Pharmacovigilance in the Post-Marketing Setting: Results from the RADAR Project Charles L. Bennett MD PhD MPP Barriers to Identifying Adverse Events Limited size of clinical trials Undetected toxicities at time of FDA approval Many AEs identified after several years on the market Presentation Overview Comparison of post-marketing pharmacovigilance activities by: – Academic organizations – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – Pharmaceutical manufacturers Objectives Describe 3 types of pharmacovigilance methods Illustrate strengths/weaknesses of each approach Suggest novel collaborations and possibility for new public-private partnerships Pharmacovigilance Organizations Academic Organizations FDA Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Data Case assessments; Prospective data MedWatch Proprietary databases Science Pathology; histology None None Timeliness 1-2 years post approval 3 years or more 7-12 years Dissemination Manuscripts; presentations Package inserts Dear Doctor letters Network Broad; international Mostly internal Mostly internal Funding R01-based; CERTs Internal Not known Lessons Learned: The RADAR method Detect ADR signals Investigate possible ADR occurrence Analyze data Disseminate results Bennett CL, Nebeker JR, Lyons EA, et al. The Research on Adverse Drug Events and Reports (RADAR) Project. JAMA 2005, 293:17, 2131-40. Timing and Dissemination Drug sADR Presentations/ Abstracts Publications RADAR Communication with Company Company Alerts Epoetin/ Darbepoetin Venous thromboembolism ASCO Abstract (2007) J Natl Cancer Inst (2006) 2007 Epoetin/ Darbepoetin Death ASCO Abstract (2007) N/A 2007 Scientific Program in the Developmental Therapeutics – Immunotherapy Presentation (2004) Epoetin Pure Red-Cell Aplasia Ticlopidine Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) ASH Abstract (2002) Clopidogrel Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) ASH Abstract (2002) N Engl J of Med (2004); Blood (2005); Best Pract Res Clin Haematol (2005); Best Pract Res Clin Haematol (2005) Ann Intern Med (1998); Lancet (1998); Arch Intern Med (1999); JAMA (1999) N Engl J of Med (2000); Transplantation (2002); Stroke (2004) DHP Letter (2005); Boxed Warning (2006); DHP Letter (2007) DHP Letter (2005); Warning (2005); Warning (2007); DHP Letter (2007) FDA Alerts Additional Outcomes by Regulating Agencies and Others FDA alert (2006/7) ODAC meeting (2007) on drug misuse FDA alert (2006/7) ODAC meeting (2007) on drug misuse N/A Canadian, European, and Australian health officials mandate Eprex delivery intravenously; PRCA website now maintained and updated by sponsor; ODAC meeting held in 2004 on use 2003 Boxed warning (2002); DHP Letter (2005) 1998 DHP Letter (1998); Boxed Warning (1999) N/A Clopidogrel adopted as standard antiplatelet for patients with cerebrovascular or cardiovascular disease 1999 Warning (2000); Warning (2006) N/A N/A Report Completeness: RADAR vs. FDA History/Physical examination (%) Laboratory/ Radiology (%) Basic science correlative (%) RADAR FDA RADAR FDA RADAR FDA 92* 45 54 46 34 4 Overall mean completeness *P < .005 for completeness of RADAR vs. FDA Includes data from 1998- 2006. Includes the drugs: gemtuzumab, clopidogrel, ticlopidine, gemcitabine, sildenafil, tadalafil, amiodarone, paclitaxel or sirolimus coated cardiacstents, epoetin alfa, nevirapine, thalidomide, lenalidomide, MGDF, enoxaparin, and bisphosphonates. Bennett CL, Nebeker JR, Yarnold PR, et al. Evaluation of Serious Adverse Drug Reactions: A proactive pharmacovigilance program (RADAR) vs. safety activities conducted by the Food and Drug Administration and pharmaceutical manufacturers. Arch Int Med. 2007; 167: 1041-49. Report Completeness: RADAR vs. Supplier Incidence Rate Number of reports that contain information Outcome Treatment/ prophylaxis References included in report RADAR Supplier RADAR Supplier RADAR Supplier RADAR Supplier 14/15 6/15 15/15 1/15 14/15 3/15 12/15 1/15 Includes