Fairview Middle School “Thinking Big Brings Big Results” Teacher Handbook 2012-2013 Selina Sparkman Principal Assistant Principal 750 East Parkway South Memphis, Tennessee 38104 901.416.4536 Revised December 15, 2012 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. 0 Table of Contents School Safety Lunch Schedule Phone Tree MCS Calendar Middle School Philosophy Vision Statement Mission Statement The Educator’s Oath Where Are We Now? Data Policies and Procedures Teacher Attendance Absences from School—Teachers SEMS—Web Center How Do Teacher Use SEMS? Leaving Campus Lesson Plans Professionalism Student Confidentiality Cumulative Records Personal Appearance Professional Growth & Development Classroom Telephones Progressive Discipline Disciplinary Offenses Attendance Calculation Lotus Notes for Teachers Hall Passes for Students MCS Board Policy Handbook Bookstore Soda and Food Smoking Staff Parking Faculty Meetings Media Center Visual Aid Equipment Textbook Inventory Copy Machines Outside Speakers Care of Rooms 2 3 4 5 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 Personal Valuables Teachers Out of Classroom Retaining and/or Releasing Students Students Leaving Campus Class Parties/Movies School Calendar Student Discipline Parent Conference Form Guidance Philosophy Assemblies Injury/Illness of Students or Teachers Procedures for Handling Sick Students Medication for Students Student Accident Reports Board Policy Teacher Accident Reports Financial Procedures Recordkeeping and Attendance Official Hours After School Conferences for Parents Office Procedures Assistance from Building Engineer Break-In & Theft Report Responsibilities Outside Classroom Field Trips Grading & Assessment Promotion, Retention & Student Progress Indoor Air Quality Indoor Air Quality Form Breakfast Duty/Metal Detection Afternoon Duty Schedule Fire Drill Procedures Lock Down Procedures Class Schedule Abbreviated Class Schedule Afternoon Activity Schedule 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 28 28 28 28 29 30 30 30 30 31 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. School Safety Electrical appliances such as microwave ovens, refrigerators, convection ovens, hot plates, coffee pots and space heaters are prohibited inside the classroom. The use of these items will cause circuit overloads and can lead to fires. Student medical supplies that require refrigeration are the exception. The use of open flame items, such as candles and incense, is prohibited by the fire department. Plug-ins, aerosol sprays, or chemical fragrances cannot be used in classrooms, office areas or other spaces. These items can cause respiratory problems for students and staff. Smoking in MCS buildings and on MCS property is a violation of Board policy #1.803. This applies to students , employees and visitors. Ladders or safety step stools should be used to access high areas. Standing on chairs, tables, desks, countertops, file cabinets, sinks, etc., are hazardous and can result in accidents. Chemicals removed from labs and classrooms must be picked-up and disposed of in accordance with environmental regulations. This includes old office supplies such as duplicating fluid. Please contact Risk Management at 416-5515 for proper removal of these chemicals. Vehicles pared or standing in fire lanes create a dangerous safety concern for all individuals in the building. Placing or storing items on ventilation units prevent proper room air supply and can create indoor air problems. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Risk Management at 4165515. 2 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Fairview Middle School Lunch Schedule Student Lunch Prices Teacher Lunch Prices Secondary Full Pay $2.00 Reduced All Students $0.25 Breakfast is FREE for all students! Lunch Tray $3.50 Teachers can also purchase items a la carte. Lunch 1st Team 6th Time 10:30-11:00 Lunch Duty TBA/Davis 2nd 7th 11:05-11:35 TBA/Davis 3rd 8th 11:40-12:10 TBA/Wade Teachers are not required to eat lunch with their students on a regular school day; however, all teachers are encouraged to spend quality time with their students during assigned lunch times. Team Administrators are highly encouraged to supervise students at least one day each week. This is an excellent opportunity to help promote positive discipline and create a sense of team unity All teachers are expected to escort student to and from the cafeteria at the beginning and the end of the lunch periods. 3 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Fairview Middle School 2012-2013 Phone Tree Selina Sparkman, Principal (901)359-5355 ↓ ↓ Carla Woodard, Instructional Facilitator (901) 489-1502 ↓ John King, Building Engineer (901)205-8663 H. Alexander 353-3675 D. Jackson 406-2240 ↓ Michelle Malone, Financial Secretary (901) 251-2471 Yureka Pirtle, Guidance 901-574-0643 6th M. Dendy 834-2551 W. Brown 619-1475 R. Taylor R. Rodgers 644-8001 7th Jonathan Aronson 501-554-2896 Janice Sharp, SMS Coordinator (901) 335-1184 ↓ Amanda McClusky, Media Specialist 901.340.0395 ↓ 8th Exploratory Thomas Millett G. Kilgore-Wilson 508-864-9961 (901) 581-4848 Kendrick Wade, ISS Teacher (901) 356-4725 Exceptional Children E. Zava 907-9404 Cafeteria Mgr A. Price 218-8606 A. Lessard 630244-9090 L. Boyd 767-5255 J. Brown 282-1438 R. Franklin 209201-2198 J. Talley 277-1790 J. Milton 378-0268 O. Davis 490-1700 L. Fifer 650-3755 A. Kizer 461-5871 W. Cox 361-2556 C. Davis 406-3478 L. Harden S. Johnson 828-6384 T. BurtonHoward 305-1233 K. Jones 288-5891 R. Smith 743-5294 M. Morris 0 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. 2012-2013 Memphis City Schools Academic Calendar 2012-2013 Memphis City Schools Academic Calendar Before School Begins Date(s) Day(s) Event July 30 Monday ½ Inservice & ½ Administrative July 31 Tuesday August 1 Wednesday Inservice Day August 2 Thursday Inservice Day August 3 Friday Administrative Day Administrative Day/Registration First Semester (87 Days) August 6 Monday First Day of School September 3 Monday Labor Day September 13 Thursday Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:00-7:00pm) September 14 Friday ½ Inservice & ½ Administrative October 5 Friday End of 1st 9 Weeks October 11-12 Thursday & Friday Fall Break October 15 Monday 2nd 9 Weeks Begins November 12 Monday Veteran’s Day November 21-23 Wednesday-Friday Thanksgiving Break December 12-14 Wednesday-Friday Exams December 14 Friday Last Day for Students December 17 Monday ½ Inservice & ½ Administrative Dec. 18-January 1 Tuesday-Tuesday Winter Break 0 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Second Semester (93 Days) Date(s) Day(s) Event January 2 Wednesday First Day of School January 21 Monday Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday February 5 Tuesday TCAP Writing Assessment February 18 Monday President’s Day Inservice 8:00am-12:00pm Parent-Teacher Conferences 1:00-3:00pm March 11-14 Monday-Friday Spring Break I March 29 Friday Spring Break II (Good Friday) April 23-April 26 Tuesday-Friday TCAP Assessment, MAAS, ELDA May 20-22 Monday-Wednesday Second Semester Exams May 22 Wednesay Last Day for Students May 23 Thursday Administrative Day May 24 Friday Inservice Day Last Day for Teachers May 27 Monday Memorial Day Middle School Philosophy Middle Schools strive to address the physical and intellectual needs of the young adolescents. Through a planned program of guidance and hands-on learning, active and integrated learning experiences, middle schools “bridge the gap: between elementary and high school. Middle Schools of the Memphis City Schools provide high content, high expectations, and high support to ensure student success. Through staff dedication and commitment, we will strive to cultivate a positive school environment where teachers work collaboratively with students, parents and community members. 1 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Vision Statement Fairview Middle School is a learning community where students, parents, teachers, and administrators learn, work, and collaborate to promote student achievement, as well as, professional and personal growth. Mission Statement The mission of the Memphis City Schools is to prepare all children to be successful citizens and workers in the 21st century. This will include educating them to read with comprehension; write clearly; compute accurately; think; reason; and use information to solve problems. As a School-Wide Title I School, our goal is to provide opportunities for our students to meet the same challenging content and performance standards expected of all students. The Educator’s Oath I solemnly pledge to dedicate my career to the science of teaching. I will give to those who are or have been my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due. I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity; the well-being of my students will be my primary concern always. I will honor the position of parents and uphold public trust. I will maintain by all the means in my power the honor of my profession. I will respect the privacy of students. I will teach toward meeting the individual needs and abilities of students. I will accept all engaged in education and regard all as my colleagues. I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics, social standing, or the monetary rewards received from my labors to intervene between my duty and my students. I will maintain utmost respect for human dignity and human values, and I will hold human caring and consideration as the fundamental value in the student-teacher relationship. I make this promise solemnly, freely, and upon my oath for as long as I am engaged in education. Where Are We Now? Thinking BIG Brings BIG Results School Year Reading & Language Arts Target Mathematics Target Attendance Rate 2004-2005 Through 83% 79% 93% 2 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. 