Dr. Yoga Nathan Senior Lecturer in Public Health GEMS UL If exposure X is associated with outcome Y…..then how do we decide if X is a cause of Y Applying guidelines for causal inference If exposure X is associated with outcome Y…..then how do we decide if X is a cause of Y Two-stage process: Stage I: ◦ Consider alternative “non-causal explanations” for the association In Stage I, we ask ourselves could the association be due to: ◦ Bias? ◦ Confounding? ◦ Chance? Stage II: If the association is unlikely to be due to bias, confounding or chance… ◦ ….we apply ‘guidelines’ for causal inference Assessing a reported association between an exposure and an outcome in an epidemiological study Could the observed association be due to: Selection or measurement bias No Stage I Confounding No Chance Apply Guidelines for Causal Inference Probably Not Could it be causal? Stage II “In what circumstances can we pass from an observed association to a verdict of causation? Upon what basis should we proceed to do so?” Nine ‘aspects of an association’ should be considered before deciding that the most likely interpretation is causation Strength Consistency Specificity Plausibility Coherence Temporality Dose-response Experimental evidence Analogy Chapter 5 pp 83 - 96 Repeated observation of an association in studies conducted on different populations under different circumstances If studies conducted by…. ◦ different researchers ◦ at different times ◦ in different settings ◦ on different populations ◦ using different study designs ……all produce consistent results, this strengthens the argument for causation Epidemiological studies (1 - 14) e.g. The association between cigarette smoking and lung cancer has been consistently demonstrated in a number of different types of epidemiological study (ecological, case-control, cohort) study Repeated observation of an association in studies conducted on different populations under different circumstances If studies conducted by…. ◦ different researchers ◦ at different times ◦ in different settings ◦ on different populations ◦ using different study designs ……all produce consistent results, this strengthens the argument for causation e.g. The association between cigarette smoking and lung cancer has been consistently demonstrated in a number of different types of epidemiological study (ecological, case-control, cohort) 18 studies have investigated the association between hip fractures (outcome) and water fluoride level (exposure) ◦ 30 separate statistical analyses 14 analyses produced a ‘positive association’ 13 analyses produced a ‘negative association’ 3 ‘no association’ The inconsistency of these results casts doubt on the hypothesis that there is a causal relationship between fluoride in water and bone fractures 18 studies have investigated the association between hip fractures (outcome) and water fluoride level (exposure) ◦ 30 separate statistical analyses 14 analyses produced a ‘positive association’ 13 analyses produced a ‘negative association’ 3 ‘no association’ The inconsistency of these results casts doubt on the hypothesised causal relationship between fluoride in water and bone fractures Community-Based Case-Control Cohort Hospital-Based Case-Control Oral Contraceptive Use and Ovarian Cancer Hildreth et al, Rosenberg et al, La Vecchia et al, Tzonou et al, Booth et al, Hartge et al, WHO, Wu et al, Prazzini et al, Newhouse et al, Casagrande et al, Cramer et al, Willet et al, Weiss, Risch et al, CASH, Harlow et al, Shu et al, Walnut Creek, Vessey et al, Beral et al, 1981 1982 1984 1984 1989 1989 1989 1988 1991 1977 1979 1982 1981 1981 1983 1987 1988 1989 1981 1987 1988 + ve Association -ve Association 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Relative Risk or Odds Ratio 3.0 3.5 Hankinson SE et al. Obstet Gynecol. 1991;80:708-714. www.contraceptiononline. Community-Based Case-Control Cohort Hospital-Based Case-Control Oral Contraceptive Use and Ovarian Cancer Hildreth et al, Rosenberg et al, La Vecchia et al, Tzonou et al, Booth et al, Hartge et al, WHO, Wu et al, Prazzini et al, Newhouse et al, Casagrande et al, Cramer et al, Willet et al, Weiss, Risch et al, CASH, Harlow et al, Shu et al, Walnut Creek, Vessey et al, Beral et al, 1981 1982 1984 1984 1989 1989 1989 1988 1991 1977 1979 1982 1981 1981 1983 1987 1988 1989 1981 1987 1988 + ve Association -ve Association 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Relative Risk or Odds Ratio 3.0 3.5 Hankinson SE et al. Obstet Gynecol. 