Circulatory System Worksheet

Standard Deviant: The circulatory system
1. The cardiovascular system delivers…
a. oxygen and nutrients to cells
b. removes carbon dioxide from cells
c. removes metabolic wastes from cells.
d. a & b only
e. a, b, & c
f. none of these
Notes: all (26 min)
2. Which of the following is not part of the cardiovascular system
a. heart
b. blood vessels
c. blood
d. lungs
3. There are more than ___ miles of blood vessels in the human body!
a. 60
b. 600
c. 6,000
d. 60,000
4. Which of the following is not a blood vessels of the cardiovascular system.
a. Arteries
b. myocardium
c. capillaries
d. veins
5. Arteries…
a. Usually carry oxygen-rich nutrient-rich blood to the cells.
b. Usually carry oxygen-poor nutrient-poor blood to the heart.
c. Site of gas exchange in tissues and cells.
d. Prevent the back flow of blood.
6. Veins…
a. Usually carry oxygen-rich nutrient-rich blood to the cells.
b. Usually carry oxygen-poor nutrient-poor blood to the heart.
c. Site of gas exchange in tissues and cells.
d. Prevent the back flow of blood.
7. Capillaries…
a. Usually carry oxygen-rich nutrient-rich blood to the cells.
b. Usually carry oxygen-poor nutrient-poor blood to the heart.
c. Site of gas exchange in tissues and cells.
d. Prevent the back flow of blood.
8. Which of the following is not a component of blood?
a. Water
b. dissolved fat
c. erythrocytes
9. Plasma…
a. Is a component of blood
b. Mostly composed of water and dissolved proteins
c. Consists of formed elements and cell bits.
d. leukocytes
e. platelets
d. a & b only
e. a, b, & c
F. none of these
10. Which of the following is false regarding erythrocytes
a. Also called red blood cells
c. carry carbon dioxide
b. Carry oxygen
d. is a part of the plasma that makes up blood.
11. Leukocytes…
a. Help fight against infection
b. helps with blood clotting
c. transports hormones and nutrients
d. have a life span of just 4 months
12. Which of the following is not a function of blood?
a. transporting gases, hormones, nutrients, and wastes between cells and tissues
b. regulates body temperature by absorbing and distributing heat.
c. Makes new red blood cells every 4 months.
d. maintains proper fluid volume in the body.
13. Hemoglobin…
a. Gives blood its red color.
c. a & b only
b. Is a protein.
d. a, b & c
c. Is a component of the red blood cells that transports the oxygen and carbon dioxide.
14. Which of the following is false regarding the red blood cell?
a. One red blood cell will make a complete trip through the entire body in 20 seconds!
b. Red blood cells help fight infection against viruses and bacteria.
c. It lives for only 4 months.
d. One red blood cell circulates the entire body about 250,000 round trips in its life span.
15. Which of the following is false regarding the heart?
a. It weighs 11 pounds
b. Your PMI or point of maximal intensity is the part of your chest where you can directly feel your
c. It is divided into 4 chambers.
d. Is covered by a double layered sac.
16. Which of the following is false regarding Atherosclerosis?
a. It is the accumulation of fat along the inner walls of the arteries. This build up is called plaque and
over time, the plaque hardens which stiffens and narrows the arteries causing a rise in blood
pressure further damaging the artery walls.
b. Causes the heart has to work harder to pump blood through the narrowed and hardened arteries.
c. Can form blood clots faster than they are dissolved. If the clot becomes dislodge and gets stuck in
a smaller artery the nearby tissue can’t get any nutrients. A large clot stuck in the heart causes a
heart attack! A large clot stuck in the brain causes a stroke.
d. All are true.
17. Put the Path of blood in order.
___. Superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, and coronary sinus poor oxygen-poor blood into the right atrium.
