What is a Whole Grain? - Jacqueline Farrall Portfolio

Whole Grains
What is a
Whole Grain?
A whole grains means that
100% of the original kernel is
intact. It contains three layers;
the germ, the bran, and the
Choose foods with a whole
grain ingredient listed first on
the ingredient list (ie. whole
grain oats).
Whole Grains vs.
Refined Grains
Whole grains contain the entire kernel. When grains are
refined, the bran and germ are removed, leaving only the
endosperm. Without the bran and germ, the grain lacks
essential nutrients such as fiber, protein, and B vitamins.
Although some vitamins and minerals are added back to enrich
refined grains, our bodies don’t absorb enriched nutrients like it
does the whole food. Choosing whole grains over refined grains
is the recommended choice for optimal nutrition!
Common Whole Grain Foods
Brown rice
100% whole grain bread
Whole wheat pitas
Whole wheat pasta
Corn tortillas
Whole wheat crackers
Benefits of
Whole Grains
Dietary fiber is the non-digestible part of plant foods. It
is key for a healthy digestive system by helping to keep
us ‘regular’. Fiber also promotes satiety, and is
important for disease prevention.
There are two types of fiber:
Soluble fiber lowers blood sugar levels by slowing
absorption and reduces risk of heart disease by lowering
cholesterol. Examples of food items that contain
soluble fiber are oatmeal, nuts, beans and apples.
Insoluble Fiber helps food move through GI tract and
adds bulk to the stool. It promotes regularity and helps
us to feel full longer. Examples of food items that
contain insoluble fiber are whole grains, bran, legumes,
fruits and vegetables.
B Vitamins
B vitamins help with metabolism, the process your
body uses to make energy from the food you eat. While
each has its own functions, in general they also help
maintain healthy skin, hair and muscles; form red
blood cells; and promote healthy immune and nervous
system function.
Surprised to learn that many whole grains are a good
source of protein? The proteins in whole grains mesh
with those in beans and other plants to form complete
proteins. Your body can’t store protein, so you need to
eat some every day.