Chapter 2: First Steps in MuPAD MATLAB for Scientist and Engineers Using Symbolic Toolbox You are going to See the difference between numerical computing and symbolic computing Say hello to MuPAD notebook Enjoy the kind help system of MuPAD Taste the sweet power of symbolic computing Create basic 2-D, 3-D graphs and animations Be glad to know that MuPAD is there for you 2 Numerical Computations Problem solving by number calculations Approximate solutions as fast as possible Numbers are stored by floating-point representation. The only way when no closed form solution 3 Computer Algebra Problem solving by symbolic computations Exact solution as fast as possible Numbers are stored by integer fractions. Requires more computing power and storage Can help numerical computation by simplifying the expressions. 4 MuPAD Software Originally developed by the MuPAD research group at the University of Paderborn, Germany. A computer algebra system to manipulate formulas symbolically Program packages for linear algebra, differential equations, number theory, statistics, functional programming An interactive graphic system that supports animations and transparent areas in 3D Classic and verified numerical analysis in discretionary accuracy A programming language that supports object orientation and functional programming Ref: 5 Other Options Mathematica, Maple, IDL, , M , Ref: 6 Starting MuPAD Two ways of starting MuPAD 1. Type mupad in the command window. 2. Start button 7 MuPAD Notebook >> mupad Format Toolbar Menu Bar Command Bar Text Region Ctr-T Input Region Ctr-I Output Region Standard Toolbar 8 Working with Input Regions Evaluate and show the results. Enter Evaluate but do not show the results. Enter Shift + Enter Enter The expressions continues to the next line 9 Evaluation after Modification Once you change the value of variable, you can re-evaluate the other dependent expressions. 10 Accessing Help Completing Commands: Ctrl + Space Tool Tips: mouse over the command Complete Help: right mouse click 11 Computing Numbers Assignment! real number! Change precision. Convert to a real number! delete DIGITS PI E 12 Complex Numbers 1 i magnitude imaginary real in radian 13 Differentiation d f dx d2 f 2 dx d f da d d f da dx d2 f 2 dx D(f) f' 14 Integration e x2 dx 2 cos( x ) dx 4 0 No closed form solution ! cos( x)2 dx Numeric integration 15 Solving Equations solve Solve Algebraic Equations Solve Inequalities Solve Ordinary Differential Equations 16 Graphics 2-D Function Plotting 2-D Animation 3-D Function Plotting 3-D Animation 17 Manipulating Expressions Simplifying the expressions Factoring, Expanding, Collecting, and etc. 18 Basic Plotting Options With plot command, you can Create 2-D and 3-D function plots Specify plotting range Create plots for piecewise functions Create multiple function plots in one graph Create animated 2-D and 3-D function plots 19 Creating 2-D Plots Parameter assignment. Set range. Sequence of plots. 20 Creating 2-D Plots (cont.) Multiple Plots Piecewise Functions 21 Creating 3-D Plots Animation Control Three Dim. Sequence of 3D Plots 22 Animated 2-D Plots 2-D point Animation parameter Additional parameter is regarded as the animation parameter. 2-D curve 23 Animated 3-D Plots 24 Key Takeaways Now, you are able to tell the differences between numerical computing and symbolic computing, expand your knowledge on MuPAD by yourself using MuPAD help system, apply differentiation, indefinite integrals, definite integrals on math expressions and functions, solve an equation or a set of equations, manipulate math expressions at your will, and to create basic 2-D and 3-D graphs and animations 25 MuPAD Commands Review mupad := : float PI E abs rectform Re Im arg conjugate diff int infinity assuming solve factor expand simplify collect partfrac ode Simplify Shift + Enter Ctr + Space Ctr + T Ctr + I 26 Notes 27 Notes 28