2006-2007 2007-2008 Through 2009-2010 89% 86% 93% 2010-2011 Through 2012-2013 94% 93% 93% 2013-2014 100% 100% 93% Attendance Rates 2006-2007 90.9% 2007-2008 92.7% 2008-2009 92.4% 2009-2010 93% 2010-2011 Still Unavailable TCAP Data 2008-2009 (2009-2010 Data Unavailable) Advanced 16.5% 80 60 40 20 0 Mathematics Proficient 56.8% Below Prof. 27% Advanced 18.8% Language Arts Proficient 59.7% Below Prof. 21% TCAP Data 2008-2009 56.8 16.5 59.7 27 21 18.8 Mathematics Language Arts Adv. Prof Bel Prof “Change will always fail until we find some way of developing infrastructure and processes that engage teachers in developing new understandings.” 3 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Policies and Procedures Teacher Attendance Working Day In keeping with Board Policy 5.6022, teachers are expected to work seven hours and fifteen minutes. The teacher’s day is from 7:15am to 2:30pm. Each teacher is expected to sign in for himself/herself only, by 7:15am. Classrooms are to be available to students immediately after 7:15am with the teacher in attendance. Each teacher is expected to escort students from the cafeteria at 7:20am. It is the teacher’s responsibility to sign-in personally on both the sign-in sheet & in School Check-in, and report to the main office immediately upon arrival at school. If the teacher arrives after 7:30am and a substitute has been assigned to the classroom, the teacher will be sent home. Absences From School—Teachers According to Board Policy 5.302, teachers who are unable to report to school should call the automated management system SEMS, and then contact Mrs. Sparkman at 359-5355. If Mrs. Sparkman is out of town or unable to be reached, contact Mrs. Woodard at 489-1502. Whenever possible, this call should be made the night before. However, when this is impossible, teachers must call by 6:00am the morning of the absence. Teachers are reminded to update their personal and assignment information each year with the SEMS system. SEMS—Web Center (Substitute Employee Management System) Teachers will be able to use the SEMS Web Center at webcenter.mcsk12.net to create an absence. How do teachers use the SEMS system? Employees must first register with the system via the telephone by calling 452-2000. The system will ask for an Access ID and PIN for anyone accessing the system. Employees who are registering should enter their social security number as their Access ID and they should enter their social security number again for their PIN. When the social security number is entered as the PIN, the system will begin the registration process. The employee will voice his/her name on the system, verify his/her work location, and then set up his/her own six digit PIN. Once the system states that his/her PIN has been successfully changed, he/she has successfully registered with the system. The employee now has the option of utilizing the system either via telephone or Internet. For subsequent use of the system, the employee 4 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. will still enter his/her social security number as Access ID and the six digit number he/she established when registering as his/her PIN. When teachers and other school personnel are absent from school for any reason(s), they must fill out a Report of Absentee Form. This form must be filled out and given to the Financial Secretary immediately after returning to work. To prevent abuse of the sick leave policy, teachers may be required to bring a doctor’s statement when they are out for personal illness or illness of the immediate family. If this is not turned in, you will be considered absent without cause and report to payroll accordingly. The principal must approve personal leave days. No personal leave will be approved at the end of either semester. It is essential that all regular personnel be in attendance during these closing periods. NOTE: If personal leave days are not used, they will be converted to sick days at the end of the school year. Teachers are requested to leave a lesson plan, roll book and other necessary materials for the substitute teacher. Teachers are required to leave a substitute package in their classroom, or with the Assistant Principal. This should include: lesson plans, seating charts, schedule of classes/lunch/duties, classroom rules, emergency procedures, school map and any other materials the substitute will need—for up to five consecutive days. These activities should be updated after use. If a teacher is absent from school and plans to return to work the following day, it is the responsibility of that teacher to notify the principal on or before 2:00pm. If the teacher does not call, the substitute teacher will be instructed to return another day. If a teacher is going to be late in the morning, please notify Mrs. Sparkman at 359-5355. If Mrs. Sparkman cannot be reached, then notify the Instructional Facilitator and Financial Secretary prior to 7:15am so that classes may be covered. Leaving Campus If you need to leave the school campus at any time during the school day, you should notify an Administrator. 5 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Lesson Plans All lesson plans are due to Mrs. Woodard by 7:30am each Monday. Lesson plans are vitally important and will be reviewed by the Administration on a regular basis. They serve to indicate the teacher’s organization and preparation for themselves and substitutes. A current roll book and complete seating chart should also be available. Professionalism Adults should model the same speaking tone and problem solving skills that we want our students to use. Students are to be treated with RESPECT at all times. It should not be necessary for any adult to raise his/her voice in class. Using appropriate and effective procedures in the classroom will make this possible. Students should never be humiliated, ridiculed, or the subject of sarcasm. Neither teachers nor teaching assistants should physically grab a student by body or article of clothing. Our aim is to deescalate incidents by using our own calm reasoning rather than emotional reactions. As educators, we serve as role models for students and adults of the community. Our behavior should reflect respect for everyone. This includes positive support for co-workers in conduct and conversation and adherence to school rules. It is extremely important that every teacher maintain a good rapport with parents by making every effort to communicate effectively and by responding promptly and accurately to their questions and concerns. If you cannot answer a question, refer it to the administration. If you have information regarding specific children (i.e. abuse, neglect, etc.) you must by law report this information to the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) at 1.877.237.0004. The information should be given to the Principal or Guidance Counselor. Student Confidentiality It is vital that teachers safeguard documents that contain personal student information. Permanent records, grade books, etc. should never be left unattended [Board Policy #5144]. 