12 Angry Men - Barrington 220

Sophomore English
Daily Agenda and Homework
5th Period
Mr. Sanders
NOTE: I’ll do my best to update this agenda online twice
weekly—on Sunday and Wednesday afternoons, but the daily
agenda as posted and discussed in class is the final agenda.
Wednesday, September 21
In Class
DGP & V Week Three
 Ancient History Lesson on Rome & Julius
Thursday: Read Act I, scenes ___-___.
Tuesday, September 20
In Class
DGP & V Week Three
 Hand Out and Begin Julius Caesar
Wednesday: Read Act I, scenes i-ii, of
Julius Caesar.
Monday, September 19
In Class
Return and Go Over DGP & V Weeks 1-2;
DGP & V Week Three
 Last Chance Discussion of 12 Angry Men
Essays before Due Date
Tuesday: 12 Angry Men Essays Due
Thursday, September 15
In Class
DGP & V Week Two Quiz
 Trade ‘em and Grade ‘em
 DGP & V Week Three Notes
Tuesday: 12 Angry Men Essays Due; Yep,
that’s the day.
Wednesday, September 14
In Class
 Writing Day: Use today to get started on
your first draft of the essay on 12 Angry
Thursday: DGP & V Week Two Quiz
Tuesday, September 13
In Class
 Go Over Essay Planning Sheets and Essay
Wednesday: Writing Day.
Monday, September 12
In Class
 Collect Essay Planning Sheets
Tuesday: Writing Day.
Thursday, September 8
In Class
 Finish (?) 12 Angry Men
 Go Over Assignment for Essay (if we get
that far)
Friday: DGP & V Week One Quiz
Wednesday, September 7
In Class
 12 Angry Men
Thursday: Begin working on 12 Angry Men
Essay Prompts
Tuesday, September 6
In Class
Daily Grammar Practice and Vocabulary
Week One Monday and Tuesday Lesson
 Continue 12 Angry Men film
Wednesday: Finish film?
 Thursday: Begin working on the essay for
12 Angry Men
Friday, September 2
In Class
Introduction to Daily Grammar Practice and
 Introduction of Second Topic for Essays
 Continue Watching 12 Angry Men
Tuesday: DGP & V for Monday-Tuesday;
Choose a Topic for 12 Angry Men Essays
Thursday, September 1
In Class
Begin Watching 12 Angry Men
Great, Old, Hokey Black-White Film
 We’ll also begin talking about your 1st essay!
Friday: Continue Film and Get More
Serious about Essay Topic Choices
Wednesday, August 31
In Class
Discussion of 12 Angry Men & Thinking
Ethically Handout
Thursday: Begin Watching 12 Angry Men
Great, Old, Hokey Black-White Film
 We’ll also begin talking about your 1st essay!
The Utilitarian Approach
The greatest good for the greatest
Of what benefit to the community is the
punishment of the accused man?
 Is there a benefit to the accused man to
being punished?
 Is the protection of the community in which
the accused man lives more important than
the protection of the accused man from the
community (jurors)?
The Rights Approach
Safeguards people from being used by
the government to serve its purposes
What is a “fair trial?”
 Which is better: a fair trial or a better
defense or a better prosecution?
 Better for the community?
 Better for the accused?
The Fairness or Justice Approach
What is each person due?
 Equality?
 A Fair Trial?
 To be heard?
 His day in court?
 What does it mean to seek justice?
The Common Good Approach
Members of the community are bound to
seek common values and goals.
Is safety a common goal, or commonly
 Which is more important in 12 Angry Men:
the protection of the accused man from the
jury or the protection of the community from
the accused man?
The Virtue Approach
The virtuous person will do the right
Is forgiveness, or mercy, a virtue?
 Shakespeare says, “The quality of mercy is
not strained.” Is this true?
Tuesday, August 30
In Class
Discussion of 12 Angry Men & Thinking
Ethically Handout
Wednesday: Continue Discussion
Monday, August 29
In Class
Discussion of 12 Angry Men
The Lunch Date
 Thinking Ethically Handout
Tuesday: Be prepared to discuss this
question: What makes juror #8 right?
Friday, August 26
In Class
Despite my best intentions, your grammar and
vocabulary materials are not ready today. Since this
is a weekly thing, I’m just going to postpone
beginning until next Friday. Woo-hoo!
Hand Out and Go Over Script of 12 Angry Men
Silent Reading
Monday: Read 12 Angry Men!
Thursday, August 25
In Class
Complete discussion of 12 Angry Men
Friday—We’ll begin a grammar and vocab
unit, but not all the materials are ready, so
we’ll have to limp along for a few days. Still
nothing for you to prepare here. I’ll also give
out copies of the whole play 12 Angry Men.
Wednesday, August 24
In Class
Go Over Shared Inquiry Handout
 Begin Shared Inquiry Discussion of 12
Angry Men.
Thursday—Complete Discussion of 12
Angry Men
 Friday—Begin Grammar and Vocabulary.
Nothing for you to prepare here.
Tuesday, August 23
In Class
Welcome & Happy New Year!
 Please find a seat. I’ll set up the seating
chart after class begins.
 Classroom Guidelines & Course Syllabus
Wednesday—Read the handout, including
the excerpt from 12 Angry Men.