kurzweil intro powell river - SET

developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Kurzweil Introduction
SD #47
Powell River
November 9th, 2015
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Goals for this session:
To increase your comfort level with Kurzweil
You will walk away with at least ONE new piece of knowledge and the skill set
to use technology that is available to you
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Learning Styles
Main tool bar
Reading Tools
Study-skills tools
Writing tools
The Writing Process
Where to find resources
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Learning Style
Auditory Learner
If you are an auditory learner, you learn by
hearing and listening. You understand and
remember things you have heard. You store
information by the way it sounds, and you have an
easier time understanding spoken instructions
than written ones. You often learn by reading out
loud because you have to hear it or speak it in
order to know it.
As an auditory learner, you probably hum or talk
to yourself or others if you become bored. People
may think you are not paying attention, even
though you may be hearing and understanding
everything being said.
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Learning Style
Visual Learner
If you are a visual learner, you learn by reading or
seeing pictures. You understand and remember things
by sight. You can picture what you are learning in your
head, and you learn best by using methods that are
primarily visual. You like to see what you are learning.
As a visual learner, you are usually neat and clean.
You often close your eyes to visualize or remember
something, and you will find something to watch if you
become bored. You may have difficulty with spoken
directions and may be easily distracted by sounds. You
are attracted to color and to spoken language (like
stories) that is rich in imagery.
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What is Kurzweil 3000?
Kurzweil 3000 is an integrated scan and read software program that provides
multisensory access to reading material with powerful tools for reading, writing, testtaking and learning.
Kurzweil 3000 does not teach reading and writing, it is a tool that provides a digital
text-to-speech environment for implementing proven reading, writing and learning
Where will you be able to ACCESS Kurzweil?
PC or MAC Computer with Kurzweil and earbuds/headphone.
What are you presently using Kurzweil for in school?
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Kurzweil is used for many reasons :
to read aloud
Track words or phrases silently
Magnify text for low vision
Allow electronic note extraction from text to minimize fine motor
• Support the writing pathway/process
• Word prediction for writing/motor support
• Spell-check / edit features
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Launch Kurzweil
• Double-click on icon.
• Examine the four TOOLBARS:
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Your Toolbars looks like this:
You can open and close them by clicking on the RED (main), YELLOW
(reading), GREEN (Study Skills), or BLUE (writing) side tabs.
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Red is the Main toolbar
access frequently used general functions
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Reference tools:
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Read the Web icon:
Click the Read the Web icon in the Main toolbar.
The web browser opens and connects to your home page.
In Internet Explorer, the Kurzweil 3000 Read the Web toolbar appears at the
bottom of the browser.
In Firefox, the Read the Web toolbar appears below the browser toolbars. Use
Internet Explorer to read Math and Science notation.
Click the Read button to begin reading.
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Reading Documents
Click the Open button on the Main Toolbar (red line) to open the sample document Time
Travel. o Open Sample Documents Time Travel.kes
The General Toolbar contains the following buttons. Experiment with each button in the
Time Travel document
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Yellow is the Reading toolbar
access frequently used reading tools
Reading Voice – specify the voice you want.
Reading Mode – Specify how you want Kurzweil 3000 to read.
Reading Unit – Specify how much text to highlight as Kurzweil 3000
is reading.
Reading Speed – Specify the speed with which you want to read.
Zoom Level – Enlarge or reduce the view.
Page – Go forward/Backward a page or specify the page number to
go to.
Thumbnail view – Show all page thumbnails in the document. Click
the thumbnail of the page you want to go to.
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Experiment with each button in the Time Travel document.
You will find
• VOICE CHOICES (Paul and Julie rule!!!!)
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Customizing the TOOLBARS
• You may have noticed by
now that some people have
different icons on their
KURZWEIL allows for easy adjustment of toolbars in order to
personalize the environment to the user.
You may want to ADD icons or DELETE icons from your toolbar…….