6 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Cumulative Records All information contained in a student’s folder is confidential. When removing a cumulative record from the files, lift out the whole folder, and sign for it accordingly. Cumulative records must remain at school. Cumulative records are house in Pupil Services. Personal Appearance Teachers should take a professional attitude toward their personal appearance and are expected to dress in that way. This means that apparel such as jeans, warm-up suits, low cut/tight/revealing/short outfits, etc. are not appropriate. Your appearance will greatly influence that of our students. Professional Growth and Development Fairview Middle School is committed to implementing a dynamic community of learners. Therefore, ongoing staff development will be conducted at school. PLCs will meet weekly and Faculty Meetings are also scheduled for Mondays. Make sure that you properly sign in on these days. You are encouraged to attend workshops at the Teaching and Learning Academy. Keep a record of your attendance. An up-todate copy of this record should be retained for your records. This should be kept on the Record of Professional Development Form and in Avatar. Classroom Telephones Telephones have been provided for teachers in their classrooms. Please be sure that your phone is in a secure location. These phones should not be accessible to students. However, if a student needs to use the telephone, please allow the student to use the phone at your discretion. Telephones should be used “only for educational and professional purposes consistent with MCS goals,” following Board Policies. Progressive Discipline Fairview Middle School employees are expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, integrity, and performance. If these standards are not maintained, the principal will take the following disciplinary steps: 7 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Step 1: Verbal Warning—The principal will acknowledge the problem/concern with the teacher. [Documented Counseling] Step 2: After the Verbal Warning—The principal will allow the teacher the opportunity to correct the behavior/concern. The oral reprimand will be documented. Step 3: Second Offense: Written Reprimand—A letter will be placed in the Teacher’s File and sent to labor Relations. Step 4: Third Offense: Written Reprimand—A letter will be placed in the Teacher’s File and sent to labor Relations Step 5: Fourth Offense—The teacher will be referred to the Division of Labor and Employee Relations. The following people will be contacted in the Division of Labor and Employee Relations: Kimkea’ Harris, Coordinator; Chantay Branch, Labor Administrator; Virgie Chaffen; and Michael Harris, Specialist. Disciplinary Offenses (Behavioral and/or Job Performance Related) Disciplinary Offenses (Behavioral): Attendance problems Dishonesty and related problems Behavior problems Violation of Work Rules Policies Disciplinary Offenses (Performance Issues): Failure to complete work assignments (Lesson plans, required Title I documentation, etc.) Producing substandard products or services Failure to meet established performance standards The Division of Labor and Employee Relations will be notified IMMEDIATELY if the following violations occur: Allegations of abuse of students, and any other inappropriate conduct with students, staff, or parents. Assault or any type of workplace violence. Possession or under the influence of alcohol or illegal narcotics while at work. 8 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Sample Disciplinary Action for Attendance Based on Percentages Absenteeism Rate 0% - 5% Possible Disciplinary Action Continue Monitoring (No Disciplinary Action Required) 6% - 9% Counseling 10% or above Contact Labor Relations Regarding Referral for Disciplinary Action Attendance Calculation The easiest way to determine attendance is using the 10 day work period. For example, if an employee is absent 2 days out of a 10 day work week, the following calculation will be used: 2/10 = .20 Move the decimal two places to the right to get the percentage 20% [Please note: If an employee does not follow the call procedures as outlined in this handbook, the teacher will be marked “Code 12” on the payroll until the employee provides the proper documentation for the absence.] If taking a personal day, requests must be made in writing 48 hours prior to the absence. All personal days must be approved by the principal. Outlook for Teachers Outlook is available for all teachers. When activated, this will be the preferred form of communication from Administration. Staff should check their e-mail daily. All Board Policies apply to use of e-mail and all staff will be asked to sign an Acceptable Use Agreement with the District. Teachers should check for email at the beginning of each day, during their lunch period, and at the end of the day. Hall Passes for Students Absolutely no students should be allowed out of the classroom during the first or last fifteen minutes of a class period. All students must use the Official Hall Passes issued to Teachers. If a teacher allows a student out of the classroom, the teacher is responsible for that student until he/she returns. Please use professional judgment as to “emergency” situations. Teachers, the Discipline Office does not write admits to students who are tardy for class. 9 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. MCS Board Policy Handbook The policy book published by the Board of Education is a recommended read for all teachers. Visit www.mcsk12.net to read MCS Board policies. Sodas and Food Do not send students to the lounge or cafeteria to purchase items for you. The Teacher’s Lounge & PLC rooms are for faculty and staff only. Smoking According to Board Policy 1.803, smoking is not permitted anywhere on the school’s campus. That includes the front AND side of the buildings, as well as the parking lot. Staff Parking Teachers should use the North parking lot. Staff should not park in the in the front of the school at any time. This creates a serious problem for access of other MCS vehicles. Faculty Meetings Faculty meetings will be held on Mondays. Please do not schedule appointments on this week day. Meetings will start promptly at 2:45pm. Let’s model the behavior we expect of our students during faculty meetings. Faculty meetings may be structured as general, grade level, subject area, or committee-wise. The principal will determine the type and frequency of the meetings. All teachers will be expected to attend on Mondays, according to Board Policy #2243. Media Center Faculty members may check out books from the media center and keep them as long as they need them. The media specialist will put on reserve any appropriate group of books for exclusive use of a certain group of students if requested by a teacher. 10 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Visual Aid Equipment Equipment may be obtained for teacher use by making arrangements with the Media Specialist in advance of the date it is to be used. Teachers are not permitted to use laptops for personal use in their classrooms. Laptops must remain with the mobile lab for instructional purposes only Textbook Inventory According to Board Policy 4.401, Textbook Inventory records are to be kept by each instructor. Each book is to be numbered. At the beginning of the school year, instructors should verify the number of books in his/her classrooms. Any mistakes should be reports to the Assistant Principal. At the close of the school year, the inventory should agree with the number of books on hand as well as those for which charges have been made. It is the responsibility of the instructor to establish a procedure for assigning books to students (having students personally sing/verify upon receiving textbooks is recommended). The procedure is to be organized in such a manner that the instructor can also identify who is responsible for damage done to the books. The procedure is to be explained clearly to each student. Use the Textbooks Rules Form. Textbooks are a large expense for the district, and textbook accounting procedures are a professional responsibility of each teacher. There are almost always disputes over responsibility for lost textbooks— and the classroom teacher should take steps to avoid accounting errors for the main office. Homeroom teachers will be responsible for conducting periodic book checks throughout the school year. Copy Machines The school has two copy machines. Teachers are permitted to use the copy machine located in the Library. Each teacher will be given a personal copy code and should decide how many copies that they want to purchase from their stipend. The rate for the copies is one cent a copy. This information should be given to Mrs. Malone. Should you have trouble with a machine, do not attempt to make an adjustment. Consult one of the office secretaries. Outside Speakers All outside speakers that you invite into your classroom must be cleared through the principal before final confirmation. 