data from 1998- 2006. Includes the drugs: gemtuzumab, clopidogrel, ticlopidine, gemcitabine, sildenafil, tadalafil, amiodarone, paclitaxel or sirolimus coated cardiacstents, epoetin alfa, nevirapine, thalidomide, lenalidomide, MGDF, enoxaparin, and bisphosphonates. Bennett CL, Nebeker JR, Yarnold PR, et al. Evaluation of Serious Adverse Drug Reactions: A proactive pharmacovigilance program (RADAR) vs. safety activities conducted by the Food and Drug Administration and pharmaceutical manufacturers. Arch Int Med. 2007; 167: 1041-49. Major RADAR Publications Drug ADR N Publication Sirolimus/paclitaxel coated cardiac stents Thrombotic events 139 JAMA 2007 G-CSF/ GM-CSF Acute myeloid leukemia and myelodisplastic syndrome 16 J Natl Cancer Inst 2007 Epoetin/ darbepoetin Venous thromboembolism Metaanalysis J Natl Cancer Inst 2006 Sirolimus/paclitaxel coated cardiac stents Hypersensitivity reactions 6 J Am Coll Cardiol 2006 Thalidomide/ lenalidomide Venous thromboembolism Metaanalysis JAMA 2006 Epoetin Pure Red-Cell Aplasia 9 N Engl J Med 2004 Clopidogrel Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 13 N Engl J Med 2000 Ticlopidine Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 21 Lancet 1998 Postmarket Pharmacovigilance Hampton, T. Postmarket “Pharmacovigilance” Program on Alert for Adverse Events from Drugs. JAMA, August 22/29 2007, 298 (8): 851-2. Example 1: Epoetin and Pure Red-Cell Aplasia Bennett CL, Luminari S, Nissenson AR, et al. Pure red-cell aplasia and epoetin therapy. N Engl J Med 2004; 351:1403-8. Epoetin and Pure Red-Cell Aplasia Bennett CL, Luminari S, Nissenson AR, et al. Pure red-cell aplasia and epoetin therapy. N Engl J Med 2004; 351:1403-8. Pharmacovigilance Chart: Epoetin and PRCA Academic Organizations FDA Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Data 191 cases 81 cases Johnson & Johnson170 cases Science Antibodies None Each company had its own test Timeliness First case- 1998; Publications- 2002 and 2004 Warning- 2000 Letter- 2000 Dissemination N Engl J Med Letter to N Engl J of Med ; Package insert Dear Doctor letter Network France, Canada, Italy, U.S. Internal advisory groups Advisory groups of European MD’s Funding R01 Internal Internal Summary: Epoetin and PRCA Safety of epoetin improved to normal; sales maintained Data exchange between different entities was important Fear of appearing self-serving limited companies’ ability to monitor epoetin safety Example 2: Clopidogrel/Ticlopidine and TTP ▲Figure 1. Drug-associated TTP cases reported to the FDA (1992-2006) Total TTP cases for top ten reported drugs to the FDA's Medw atch Program Ticlopidine 90 Clopidogrel TTP cases reported 80 Cyclosporine 70 Tacrolimus 60 Gemcitibine 50 40 30 20 10 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year Clopidogrel/Ticlopidine and TTP Ticlopidine Clopidogrel Thienopyridine-Associated TTP Onset 70 60 50 ADAMTS13 Non deficient n=13 30 40 ADAMTS13 deficient n=26 0 10 20 Percentage of patients with TTP 80 90 Time to Onset 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 days Thienopyridine-Associated TTP Onset: ADAMTS13 Deficient versus near normal levels of ADAMTS13 activity (p>0.05). Thienopyridine-Associated TTP Onset 30 40 50 60 70 Clopidogrel n=35 20 Ticlopidine n=93 0 10 Percentage of patients with TTP 80 90 Time to Onset 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 days Thienopyridine-Associated TTP Onset: Ticlopidine versus Clopidogrel (p=0.0016). Clopidogrel/Ticlopidine and TTP Two suspected pathogenic mechanisms: 1. In TTP patients with near normal ADAMTS13 levels, the pathopyshiology resembles that of clopidogrel-associated TTP. 2. In TTP patients with deficient ADAMTS13 levels, the pathophysiology resembles that of ticlopidine-associated TTP. Comparison of findings for ticlopidine- versus clopidogrel-associated TTP Category Basic Science Ticlopidine*associated TTP Clopidogrel**associated TTP Probable underlying pathophysiology Antibody mediated