians do not base
their business
decisions solely on statistics, or empirical
data. They use intuition and faith to
guide them. Always exercise patience,
show good character and never exhibit
f r u s t r a t i o n o r a n g e r .
• Grasping one’s own ears
expresses sincerity.
• Backslapping is not a sign of
• American men should not touch
women in public, nor talk to a lone
woman in public.
• Whistling is considered impolite.
• Bargain for goods and services.
• The left hand is considered
unclean. Use the right hand for
eating with the fingers or accepting