1991;80:708-714. www.contraceptiononline. “….to our knowledge no other data on the association between preschool diet and breast cancer are available” (Michels et al., 2006: 751) “Measures of association” ◦ used to quantify the strength of the association between an exposure and outcome ◦ e.g. Relative risk, odds ratio Strong associations are more likely to be causal than weak associations ◦ The larger the relative risk (RR) or odds ratio (OR), the greater the likelihood that the relationship is causal Weak associations are more likely to be explained by undetected biases or confounders How large must a relative risk or odds ratio be to be considered ‘strong’: ◦ 2 ? 4 ? 20 ? …..? No universal agreement regarding what constitutes a ‘strong’ or ‘weak’ association ◦ An OR or RR > 2.0 is ‘moderately strong’ ◦ An OR or RR > 5.0 is ‘strong’ The relationship between smoking and lung cancer is an excellent example of a ‘strong association’ ◦ odds ratios and relative risks in different studies are in the 4 to 20 range “For one additional serving of French Fries per week, the odds ratio for breast cancer was 1.27” (Michels et al., 2006) i.e. a “weak association” This refers to the necessity for the exposure to precede the outcome (effect) in time Any claim of causation must involve the cause preceding in time the presumed effect Easier to establish in certain study designs ◦ Prospective cohort study Easiest to establish in a cohort study Lack of temporality rules out causality Normal Exposure lung TIME Cancer Outcome Lung Ca. This refers to the necessity for the exposure to precede the outcome (effect)Smokers in time no Lung Ca. Any claim of causation must involve the cause preceding in time the presumed effect Lung Ca. Population Easier to Ex 40,634 British establish study designs Doctorsin certain Smokers ◦ Prospective cohort study Lack of temporality rules out causality Non Smokers Time Exposure TIME no Lung Ca. Lung Ca. no Lung Ca. Outcome This refers to the necessity for the exposure to precede the outcome (effect) in time Any claim of causation must involve the cause preceding in time the presumed effect Easier to establish in certain study designs ◦ Prospective cohort study Lack of temporality rules out causality Exposure TIME Outcome Dose-response (‘biological gradient’) ◦ the relationship between the amount of exposure (dose) to a substance and the resulting changes in outcome (response) If an increase in the level of exposure increases the risk of the outcome ◦ this strengthens the argument for causality R I S K 0 cigs/day R I S K < 5 cigs/day R I S K 5 - 20 cigs/day R I S K > 20 cigs/day Dose-response relationship Dose-Response Percentage of people with hearing loss relative to workplace noise exposure Average noise level during an 8-hour working day (decibels) <80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 Exposure time (years) 5 10 40 0 1 4 7 12 18 26 36 0 3 10 17 29 42 55 71 0 10 21 29 41 54 62 64 Plausibility refers to the biological plausibility of the hypothesised causal relationship between the exposure and the outcome ◦ Is there a logical and plausible biological mechanism to explain the relationship? “A high dose of caffeine could constrict a mother’s blood vessels reducing the blood flow to the placenta” (Biological Plausibility) < 200 mg caffeine/day “There is no accepted biological mechanism to explain the epidemiological results; indeed the relation may be due to chance or confounding” (Draper et al., 2005) But other researchers have argued that there is a biologically plausible explanation…….. EMF can induce currents that might alter the voltages across cell membranes Magnetic fields might cause the movement of ferromagnetic particles within cells EMF fields might also influence free radicals Power lines might deflect and concentrate cosmic rays on people living within their vicinity It is generally easy to ‘manufacture’ biologically plausible explanations for the findings from epidemiological research Biological plausibility is not a particularly useful viewpoint for assessing a causal relationship NB: Assuming study well-designed & conducted & bias etc. minimised Type of Study Ability to ‘prove’ causation 1) Randomised Controlled Trial 2) Cohort Study STRONG 3) Case-control study Moderate 4) Cross-sectional study WEAK 5) Ecological study WEAK Moderate