Chaotic Communication Communication with Chaotic Dynamical Systems Mattan Erez December 2000 Chaotic Communication Not an oxymoron Chaos is deterministic Two chaotic systems can be synchronized Chaos can be controlled Communicating with chaos Use chaotic instead of periodic waveforms Control chaotic behavior to encode information December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 2 Outline What is chaos Synchronizing chaos Using chaotic waveforms Controlling chaos Information encoding within chaos Capacity Summary: Why (or why not) use chaos? References and links December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 3 What is Chaos? Non-linear dynamical system Deterministic Sensitive to initial conditions x(t ) et x(0) ( - Lyapunov exponent) Dense Infinite number of trajectories in finite region of phase space perfect knowledge of present imperfect knowledge of present perfect prediction of future (practically) no prediction of future December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 4 Continuous Time Systems Described by differential equations dimension 3 for chaotic behavior Example: Lorenz System x ( y x) y rx y xz z xy bz , r, and b are parameters December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 5 Useful Concepts Attractor: set of orbits to which the system approaches from any initial state (within the attractor basin) Poincare` Surface of Section December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 6 Discrete Time Systems Described by a mapping function Can be one-dimensional Logistic Map x(n) x(n)(1 x(n)) Bernoulli Shift 1 xn 1 2 xn mod 1 0 x 1 0.5 Tent Map 1 time December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 7 Chaos Synchronization Non-trivial problem sensitivity to initial conditions + density initial state never accurate in a real system trivial if dealing with finite precision simulations Chaotic Synchronization Couple transmitter and receiver by a drive signal Build receiver system with two parts (Pecora and Carrol Feb. 1990) response system and regenerated signal Response system is stable (negative Lyapunov exp.) Converges towards variables of the drive system Can synchronize in presence of noise and parameter differences December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 8 Example - Lorenz System x ( y x) y rx y xz z xy bz X Y Z x(t) s(t) n(t) December 00 xr ( yr xr ) y r rx yr xzr z xy bz r r r Xr Yr Zr xr(t) Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 9 Chaotic Waveforms in Comm. Chaotic signals are a-periodic Spread spectrum communication Instead of binary spreading sequences Directly as a wideband waveform Code-division techniques Replaces binary codes December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 10 Chaotic Masking Mask message with noise-like signal Amplitude of information must be small X Y Z December 00 x(t) m(t) s(t) n(t) Xr Yr Zr xr(t) - + mr(t) Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 11 Dynamic Feedback Modulation Mask message with chaotic signal Removes restriction on small message amp. Care must be taken to preserve chaos X Y Z December 00 x(t) m(t) s(t) n(t) Xr Yr Zr xr(t) - + mr(t) Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 12 Chaos Shift Keying Modulate the system parameters with the message Similar concept to FSK but for a different parameter Suitable mostly for digital communication Shift to a different attractor based on information symbol m(t) X Y Z x(t) s(t) n(t) Xr Yr Zr xr(t) - + detector mr(t) Also DCSK to simplify detection December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 13 Problems in Conventional CDMA Binary m-sequences Binary gold sequences good cross-correlation acceptable auto-correlation few codes Binary random maps good auto-correlation bad cross-correlation few codes good auto-correlation good cross-correlation many codes very large maps (storage) Very long and complex (re)synchronization December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 14 Chaotic Sequences for CDMA Simple description of chaotic systems Very large number of codes mostly based on numerical results “Checbyshev sequences” yield 15% more users Fast synchronization a-periodic with a flat (or tailored) spectrum Good auto/cross correlation many useful maps many initial states (sensitivity to initial conditions) Good spectral properties one dimensional maps If based on self-sync chaotic systems Low probability of intercept chaotic sequence are real-valued and not binary December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 15 Chaos in Ultra WB - CPPM Impulse communication uses PN sequences and PPM PN spectrum has spectral peaks Chaotic Pulse Position Modulation t (n) F (t (n 1) tinforamation ) 001101 t0 = 0 t1 = t t(0) t(1) t(2) t(3) t(4) Circuit implementation simple tent map and time-voltage-time converters extremely fast synchronization (4 bits) Low power December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 16 Controlling Chaos Chaotic attractor (usually) consists of infinite number of unstable periodic orbits Small perturbation of accessible system param forces the system from one orbit to a more desirable one (Ott, Grebogi, and Yorke - Mar. 1990) the effect of the control is not immediate each intersection of