Microvascular toxicity and endothelial cell microvascular damage endothelial cell damage High molecular weight vWF identified during the acute TTP phase Yes Yes ADAMTS13-deficiency during the acute TTP phase Yes No Functional IgG inhibitors to ADAMTS13 identified during acute phase Yes No *Ticlopidine received its original FDA approval in 1991; current sales are $100,000. **Clopidogrel received its original FDA approval in 1998; current sales are $5.6 billion. Comparison of findings for ticlopidine- versus clopidogrel-associated TTP Category TiclopidineClopidogrelassociated TTP associated TTP Usual time-period for onset Two to 12 weeks after drug initiation Within two weeks of drug initiation Renal insufficiency Mild to none Severe Thrombocytopenia Severe Mild Survival following plasma exchange > 90%, usually within days of initiation of plasma exchange 70%, often takes several weeks of plasma exchange Survival without plasma exchange 30% 70% Spontaneous relapse Occasional Infrequent Likelihood of relapse occurring with exposure to the other thienopyridine High Low Clinical Comparison of findings for ticlopidine- versus clopidogrel-associated TTP Category Epidemiologic Ticlopidineassociated TTP Clopidogrelassociated TTP Epidemiologic studies identifying an association of thienopyridine administration with TTP Surveys Case-control studies Estimated incidence (as listed in the package insert) 0.01% - 0.02% 0.0001% Case-control studies Not done Two studies- neither identified a significantly increased risk of TTP with clopidogrel Comparison of findings for ticlopidine- versus clopidogrel-associated TTP Category Pharmacovigilance Ticlopidineassociated TTP Clopidogrel-associated TTP Number of cases in the first case reports 4 (year= 1991) 2 (year =1999) Number of cases included in the largest reported case series 98 patients (1998) 50 patients (year2004) Cases identified by surveying interventional cardiology laboratory directors/ directors of plasma exchange centers/case-control epidemiology studies 24 patients/13 patients/2 patients 2 patients/13 patients/6 patients Time from FDA approval to identification of first cases 0 years (4 cases) 1 year (2 cases) Time from FDA approval to reporting of first case series 7 years (60 cases) 1 year (11 cases) Rank in FDA MedWatch database in association with drug-associated TTP reports (1998- 2006) First Second Advisories from the FDA Package insert (1995); Black Box (1998) Package insert warning (2000) “Dear Doctor” warnings frompharmaceutical supplier 1998 2000 Pharmacovigilance Chart: Clopidogrel/Ticlopidine and TTP Academic Organizations FDA Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Data Prospective cases MedWatch Retrospective casecontrol study Science Antibody test; Plasma test None Not known Timeliness 1 year Used academic data Used academic data Dissemination N Engl J Med 2000; JACC (in press) Package insert Dear Doctor letter Network International Internal Internal Funding R01 Internal Internal Summary: Clopidogrel/Ticlopidine and TTP Prospective data collection and basic science support were important Mechanism characterized Reporting was timely (1 year post approval) Example 3: Erythropoietin/darbepoetin in cancer Since 2003, Market-expanding indications explored: – Anemia of cancer – Anemia caused by radiotherapy – Prevention of anemia prior to chemotherapy initiation – Raising hemoglobin levels beyond the correction of anemia Effect of ESA on survival: studies before 2003 vs. after 2003 Comparing Studies Pre and Post 2003 Pre-2003 % studies PFS, DFS, RFS as 1° or 2° endpoint Overall Survival as 1° or 2° endpoint 0 47 4.5 PFS, DFS, RFS as 1° or 2° endpoint 0/3217 2025/7517 Overall Survival as 1° or 2° endpoint 375/2885 3556/7517 HR >1 1069/2754 5583/7327 HR <1 1685/2754 1744/7327 Target hb >12.5 1924/2523 5854/7370 Target hb ≤12.5 599/2523 1516/7370 67 42 33 HR <1 58 83 Target hb > 12.5 Solid Cancer Number of Patients (Post-2003) Post-2003 % studies 