Regulation 22 – Domestic Wastewater Step 2: Application Form Section 22.5: Increasing / Decreasing the Design Capacity of an Existing Wastewater Treatment Facility Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Water Quality Control Division 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, B2 Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 3/22/2016 303-692-3500 DRAFT Regulation 22 Application Form Regulation 22 - Site Location and Design Approval Regulations for Domestic Wastewater Treatment Works A. Project and System Information System Name Project Title County Date Fee Paid or payment attached Invoice Number and Check Number Design Company Name Design Engineer CO License Number Address Email Phone Fax Applicant / Entity Representative Name/Title Address Email Phone Fax B. Type of Site Application Treatment Facility New Domestic Wastewater Treatment Works (Section 22.4 of Regulation 22) Existing Domestic Wastewater Treatment Works – Increasing or Decreasing Capacity (Section 22.5 of Regulation 22) For existing domestic wastewater treatment No Yes works, does the project include a new outfall? Amendment to Existing Site Location Approval Amendment of an Existing Site Location Approval – Disinfection Changes Only (Section 22.8(2)(b)(ii) of Regulation 22) Amendment of an Existing Site Location Approval – All other Amendment Requests (Section 22.8 Regulation 22) C. Project Information Location (existing or proposed site) Brief location description Legal Description (e.g., Township, Range) County Latitude Longitude Will a State or Federal grant or loan be sought to Funding finance any portion of the project (e.g., State Process Revolving Fund)? Lift Station New Lift Station (Section 22.7 of Regulation 22) Expansion of Existing Lift Station (Section 22.7 of Regulation 22) Interceptors Interceptor Sewers Not Eligible for Certification (Section 22.7 of Regulation 22) Certification for Eligible Interceptors (Section 22.6 of Regulation 22) Proposed Project Capacity Maximum Month Average Hydraulic Capacity in million MGD gallons per day (MGD) Peak Hour Hydraulic Capacity in million gallons per day (MGD) MGD Organic Capacity (lbs. BOD5/day) – Treatment Facility Only lbs. BOD5/day No Yes If yes, please list project number Project Schedule and Cost Estimate Estimated Bid Opening Date Estimated Completion Date Estimated Project Cost Revised March 2010 Page 1 of 8 Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Water Quality Control Division 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, B2 Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 3/22/2016 303-692-3500 DRAFT Regulation 22 – Domestic Wastewater Step 2: Application Form Section 22.5: Increasing / Decreasing the Design Capacity of an Existing Wastewater Treatment Facility Regulation 22 Application Form Section 22.5 of Regulation 22: Increasing or Decreasing the Design Capacity of an Existing Wastewater Treatment Facility Project and System Information Project Title System Name County CDPS Permit No. CDPS Permit Expiration Date Original site location approval number and date Treatment Facility Information 1. Existing Facility Process Overview a) Please describe the existing wastewater treatment facility process(es) b) Existing Facility Approved Capacities Existing Hydraulic Capacity: Maximum Month Average: million gallons per day (MGD) Peak Hour: million gallons per day (MGD) Existing Organic Capacity: Maximum Month Average lbs of BOD5/day c) Existing Facility – Current Flow and Loading 2. Current Flows: Maximum Month Average: million gallons per day (MGD) Percent of Existing Capacity: Peak Hour: million gallons per day (MGD) Percent of Existing Capacity: Current Organic Load: Maximum Month Average: lbs of BOD5/day Percent of Existing Capacity: Proposed Facility Process Overview a) Please describe the proposed wastewater treatment facility process(es) and any existing treatment process(es) or equipment being retained. Site Information 3. Vicinity maps of facility location which includes the following: a) 5 mile radius map: all wastewater treatment facilities, lift stations and domestic water supply intakes b) 1 mile radius map: habitable buildings, location of public and private potable water wells, an approximate indication of the topography, and neighboring land uses Revised March 2010 Page 2 of 8 4. Site Location Zoning a) Present zoning of the site location? b) Zoning within a one (1) mile radius of the site? 5. Floodplain or Natural Hazard Area a) Is the facility located in a 100-year floodplain or other natural hazard area? If so, what precautions are being taken? b) Has the floodplain been designated by the Colorado Water Conservation Board, Department of Natural Resources or other agency? If so, please list agency name and the designation. 6. Land Ownership a) Who owns the land upon which the facility will be constructed? Please attach copies of the document(s) creating authority for the applicant to construct the proposed facility at this site. 7. Nearby Facilities a) Please list all municipalities and water and/or sanitation districts within 5-miles downstream of the proposed wastewater treatment facility site. Treatment Facility Effluent Information 8. Effluent disposal method (please check all that apply) Surface Discharge to watercourse (enter watercourse name below) Groundwater Discharge Land application Treated Effluent Reuse (Regulation 84) Evaporation Other (describe below) 9. Preliminary Effluent Limits (please attach a copy in Engineering Report) a) Preliminary Effluent Limits date: b) Preliminary Effluent Limits expiration date: 10. Downstream Distances a) Downstream distance from the discharge point to the nearest domestic water supply intake? Name of supply? Address of supply? Distance: Name of Supply: Address of Supply: Revised March 2010 Page 3 of 8 10. cont b) Downstream Distance from the discharge point to the nearest other point of diversion? Name of user? Address of user? Distance: Name of User: Address of User: Project Information 11. a) What entity is financially responsible for the construction of the facility? 12. a) What entity has the financially responsibility for owning and long term operating expense of the proposed facility? 