CHAPTER 6: THE SKELETAL SYSTEM A. Labeling 1. sternum 6

A. Labeling
1. sternum
2. humerus
3. ilium
4. ulna
5. sacrum
6. radius
7. femur
8. patella
9. tibia
10. fibula
B. Completion
1. diaphysis
2. epiphyseal line
3. periosteum
4. compact bone
5. haversian
6. osteoblasts
7. ossification
8. osteoclasts
9. osteocytes
10. bone marrow
C. Matching
1. d
2. f
3. g
4. k
5. h
6. e
7. j
8. c
9. a
10. i
D. Spelling
1. sinus
2. temporal
3. mandibular
4. thoracic
5. xiphoid
E. Multiple Choice
1. b
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. b
7. c
8. c
9. b
10. a
F. Proofreading Skills
1. sinus opening or hollow space in a bone
Spelled correctly? No
6. acromion
7. metacarpals
8. acetabulum
9. malleolus
10. condyle
2. orbital bone in the skull that houses the eyeball
Spelled correctly? Yes
3. sphenoid bat-shaped bone located at the base of the skull
Spelled correctly? No
4. sutures immovable joints that fuse the cranial bones together, permitting no movement
Spelled correctly? Yes
5. cranial bones that envelop the brain (eight bones that are immovable)
Spelled correctly? Yes
6. intracranial within the cranium
Spelled correctly? No
7. nasal nasal bones give shape to the nose by forming the upper part of the bridge of the nose
Spelled correctly? Yes
8. maxillary bones of the upper jaw
Spelled correctly? No
9. comminuted a fracture resulting in the splintering or crushing of a segment of a bone
Spelled correctly? Yes
10. frontal the frontal bone forms the forehead (front of the skull) and the upper part of the bony
cavities that contain the eyeballs
Spelled correctly? No
G. Crossword Puzzle
H. Word Element Review
1. acetabul/ar
2. hypo/calc/emia
3. costo/chondr/al
4. crani/otomy
5. osteo/malac/ia
I. Matching Fractures
6. mandibul/ar
7. rach/itis
8. sub/stern/al
9. inter/vertebr/al
10. oste/oma
1. c
2. j
3. i
4. h
5. d
J. Matching Abbreviations
1. f
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. h
K. Word Search
L. Scenario Answers
1. a
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. g
7. b
8. e
9. f
10. a