Causes of Revolution Review Sheet

Midterm Review: Causes of the American Revolution
Word Association
Separation of powers
Believed on the power to govern
should be divided among the
monarch and two houses of
French Philosopher,
Bill of Rights, Constitution,
Enlightenment, Freedom of
Wrote “Philosophical Letters”
praising British institutions and
rights. Wrote against religious
intolerance and persecution.
Sugar Act
Foreign Import, Tax
Taxation without representation
British Policy designed to raise
more income from the colonies
and to have them pay tax for
imported molasses.
Intolerable Acts
Closing Ports, Forbidden town
meetings, reducing powers,
Punishment, last straw
Natural Rights
Life, Liberty, and Property,
Declaration of Independence,
To punish Boston and all of
Massachusetts, coercive acts
extended Canada’s boundary
south to the Ohio river, stripped
Mass., Virginia and Connecticut
of their claims to Western land
Rights that belong to people
simply because they are human.
Stamp Act
Tax on printed material, Internal
tax, taxation without
Law passed by British parliament
which taxed newspapers, legal
documents, and other printed
materials in the colonies.
Salutary Neglect
British benefit, self govt.,
Ignoring colonies, allows
freedom to developments.
Great Britain’s policy in the early
1700’s of not interfering in the
American colonies policies and
economy as long as such neglect
served British economic interest.
Common Sense
Thomas Paine
Pamphlet by Thomas Paine
called for American
independence from Britain.
Natural rights, consent of the
governed, enlightenment
John Locke’s ideas influenced
the Dec. of Independence, State
and constitution and the U.S.
Social contract pro, declaration
philosopher, enlightenment
Another French philosopher. He
argued that the gov’t by the
consent of the gov’t influences
the declaration of independence.