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Your turn to try customizing the toolbar:
• From TOOLS drop-down menu
1. Customize
2. Apply Toolbar Sets
• Now add the icons below to MAIN toolbar
REMINDER: (Right click on grey area, find icons, press uparrow, press apply and ok)
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Green is Study Skills toolbar.
To highlight or circle text: Select the text to highlight or circle, then
click the desired color Highlighter pen or Circle tool in the Study Skills
toolbar. OR click the color Highlighter or Circle tool first, then select the
To erase highlights or circles: Select the text that has color
highlighting or circling, then click the Eraser in the Study Skills toolbar. OR
click the Eraser first, then select the highlighted or circled text.
To find highlighted or circled text: Open the Edit menu, select Object
from the Find submenu. In the Find Object dialog, select Highlight. Click
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Green is Study Skills toolbar.
Create a Sticky or Text Note: Sticky and Text Notes are available only in image
documents. Click the Sticky Note or Text Note button in the Study Skills toolbar.
Click in the text where you want to place the note. Type in the note, click outside
the note when you are finished.
Create a Footnote: Click in the document where you want to place the Footnote
marker. Click the Footnote button in the Study Skills toolbar. In an image
document, a number marker appears in the note location and the Footnote
window opens. In a text document, the text closest to the note changes to blue
underlined text and a number appears next to the note. Type in the Footnote
window. When you are finished, click the Close Footnote button in the Study
Skills toolbar.
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Your turn to try Study skills!
Use the Open button
on the General Toolbar to access the Sample
Documents folder and open the document Time Travel.
• Set the Reading Mode to Continuous and the Reading Unit to Sentence and
read the entire document. If it is too slow, increase the reading speed.
• Click the Yellow Highlight tool on the
Study Skills Toolbar to turn it on.
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Studying with Kurzweil
1. Open - Sample Documents – Open – Time Travel.kes – Open
2. Make KURZWEIL read the document.
Select yellow highlighter from Study Skills toolbar.
4. Click and drag to highlight text.
5. Try using green, pink, blue highlighters.
As you move the mouse cursor back onto the page, the arrow pointer should look like a marker.
• Highlight the following vocabulary words by double clicking or by holding the left mouse button down and
dragging over the word with the marker:
o physicist
o black hole
o ergo sphere
o gravitational
• Hint: You could also select the word first with the mouse. Then turn the Highlight Tool on to highlight it.
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Extracting highlighted vocab. to a new file.
• On the Main Menu, go to File and choose Extract -Extract Notes and
Highlights. Make sure yellow is checked off. Click OK.
• These vocabulary words will be extracted into a separate file
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Finding Definitions for Vocabulary
• In the new file, use the Definition
button on the General Toolbar to
find the appropriate definition for each word. Make sure that you highlight
or move the cursor in front of the word to find its definition.
• Select the appropriate definition (with the mouse).
• Students can use their own vocabulary and definitions list to study for the
upcoming Quiz.
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Blue is Writing toolbar.
Font type
Font size
Alignment / Justification (left, right, centre)
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Blue is Writing toolbar.
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Your turn to try writing!
Click the New button on the General Toolbar to open a new blank document.
• Type a few lines of sample text.
• Who are you?
• What’s something about yourself (a skill that you have)?
• Try the Reading, Definition, Synonym, Syllables, and Spell buttons on the General
Toolbar with your typed text. Do all the buttons work with your text?
Change the font. Bold it all (bold one word). Make it single-spaced/doublespaced. Center it all.
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Have Kurzweil read what you wrote:
• Place cursor at the beginning of what you wrote.
• Click on read arrow on MAIN toolbar.
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Adjusting the typing echo
On the Main Menu, go to Tools - Options and click on General at the
• Under Speak as Typing, check the boxes for Whole Words and Whole
• Click Apply and OK.
• Go back to your document and type more text.
• You should hear the words and sentences echoed as you type.
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Word processing
The following buttons, located on the Writing Toolbar, behave the same
as in an ordinary word processor. Experiment with each button.
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
• WRITING PROCESS……from Brainstorming, to Outlines to
Split Screen, to a Final Draft and Review!
