Educate the Educator Healthcare Ethics Competency 5 Competency 5 Using an ethical decision making model applied to healthcare situations, describe how ethics influence the care of clients. Competency 5 Using an ethical decision making model applied to health care situations, describe how ethics influence the care of clients. Unit included for this competency include: A. Define ethical dilemmas. B. Discuss current ethical dilemmas. C. Discuss problem solving as it relates to ethical decision making. Unit 5A and B. Ethical Dilemmas Definition Recommended Content defines an ethical dilemma as “a situation wherein moral precepts or ethical obligations conflict in such a way that any possible resolution to the dilemma is morally intolerable. In other words, an ethical dilemma is any situation in which guiding moral principles cannot determine which course of action is right or wrong.” Ethical Dilemmas Definition Responsible ethical reasoning is rational and systematic; should be based on ethical principles and codes rather than on emotions, intuition, fixed policies, or precedent. (Precedent is an earlier similar occurrence.) Good decision is in client’s best interest and preserves the integrity of all involved. Ethical Dilemmas Definition The healthcare worker must weigh competing factors when making ethical decisions because of the ethical obligations to clients, the employing agency, and to physicians. Because several people are involved in ethical decision-making, communication and compromise are important skills for all health professionals. Integrity-preserving compromises are likely collaborative decision-making. Current Ethical Dilemmas Over the course of time as value and ethics have changed, society continues to be presented with ever changing ethical dilemmas. For example, were abortions an ethical dilemma before Roe vs. Wade? Some of the current health care ethical dilemmas are that of end of life care , genetic testing, quality vs quantity of life, organ donation, final trimester abortions, etc. Tips for presenting materials Clearly not all of today’s ethical dilemmas can be discussed, however being sensitive to a person’s race, religious beliefs, political beliefs, etc. is of the utmost importance. It is also important to remember that this is not a political science class Current Ethical Dilemmas Recommended Learning Activities Assignment Location Notes HCE Competency 5 Scenarios Bioethical Case Studies Website This learning activity contains 6 scenarios with questions to answer regarding bioethical issues. Topics include DNR, HIV, Labor, Medication, Immunizations and Anorexia. Grey’s Anatomy Ethical Dilemma YouTube Video Class Discussion Unit 5C: Problem Solving Recommended Content The problem solving process can be broken down into 10 steps. • Identify the problem • Gather information • Identify ethical issue • Is there more than one problem • Are there competing ethical claims? • • • • • Any conflict of personal values? Any conflict of professional values? Create alternative solutions Select and act on solution Evaluate and revise as needed Problem Solving Recommended Learning Activities Assignment HCE Competency 5: Scenarios Ethical Case Study Location Website Notes This learning activity contains 4 short scenarios in which students answer questions surrounding the scenarios. This completes the curriculum for Healthcare Ethics. 11 What to do now? You’ve now been introduced to Health Care Ethics. Presented were key points found on the instructor resource outline and several possible learning activities to use. You received tips on teaching the material, along with areas to be sensitive to with students. 12 What to do now? Now, click on the “Assessments” tab and complete the Healthcare Ethics Self Assessment. You are invited to go to the website to preview additional learning activities, PowerPoints, assessments, etc. You are encouraged to use the instructor learning resource module outline to make notes on which online resources would benefit you and your teaching style. 13 To access the HealthForce MN Website Click here to access the HCCC curriculum Password: HCCC Select desired module to view 14 References College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (CRNBC). (2011). Practice standard principles. Retrieved from Hegner, B.R., Acello, B., & Caldwell, E. (2004). Nursing assistant: A nursing process approach (9th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Thompson Delmar Publishing Lane, A. (2009). The importance of accountability. Retrieved from References Potter, P.A. & Perry, A.G. (2009). Ethics and values. In P.A. Potter & A.G. Perry (Eds.). Fundamentals of nursing (7th ed.) (pp. 313-342). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, Mosby Ramon, P.R. & Niedringhaus, D. M. (2008). Legal and ethical issues of nursing. Fundamental nursing care (2nd ed.) (pp. 25-44). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Person Prentice Hall Weiss, T.C. (2009, July 21). Certified Nursing Assistant Code of Ethics. Retrieved from Author: Dede Carr, BS, CDA, LDA Pat Reinhart, RN “This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership.” This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 17