Dual Credit: ACC Classes on Your Campus Fall 2015 Planning for ACC Classes: Timeline: 6-9 months prior to the semester start date. The sooner the better. ACC course approvals made by ACC department chair & dependent faculty availability. Minimum enrollment of 16 students in order to ‘make’; Recommend 20-22 eligible students to ensure you have sufficient enrollment for the course and subsequent semester courses. Instructional Minutes: State required instructional minutes. No class days and optional additional meeting days cannot be counted. A typical 3 credit lecture only class must meet: 2 days/week (MW or TTh): 85 minutes per class day, this allows for 3 ‘no ACC class’ days for ISD calendar conflicts (Thanksgiving week, Columbus Day, PSAT day, etc.) 3 days/week (MWF): 55 minutes per class day, this allows for 4 ‘no ACC class’ days for ISD calendar conflicts (Thanksgiving week, Columbus Day, PSAT day, etc.) High School Bell Schedules: ACC classes must be scheduled in the regular college scheduling, as faculty select their own sections and teach multiple sections both at high school and ACC campuses. 1. Traditional 7/8 period bell schedule: use 2 class periods back to back to create an ACC block. Schedule one class M/W and a second class on T/Th during the same two class periods. Students will have an ACC block M-Th during same class periods, leaving Friday’s for study hall. 2. Example: ACC ENGL 1301 MW 1st/2nd periods & ACC HIST 1301 1st/2nd periods. This scheduling allows for regular high school scheduling for all remaining class periods. Traditional AB block bell schedule: Schedule two ACC classes during 1st/5th, 2nd/6th, 3rd/7th, or 4th/8th. One class M/W and a second class on T/Th creating an ACC block that will not affect remaining blocks or the A or B day, leaving Friday’s for study hall. Example: ACC ENGL 1301 MW 1st block & ACC HIST 1301 5th block. This scheduling allows for regular high school scheduling for all remaining blocks or the A or B day. 3. ABC block bell schedule/modified block schedule: this type of bell schedule fits best with scheduling college classes. Each block is 85-90 minutes and A and B days are the same day of week each week. Usually AMon/Wed, B-Tue/Thur, & C-Fri each week. ACC Faculty Assignments/Loads: ACC faculty select their sections each semester based on their ACC estaffing status. The dual credit office cannot assign instructors to ACC sections. Adjunct faculty are permitted 2 classes each fall/spring semester with a 3rd section, if at a high school section. Facility and Equipment Needs: Traditional classroom with adequate board space for instruction. Computer/laptop with projection & unrestricted internet capabilities for ACC faculty. SAMPLE ACC Course Sequence for Jr & Sr Year: Dual Credit+ for High School Juniors (2-Year Course Sequence) Fall Semester ACC Course Number Junior Year Senior Year Spring Semester Course Title ACC Course Number Course Title *ENGL 1301 English Composition I (Green book with American Literature) *ENGL 1302 English Composition II (Green book with American Literature) HIST 1301 US History I HIST 1302 US History II ENGL 2322 British Lit: Anglo-Saxon through 18th Century SPCH 1311 Intro to Speech Communication GOVT 2305 US Government SOCI 1301 or GOVT 2306 Intro to Sociology or Texas State and Local Government Dual Credit+ for High School Seniors (1-Year Course Sequence) Fall Semester ACC Course Number Senior Year Course Title Spring Semester ACC Course Number Course Title *ENGL 1301 English Composition l (Yellow book with British *ENGL 1302 Literature) English Composition ll (Yellow book with British Literature) GOVT 2305 US Government Introduction to Sociology SOCI 1301 Questions? Contact your Dual Credit Specialist: Davelyn Forrest, dforrest@austincc.edu Zach Denton, zdenton@austincc.edu Jason Sanchez, jsanche1@austincc.edu Natalie Almanza, natalia.almanza@austincc.edu Katharine Bennett, kbennet1@austincc.edu Mison Zuñiga, mzuniga@austincc.edu