Attitudes & Values of a Social Worker

School of Social Work
Bachelor of Social Work
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Applying to the School of Social
What is Social Work?
What do Social
Workers do?
What is the job
market like?
When do you apply?
What are the
How are you ranked?
Who does the
What about follow up
When are you
What is the
competition like?
What if you are not
What is Social Work?
“The social Work profession promotes
social change, problem solving in human
relationships and the empowerment and
liberation of people to enhance wellbeing”
(Hick, 2002, p. 15)
What is Social Work?
“Utilizing theories of human behavior and social
systems, social work intervenes at the points
where people interact with their environments.
Principles of human rights and social justice are
fundamental to social work.”
(Hick, 2002, p. 15)
What do Social Workers Do?
The assessment, remediation and prevention
of social problems, and the enhancement of
social functioning of individuals, families, and
communities by means of…
- The provision of direct counseling services
within an established relationship between a
social worker and client;
The development, promotion and delivery of
human service programs, including those
done in collaboration with other
professionals; and
 The development and promotion of social
policies aimed at improving social condition
and equality (Thomson, 2002, p. 13)
Attitudes & Values of a Social
Do not judge others
Avoid quick decisions
about people
Maintain confidentiality
Clients come first
Separate personal and
professional lives and
Be a loyal employee
Maintain a private
personal life
Establish emotional
Identify with the
(Ginsberg, 2001, p. 17-22)
Understanding Social Work
Why social work is sometimes poorly understood:
 Social Work resembles other disciplines and may
cause confusion
 Social Work is not a subject usually taught in
elementary and secondary school
 Not all people come into contact with social
workers during the normal course of their lives
(Ginsberg, 2001, p. 5)
Employment Opportunities
Social Workers work in a variety of settings:
 Health and Community Services
 Health Care
 Communities
 Long-term care
 Justice
 Research
 Self-employment
(Hick, 2002, p. 61)
The average earnings of social workers (full-time/parttime) was $46 209 in 2004
Earnings for community and social service workers
were $35 000 (Average)
Newfoundland & Labrador
Association of Social Workers
The NLASW is the professional association
and regulatory body for the approximately
1000 professional social workers in NL
 The NLASW ensures registered social
workers adheres to established professional
standards and the Code of Ethics
(NLASW, 2003)
Code of Ethics
Students are expected to maintain professional
behaviour consistent with the current Code of
Ethics of the Canadian Association of Social
The Code of Ethics is used to help guide social
workers in the course of their work
The Code encompasses the values and principles of
human worth, dignity, self-determination and justice
upon which social work is based
(Hick, 2002, p. 59)
The Application
Admission is on the basis of competition for a
limited number of spaces
Candidates will be considered based on
academic standing (40%), relevant
work/volunteer experience and references
(30%), and personal suitability for a career in
social work (30%)
What is the competition like?
We receive approximately 100 to 120
applicants each year
 45 students are accepted to the program
 Many students applying to the program
already have a degree
When to Apply
Bachelor of Social Work
Applicants for admissions to the School of Social
Work must complete an application to be submitted
by March 1st of the year in which admission is
March 1st of each year
Before 5pm!
To be considered for admission, applicants
must complete the required 45 prerequisite
credit hours (15 courses)
 All Prerequisites must be completed by the
end of December, prior to the deadline date
for application.
 Maintain a minimum 65% average in the
most recent 30 credit hours (10 courses)
Pre-Requisite Courses
2 English
3 Psychology, including one of either Psych 2010, 2011,
and 2012 or Psych 2025, 2012 and one Psych at the
2000 level
1 Sociology
1 in either Anthropology, Geography, or Political
Social Work 2510 and/or 2700
1 chosen from Philosophy 2800-2810 or Women’s
Studies 2000
5 or 6 courses from schedule A
Additional Courses to be Completed
Prior to September Start Date
5 Additional Courses must be completed prior
to September
-one Sociology
-two remaining Psychology courses
-the remaining Social Work course
-schedule A elective
*If you do have the remaining social work course
completed, you have to do an additional elective
to make up the 20 courses (60 credit hours)
Academic Standards and
During the winter and spring semesters prior to
acceptance and during the remainder of the time in
which you are in the program, you are under the
academic standards and promotions of the School of
Social Work.
You must maintain a 65% average in all social work
You must maintain an overall semester average of 65%
REMEMBER: Social work pre-requisite courses are
also considered under academic standards and
How are you ranked?
Average in last ten credit courses (15%),
average in required 15 courses (15%),
cumulative average (10%) for a total of 40%
 Social Work admissions test: 30%
 Volunteer/work experience and References:
Who does the ranking?
 One
faculty member
 One community social worker
 One social work student
 Potential
re-reads and training
While you are waiting for your
application to be processed…..
Applicants are initially screened to see if
admissions criteria are met
 Waiting for transfer transcripts and results of
social work admissions test
 Double checking calculation of marks
 Calculating the rankings
If accepted to the program of study,
what then?
Six semesters over three years (no spring
 Two field placements worth nine courses (27
credit hours) One rural and one urban
 You must meet the academic and suitability
standards of the School of Social Work
Association of Social Work
Students (ASWS)
The ASWS is the official organization of the
student body of the school of social work.
 All 3rd,4th, and 5th year students are members
of the ASWS
 Each graduating year will form an executive
to represent them on the ASWS
Common questions and myths
If you are male are you automatically accepted?
Do you give preference to single parents?
If you keep applying will you move up the list?
Who should I use as a reference?
Can you do prerequisites in the Winter term?
What courses should I take if I want to continue
What about the criminology certificate?
What if I do not get accepted?
How important is the average?
What if I did well in my last ten courses but not
so well in some of my prerequisites?
How important is volunteer/employed work?
What about students with special needs?
Do you have to experience a traumatic event to
be accepted?