United States History 170A - Exam 3

United States History 170A - Exam 3 - 2013 – Study Guide
1. Robert Owen, “The First Discourse on a New System of Society (1825)
2. “The Memorial of the Non-Freeholders of the City of Richmond (1829)
3. The Appeal of the Cherokee Nation (1830)
4. Confessions of Nat Turner (1831)
5. Opening Editorial of the Liberator (1831)
6. The Rise of the Cotton Kingdom (1836)
7. Letter by a Fugitive Slave (1840) Joseph Taper
8. Katherine Beecher on the “Duty of American Females” (1837)
9. Angelina Grimke on Women’s Rights (1837)
10. twin legacies of slavery (Loewen)
11. Internal Slavery
12. The Demography of slave holders in 1850
13. Slave codes
14. Taylorism & the Gang Labor System
15. George Henry Evans, “Freedom of the Soil” (1844)
16. John C Calhoun, the Concurrent Majority (1845).
17. Fredrick Douglass on the Desire for Freedom (1845)
18. The Foreign Miners Tax 1850/1852
19. Hinton R. Helper, “The Impending Crisis” (1857)
20. Mexican Territory & The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)
21. John L. O’Sullivan, Manifest Destiny (1845)
22. Henry David Thoreau, “Resistance to Civil Government” (1849)
23. Indian Prices
24. The Digger Ounce
25. The consequences and repercussions of the gold rush
26. The Act for the Government and Protection of Indians passed in 1850
27. People V. Hall (1854)
28. Indian Removal
29. Kansas-Nebraska Act
30. a "necessary evil"
31. The Compromise of 1850
32. Fugitive Slave Act, 1850
33. Dred Scott V. Sanford
34. The Know Nothing Party
35. Fredrick Douglas on the Fourth of July (1852)
36. “Bleeding Kansas”
37. Marcus M. Spiegal, Letter of a Civil War Soldier (1864)
38. Fredrick Douglass on Black Soldiers (1863)
39. Letter by the Mother of a Black Soldier (1863)
40. Colloquy with Colored Ministers (1865) & Special Field Order #15
41. Petition of Committee on Behalf of the Freedmen to Andrew Johnson (1865)
42. The compromise of 1877
43. The Mississippi Black Code (1865)
44. Sidney Andrews on the White South and Black Freedom (1866)
45. Fredrick Douglas, “The Composite Nation” (1869)
46. Robert B. Elliot on Civil Rights (1874)
47. Elizabeth Cady Stanton “Home Life” (1875)
48. Mary Livermore on Women and the War (1883)