11 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Care of Rooms When a teacher leaves his/her room in the afternoon, he/she is to see that the windows are closed and that the room is neat and orderly. Clever and attractive bulletin boards help contribute to the atmosphere of learning. Students do appreciate a clean and attractively decorated classroom. Please edit and sort materials often to keep the classrooms neat and free of clutter. DO NOT tape posters, etc. to the classroom doors or windows. Also, DO NOT completely cover outside-facing windows. This violates Security/Fire Codes. The administrative staff and team administrators will conduct scheduled classroom visits to ensure that classrooms are neat and orderly. In addition, only Board approved adhesive, such as Command Strips, may be used to adhere items to the walls. Personal Valuables It is highly recommended that teachers do not bring large sums of money, personal cell phones, or anything of extreme personal value to school. If it is absolutely necessary for valuables to be brought to school, please leave them in the main office until the end of the school day. The school is not responsible for the loss of personal property of teachers or students. It is the individual’s responsibility in the case of loss or theft to submit a written report to the principal. It is also the individual’s responsibility to notify the principal if the Police Department is to be contacted. Care should be taken to insure that all items are secured. Teachers Out of Classroom Teachers are never to leave their classes unattended according to Board Policy 6.408. If some emergency occurs, notify the teacher whose room is nearest yours and immediately inform the main office. If you leave your room due to a discipline problem, complete Disciplinary Forms before bringing a student to the Discipline Office. Call Administration from a classroom phone if you need assistance. Failure to properly supervise students is grounds for referral to Labor Relations, and this will be strictly enforced. Please do not send students with discipline problems to the hallways unsupervised; call for an administrator to escort the student from your room. 12 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Retaining and/or Releasing Students from Class Students will not be excused from class to work for another teacher. Teachers are responsible for planning ahead so that students are dismissed from class on time. Students should be released from class for emergencies only. Students Leaving Campus for Teacher Errands Students are not permitted to leave campus to run errands for teachers. It is illegal. In case of an accident, the school and teacher would be held liable. Class Parties/Movies Please notify the administration in advance when giving a class party or showing a movie. School Calendar All special events must be cleared through the principal. Approved events will be placed on the school calendar. Head Coaches are asked to give complete schedules to the Financial Secretary to post, as soon as determined. Student Discipline Students Referred to the Office for Disciplinary Action Teachers should keep in mind the responsibility for maintaining order in the classroom. Effective classroom management is expected of all teachers. The responsibility of the school administrators is to assist the teachers in maintaining order and control. Teachers should observe the procedures listed below before referring students to the office. If students are causing minor disciplinary problems in the classroom, the teacher should call the parent, discuss the problem, and ask for the parent’s assistance in solving the problem. The conference should be documented using the telephone conference form. When the conference form is completed, it should be given to the Assistant Principal to be placed in the student’s file. Each team is responsible for designing a behavioral intervention plan (BIP) for students who have chronic behavior problems. 13 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. The School Counselor and Behavioral Specialist should be consulted for students who have chronic behavior problems. The School Counselor and Behavioral Specialist will assist each team in creating a behavior intervention plan. Student Support Team (S-Team) Information Forms as available through the Guidance Office. If students are causing major problems, they should be referred to the Discipline Office immediately via Google Docs and a telephone conference should be held with the parent later that day or the next school day. The conference should be documented using the telephone conference form. When the conference form is completed, it should be given to the Assistant Principal to be placed in the student’s file. Student Discipline Students shall obey all rules and regulations of Fairview Middle School. Failure to obey the rules shall result in such measures being taken by the teacher or principal. This authority extends to all games, public performances of athletic teams, trips, and other school activities. Any action by a student that does not reflect credit on the whole school program should be corrected by the best means. Discipline is a means of protecting the interests of the entire school and at the same time assisting student improvement. Students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately at all times. Measures which may be used by school officials for disciplinary reasons may include, but are not limited to the following: Conferences (student/teacher) concerning the offense Referral to guidance counselor and/or principal Written assignment Detention after school Conference with parents In-school suspension Suspension Expulsion The method of discipline employed depends on the nature of the offense and past disciplinary record of the student, as well as other pertinent factors. 14 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. This list includes but is not limited to the following: Gang activities Possession and/or threatening to use knives or other dangerous weapons Leaving campus without permission from the principal or assistant principal once the student arrives at school Fighting for any reason. Having visitors at school Bringing personal radios, tape recorders, MP3 players, etc. to school for entertainment purposes Damaging or destroying school property Possession of drugs, or being under the influence of any drug, alcohol, or foreign substance. Any use of the above prior to school, ar at a school function will be considered a violation. Threats and extortion Profanity and indecent language Refusal to follow legitimate requests made by teacher or school administrators Stealing Excessive tardiness or absenteeism Possession of fireworks Misbehavior which will cause bodily harm to another student or self Striking a school employee Running in the halls Gambling and card playing Being in undesignated area(s) at lunch time Smoking (State Law prohibits smoking on public school campus. Punishment for violation of this law will be consistent with the offense.) School will follow acceptable and mandated rules and policies of the Memphis city School Board. Office Discipline Referrals All teachers are required to follow the discipline sequence before a student is referred to the main office. Please refer to your Student Code of Conduct Handbook for further detailed information. Of course, all fights must be referred immediately to the main office. Please use your professional judgment when referring students to the main office. In addition, please consult your Team Administrator before referring students to the main office. All referrals are submitted via the Grade Level Google Doc form. 15 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Suggestions for Teachers Discipline is based on the overall school climate and program. A strong instructional program geared toward individual student needs is the foundation for good discipline. However, it is hoped that the following brief suggestions will serve as a useful guide for teachers and principals: Plan and conduct a program of instruction that will capture the interest of each student and make him/her eager to learn Teach discipline (define limits and directives) by establishing and teaching conduct rules in your classroom Give students assigned seats, perhaps in alphabetical order, to separate potential troublemaker Praise for effort and acceptable conduct, as well as for performance Be sure that praise is sincere. Students are quick to sense counterfeit compliments Remember that non-verbal communication is important. A smile, nod, stare, frown, or the raising of an eyebrow is an effective silent signal Don’t keep punishing for the same offense. If a student keeps repeating an offense, it is wise to look for the cause and change the approach Avoid group punishment. Some pupils are usually innocent, and a group (suffering” together has a certain cohesiveness and camaraderie which enables it to “shrug off” otherwise effective disciplinary measures. In-School Suspension Program According to Board Policy 6.313, ONLY the Principal or Assistant Principal has the authority to assign students to the In-school Suspension program in lieu of issuing Home Suspensions. Do not send students directly to ISS from your classroom for any reason. Students who are assigned to the In-school suspension Center must complete all assignments. Failure to comply with these standards will result in the original suspension being issued. ISS is not considered Absence from Class for Attendance Purposes. Time assignments will range from one to three days. Students must comply with all entry and exit rules before being readmitted to class. A student who refuses to attend and/or cooperate will be issued a home suspension. Upon clearing the suspension, the student will be assigned to the In-school Suspension Program Center. All assigned days will be completed in succession or the student has to start over in ISS> Suspension time will not count toward consecutive day attendance. 