Does consumption of French fries by preschool children cause breast cancer? Strength Consistency Temporality Dose response Biological plausibility Study design Does consumption of French fries by preschool children cause breast cancer? Strength Weak: OR = 1.27 Consistency No Temporality Yes Dose response No Biological plausibility Yes Study design Case Control Is this association causal? Does consumption of French fries by preschool children cause breast cancer? Strength Weak: OR = 1.27 Consistency No Temporality Yes Dose response No Biological plausibility Yes Study design Case Control Is this association causal? Does cigarette smoking cause lung cancer? Strength Strong: OR, RR = 4 - 20 Consistency Yes Temporality Yes Dose response Yes Biological plausibility Yes Study design Ecological, C/S, CC, Cohort Is this association causal? Does cigarette smoking cause lung cancer? Strength Strong: OR, RR = 4 - 20 Consistency Yes Temporality Yes Dose response Yes Biological plausibility Yes Study design Ecological, C/S, CC, Cohort Is this association causal? If exposure X is associated with outcome Y…..then how do we decide if X is a cause of Y Applying guidelines for causal inference If exposure X is associated with outcome Y…..then how do we decide if X is a cause of Y Strength of the association. How large is the effect? The consistency of the association. Has the same association been observed by others, in different populations, using a different method? Specificity. Does altering only the cause alter the effect? Temporal relationship. Does the cause precede the effect? Biological gradient. Is there a dose response? Biological plausibility. Does it make sense? Coherence. Does the evidence fit with what is known regarding the natural history and biology of the outcome? Experimental evidence. Are there any clinical studies supporting the association? Reasoning by analogy. Is the observed association supported by similar associations? : Strength of Association. “The lung cancer rate for smokers was quite a bit higher than for non-smokers (e.g., one study estimated that smokers are about 35% more likely than non-smokers to get lung cancer)”. 2: Temporality. Smoking in the vast majority of cases preceded the onset of lung cancer Different methods (e.g., prospective and retrospective studies) produced the same result. The relationship also appeared for different kinds of people (e.g., males and females) Theoretical Plausibility. Biological theory of smoking causing tissue damage which over time results in cancer in the cells was a highly plausible explanation Consistency. The conclusion (that smoking causes lung cancer) “made sense” given the current knowledge about the biology and history of the disease Specificity in the causes. Lung cancer is best predicted from the incidence of smoking Coherence. Dose Response Relationship. Data showed a positive, linear relationship between the amount smoked and the incidence of lung cancer. Experimental Evidence. Tar painted on laboratory rabbits’ ears was shown to produce cancer in the ear tissue over time. Hence, it was clear that carcinogens were present in tobacco tar. Analogy. Induced smoking with laboratory rats References showed a causal relationship. It, therefore, was not a great jump for scientists to apply this to humans Doll, R. (1991). Sir Austin Bradford Hill and the progress of medical science. British Medical Journal, 305, 1521-1526. Hill, B.A. (1965). The environment and disease: Association or causation? Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 58, 295-300. Susser, M. (1977). Judgement and causal inference: Criteria in epidemiologic studies. American Journal of Epidemiology, 105, 1-15 Bradford-Hill A. The environment and disease: Assocation or causation? Proc R Soc Med 1965;58:295-300. Grimes DA. Cause and effect - or coincidence? Contemporary OB/GYN Jan 1984;109-15. Peterson HB, Kleinbaum DG. Interpreting the literature in Obstetrics and Gynecology: I. Key concepts in epidemiology and biostatistics. Obstet Gynecol 1991;78(4):710-17. “None of these nine viewpoints can bring indisputable evidence for or against a cause and effect hypothesis …. What they can do, with greater or less strength, is to help answer the fundamental question—is there any other way of explaining the set of facts before us, is there any other answer equally, or more, likely than cause and effect?” (Cited in Doll, 1991).