Computer Architecture - Kirkwood Community College

Computer Architecture
First: a fake one
The Pep/8 Computer
• Simulated computer system
• Has features in common with many real
• Illustrates fundamental concepts that apply
to most systems
Pep/8 “hardware” components
Main memory
I/O devices
Pep/8 CPU
• “Electronics” that comprise the Pep/8
instruction set:
– Control unit
• Registers: specialized high-speed memory
Pep/8 registers
• Status register (NZVC) contains 4 bits;
values set by results of various operations:
– N bit: set when a result is negative
– Z bit: set when a result is 0
– V bit: set when an overflow occurs
– C bit: set when a carry occurs
• Accumulator (A): 16-bit register; contains
result of an operation
Pep/8 registers that communicate
with main memory
• Index (X) used for accessing array
elements; 16 bits
• Program Counter (PC) is used to keep
track of current instruction; 16 bits
• Instruction Register (IR): 24-bit register
that holds the current instruction
• Stack Pointer (SP): keeps track of runtime
stack; 16 bits
Main memory
• Aka core memory
• 65,536 8-bit bytes, addressed from 0000
(top address) to FFFF (bottom address)
• Word: specific # of bytes, usual working
storage unit size
– Pep/8 has 16-bit word; this accounts for the
size of most of the registers
– Address of a word is the lower (in value) of
the two bytes
Addresses vs. Contents
• Both are 16 bits, but address never means
data, and content never means address
(unless we’re talking about pointers, which
we’re not, for now)
• The bit sequence stored in a word of
memory could be interpreted as an
instruction or as one of several types of
data – as far as memory is concerned, it’s
just bits
Input devices
• Pep/8 simulates 2:
– Keyboard
– File
• In a particular program, you can use
either, but not both
Output devices
• Same sort of rules as input; 2 supported,
but only one at a time:
– Screen
– Text file
Flow of Data & Control
• All data flow through memory en route to
and from CPU:
• Control signals originate in the CPU;
processor controls all other parts of
• In general, the instruction set is wired into the
– Varies among manufacturers
– May also vary within a specific manufacturer’s set of
platforms (e.g. IBM)
• Pep/8 Instruction set
– 32 instructions; 1 or 2-part
– All instructions have a 1-byte instruction specifier; 2part instructions have this, plus a 16-bit operand
Pep/8 Instruction Specifier Format
• Each instruction specifier is composed of:
– 4-bit opcode: determines which instruction will
be executed
– 1-bit register specifier: determines whether
the instruction affects the accumulator (O=A)
or index register (1=X)
– 3-bit addressing mode specifier (ignored if
instruction is unary)
Pep/8 Addressing Modes
• Immediate: operand specifier contains operand
• Direct: operand specifier is address of memory
word containing operand
• Indirect: operand specifier is address of memory
address containing address of operand
• Stack relative: operand specifier contains offset
to add to SP - specifies memory address
• and 4 others
Character I/O
• I/O devices based on ASCII set
• Interpretation/encoding of data occurs in
I/O devices, not memory
Pep/8 op codes
• The next several slides introduce some of the
Pep/8 op codes
• The instructions described either use no
addressing, or direct addressing mode:
– The operand specifier contains the memory address
of the operand
– Memory is treated as an array, with the number in the
operand specifier acting as the array address
• We will look at some instructions that use other
addressing modes later on
Op code 0000
• Stop execution:
– Halts execution of current program
– Ignores all bits except op code
– Hex version is 0x where x is any value < 8
(but is most often written 00)
Data movement instructions
• 1100: memory to register transfer (LOAD)
– Loads 1 word (2 bytes) from specified
memory to specified register
– Register involved is A or X
– affects N & Z bits
• 1110: register to memory transfer
– Stores content of A or X to specified memory
LOAD examples
hex instruction: C1004A
binary expansion:
1100 0001 0000 0000 0100 1010
op code
address to read from
addressing mode: 1 means direct
register: 0 means A, 1 means X
hex instruction: C97F43
1100 1001
Load from address 7F43 to X register
Effects of LOAD instruction on
status bits
• If the data contained at the source address
is negative, N bit is set (to 1); if not, it is
cleared (to 0)
• If the data is 0, the Z bit is set; otherwise, it
is cleared
STORE instruction: examples
Hex code: E9004A
1110 1001 0000 0000 0100 1010
opcode: STORE
Use register X
with direct addressing
Write data from index register to address 004A
Hex code: E1621C
First 8 bits: 1110 0001
opcode: STORE direct addressing
register A
Write data from accumulator to address 621C
Byte-size data transfer: variations
• 1101: load byte to register
– Loads data into right (lower) half of A or X
– Leave upper (left) half unchanged
• 1111: store byte to memory (from
register): stores lower half of A or X to
specified byte of memory
Hex code: D1004A
Load byte (opcode 1101) to accumulator (0), using direct addressing
(001) from memory address 004A
Hex code: D92F0c
Op code: 1101
Destination: 1 (X)
Addressing mode: 001
Source: 2F0C
Hex code: D9004A
Op code: 1101
Source: X
Addressing mode: 001
Hex code: D11234
Op code:
Addressing mode:
Arithmetic operations: ADD
• 0111: Add operand to register
• Examples:
– 71004A: add value stored at 004A to
• Opcode: 0111
• Register: 0 (A)
• Mode: 01 (direct)
– 7922FA: add value at 22FA to X
Effects of ADD on status bits:
• If sum is negative, N set to 1; otherwise,
cleared to 0
• If sum is 0, sets Z; clears otherwise
• If overflow occurs, V is set, else cleared
• If carry from MSB, C set, else cleared
Arithmetic operations: SUB
• 1000: subtract from register
– Value from specified address subtracted from
specified register (A or X)
• Examples:
– 89004A: subtract value in 004A from X
• Opcode: 00100
• Register: 1
• Mode: 01
– 8102B3: subtract value in 02B3 from A
Effects of SUB on status bits
• N: set if result (stored in register) negative,
cleared if not
• Z: set if result 0, cleared if not
• V: set if overflow
• C: set if borrow in MSB
Shift operations
• 0001 110r ASL (shift register left)
• 0001 111r ASR (shift right)
• Shift is a unary operation: affects register
• No addressing mode used
• Examples:
– 1C performs ASL on A
– 1F performs ASR on X