The Yellow Brick Road
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a graphic organizer that lets you quickly collect and organize your thoughts.
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Close all open Kurzweil files.
• Click the Start Writing button in the Writing Toolbar to start a new
Brainstorm Web. When the New File Options window pops up, select
New Brainstorm and Blank and click OK.
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The Main Idea bubble appears in the document.
Replace the Main Idea text by double clicking the text and type in a
main idea. In this example, type the word Vacation.
• Click the Vacation bubble. A small square will appear in each corner.
• Click the Quick Takes icon on the Brainstorm Palette.
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• A red lightning bolt arrow appears to the right of the word.
This lets you know that the Quick Takes is active.
• Type additional thoughts related to Vacation:
o Type Hiking next to the red lightning bolt arrow and press enter.
o Type Camp next to the red lightning bolt arrow and press enter.
o Type Farm next to the red lightning bolt arrow and press enter.
Click on the text of Camp to add a subtopic. Click Quick Takes and type o
Bitten by wasps
o Rode horse
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• Click the Arrange button in the palette to organize the thoughts.
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• Change the subtopic information to different shapes and colours.
Click Hiking. From the palette click the Rectangle button to change
the shape.
• Click the Fill Colour palette button to change the colour.
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• Click the bitten by wasps bubble and select the Note button from the
Brainstorm Palette. A blank Note Window opens. o Type “five bites,
lots of swelling, spent three hours in the hospital”.
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• Switch to the Outline. From the Writing Toolbar click on Outline . Any
topics, subtopics or notes from Brainstorm are moved into Outline. You
can see from the following example that the notes are organized in a
hierarchical fashion.
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• The Outline Palette opens when you are in Outline. The Outline
Palette allows you to make changes to the type of numbering (prefix
label), topics, subtopics or add notes.
• Note: Any changes that you make in Outline will also be changed in
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
Split Screen
• Brainstorm and Outline are part of the pre-writing process. In Split
Screen View, students begin the drafting process.
• Click the Split Screen View icon in the Writing Toolbar.
• Note that the screen is split in two. The outline notes are on the left
hand side. You cannot work with these here. You will need to highlight
them and drag them to the right side of the screen so that further
editing can be done i.e., adding capitals, punctuation, additional
thoughts, creating full sentences etc.
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Split Screen
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Switch from Brainstorm to Other Views:
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Review List (Editing)
• With the Split Screen View go to Main Menu  Write 
click the Review Writing icon in the Writing Toolbar.
Review or
• A Review Checklist opens to the left of the Outline in the Split Screen
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Kurzweil Supported files
• Kurzweil 3000 Supported File Formats
• Kurzweil 3000 and Kurzweil 1000 (.KES) text and image
• Text files (.TXT)
• Rich Text Format (.RTF)
• Microsoft Word files (.DOC)
• Microsoft Office 2007 (.DOCX)
• Image Files (.TIF, .BMP, .JPG)
• Portable Document Format (.PDF)
• Compressed DAISY (.BKS)
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Keyboard shortcuts
Open document: CTRL+O
Close document: CTRL+F4
Save document: CTRL+S
Next page: press CTRL+E
Previous page: press CTRL+R.
Go to page: press CTRL+G
Show/hide Main toolbar: CTRL+SHIFT+F9
Show/hide Reading toolbar: CTRL+SHIFT+F10
Show/hide Study Skills toolbar: CTRL+SHIFT+F11
Show/hide Show/hide Writing toolbar: CTRL+SHIFT+F12
developing PARTNERSHIPS  building CAPACITY  supporting STUDENTS  implementing TECHNOLOGY
SET BC Kurzweil Self-directed course
The course is self-guided and self-paced and while each
module builds on the previous one, modules can be
completed individually as needed.
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Accessible Resource Centre
• Providing BC Educators
with Alternate Format
Materials for their Students
with Perceptual Disabilities
• From this site, you can
download kesi (kurzweil)
files of novels and texts to
use with your students.
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After Share: SD # 28
My After Share website.
Curriculum SET at SET BC for Kurzweil files:
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• Click to add content
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