Unit 1- Welcome to Kindergarten Common Core Standards – Priority

Unit 1- Welcome to Kindergarten
Common Core Standards – Priority Standards and Supporting Standards:
CC.1.1.K.B Print Concepts: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
CC.1.1.K.B Print Concepts: FOLLOW words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.
CC.1.1.K.B Print Concepts: Understand that words are separated by spaces in print.
CC.1.1.K.B Print Concepts: RECOGNIZE and NAME all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
CC.1.1.K.C Phonological Awareness: RECOGNIZE and PRODUCE rhyming words.
CC.1.1.K.C Phonological Awareness: BLEND and SEGMENT onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words.
CC.1.1.K.C Phonological Awareness: d. ISOLATE and PRONOUNCE the initial (phonemes) in three-phoneme
CVC words.
CC.1.1.K.D Phonics and Word Recognition: ASSOCIATE the long and short sounds with common spellings
(graphemes) for the five major vowels.
CC.1.3.K.E Craft and Structure: RECOGNIZE common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
CC.1.3.K.B Key Ideas and Details Text Analysis: ANSWER questions about key details in a text.
CC.1.3.K.I Vocabulary Acquisition and Use Strategies: Determining or clarify the meaning of unknown or
multiple meaning words and phrases based upon grade-level reading and content.
CC.1.3.K.J Vocabulary Acquisition and Use Strategies: Use words and phrases acquired through conversation,
reading, and being read to, and responding to texts.
CC.1.5.K.5 Comprehension and Collaboration Collaborative Discussion: Participate in collaborative
conversations with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
CC.1.5.K.B Comprehension and Collaboration Critical Listening: Ask and answer questions about key details in a
text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.
CC.1.5.K.C Comprehension and Collaboration Evaluating Information: Ask and answer questions in order to
seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Unit 1- Welcome to Kindergarten
Essential Questions
1. What can I do to
figure out words I
don't know when I
am reading?
2. What can I do to
make sure
I understand what I
am reading?
3. How can I share
my ideas through
Big Ideas
I can use strategies to figure out words I don’t know what I am
 I can use picture clues to figure out what the word may be.
 I break words up into parts that I know and then put them back
 I can look at the first letter in the word and get my mouth ready to
say the word.
 I can stretch out each sound in a word and then blend them
 I can skip the word and then come back to it.
 I can think about the other words in the sentence and ask what
makes sense
I can use strategies to understand what I am reading.
(strategies change in each unit)
 I can visualize what the author is telling me.
 I can make predictions about what may happen as I read.
 I can make connections between what I am reading and things I
have done, other books I have read and things I have seen in the
I can think about what I want to write and break the sentences into
words and the words into letter sounds.
Unit 1- Welcome to Kindergarten
Foundational Reading Skills
Phonemic Awareness
Recognize Rhyming
Isolating beginning
sounds (sound matching)
Concepts of Print
Left to right
Top to bottom
Page by page
Words separated in print
Organization of basic
features of print
Differences between
letters and words
Fundations – Unit 1
Letter Name
Letter Sounds
Short Vowels
Letter Formation
Speaking & Listening
Rules for discussion
Conversation (multiple
Ask and answer questions
to get information
Word Study
High-frequency words
Word families
(see approved lists)
Reading and Writing Workshop
Reading Skills and Strategies
Student Friendly – Reading Learning Targets
Decoding Strategies
I can use strategies to figure out words I don’t know
 Concepts of Print
what I am reading.
 Chunking
 I can use picture clues to figure out what the word
 Stretching Words
may be.
 Reread
 I break words up into parts that I know and then put
 Get your mouth ready
them back together.
 Picture Clues
 I can look at the first letter in the word and get my
 Skip the word and come back
mouth ready to say the word.
 Flip the vowel sound
 I can stretch out each sound in a word and then
blend them together.
I can skip the word and then come back to it.
I can think about the other words in the sentence
and ask what makes sense
Comprehension Strategies
 Visualize, Predictions, Make
I can use strategies to understand what I am reading.
(strategies change in each unit)
 I can visualize what the author is telling me.
 I can make predictions about what may happen as
I read.
 I can make connections between what I am
reading and things I have done, other books I have
read and things I have seen in the world.
 Retelling
 I can retell familiar stories with key details in correct
 I can identify the main events of a story
 I can tell the character, settings, problem, solution
and ending of the story.
Unit 1- Welcome to Kindergarten
I can ask and answer questions about key details in
a text.
I can listen for key details in a text
I can give details about key details in a text.
I can support my answers with evidence from the
Ask and answer question about key
Types of text (poems, stories,
Concepts of print
I can follow print from left to right.
I can follow print from top to bottom.
I can distinguish words from letters or groups of
 I can recognize the relationship between letters
and sounds.
Writing Skills and Strategies
I can think about what I want to write and break the
sentences into words and the words into letter sounds.
 I can follow print from left to right.
 I can follow print from top to bottom.
 I can distinguish words from letters or groups of
 I can recognize the relationship between letters
and sounds.
I can recognize different types of text.
Writing Skills and Strategies
 What I say, I can write
 Print Awareness
 Word Awareness
See Trimester 1 and review journals to
Possible Vocabulary
Describing Verbs – (same general action; walk, strut, march)
Understanding categories (things you see at school, food, body parts)
Real life connection for words and their uses (colorful places at school)
Color words
Position words
Number words
Body parts
Vehicles to Model Decoding
Anchor Text to Model Comprehension Strategies
Strategy Focus
*A Bad Case Of Stripes by David Shannon
*Ms. Bindergarten Gets Ready For
Kindergarten by Joseph Slate
*Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
*The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
*Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes
*My Five Senses by Aliki