
Ami Miano
Speech I: Commemorative
Ms. Miano
29 October 2012
Commemorative Speech Outline
My Father, Charles Frechette
As a child, I my father was the man with the booming voice and soft blue eyes. As a
teen, he became the “fix-it” guy; as an adult, my best friend. Charles Frechette is a
man of many talents; although, he will claim none of the success. His dignity and
modesty will not allow him. So, I will praise him instead.
A. Birth
1. Great Depression
2. Mother
3. Grandmother
B. High School
1. Football
2. Marriage
C. Family
1. Discipline
2. Summer vacations
Miano 2
3. First Aid Squad
D. Present Day
1. Faith
2. Life lesson
III. Today, I honor Charles Frechette. I celebrate his dignity, his modesty, his love. I thank God
that I had a father, a teacher, and a friend such as my dad. He deserves all that is good in life.
Thank you, Daddy; for all that you have molded me to be. Thank you for your grace, and thank
you for your love.