How to make a Sandwich

How to make a thesis
Part I
The Thesis Continuum
A great thesis is between plot summary and
opinion. Too much of either is BAD!
The Thesis Continuum
Plot-driven thesis
Zone of Highest Interest
“The Sweet Spot”
The perfect balance of insightful
textual analysis and personal
opinion, a GREAT thesis creates
an opportunity to use evidence
from the text to arrive at a
thoughtful, provocative paper.
Your essay Prompt
Are Bullies Criminals?
Explain your response using
Specific examples from your life, literature,
and/or popular/historical culture.
Use stylistic features such as proper diction*
and strong verbs
Proper grammar and usage
Proper structure
Thesis answers the EQ
“The Sweet Spot”
Are Bullies criminals?
Bullies are NOT criminals because...
“The Sweet Spot”
Answer to the EQ
LOGICAL reasons supporting your answer
Bullies are criminals because…__________ ,
_________ & _________
Bullies are not criminals because…__________
, __________ & ________.
You write your thesis
How to make a Sandwich
Ahem, or essay…
Details & Descriptions
Write detailed instructions of how to make
a turkey sandwich. Remember, you need
to be as specific as possible; pretend as
though you are talking to an alien
Now, try again, and remember to start
from the very beginning.
An Essay Sandwich
Teaching someone to make a sandwich is
LIKE writing an essay
You need a beginning and an end
You need specific details and explanations
You need structure; without it, everything falls
Your essay Prompt
Are Bullies Criminals?
Explain your response using
Specific examples from your life, literature,
and/or popular/historical culture.
Use stylistic features such as proper diction*
and strong verbs
Proper grammar and usage
Proper structure
Establish the author’s (your) purpose
To inform
To persuade
To teach
To entertain
You are trying to
persuade the reader
that bullies are or are
not criminals.
Establish a Structure
Page 5 of your writing handbook
Typical Essay Structure
Body Paragraph 1 Details
Body Paragraph 2
Body Paragraph 3
Break down the thesis; it all fits together
in the sandwich.
I. Reason # 1
Bullies (are/are not) criminals because…
 A. SPECIFIC Example
 B. SPECIFIC Example
Page 8 writing handbook
What kind of examples exist?
A specific image
A specific quote
Background information
Style choices
Rhetorical techniques
The Introduction
1. Hook your readers into the essay with an quote, question,
Or SHORT anecdote. Remember, you want them to want to read!
2. discussing the general theme of your essay and how it appears in the text.
Be sure to state the title and author of the text.
3. Create a few sentences that specifically lead toward
your thesis.
4. Focus in on the purpose of your paper.
Page 6 writing
As you write your
Intro, get increasingly
specific, ending with a
narrow, argumentative
1. Start with your thesis statement; Restate
Don’t REPEAT. Effective rhetoric is key!!!!!!!
2. Now ask yourself “What is the bigger picture of my
paper?”. Take the time to guide your reader back through
your essay, showing them how all the parts fit together.
3. Reflect on the consequences of your thesis. Try to arrive at a
new, or bigger idea, that really drives your point home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Finally, end with a clincher; circle back to your hook. REFER to it, don’t repeat it.