33 HR >1 Target hb ≤12.5 Number of Patients (Pre-2003) 78 17 22 78 50 67 HR >1 42 Effect of ESA on survival: studies before 2003 vs. after 2003 33 HR <1 Target hb > 12.5 58 Comparing Studies Pre and Post 200378 Pre-2003 % studies 5619/6516 Mixed Cancer 695/4902 508/6516 Hematologic Cancer 1083/4902 389/6516 Low dose ≤ 40000U/wk 2046/2885 6021/7172 High dose > 4000U/wk 839/2885 1151/7172 Treatment without Chemotherapy 0/3217 2649/7010 78 50 47 4.5 15 18 67 42 7 32 33 HR <1 Low dose ≤ 40000U/wk* Solid Cancer 3124/4902 0 HR >1 Target hb ≤12.5 Treatment without 0 Chemotherapy Solid Cancer 33 Overall Survival as 1° or 2° endpoint Mixed Cancer Target hb > 12.5 High dose > 4000U/wk Number of Patients (Post2003) 22 Solid Cancer Hematologic Cancer Number of Pati ents (Pre-2003) Post-2003 % studies 17 Target hb ≤12.5 PFS, DFS, RFS as 1° or 2° endpoint 83 58 88 79 83 78 12 21 17 21 22 78 50 Effect of ESA on survival: studies with and without survival endpoint Number of patients (survival) Category Number of patients (nonsurvival) PFS, DFS, RFS as 1° or 2° endpoint 0/7212 2835/4080 Overall Survival as 1° or 2° endpoint 0/7212 3857/4080 3097/6113 3961/4006 1427/6113 45/4006 1589/6113 0/4006 4981/5645 2680/4006 664/5645 1326/4006 Comparing Studies with and without Survival Endpoint % Non-survival studies PFS, DFS, RFS as 1° or 2° endpoint 0 Overall Survival as 1° or 2° endpoint 0 % of survival studies 63 94 52 Solid Cancer 93 Mixed Cancer Hematologic Cancer 24 Hematologic Cancer 7 Mixed Cancer 24 0 Low Dose ≤ 40000U/wk* High Dose > 4000U/wk* 86 80 Low Dose ≤ 40000U/wk* High Dose > 4000U/wk* 14 20 55 HR >1 HR <1 Solid Cancer 63 45 37 24 Hematologic Cancer Mixed Cancer 7 24 0 Effect of ESA on survival: studies with and without survival endpoint Low Dose ≤ 40000U/wk* 86 80 Category Number of patients (nonsurvival) Number of patients (survival) HR >1 4175/7011 2739/4080 2836/7011 1341/4080 2842/7212 375/4080 4370/7212 3705/4080 Target hb● ≤12.5 1900/5934 215/3631 Target hb● > 12.5 4034/5934 3416/3631 Comparing Studies with and without Survival Endpoint 14 High Dose > 4000U/wk* % Non-survival studies 20 PFS, DFS, RFS as 1° or 2°HR endpoint >1 0 Overall Survival as 1° or 2° endpoint 0 % of survival studies 5563 37 52 Solid Cancer 40000U/wk* 24 43 94 24 Studies post 2003 0 25 86 7 80 14 High Dose > Target hb● 4000U/wk* > 12.5 75 20 93 55 HR >1 63 45 HR <1 Studies before 2003 Studies before 2003 7 Studies post 2003 Dose ≤ Target hb●Low ≤12.5 93 57 6 Hematologic Cancer Mixed Cancer HR <1 94 45 HR <1 Studies before 2003 63 37 57 6 Pharmacovigilance Chart: Erythropoietin/darbepoetin in cancer Academic Organizations FDA Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Data Published and unpublished studies; FDA advisory mtg. Primarily on-label data; advisory committee meeting Primarily on-label studies Science EPO receptor EPO receptor EPO receptor Timeliness 16 years post approval 16 years 16 years Dissemination ASCO abstract 2007; JAMA (under review) Issued warnings Dear Doctor letter Network Germany; U.S. Mostly internal International registry Funding R01 Internal Internal Summary: Epoetin/darbepoetin in cancer Both on- and off-label data was important Took 16 years to notice safety concern Basic science research on-going Example 4: Erythropoietin in chronic kidney disease Project: – Evaluate meta-analyses, randomized controlled clinical trials, and observational trials regarding the safety of erythropoietin in dialysis patients Purpose: – Determine if safety signals have been under-reported or muted due to heterogeneity of trials and meta-analyses, specifically when major adverse events were not included as a primary or secondary outcome Risk of all-cause mortality in the higher hemoglobin target group compared with the lower hemoglobin target group Mortality and target haemoglobin concentrations in anaemic patients with chronic kidney disease treated with erythropoietin: a meta-analysis. Lancet 2007; 369:381-88. Risk of mortality as an efficacy endpoint versus a safety endpoint Events, Events, % RR (95% CI) Exp Control Weight Kuriyama S 1977 2.71 (0.26, 28.56) 2/31 1/42 1.00 Revicki 1995 3.14 (0.13, 75.02) 1/41 0/43 0.56 Subtotal (I-squared = 0.0%, p = 0.941) 2.86 (0.43, 18.93) 3/72 1/85 1.56 Foley RN 2000 1.33 (0.31, 5.75) 4/73 3/73 2.51 Furuland H 2003 0.99 (0.61, 1.62) 29/216 27/200 15.17 Levin A 2005 0.35 (0.04, 3.30) 1/74 3/78 1.10 Parfrey 0.45 (0.23, 0.92) 12/396 20/300 9.08 Rossert J 2006 0.17 (0.02, 1.37) 1/195 6/195 1.24 Roger SD 2004 . (., .) 