16 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Suspensions In-School Suspension There should not be any absences since the student has been issued an In-School Suspension. Therefore, if the student is absent, all absences will be unexcused. Home Suspension The principal has the authority to designate the length of a home suspension up to 5-10 school days. Students will be allowed to make-up all missed assignments. Expulsion The Pupil Services Center will determine how many days of excused absences prior to returning students to school. The principal, assistant principal, or attendance secretary following the clearance of the suspension will issue an admission to class to students. Suspensions Student having in his possession at school any instrument that could be classified as a weapon Students involved in school break-ins or causing malicious damage to school property Students accused of any insubordination toward a faculty member, administrative personnel, or classified personnel—such as striking , using abusive language, or in any way showing disrespect (misconduct). A suspension will be issued if a parent or guardian fails to respond to a home suspension. Students are encourage to clear suspensions as soon as possible. Students involved in the possession or use of drugs or alcohol Fighting or creating a disturbance in the classroom or on campus Any truancy, following return to school from a Home Suspension for truancy. Third offense for class cutters Te principal or assistant principal may issue a home suspension at their discretion. The suspension may be cleared by the Principal, Assistant Principal, or an administrative staff member (following a personal conference with the parent or guardian). Team Administrators have the authority to issue an overnight suspension. However, this must be a team decision, not an individual decision. It is the Team Administrator’s responsibility, along with the team, to clear the overnight suspension. If an administrator needs to be present, please coordinate at least one day before the overnight suspension is issued. The student is not to return to school until a parent or guardian has contacted the principal or an administrative staff member. Students are encouraged to clear a home suspension the following day. 17 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Fairview Middle School Parent Conference Form Date: ____________________________ Student: ________________________________ Teachers present: ______________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardians: _____________________________________________________________________ Conference Purpose: ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Topics Covered: _______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Current Academic Status: ________________________________________________________________ Work Samples Reviewed: ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Conduct or Behavior Addressed: __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Comments: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Check if applicable: _____future conference date set (future date: ____________) _____ referral for counselor/s-team Teacher Signatures: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _____ referral for resource _____ behavior plan Parent/Guardian Signatures: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 18 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Guidance Philosophy Guidance is for all students. It is a planned program; the services for which are delivered by and through a professionally competent counselor. The counselor through the guidance curriculum individual planning, responsive services, and system support components, provides direct services. The guidance counselor will provide indirect services via support to other educational programs. They also assist the administration and teachers by providing counseling for all of our students and parents when needed. Specific counseling/guidance activities include, but are not limited to the following: Individual counseling, small group and classroom counseling/guidance Career Development Clubs/Mentoring Program Field trips Resource speakers Career Awareness/Exploration Seminar Job Readiness Workshops Job Placement Four-year Plan/Course Selection Crisis Counseling Consultation (Students, Parents, Teachers, other Educators and community Agencies) Referrals/Support Services Parent Education/Staff Development Assemblies You are expected to be present at each assembly and to sit with your homeroom students. If you do not have a homeroom, you are expected to assist with the monitoring of students. At the beginning of each assembly, you will check carefully to make sure that all members of your homeroom are present. WE must control students during assembly programs. Any misconduct should be discussed with team members and handled appropriately and in a timely manner to prevent future infractions. Injury/Illness of Students or Teachers Procedures for Handling Sick Students When a student tells you he/she is ill, please allow the student to contact a parent. Students must fill out the form stating his/her illness and his/her parent’s telephone number. Please send the student to the main office once a parent has been contacted. Also, inform Mrs. Malone of the situation immediately. 19 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. The Attendance Secretary will verify in the main office that the parent or guardian will pick-up the student. Only parents or designated adults listed on the registration form may check out students. If the student receives permission from his/her parent, the secretary will give the student a dismissal slip and see that he/she signs out for the day. If, in the Attendance Secretary’s judgement, the child is not sick or if he/she is unable to reach his parent/guardian, the secretary will give the student an admit to return him/her to class. Students should be checked out for emergencies only. They should be encouraged to shecule doctor and dentist appointments after school hours whenever possible. Be sure all students understand these procedures. Medication for Students According to Board Policy 5145.2, teachers or any other school personnel should not give medicine to students for internal use. If students bring medicine to school, it should be left in the Guidance Office and taken under the supervision of the principal or his/her designated representative. Reminders of School Board Policies Student Accident Reports Policy #5142 Any accident to students which occurs on property of the Board of Education and which requires the service of a doctor or which could conceivably have any further complications should be submitted in writing to the Area Superintendent’s Office within 48 hours. In the event of a serious accident, the Area Superintendent’s office should be notified by telephone immediately. Forms may be obtained from the Financial Secretary. Teacher Accident Reports Board Policy #4209 states that any accident to teachers should be reported immediately to the Principal/Assistant Principal. Employee Accident Forms may be obtained through the Financial Secretary. 20 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Financial Procedures REQUISTIONS FOR ITEMS PURCHASED FROM OUTSIDE VENDORS If a teacher wants to purchase any items(s) from an outside vendor, permission must be granted by the principal IN ADVANCE OF THE PURCHASE. The teacher must pick up a blank requisition form from the principal’s office. The form must be completed and returned to the principal’s office for his/her signature. If the item(s) is for more than one hundred dollars, competitive bids must be taken and a purchase order must be picked up from the financial secretary. If the item(s) is for more than five hundred dollars, permission must be granted by the District Superintendent. The school will not honor statements, invoices, or any other bills made in the name of the school unless approved by the principal in advance. Teachers or staff members who purchase items for the school, must have a purchase order and/or requisition signed by the principal. FINANCIAL PROCEDURES, MONEY & RECEIPTS Each teacher is given a Teacher’s Receipt Book and a Money Envelope on request, which is used in bringing ALL MONEY to the bookkeeper. The teacher should give a receipt to each student if ANY money is collected. The receipt book is pre-numbered consecutively and should be used accordingly. Money you collect should be receipted immediately and turned in to the Financial Secretary. The Financial Secretary will give you a receipt for the money and will staple in your book the last receipt you have written for the day. Please use the following procedures