Recommending High School Mathematics Course Sequences

Recommending High School
Mathematics Course
What’s the Difference?
Lou Maynus
Mathematics Coordinator
WVDE Office of Instruction
Policy 2510 (Effective 2008)
Core Graduation Requirements
Mathematics – 4 credits for all students
Policy 2510
Professional Pathway
It is the intent that students in the professional pathway will
take mathematics annually, but must take at least three
mathematics classes in grades 9-12. The
recommended course sequence, which may include
college courses, AP courses or virtual school courses,
for students in the professional pathway is Algebra I,
Geometry, Algebra II, Trigonometry, and PreCalculus. The mathematics courses selected for credit
must be relevant to the student’s concentration.
Policy 2510
Skilled Pathway
It is also the intent that students in the skilled
pathway will take mathematics annually, but
must take at least three mathematics classes in
grades 9-12. The recommended course
sequence in the skilled pathway is Algebra I,
geometry, conceptual mathematics, college
transition mathematics or Algebra II. College
Transition Mathematics must be offered annually
and will be counted as a mathematics credit.
Policy 2510
College Transition Course
Students in the professional pathway and
college bound students in the skilled
pathway, who do not achieve the State
assessment College readiness benchmark
for mathematics, shall be required to take
a college transition mathematics course
during their senior year.
Policy 2510 Algebra Support
Because of the extreme importance of mastery of the
Algebra I content standards and objectives (CSOs),
students who need additional time to master Algebra I
CSOs may be identified at the local level using a databased decision making process….
Counties selecting a scheduling option that places
students who need extra time into two separate math
courses may grant students up to two math credits
toward graduation upon successful course completion. It
is further recommended that students who are in the
most need of continuous math instruction be enrolled in
at least one math course each year in high school.
What is WVDE Office of Instruction’s
recommended delivery of the Algebra CSOs for
our “at risk” student population?
These students should take Algebra I during
their ninth grade year. They should participate
in a heterogeneous mix of students in regular
classroom instruction (Algebra I). Interventions
for the “at risk” students include finding the time
to re-teach targeted concepts or skills and
providing additional practice (Algebra Support).
Coming Soon…
4 – 6 Algebra Readiness Assessments
To be placed on Acuity
Completion Date – tentatively March 2010.
Other Resources
So, what’s the difference?
State College Admissions letter dated June
18, 2009
“We regret that you are not eligible for
admission to a bachelor’s degree program
at this time. Your high school transcript
does not show that you meet HEPC state
admissions recommendations…You may
enroll in a two-year or associate degree
program to start with…”
Policy 2510 Electives
Required to be Offered
Algebra II
Algebra III
Geometry or Applied Geometry
Conceptual Mathematics
College Transition Mathematics
Policy 2510
Optional Electives
Integrated Mathematics I, II, III, and IV
Probability and Statistics
Mathematics college courses
AP Mathematics courses
*Algebra Support is counted as a math
credit for graduation but not accepted by
colleges as a college prep math course
HEPC Recommendations (2008-2009)
• Algebra I
• Algebra II
• Geometry
• Trigonometry
• Probability and Statistics
• Pre-Calculus
• Algebra III
• Calculus
Not Recommended
• Conceptual Math
• College Transition
Why is Mathematics So Important?
With a partner, read the statements.
Collaboratively, make a stack of the
statements you believe to be accurate and
a stack of those you do not think are
Be prepared to share your thoughts with the
National Math Panel Report
Leading societies have commanded mathematical skills that have brought
them advantages in medicine and health, in technology and commerce, in
navigation and exploration, in defense and finance, and in the ability to
understand past failures and to forecast future developments.
Success in mathematics matters to the nation at large. It matters, too, to
individual students and families, because it opens doors and creates
It is yet more fundamental to recognize that the safety of the nation and the
quality of life-not just the prosperity of the nation – are at issue.
No longer can we accept that a rigorous mathematics education is reserved for
the few who will go on to be engineers or scientists. Mathematics may
indeed be “the new literacy” (Scholenfeld, 1995); at the least, it is essential
for any citizen who is to be prepared for the future.
Lou Maynus
Office of Instruction, WVDE