Biology Honors Word List 1N / haploid 2N/ diploid 3N / triploid A,B,O blood types Abscisic acid Accessory Pigments Acquired characteristics Active Transport Adaptive Radiation Aerobic Alternation of Generations Ameba Anaerobic Analogous structures Anaphase Angiosperm Anther /Antheridium Anthophyta Antibodies Antiseptic Apical Dominance Apicomplexa Archaebacteria Archegonium Aristotle Artificial Selection Ascomycota Aseptic technique Asexual Reproduction Autogenous Theory Autoimmune disease Autosome Auxins B Cells Bacillariophyta Bacillus Bark Basidiomycota Binary Fission Bryophyta Capsid Capsule Cell Cycle Cell Mediated Immune System Cellulose Centrioles Centromeres Chitin Chorophyta Chromosome Mutation Ciliophora Cladogram Coccus Co-Dominant alleles Cohesion-Tension Theory Collenchyma Compound Leaf Coniferophyta Conjugation Conserved DNA Convergent Evolution Cork Cambium Cortex Cotyledon Crick Crossing Over Cuticle Cyanobacteria Cytokinesis Cytokinins Cytotoxic T Cells Darwin Dendrochronologist Deuteromycota Dichotomous Key Dicots Differentiation Dihybrid Dinoflagellates Diploid Cells Disinfectant Divergent Evolution Domain Double Fertilization Double stranded chromosome Embryo / Embryology Endosperm Endospores Endosymbiotic Theory Epicotyl Epidemiology Ethylene Eubacteria Eugelnophyta Euglena Eukaryotic Facultative Fairy Ring Fibrous Root Filament / Filiamentous Flower Anatomy G1 and G2 Phase Gametophyte Generation Gene therapy Genetic Drift Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Genotype Ratio Geographic Isolation Germ Cell Germ Cell Mutation Germination Gibberellic acid Gradualism Gram Stain Gravitropism Ground tissue Guard Cell Gymnosperm Halophiles Haploid Cell Hardy – Weinberg Theorem of Equilibrium Heterozygous Hierarchy Hilum Histones Homologous Homozygous Humoral Immune System Hyphae Hypocotyl Imbibition Incomplete Dominance Inflammatory Response Inoculate Inversion IPMAT K, P, C, O, F, G, S Jenner Karyogamy Karyotype Kinetochore Koch’s Postulates LaMarck Law of Dominance Law of Independent Assortment Law of Segregation Linnaeus Longitudinally Lysogenic Cycle Lytic Cycle M Phase Macrophage Meiosis I and Meiosis II Mendel Meristematic Cell / Tissue Metaphase Methanogens Micropyle Miller Mitosis Monocots Monohybrid Monosomy Multiple Alleles Mutation (gene and chromosome) Mutualism Myxomycota Nastic Movement Natural Selection Non-disjuction Obligate Oparin Osmosis Ovary Ovum Paleontology Palisade Layer Paramecium Parenchyma Parthenogenesis Passive transport Pasteur Pathogen Pedigree Pellicle Peptidoglycan Pericycle Pestle Petal Phaeophyta Phagocytes / Phagocytosis Phenotype Ratio Phloem Phototropism Phylogenetic Trees Phylogeny Phytoplankton Pili Pistil Plasma Cells Plasmid Plasmogamy Point Mutation Pollen / Pollination Pressure-Flow Hypothesis Primary Growth Primary Immune Response Prion Prokaryotic Prophage Prophase Protozoa (phylum) Provirus Pseudopodia Pteridophyta Punctuated Equilibrium Punnett Square Radicle Ratios (genotype and phenotype) Redi Retro Viruses Reverse Transcriptase Rhesus factor Rhizoid Rhizome Rhodophyta Ring of Inhibition Root Cap Root hair S Phase Sarcomastigophora Sargassum Schlerenchyma Secondary growth Secondary Immune Response Seed Sepal Sessile Sex-influenced Sex-linked Sexual Reproduction Simple Leaf Simple Stain Sink Somatic Cell Somatic Cell Somatic Mutation Source Spallanzani Speciation Spindle Fibers Spirillum Spongy Layer Spore / Sporulation Spore Cases Sporophyte Generation Stanley Starch Stem Cells (embryonic / adult) Stigma Stipe / Stalk Stomata Stratigraphy Style T Cells Taproot Taxonomy Telophase Tetrad Thallus Theory of Natural Selection Thermoacidophiles Transduction Transformation Translocation Transpiration Trisomy Urey Vaccine Vascular Bundle Vascular Cambium Vegetative Reproduction Vestigial structures Viroid Watson Xylem Zone of Cell Division Zone of Elongation Zone of Maturation Zooplankton Zygomycota Zygote m & m Review for Chapter #8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Compare and Contrast the purpose of, the location of and chromosome number of Mitosis & Meiosis Know the anatomy a chromosome Know the stages of Mitosis, be able to label the structures in a cell Know the difference between Plant & Animal Telophase Know the stages of Meiosis, be able to label the structures in a cell Be able to read a Karyotype Explain why mitotic reproduction is beneficial in parthenogenic organisms such as aphids Explain why parthenogenic organisms, such as aphids, also need to reproduce by meiosis Evolution Unit Chapters #14, #15, & #16 1. Do you know the sequencing of major events in evolution? 2. Can you describe the arguments concerning the evolution of giraffes’ neck length according to Darwin? according to LaMarck? 3. What is the difference between Convergent Evolution and Divergent Evolution? 4. How do genetic mutations contribute to evolution? 5. What is the relationship between Adaptive Radiation, speciation and island distance from the Mainland? 6. How are the Punctuated Equilibrium & Gradualism Theories similar, how are they different? 7.Can you describe the physical conditions of Early Earth? 8.What tools are used (besides fossils) to study evolution pathways? 9.Do you know the contributions from the following scientists? 10.Miller, Oparin, Pasteur, Redi, Spalanzani, Urey 11.According to the H-W Theorem, under what conditions will a population NOT evolve? Taxonomy Unit Chapter #17 1. What is the difference between Artificial Selection and Natural Selection? How are they both similar? 