___. Oxygen-poor blood enters the right ventricle.
___. Oxygen-poor blood is pumped into the pulmonary trunk.
___. Oxygen-poor blood enters the pulmonary arteries.
___. Oxygen-poor blood enters the lungs to release carbon dioxide and pick up oxygen.
___. Oxygen-rich blood enters the pulmonary veins.
___. Oxygen-rich blood enters the left atrium.
___. Oxygen-rich blood enters the left ventricle.
___. Oxygen-rich blood is pumped to the aorta to the rest of the body.
True or false – read each statement. If the statement is true, write “TRUE”. If false, correct the underlined
word so that is reads true.
______________________________ 1. Arteries of the lower body, found below the heart, are equipped
with valves to prevent the back flow because it flows against the
force of gravity.
______________________________ 2. A health heart has a blood pressure of 140 mmHg.
______________________________ 3. When the ventricles contract this is called ventricular systole
creating the systolic blood pressure (120 mmHg).
______________________________ 4. When the atrium relax, this is called ventricular diastole creating
diastolic blood pressure (80 mmHg).
______________________________ 5. Coronary arteries brings oxygen-poor blood to the tissues of the
______________________________ 6. Coronary veins drain oxygen-rich blood from the tissues of the
Matching – all answered will be used only once. More questions on the next page.
___ 7. “choked chest” results from spasms that block the coronary
artery and cuts of blood supply to the myocardium causing chest
pain and pressure.
___ 8. Blood vessels that carry blood from the capillaries back to the
heart, usually oxygen-poor. 65% of blood is found here.
___ 9. Blood vessels that form a dense networks found in all tissues of
the human body. So tiny that red blood cells can pass only one
at a time!
___ 10. Hearts rates that are abnormally slow, under 60 beats per
___ 11. Hearts rates that are higher than 100 beats per minutes. If
persists for along period of time the heart will beat erratically
and eventually stop functioning.
___ 12. High blood pressure. Having a systolic pressure more than 140
mmHg and a diastolic pressure more than 90 mmHg. Can be
caused by a number of factors all resulting in an increased
resistance to blood flow in vessels. When the pressure is higher,
it is harder for blood to flow.
___ 13. Prevents back flow of blood from the pulmonary trunk into the
right ventricle.
___ 14. Prevents the back flow of blood from the aorta into the left
Angina pectoris
Aortic semilunar valves
Biscuspid valve
Left atrium
Left ventricle
Myocardial infarction
Pulmonary semilunar valves
Right atrium
Right ventricle
___ 15. The blood vessel that transport blood away from the heart,
usually oxygen-rich.
___ 16. The bottom chambers of the heart responsible for pumping
blood out of the heart.
___ 17. The chamber of the heart that receives oxygen-poor blood from
3 major blood vessels (superior vena cava, inferior vena cava,
and coronary sinus).
___ 18. The chamber of the heart that receives oxygen-rich blood from
the lungs.
___ 19. The covering around the heart
___ 20. The covering around the heart that anchors the heart and wards
off infection.
___ 21. The covering around the heart that keeps the heart lubricated by
secreting a substance called pericardial fluid.
___ 22. The death of cardiac muscle cells due to prolonged blockage in
the coronary blood vessels. This leads to inadequate blood flow
and inadequate oxygen delivery. If deprived of oxygen too long,
the cardiac muscle is damaged this damaged tissue is replaced
with scar tissue that impedes the flow of blood resulting in a
heart attack.
___ 23. The inner most layer of the heart wall that melds with the blood
vessels of the heart.
___ 24. The middle layer of the heart wall. This layer is the thickest, is
filled with blood vessels, and is responsible for the heart
___ 25. The outermost layer of the heart wall that helps reduce friction
by secreting additional pericardial fluid.
___ 26. The superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, and coronary sinus
delivers this type of blood.
___ 27. The thicker ventricle that pumps blood to the aorta to the rest of
the body.
___ 28. The top chambers of the heart that receives blood.
___ 29. The trap door between the left atria and left ventricle.
___ 30. The trap door between the right atria and right ventricle.
___ 31. The trap doors between the two atrium and ventricle chambers.
___ 32. The ventricle that pumps blood to the pulmonary trunk.
___ 33. Trap doors of the heart that close to prevent the back flow of
blood to ensure blood flows only in one direction.
Tricuspid valve