Six Flags Of Texas - Galena Park Independent School District

Six Flags Of Texas
By Diego Leal
7th Grade
Cunningham Middle School
Mr. Days, Social Studies
6 Flags of Texas
Click on a flag for the history
then click on all six to bring you
back here.
Texas Under
• Spain was the first European
nation to claim Texas.
• Beginning in 1519, when Cortez
was establishing Spanish
presence in Mexico.
Texas Under France
•Planning to expand its base from
French Louisiana, France took a
bold step in 1685, planting its flag
in eastern Texas near the Gulf
•Even though the Spain had
already settled there was almost
no Spanish.
•It was planned that French
Louisiana be expanded.
Texas Under Mexico
•Since Mexico gained its
independence from Spain,
Texas was automatically
part of Mexico, therefore
the Mexican flag was flown
over Texas.
Republic of
•In 1836 Texas finally decided that it
should be a Republic.
•During almost 10 years of being a
Republic ,Texas suffered from
economic crisis and even more
battles with Mexico.
•Even though Texas had some
hardships ,they still came up with
some Texas heritage like the first
American cowboy.
• The red, white, and blue Texas flag
which was adopted in 1839 now flies
in schools, banks, and malls.
Texas In The
• When Texas became part of the
Confederacy Texas suffered even more
economic crisis.
• But even though Texas had a lot of
hardships two things did happen in favor
of Texas:
1. It won the last battle of the civil war in
Texas soil.
2. Second, returning Texans found a big
population of wild longhorns.
Texas In the
•On joining the United States,
Texas became the 28th star in
the U.S flag.
•Even though Texas still had to
rebuild it self Texas had a
great future ahead.