PowerPoint Presentation - Campbell County Schools

Preclass 2/11
• Supporters of assigned seats in the cafeteria claim that
assigning seats helps reduce bullying in the cafeteria, but
this is untrue.
• What form of evidence would MOST effectively support
this argument?
A. An account of a student who was bullied in a school
without assigned seats.
B. A comparison of School bullying statistics at schools with
and without assigned seats.
C. A survey that documents the number of students who
oppose assigned seats
D. An interview with a teacher who teaches at a school with
assigned seats.
Preclass 2/12
• Sarah is writing a persuasive essay, and her position is
that school start times should be moved to one hour
later in the morning.
• Which argument would BEST support her position?
A. In an average school day, one hour is not a large
change in the schedule.
B. Early start times prevent many students from focusing
on school work in the morning.
C. Brain Research states that students brain function
does not peak until later in the morning.
D. Moving school start times would cost the school
district money in transportation.
Preclass 2/13
• Complete the analogy:
• Poet: Poem :: Baker
A . Pan
B. Oven
C. Pie
D. Bakery
Preclass 2/14
• Complete the analogy:
• Actors: Play :: __________: Book
A. Costumes
B. Characters
C. Setting
D. Props
Preclass 2/15
• Read the following sentence.
Julie broke her pencil. Then she borrowed a pencil from a
What is the correct way to combine these sentences to create
a subordinate clause?
A. After Julie broke her pencil, she borrowed one from a
B. After Julie broke her pencil she borrowed one from a
C. Julie broke her pencil and then borrowed one from a
D. Julie broke her pencil, and borrowed one from a friend.
Preclass 2/18
• Jason is writing a description of his schedule for three days, and he
has decided to use parallel structure and progressive tenses to
write a concise topic sentence.
• Which of the following sentences uses parallel structure and
progressive tenses correctly?
A. Yesterday I had basketball practice, today, I played soccer with
friends in the park, and tomorrow I will visit family.
B. Yesterday I was practicing at school, today I am playing soccer with
friends in the park, and tomorrow I will be visiting with family.
C. Yesterday I was practicing basketball at school, today I am playing
soccer in the park, and tomorrow I will be visiting family at my
D. Yesterday I was practicing basketball, today I am playing soccer in
the park, and tomorrow I will be visiting family.
Preclass 2/19
Sally had to finish her chores. She also had to do her
homework and practice her cheer routine.
What is the BEST way to combine these sentences to
create parallel structure?
A. Sally had to finish her chores, homework and practice.
B. Sally had to finish her chores and homework, and she
had to practice her cheer routine.
C. Sally had to finish her chores, complete her
homework, and practice her cheer routine.
D. Sally had to finish her chores and homework, and
practice her cheer routine.
Preclass 2/20
• Joe is writing a persuasive essay to convince teens that parents should be
able to limit their video game time. He found a great supporting detail in
an article, but he is not sure how to correctly write the quotation in his
essay. Which of the following quotations contains the correct punctuation
and capitalization?
A. Meridith Johns, lead author of a recent national study, explains: “violent
video games negatively effect teens and children, both socially and
emotionally.” (Talmon).
B. Meridith Johns, lead author of a recent national study, explains “violent
video games negatively effect teens and children, both socially and
emotionally.” (Talmon)
C. Meridith Johns, lead author of a recent national study, explains, “Violent
video games negatively effect teens and children, both socially and
emotionally” (Talmon).
D. Meridith Johns, lead author of a recent national study, explains “Violent
video games negatively effect teens and children, both socially and
emotionally” (Talmon).
Preclass 2/21
• What effective advertising technique does a
company often use to symbolize quality and
A. Motto
B. Trademark
C. Maskcot
D. Jingle
• Which advertising technique would be MOST
effective for advertising a beauty product to
A. Price Appeal
B. Trademark
C. Celebrity
D. Repetition