13. a) What entity has the responsibility for managing and operating the proposed facility after construction? Additional Factors 14. Please identify any additional factors that might help the Water Quality Control Division make an informed decision on your site location application. Revised March 2010 Page 4 of 8 Regulation 22 – Domestic Wastewater Step 2: Application Form Section 22.5: Applicant Certification and Review Agencies Recommendation Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Water Quality Control Division 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, B2 Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 303-692-3500 3/22/2016 DRAFT Applicant Certification and Review Agencies Recommendation Section 22.5 of Regulation 22: Increasing or Decreasing the Design Capacity of an Existing Wastewater Treatment Facility A. Project and System Information System Name Project Title County 1. Applicant Certification I certify that I am familiar with the requirement of Regulation 22 - Site Location and Design Approval Regulations for Domestic Wastewater Treatment Works, and have posted the site in accordance with the Regulations. An engineering report, as described by the regulations, has been prepared and is enclosed. Applicant Legal Representative (e.g., Public Works Director) Date Typed Name Signature The system legal representative is the legally responsible agent and decision-making authority (e.g. mayor, president of a board, public works director, owner). The Consulting Engineer is not the legal representative and cannot sign this form. 2. Recommendation of Review Agencies As required in Section 22.5(4) and referencing the procedure in Section 22.4(2), the application and the engineering report must be submitted to all appropriate local governments, 208 planning agencies and State agencies for review and comment prior to submittal to the Division. By signing below, the entity or agency: 1) acknowledges receipt of the proposed site location application, 2) has reviewed the proposed site location application and may elect to provide comments, and 3) has provided a recommendation concerning the application to the Division. The recommendation should be based on the factors outlined in Section 22.4(2); for example, on the consistency of the proposed site location application with the local comprehensive plan(s) as they relate to water quality and any adopted water quality management plans(s). Please note: Review agencies are encouraged to provide project comments; however, if a review agency does not recommend approval then the agency must attached a letter describing the reason for their decision or comment on the next page. Signature of Management Agency, if different from other entities listed below Role Date Typed Name / Agency Signature Recommend Approval? Yes Signature of County, if proposed facility is located in unincorporated areas of a county Role Date Typed Name / Agency Signature No Recommend Approval? Yes No Signature of City or Town, if site is located within three miles of the City/Town boundary (if multiple, attach additional sheets as needed) Role Date Typed Name / Agency Signature Recommend Approval? Signature of Local Health Authority Role Date Typed Name / Agency No Signature Recommend Approval? Revised March 2010 Yes Yes No Page 5 of 8 Signature of 208 Planning Agency Role Date Typed Name / Agency Signature Recommend Approval? Yes No Signature of Other State or Federal Agencies, if facility is located on or adjacent to a site that is owned or managed by a federal or state agency. Role Date Typed Name / Agency Signature Recommend Approval? Yes No Review Agency Comments: Revised March 2010 Page 6 of 8 Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Water Quality Control Division 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, B2 Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 3/22/2016 303-692-3500 DRAFT Regulation 22 – Domestic Wastewater Step 2: Completeness Checklist Section 22.5: Increasing / Decreasing the Design Capacity of an Existing Wastewater Treatment Facility Regulation 22 Application Completeness Checklist Section 22.5 of Regulation 22: Increasing or Decreasing the Design Capacity of an Existing Wastewater Treatment Facility Project and System Information Project Title System Name County Regulation 22 Citation 22.5(1) Submittal Requirements Site Application Forms including: - Signature of local authorities and 208 planning agency (see 22.5(4)) - Signature of responsible party of the proposed facility Engineering Report including Service Area Definition Applicant to fill out Included/Addressed Location in Site Location in Submittal? Submittal Yes/No/NA (page) Service Area Changes including: - Changes to existing service area 22.5 (2)(a) - Population changes Staging or phasing - Flow and loading projections Preliminary Effluent Limitations 22.5 (2)(b) Preliminary Effluent Limits: - Summary of PELs including issuance and expiration date - Pretreatment program or enforceable mechanism description, if applicable Existing Treatment Works 22.5 (2)(c) 22.5 (2) Analysis of the existing treatment works, including: - Loading - Capacities Performance Alternatives Analysis (including Consolidation) 22.5 (2)(d) Analysis of Alternatives Means to Treat, including: - Consolidation Analysis Selected Alternative Recommended Selected Alternative Description, including: - Treatment system description - Design capacities Operational staffing needs Financial information Financial system changes which will result from the proposed increase or decrease in design capacity, including 22.5 (2)(e) - Rate structure changes Implementation plan and schedule Implementation plan and schedule, including: 22.5 (2)(f) Revised March 2010 - Estimated construction time Estimated date upon which the modified plant will be in operation Page 7 of 8 22.5 (3) 22.5 (4) Geotechnical site conditions evaluation material Soils Report in design phase which states the selected site will support the proposed facility Site Application Review and Comments from: (a) Management Agency (b) County (c) City or Town (d) Local Health (e) 208 Planning Agency (f) Other state or federal agencies Revised March 2010 Page 8 of 8