December 11, 2011 AN END TO STUDENT STRESS A PROPOSAL TO: Mr. Steve Bucholz, M.S. Dustin Bergstrom 12703 Larene Dr. Black Hawk, SD 57718 Phone: (605)391 4994 December 11, 2011 Place Photo Here, Otherwise Delete Box ELIMINATING FINALS WEEK Place Photo Here, Otherwise Delete Box A PROPOSAL TO ELIMINATE STUDENT STRESS In the modern world education has become more important than ever. Financial crises have forced more and more companies out of business. This leads to a more competitive and ruthless job market. How does a person make themselves stand out in this crowded market? One way is through higher education and having a degree. Studies show that a person with some sort of degree from an institute of higher education has the potential to earn almost double that of a person with only a high school diploma. Advanced degree holders can earn almost triple. However, that education comes with a price. One of the biggest obstacles to achieving goals is stress. In our current economic climate there is an over abundance of stress. Where will the money to pay this or that come from? Where will I find a job? Can I make it through school without failing? All of these factors weigh heavily on the student mind. Add in the stress of Finals week and it can be daunting for even the most stalwart of students. In the following proposal I will attempt to show how to relieve a bit of anxiety and stress for students by showing how to help students eliminate finals week stress and make it into just another week of studies. Dustin Bergstrom December 11, 2011 NEGATIVE EFFECTS STRESS EFFECTS ON HEALTH AND WELL BEING Stress impacts our daily lives in many ways. It causes myriad health problems and a decline in positive output. Students are affected just as well. A report published by the Journal of American College Health shows that binge drinking among students increases during periods of high educational stress. (Henry Wechsler, Jae Eun Lee, Meichun Kuo, Mark Seibring, Toben F. Nelson, & Hang Lee, 2002) Binge drinking not only effects the student, but the community as a whole. Property destruction, medical costs, judicial costs all are directly attributable to these increased periods of alcohol use. Students exhibiting harmful behavior in relieving stress Place Photo Here, by binge drinking.Otherwise Delete Box Dustin Bergstrom Month Day Year What can be done? GROUP AND INDIVIDUAL TECHNIQUES A recent article publishes on the Arizona State University website has many positive and interesting pieces of information on how students can relieve stress. The article pointed out that students need to be aware of their stress levels and that reaching out for help is important. It also had ideas for how to relieve those stresses in creative ways. Group meditation, yoga, even an arts and crafts group were all ways that students were finding to cut out the stress. The organizer of the arts and crafts group stated that there were 4-500 people that attended. (Sinclair, 2011) PROPOSAL FOR CLASS What this is all meant to show is that perhaps our student body could benefit from a required course teaching first year students how to deal with all of the stressors that school and in particular finals times will put on them. Add to this activities throughout finals week such as a fun night with perhaps an open mic night where students can try out their comedic side. Laugh at themselves and others. Provide assistance either through school sources or prearranged outside sources. Make sure that all students know where to turn when the stresses are leading them to destructive behaviors. School should not turn into a place that leaves a person feeling overwhelmed or hurt emotionally or physically. That Is why I am proposing the class and the activities. If students can be kept positive and kept relaxed it will benefit them in more ways than just keeping them well, it will make them more productive and that will make their educational experience worth every cent. The future of our society hinges on education, please consider this when considering this proposal and thank you. “Type your callout text here.” DUSTIN BERGSTROM DUSTIN BERGSTROM 12703 LARENE DR BLACK HAWK, SD 57718 Phone:(605) 391 4994