0/75 0/79 0.00 Subtotal (I-squared = 35.9%, p = 0.182) 0.67 (0.37, 1.19) 47/1029 59/925 29.11 Bahalman J 1991 1.15 (0.17, 7.86) 2/46 2/53 1.49 Subtotal (I-squared = .%, p = .) 1.15 (0.17, 7.86) 2/46 2/53 1.49 Besarab 1998 1.21 (1.01, 1.46) 183/618 150/615 33.14 Gouva C 2004 1.40 (0.33, 5.87) 4/43 3/45 2.59 Drueke 2006 1.49 (0.87, 2.53) 31/300 21/302 13.60 Singh AK 2006 1.45 (0.96, 2.19) 52/715 36/717 18.52 Subtotal (I-squared = 0.0%, p = 0.808) 1.27 (1.08, 1.49) 270/1676 210/1679 67.84 1.12 (0.88, 1.42) 322/2823 272/2742 100.00 Study ID no - Epo vs No no - High vs Low Epo Safety: 0.67(0.37, 1.19) yes - Epo vs No yes - High vs Low Epo Heterogeneity between groups: p = 0.057 Overall (I-squared = 25.4%, p = 0.195) NOTE: Weights are from random effects analysis .0133 1 Experimental better 75 Standard better Efficacy: 1.27(1.08, 1.49) In Summary: Per the Lancet meta-analysis: risk of all-cause mortality in higher versus lower Hb target group: RR (95%CI): 1.17(1.01, 1.35) Our meta-analysis: risk of all-cause mortality as an efficacy endpoint versus a safety endpoint in higher versus lower Hb target group: RR (95%CI): 1.27(1.08, 1.49) Unadjusted 1-year mortality rates by hematocrit group according to epoetin dose quartile Zhang Y, Thamer M, et al. Epoetin requirements predict mortality in hemodialysis patients. Am J Kidney Dis, 2004 Nov;44(5):866-76 Pharmacovigilance Chart: Erythropoietin in chronic kidney disease Academic Organizations FDA Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Data Observational trials; RCTs; meta-analyses To be determined Sept. 11 To be determined Sept. 11 Science None To be determined To be determined Timeliness 18 years post approval 17 years 17 years Dissemination ASH Abstract (to be submitted) Issued warnings Dear Doctor letter; sales reps met with MD’s Network Tokyo, Germany, Sweden, Canada, US, UK US based Worldwide experience Funding Cochrane; Rand group; NHMRC Center for Clinical Research; NIH; CMS Internal Internal New Paradigm for Pharmacovigilance Clinical Trials Registries Referral Centers Databases Case Reports Independent Pharmacovigilance Center Information Synthesis; Epidemiology; Basic Science; Immunology; Pathology Dissemination Academic Presentations/Abstracts at National Medical Conferences Publications in Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals Cochrane Collaboration FDA MedWatch Reports FDA Alerts Company Other Company Alerts, Including Dear HCP Letters and Package Insert Updates Company Communication w/RADAR Eisenberg CenterConsumer Union Reports VA MedSafe CERTs DEcIDE Centers Evidence-Based Practice Center Reports R-01 Funded CERT Funded No Funding U-01 Funded FDA Funded (20%) Hematology and Oncology RADAR SERF-TTP Chicago Future Pharmacovigilance Efforts Acute Liver Failure Texas: UT Southwestern Dallas Pediatric University of North Carolina CERT Cardiovascular Duke CERT Ocular Toxicities Oregon Health and Sciences Q-T Cardiac Arrhythmia Arizona CERT GI Vanderbilt CERT Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Cardiology/GI/Peds/ID University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia CERT Data Coordinating Center FDA Physicians CERT Communication Center Nurses Pharmacists Conclusions Current pharmacovigilance methods have limitations Quality vs. Quantity Timing and dissemination Novel public-private collaborations are needed to improve ADR detection/reporting and improve patient safety