when writing receipts: Include school name, date, name of student, amount, activity and teacher’s signature. IMPORTANT: If an error is made on a receipt, the original and copy must be marked “VOID” and the original stapled to the copy. Alterations of receipts, whether by erasure or any other method are strictly forbidden. The teacher Receipt Book is subject to audit by the Board of Education at any time and will be audited at the end of each school year. Never leave money in your classroom. All school money must be turned in to the secretary daily, who will issue a receipt. Teachers must turn the money in by 10:00a.m. each day. Absolutely no children are allowed to bring receipt books to the office. The secretary will then prepare the daily deposit. Instructors should maintain a record of funds for which they are responsible. The school receives purchase orders after the purchasing department has processed requisitions and the vendor has delivered the supplies. When a statement is received from the company where the supplies or materials were purchased, you will be asked to sign the statement to indicate that the complete order was received before the bill will 21 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. be paid. The school will pay for no supplies or materials unless an approved purchase order has been obtained and is on file. REQUESTING A CHECK Request for a check should be in the hands of the Financial Secretary at least three days before the check is needed. The requisition must have been approved prior to your request. FUNDRAISING PROGRAM Board Policy #1424 states that Teachers who wish to begin a fund-raising program must complete a Fund-Raising form and discuss the plans with the Principal in advance. The school is not authorized to do business with—and is not liable for—payment to companies not approved by the Board of Education. The secretary has a list of approved vendors; however, the principal must approve plans before vendors are contacted. An income statement must be prepared at the end of each fundraiser. Two weeks is the maximum time frame for a fundraiser. Important: Do not permit students to handle the money or distribution of merchandise. You are responsible for all monies and are expected to keep accurate records. The Internal Audit Division will audit these records. REMINDERS DO NOT ENTER INTO ANY AGREEMENT, CONTRACT, OR ANY ARRANGEMENT IN THE NAME OF THE SCHOOL WITHOUT PRIOR, DOCUMENTED PERMISSION FROM THE PRINCIPAL. TO RECEIVE PERMISSION TO SPEND MONEY FOR SCHOOL RELATED PURCHASES, SEE THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY AND ADK FOR A “PURCHASE ORDER FORM.” FILL THIS FORM OUT AND RETURN IT TO THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY. IF IT RECEIVES THE NEEDED SIGNATURE, YOU’RE IN BUSINESS. IF A PURCHASE IS BEING MADE THAT COSTS $100.00 OR MORE, COMPETITIVE BIDS MUST BE TAKEN. THIS INFORMAITON MUST BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE AUDITOR. 22 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Recordkeeping and Attendance Record Keeping It is very important that all records be kept neatly, legibly, and accurately. Deadlines for turning in records should always be observed. Those to whom your records are turned in to, in turn, have dealines to meet, so be courteous and polite and always have themi n on time. Use black ink for all markings on permanent records. Grade reports and scanners should be returned at the designated time each nine (9) weeks. Official Hours for Opening School Building to Pupils Policy #6112.1 Opening of school building on regular school days for the purpose of admitting pupils will be at the discretion of the principal. Students arriving before 7:15am must report to the cafeteria. Students should be encouraged to arrange their schedule so as not to arrive prior to 7:00am. This will allow time for staff and administrative personnel to be available to supervise. Students reporting for breakfast will be allowed to enter the cafeteria at 7:00am. All other points are off-limits. After School All students are to leave the building immediately upon dismissal unless a scheduled activity approved by the principal requires their presence. No meeting is to be held longer than 3:00pm without special permission from the office. All meetings after school must be cleared through the office before taking place. Individual and Group Conferences for Parents If a parent conference is requested, it will be arranged through the Guidance Office. Matters of a more serious nature may be held in the Principal’s Office. Teachers should schedule parent conferences at their planning period, or before or after school. DO NOT leave your class unattended, or allow parents to disrupt your class instructional time. 23 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Office Procedures Teacher Mail Teacher mailboxes should be checked daily for communications, scanners, etc. Please do not send students to collect your mail. Accountability of Keys In order to maintain an accurate account of all keys, the accountability and issuance of keys will be as follows: Keys will be obtained from the building engineer, Mr. King. Should a new key have to be made, this request must be made to the building engineer. In the event the key is used only for a short period of time, it should be returned promptly to the office. Loss of keys must be reported to the building engineer immediately. Visitors Board Policy #1220 states that visitors are to be directed to the office before entering a classroom. If a visitor does not come to the office, notify the office at once. This includes parents, spouses, friends and all other visitors to the school. All visitors must be kept at a minimum so as not to impact the instructional program. Announcements Announcement forms are available in the office. They must be filled out—with dates—and approved before the announcement can be made via the intercom. Announcements will be made during the homeroom period only, except in the case of an emergency. Office Items and Supplies Teachers may pick up their mail, films, and faculty memos for the day in the main office. A requisition should be filled out and submitted to the Financial Secretary one day in advance for most supply items that are kept in the supply room. 24 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Assistance from Building Engineer According to Board Policy #2370, all requests or complaints concerning the building maintenance are to be put on the Building Engineer Request Form and given to the principal in the office. He/She will see that the building engineer is notified as quickly as possible. Break-In and Theft Report Board Policy #4208 states if a break-in occurs in your room, an inventory of the equipment should be taken immediately to determine if anything is missing. A written report of your finding is to be filed with the Principal for further appropriate response. Classroom doors should be secured during the day when the teacher is out of the room. Also, please lock your door at the end of the day. These procedures will reduce thefts. Teacher Responsibilities Outside the Classroom All teachers MUST assume responsibility of seeing that students are orderly in the places outside the classroom, such as in the halls, the campus and laboratories. This is the teacher’s assignment. All teachers should remain in the hall until the area is clear of students. Please stand at your door during the passing of classes. Students are not to fight on school premises or while under school supervision. If a teacher sees a fight in progress or about to begin, he/she should do what he/she can to break it up. The students fighting should then be escorted to the office. Teachers should attend or take part in the outside activities of the school, such as athletic contests and school programs. These activities are important to the overall development of the students and deserve your support. Field Trips Board Policy #4.302 states that teachers are encourage to take students on field trips that will provide an enriching experience. The principal must grant initial approval for the trip. The following seps MUST be taken to sponsor an approved trip. The sponsor must: 1. Set a date for the tip with the principal. A trip must be put on the calendar at least thirty days (30) before it is to be made. 2. Reserve the bus and driver with the Financial Secretary. 25 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. 3. Collect, receipt, and turn in all monies to the financial secretary at least 2 days before the trip. Please turn all monies before the 10:00am deadline. 4. File the completed Field Trip Report seven (7) days prior to the departure date with the principal. 5. Turn in a list including the names of all students going on the trip. This list should be arranged under homeroom memberships. The list is due one day before the trip is scheduled. Check with the Assistant Principal for Conduct Reports. 