2. What could occur in Nature to start speciation? (mechanisms that drive speciation) 3. What could occur to drive (mechanisms) a species to extinction? 4. What is the taxonomic hierarchy ? 5. Can you correctly write a scientific name? What does a subspecies infer (mean)? 6. Can you read a phylogenetic tree? A dichotomous key? A cladogram? 7. Do you know the biological definition of species? 8. Do you know why Aristotle’s classification system did not work? 9. What did Linnaeus contribute to taxonomy? Immunity Unit Chapter #47 1. Do you know the difference between B-Cell and T-Cell immunity? The difference between Cell-Mediated and Humoral Immunity? 2. Do you know the function of each part of the immune system? 3. What is the difference between active and passive immunity? What are examples of each? 4. What are the steps in determining the causative agent of a disease? (Koch’s Postulates) 5. What were the accomplishments of edward Jenner? Louis Pasteur? Fungus Unit Chapter #26 1. Can you name the Kingdom and Domain of Fungi? 2. Can you name the 3 main fungi phyla AND give examples of fungi that would belong to each phylum? Canyou name the biological study of fungi? 3. Do you know the benefits of fungi? the harmful affects? 4. Do you know the growing conditions of most Fungi? 5. Do you know the different types of Heterotrophism of the fungi? 6. Do you know the Anatomy & function of a….Mushroom? … a Bread Mold? 7. Do you know the advantage for Fungus by making spores by the process of … Mitosis? …….Meiosis? 8. Can you read a life cycle of the Fungus Among Us? Protist Unit Chapter #25 1. What are the characteristics of the Kingdom Protista? 2. Do you know the benefits of protists? The detrimental affect of protists? 3. Do you know the various phyla and their characteristics? Can you give examples for each phyla? 4. Do you know the vocab describing locomotion, habitat, growth pattern & reproduction? 5. Can you read a generic Alternation of Generation Life Cycle concerning multicelluar protists? Genetics Test Chapters #9 and #12 1. Know the 4 Mendelian Laws and how they apply to current genetics 2. Know Genetics Vocabulary and how to use it to solve ….. A. Monohybrid Story Problem B. Dihybrid Story Problem C. Multiple Alleles Story Problem D. Sex- Linked Story Problem E. Incomplete Dominance / Co-Dominance F. Be able to read a Pedigree 3. Be able to read various Karyotypes from human, somatic cell, germ cell, monosomy, trisomy, disomy 4. Mutation – know definition A. Know the different types of chromosome mutation (inversion, translocation , deletion, non-disjunction.) B. Know the different types of point mutations (substitution, deletion, insertion) and if it leads to a frameshift Bacteria and Virus Unit Chapters #23 and #24 1. What is the difference between Archaebacteria and Eubacteria? 2. What does a simple stain (you used Crystal Violet to make a simple stain slide in lab) tell the bacteriologist? What does a gram stain tell the bacteriologist? 3. What are some beneficial aspects of bacteria? What are some beneficial uses of viruses? 4. What are harmful / detrimental aspects of bacteria? What are harmful / detrimental aspects of viruses? 5. Do you know how to ……… Make a smear?, Fix a slide?, Destain a slide? Inoculate a Petri dish?, Incubate a Petri dish? Use aseptic technique? Count and accurately describe the colonies growing in a Petri dish? Determine the affect of a disinfectant, antiseptic or antibiotic by the Ring of Inhibition? 6. What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction? What does the term recombination mean? 7. What are 2 examples of sexual reproduction in bacteria? What is an advantage and disadvantage of sexual reproduction? 8. What is an example of asexual reproduction in bacteria? What is an advantage and disadvantage of asexual reproduction? 9. Do you know the basic anatomy and functions of a …………… Bacterium cell? Virus particle? 10. What is the difference between the Lytic Cycle & the Lysogenic Cycle? 11. Do you know the …………………………………. Steps of the Lytic Cycle? Steps of the Lysogenic Cycle? 12. Can you explain why viruses are not considered to be living organisms? 13. Do you know the scientists (Stanley and Pasteur) and their contribution to bacteriology and virology? Plant Unit Chapters#27, #28, #29, #30, #31 1. Can you give the characteristics of a plant and explain its role in Nature? 2. Explain how terrestrial plants have had to adapt to land? 3. What is meant by a non-vascular seedles plant? Can you give an example of this plant? Can you read a life cycle? To what phylum would it belong? 4. What is meant by a vascular seedless plant? Can you give an example of this plant Can you read a life cycle? To what phylum would it belong? 5. What is meant by a vascular seeded plant? Can you give an example of this plant? Can you read a life cycle? What 2 phyla have vascular seeded plants? 6. In the Anthophyta Phylum, what is the difference between a monocot and a dicot? 7. Do you know the anatomy / function of ………. A monocot root? A dicot root? A monocot stem? A dicot herbaceous stem? A dicot woody stem? A monocot leaf? A dicot leaf? A monocot flower? A dicot flower? A monocot seed? A dicot seed? 8. Do you know the different plant hormones and what they control in the plant? 9. Do you know the different types of tropisms and when they are + or -? 10. Can you explain Cohesion –Tension Theory ? 11. Can you explain the Pressure-Flow Hypothesis? 12. Do you know about the fast growing Wisconsin plant Brassica? Do you know its Kingdom, Phylum & Class? 13. Do you know the role of the various organs and tissues of the plant in the process of photosynthesis?