the phase-space coordinate eith the surface of section a control signal is given the exact control is pre-determined to shift the orbit to the desired one, such that a future intersection will occur at the desired point December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 17 Encoding in Chaos Use symbolic dynamics to associate information with the chaotic phase-space phase space is partitioned into r regions each region is assigned a unique symbol the symbol sequences formed by the trajectories of the system are its symbolic dynamics Identify the grammar of the chaotic system the set of possible symbol sequences (constraint) depends on the system and symbol partition Exercise chaos control to encode the information within the allowed grammar December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 18 Example - Double Scroll System 0 1 1 0 December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 19 Symbolic Dynamics Transmission Use previous regions for two symbols Build coding function - r(x) Build an inverse coding function s(r) for each intersection point (region) - record the following n-bit sequence define a region as the mean state-space point corresponding to the n-bit sequence r. Build a control function d(r) small perturbations: p = d(r)x December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 20 Transmission (2) Encode user information to fit the grammar use a constrained-code based on the grammar for the experimental setup demonstrated, the constraint is a RLL constraint Transmit the message December 00 load the n-bit sequence of r(x0) into a shift register shift out the MSB and shift in the first message bit (LSB) the SR now holds the word r1’ with the desired information bit the next intersection occurs at x1=s(r1) of the original system at that point we apply the control pulse to correct the trajectory: p=d(r1)(x1-s(r1’)) repeat Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 21 Receiver Threshold to detect 0 and 1 decode the constrained-code December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 22 Capacity of Chaotic Transmission The capacity of the system is its topological capacity define a partition and assign symbols w count the number of n-symbol sequences the system can then produce N(w,n) H top sup lim w n N ( w, n ) n Additional restrictions on the code (for noise resistance) decrease capacity December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 23 Noise Resistance Force forbidden sequences to form a “noise-gap” 0 1 In the example system - translates into stricter RLL constraint December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 24 Capacity vs. Noise Gap Devil’s staircase structure 1 .5 .5+e December 00 1 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 25 Summary synchronization Chaos in spreadspectrum (and CDMA) spectral properties synchronization can be fast and simple compact and efficient representation good multi-user performance worse single-user performance control Direct encoding in chaos neat idea simple circuits? low power? loss of synchronization mismatched parameters low power circuits enhanced security LPI + numerous codes (can be done with pseudo-chaos) December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 26 References and Links Communication based on synchronizing chaos L. Pecora and T. Carroll, “Synchronization in Chaotic Systems,” Physical Review Letters,Vol. 64, No. 8, Feb. 19th, 1990 L. Pecora and T. Carroll, “Driving Systems with Chaotic Signals,” Physical Review A, Vol. 44, No. 4, Aug. 15th, 1991 K. Cuomo and A. Oppenheim, “Circuit Implementation of Synchronized Chaos with Application to Communication,” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 71, No. 1, July 5th, 1993 G. Heidari-Bateni and C. McGillem, “A Chaotic Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Communication System,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 42, No. 2/3/4, Feb./Mar./Apr. 1994 G. Mazzini, G. Setti, and R. Rovatti, “Chaotic Complex Spreading Sequences for Asynchronous DS-CDMAPart I: System Modeling and Results,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I, Vol. 44, No. 10, Oct. 1997 Communication based on controlling chaos E. Ott, C. Grebogi, and J. Yorke, “Controlling Chaos,” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 64, No. 11, Mar. 12th, 1990 S. Hayes, C. Grebogi, and E. Ott, “Communicating with Chaos,” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 70, No. 20, May 17th, 1993 S. Hayes, C. Grebogi, E. Ott, and A. Mark, “Experimental Control of Chaos for Communication,” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 73, No. 13, Sep. 26th, 1994 E. Bollt, Y-C Lai, and C. Grebogi, “Coding, Channel Capacity, and Noise Resistance in Communicating with Chaos,” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 79, No. 19, Nov. 10th, 1997 J. Jacobs, E. Ott, and B. Hunt, “Calculating Topological Entropy for Transient Chaos with an Application to Communicating with Chaos,” Physical Review E, Vol. 57, No. 6, June 1998. I. Marino, E. Rosa, and C. Grebogi, “Exploiting the Natural Redundancy of Chaotic Signals in Communication Systems,” Physical Review Letters, Vol 85, No. 12, Sep. 18th, 2000. December 00 Chaotic Communication – Mattan Erez 27