6. Turn into the office a parent permission slip signed by each student’s parent no later than one day before the trip. 7. Leave an assignment for the class or classes that you expect to miss and a copy of your class roll/seating chart, daily schedule, etc. in your right hand, top drawer. 8. Inform Ms. India Caldwell, cafeteria manager, of all students attending the field trip in advance so that she can prepare sack lunches, if necessary. 9. If a check is needed, please submit a Check Request two (2) days prior to the field trip. Check and ensure that you have completed all nine steps fully. Failure to do so may results in the cancellation of your trip, which would be a disappointment to all involved. Grading and Assessment Board Policy #4.600 Grade Book Instructors are expected to maintain a grade book that clearly reflects the academic progress of each student. The grade book should include detailed information concerning tests, daily grades, and other pertinent information. Numerical grades are to be used in all grade books. Students are to be made aware of the grading system. In the front of your book, indicate your grading system. Follow these guidelines: (Example) - Homework-Classwork-Test Scores-Projects-Etc.-- 10% % % % % Academic: Excellent Good Average Below Average A B C D 93-100 (Excellent) 85-92 (Good) 75-84 (Satisfactory) 70-74 (Poor, but passing) 26 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Failure Incomplete F I 0-69 (Failure) Not to be left as a final grade; becomes an F if not made up. Incomplete I is Not a Final Grade Incomplete grades, usually given because of student absences, should be changed to a regular academic grade by the end of the following nine (9) weeks period or quarter. Incomplete grades are not to be left as final grades. An incomplete grade will be changed to reflect the average supported by documentation if the assignments are not completed within the specified time frame. Conduct: Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory E S N U Conduct grades take into consideration the following: Actual behavior of the pupil in the classroom Respect for teacher authority Prompt response to teacher direction Attitude in classroom Respect for property related to classroom activity Report to class on time Special Education Students receiving special education services will receive reports and grades based on progress toward goals stated in their Individualized Education Program (IEP). Monitoring Student Progress The school shall inform parents of a student’s academic progress and seek active support from parents when a student’s academic performance is not at a proficient level. Parents and students shall be advised of enrichment and intervention options available to students. It is expected that interventions will occur on an ongoing basis. Students in grades K-12 who need interventions shall be identified as early in the school year as possible and a Student/Teacher Academic Report (STAR) shall be developed and implemented by their teachers. The STAR shall identify a student’s academic deficiencies and list interventions strategies that are needed to help a student meet the academic standards. The progress of students with a STAR shall be monitored carefully to ensure that they have received the appropriate placement and that they are continuously provided with instructional programs and services designed to 27 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. help them achieve academically. The school shall inform parents of the need for a STAR and of the student’s progress under it. Reporting Student Progress to Parents Curriculum guides shall be provided to parents upon request and kept on file at the local school. It is crucial that parents be informed of dates for issuance of report cards, progress reports, and parent conferences. Progress reports may be issued at any time, either for commendation purposes or for providing notice that a student is not being successful. If a student is not successful in any subject the first and second three (3) weeks of a nine (9) weeks period, a progress report (deficiency notice) shall be sent home so that parents are aware that the student needs to improve. Report cards shall be issued each nine (9) weeks and shall include information about students’ academic performance, attendance, and conduct. Parents of students in grades K-12 are expected to sign notices or report cards, return them to the school, and schedule a meeting with the teacher, if necessary. At least two (2) times during the school year, parent/teacher conferences shall be scheduled to provide parents and teachers an opportunity for a mutual exchange of information and ideas concerning the welfare of the child. Teachers are also expected to request additional conferences with parents as needed. Parents shall be advised no later than the third reporting period if a student’s academic performance puts him/her at risk of not meeting academic proficiency by the end of a course. Teachers must request a meeting with the parents of students who are at risk of not meeting proficiency. Documentation shall be provided to support this concern and the STAR must be reviewed with the parents. Promotion, Retention, and Student Progress Board Policy #4.603 Grades 6-8 1. Promotional Standards Grades 6-8 To be considered for promotion to the next grade, students should demonstrate a minimum level of achievement with a D (70%) or better in the following courses: a. English/Language Arts b. Mathematics c. Science d. Social Studies Students in grades 6-8 shall be required to take a minimum of 90 days of instruction in any combination of minor/exploratory subjects, unless these spaces are used for academic intervention programs. A passing grade in a minor/exploratory subject(s) shall not be necessary for promotion 28 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Teachers are responsible for making the initial decision to promote or retain a student in a course or grade based on district grading criteria and promotional standards. 2. Summer Program Intervention Opportunities Grades 6-8 Students in grades 6-8 who fail up to three core courses will have the opportunity to participate in an intervention program during the summer and take up to two of the failed courses as long as funds are available. (Reading and Mathematics shall take priority when determining student schedules for summer program intervention.) If the student passes the course(s) he/she will be promoted to the next grade. Students who fail one core course during the regular school year shall be promoted at the end of the school year, but may retake the failed course during summer intervention or during the next school year. Students who fail two core courses during the regular school year shall be retained in the two courses at the end of the school year, but may retake the failed courses during the summer intervention program. Students who fail three core courses during the regular school year shall be retained in the three courses at the end of the school year, but may retake two of the failed courses during the summer intervention. The principal of the student’s home school will make the final decision on whether to retain in grade a student who fails one of the courses during the summer intervention program. If the student is promoted, the principal shall require that the student take the third course or another intervention provided for in the student’s STAR during the next school year. A student who fails two courses during the summer intervention program shall be retained. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Memphis City Schools encourages the reporting of IAQ concerns, regardless of how trivial the issue may seem. The prompt reporting and resolution of IAQ issues has the potential to prevent serious problems from developing, which should prevent potential health effects, discomfort, and unnecessary costs. This makes the investigation of all reported concerns worthwhile. Ms. Hawkins, the IAQ Coordinator, will require the concerned staff, students, and parents to report their IAQ concern(s) in writing. A written description of the concern should reduce misunderstanding and create a history that can be referred to at a future date. Attached is a copy of the IAQ Concern Reporting form. However, parental and student concerns can also be documented through the <CS Risk Management Office by calling 416-5515. Staff concerns can be documented in the MCS Employee Incident Report. 29 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. These forms should be completed and sent to appropriate offices to initiate an official IAQ concern reporting process; the Office of Risk Management will then investigate the concern. The resolution of the issue will be documented and the interested parties will be informed in writing about the measures taken. IAQ Concern Reports and associated documents are located in the school office. Information collected is processed and stored according to the school district’s data practices policies. 30 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Indoor Air Quality Concern Form This form can be filled out by the building occupant or by a member of the building staff. Occupant Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Department/Location in Building: ______________________________ Phone: ___________________ Completed by: ____________________ Title: ____________________ Phone: ___________________ This form should be used if your concern may be related to indoor air quality. Indoor air quality problems include concerns with temperature control, ventilation, and air pollutants. Your observations can help to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Please use the space below to describe the nature of the complaint and any potential causes. We may need to contact you to discuss your complaint. What is the best time to reach you? __________ So that we can respond promptly, please return this form to Eric Thomas, Safety Officer, Florida/Kansas Administration, 2nd Floor, Loc. 279, 416-5515. OFFICE USE ONLY 31 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Teacher Effectiveness Measure (TEM) A Clear Definition and Valid Measures of Evaluation The Teacher Effectiveness Measure (TEM) is the new measure for evaluating teachers. Because it was critical that the TEM be a fair, valid, and reliable measure of effectiveness for all teachers, it was developed by a working group largely comprised of MCS teachers, with input from their colleagues, administrators, education experts, and stakeholders. TEM Components Historically, teachers have been evaluated by a single measure – classroom observations. The TEM is more objective in that it includes multiple measures that result in an evaluation of the whole teacher, creating multiple avenues for assessing teacher performance which will ultimately promote teacher and student growth. TEM looks at: Growth in Student Learning As mandated by the State of Tennessee, fifty percent of a teacher’s evaluation will be determined by student growth data. Thirty-five percent of the student growth measure will be either the teacher’s Tennessee Value Added Assessment System (TVAAS) data for teachers of tested subject areas or the school’s TVAAS data for teachers of non-tested subject areas. The other fifteen percent of the student growth measure will be student achievement data that will be selected by the teacher from a menu of options provided by the State of Tennessee. Observation of Practice MCS will implement more rigorous, objective classroom observations. Observers – principals and other administratively certified district personnel- will be trained on how to use the new MCS observation rubric to provide objective, behavioralbased, accurate assessments of teacher performance. As mandated by the State of Tennessee, tenured teachers will be observed four times each academic year; and pre-tenured teachers will be observed six times each academic year. Stakeholder Perceptions Surveys For the 2011 – 2012 school year, MCS will administer the TRIPOD Student survey to gain insight into classroom instructional practices, the learning environment, and student engagement. Students will complete this survey once per semester, Fall 2011 and Spring 2012. Data gathered from this survey will be useful to teachers in that it will provide feedback on teacher performance in vital areas that have been proven to show strong correlations with student achievement. Teacher Knowledge For the 2011 – 2012 school year, MCS will be field-testing knowledge measurements for determining what teachers know and understand in their particular subject areas. A teacher’s subject area mastery is a critical foundation for effective teaching. Thus, we need to know how deeply our teachers understand the content that they teach to their students. This school year teachers will select the measure that will be used for their knowledge measurement from a menu of options that will be provided in August 2011. 0 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Fairview Middle School Teachers’ Morning Duty/Metal Detection Teams 2012-2013 Team A: Taylor, Kizer, Dendy, Lessard, Price, O. Davis, Kilgore-Wilson Team B: Talley, Morris, Millett, Harden, Aronson, C. Davis, Cox Team C: Boskey, Franklin, Brown, Rogers, Milton, Zava, Howard Daily Support: Sparkman, Woodard, Pirtle Teams are expected to report to morning duty by 7:00am during the week (sign-in in the main office before 7:00am to ensure you are in the cafeteria for duty by 7:00am). From 7:00-7:30am, all teachers on duty are to complete full metal detection duties and monitor students while they eat breakfast in the cafeteria. You will also be responsible for dismissing students to 2nd period. No students should be allowed to leave the cafeteria during breakfast. All students will remain in the cafeteria after completing metal detection until 7:15am. All students must exit the cafeteria by 7:30am. Students will only be allowed in the building with the supervision of your team each morning, so it is very important that we arrive promptly at 7:00am. No students will be allowed to go to the restroom unsupervised during metal detection. 0 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Afternoon Duty Schedule 2:15-2:30pm All teachers will escort students to their students out of the building at 2:15. After escorting students out of the building, teachers need to report to their duty posts (please see names/locations below). Please be present at your duty post daily. If you are absent, please include your dismal duty in your substitute folder. Notes: Subject to be revised as needed. *Hallway monitor should also monitor restrooms and stairwells on floor Fairview Middle School Fire Safety Drill Procedures (Evacuation Procedures) Sixth Grade Ms. Price – Exit East side of building near Brown Classroom and line up in parking lot near Kroc building Mrs. Talley - Exit East side of building near Brown Classroom and line up in parking lot near Kroc building Mr. Millett- Exit door near your classroom and line up in front of building Seventh Grade Mr. Aronson – Exit door near Millets’ classroom and line up in front of building Ms. Kizer – Exit main entrance and line up in front of building Ms. Morris– Exit main entrance and line up in front of building Mr. Franklin – Exit main entrance and line up in front of building Eighth Grade Ms. Price – Exit East side of building near Brown Classroom and line up in parking lot near Kroc building Mrs. Talley - Exit East side of building near Brown Classroom and line up in parking lot near Kroc building Mr. Millett- Exit door near your classroom and line up in front of building Ms. Cox-Exit door by Exploratory/Support Ms. Lessard – Exit main entrance and line up in front of building Mrs. Pirtle – Exit main entrance and line up in front of building Ms. Kilgore-Wilson – Exit main entrance nad Mr. Milton – Courtyard Sped/Inclusion Ms. Harden – Exit East side of building near Brown Classroom and line up in parking lot near Kroc building 1 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Ms. O. Davis – Exit East side of building near Brown Classroom and line up in parking lot near Kroc building Ms. Zava – Exit East side of building near Brown Classroom and line up in parking lot near Kroc building Cafeteria – Exit back door in cafeteria and line up on North side Notes: Subject to be revised as needed. Instructions 1. Teachers, explain your assigned exit(s) to your students. 2. If the exit is blocked, the teacher will decide on an alternate (pre-determined) route. Don’t Panic! Stay with the teacher, if at all possible. 3. Take your Attendance Books, Emergency Manual, and all your students with you. Have a buddy system. This will enable us to be accountable for each other. 4. No Talking. 5. The last student out should close the door. It is mandatory to take time to close windows. Doors should be unlocked from the outside. 6. Team Administrators will be notified by the Principal/Assistant Principal when all is clear. At this time, all students will be cleared to re-enter the building in an orderly fashion. 2 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Fairview Middle School Lock Down Procedures Secure the facility from intruders Announce ‘Lock Down’ Lock classroom door Cover all windows Move students so they can’t be seen Shut off lights Remain Quiet Wait for further instructions It is safest for no one to enter or exit the building—including parents. Take attendance 3 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. Fairview Middle School Class Schedule-1 2nd Period 7:30-8:25 3rd Period 8:30-9:25 4th Period 9:30-10:25 5th Period 10:30-12:10 6th Period 12:15-1:10 7th Period 1:15-2:15 6th Grade Lunch 10:30-11:00 7th Grade Lunch 11:05-11:35 8th Grade Lunch 11:40-12:10 4 The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age.