Troubleshooting Unified Contact Center IP Phone Agent Enterprise

Troubleshooting Unified Contact Center IP Phone Agent
Enterprise Data
Enterprise Data is contextual information about a Contact Center call that can be
used by agents to gain more information about a caller when the call is delivered to
the agent’s device. The UCC administrator can customize Enterprise Data fields and
their display. Enterprise Data values can be collected and displayed to the agent’s
device through a Contact Center Script.
The default Enterprise Data layout contains three Enterprise Data fields populated
by the system by default. These include ANI, DNIS and Layout name. Enterprise Data
is delivered to the agent while the agent’s phone is ringing and is updated when the
agent answers the call.
Enterprise Data can be displayed on both Cisco Agent Desktop (CAD) and IP Phone
Agent (IPPA).
When using Cisco Agent Desktop,
Enterprise Data is displayed by
default in the upper left panel of
CAD. Displaying Enterprise Data
on CAD does not require
configuration additional to that
required to deliver a call via a
Contact Center script to CAD.
When using IP Phone Agent (IPPA),
Enterprise Data is displayed to the agent
when the agent phone is ringing (the agent
is in Reserved) and is refreshed when the
agent answers the call. In this example, the
default Enterprise Data (ANI, DNIS and
layout) is displayed.
Architecture and Operation
To deliver Enterprise Data to an IPPA agent, UCC relies on the following services:
Cisco Unified CCX Engine (UCCX) / Cisco CTI Server (UCCE)
Cisco Desktop Browser and IP Phone Agent Service (BIPPA)
Cisco Desktop IP Phone Agent Service (Client)
Cisco Desktop Enterprise Service
For the purposes of this document, ‘CAD server’ will be used to describe the server
on which CAD services are installed. In a Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE),
this is the Peripheral Gateway (PG) where CAD is installed. In a Unified Contact
Center Express (UCCX), this is the UCCX server running the Unified CCX Engine and
CAD services.
When using IP Phone Agent, Enterprise Data can be displayed as a part of the IPPA
service page in two ways:
By pressing the CDATA button in the IPPA service page. While in the IPPA
service page, selecting the CDATA button will cause the IP Phone Agent service to
issue a HTTP GET request directly to the CAD server’s Browser and IP Phone Agent
Service (BIPPA) asking for the Enterprise Data for the current call. The CAD server’s
HTTP response contains the layout fields and field values set by the system or script.
This ‘pull’ method does not interact with CUCM to deliver the Enterprise Data to the
IP Phone Agent.
The CDATA key is built in the IPPA service page generated by the IP Phone Agent
Client service on the CAD server. The page is delivered to the phone via XML. The
following line displays the CDATA button in the IPPA service page on the agent’s
phone and instructs the phone to call the given URL when the key is pressed:
From the IP Phone Agent Client debugs, the request is received by the service as a
result of the CDATA button press:
2012-04-17 08:04:50,234 TRACE [http-8080-2|IPAgentBase#_jspService:99] Request
Accept: <x-CiscoIPPhone/*, text/*,image/png,*/*>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50,238 CALL
2|IPAgentEnterpriseData#handleRequest:58] Screen info
The IPPA Client requests the Enterprise Data from the IPPA Server
2012-04-17 08:04:50,238 TRACE [http-80802|SIPPASvrCorba#getEnterpriseDataScreen:464] IP phone address <>: Try
= <0>.
The IPPA Server retrieves the Enterprise Data information from the Cisco Desktop
Enterprise Service
2012-04-17 08:04:50:239 CALL [0x9270ba0] IPPASvr_i.cpp[900]
GetEnterpriseDataScreen: Begin.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:240 CALL [0x9270ba0] EnterpriseService.cpp[192]
getEnterpriseData: Begin. Call ID <16786500> Extension <903>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:253 CALL [0x9270ba0] EnterpriseData.cpp[32] EnterpriseData:
Begin. Index <255> Label <ANI> Data <900>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:253 CALL [0x9270ba0] EnterpriseData.cpp[32] EnterpriseData:
Begin. Index <254> Label <DNIS> Data <4000>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:254 CALL [0x9270ba0] EnterpriseData.cpp[32] EnterpriseData:
Begin. Index <252> Label <Layout> Data <default>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:254 CALL [0x9270ba0] EnterpriseService.cpp[192]
getEnterpriseData: End.
The IPPA Server builds an internal data structure to hold the Enterprise Data and
delivers it to the IPPA Client
2012-04-17 08:04:50:259 TRACE [0x9270ba0] IPPASvr_i.cpp[955]
GetEnterpriseDataScreen: Memory Allocation: Alloc: New EntDataScreen.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:259 TRACE [0x9270ba0] IPPASvr_i.cpp[958]
GetEnterpriseDataScreen: Agent ID <agentthree>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:259 TRACE [0x9270ba0] IPPASvr_i.cpp[965]
GetEnterpriseDataScreen: Agent state <Talking> Display state <Talking>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:259 TRACE [0x9270ba0] IPPASvr_i.cpp[975]
GetEnterpriseDataScreen: 0: Index <255> Title Unicode <ANI>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:259 TRACE [0x9270ba0] IPPASvr_i.cpp[978]
GetEnterpriseDataScreen: 0: Data Unicode <900>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:259 TRACE [0x9270ba0] IPPASvr_i.cpp[975]
GetEnterpriseDataScreen: 1: Index <254> Title Unicode <DNIS>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:259 TRACE [0x9270ba0] IPPASvr_i.cpp[978]
GetEnterpriseDataScreen: 1: Data Unicode <4000>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:259 TRACE [0x9270ba0] IPPASvr_i.cpp[975]
GetEnterpriseDataScreen: 2: Index <252> Title Unicode <Layout>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:259 TRACE [0x9270ba0] IPPASvr_i.cpp[978]
GetEnterpriseDataScreen: 2: Data Unicode <default>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:260 TRACE [0x9270ba0] IPPASvr_i.cpp[993]
GetEnterpriseDataScreen: Recording <0> Monitoring <0> Option <1>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50:260 TRACE [0x9270ba0] IPPASvr_i.cpp[996]
GetEnterpriseDataScreen: Memory Allocation: Alloc: New corba string.
The IPPA Client receives the Enterprise Data from the IPPA Server
2012-04-17 08:04:50,261 TRACE [http-80802|SIPPASvrCorba#populateEnterpriseDataScreen:1237] IP phone address <>:
ID <agentthree> state <5> display state <5> recording <0> monitoring <0> is options
enabled <1>.
2012-04-17 08:04:50,261 TRACE [http-80802|SIPPASvrCorba#populateEnterpriseDataScreen:1242] IP phone address
<>: 3 enterprise data fields.
The IPPA Client service generates the Enterprise Data page to be displayed and
returns the data to the requesting client
2012-04-17 08:04:50,291 CALL
2|SXmlGen#generateEnterpriseDataScreen:467] IP phone address <>: xml =
<<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><CiscoIPPhoneText
appId="/Calabrio/IPPA"><Title>Caller Data ID:agentthree</Title><Prompt>Talking</Prompt><Text>ANI: 900
DNIS: 4000
Layout: default
Automatically when a call is delivered or answered. When a call is delivered to
the agent device and the agent device is ringing, the Enterprise Data page should
automatically display on the agent’s phone. This ‘push’ method utilizes the
telecaster user, CUCM URL Authentication and the phone’s built-in web services API.
The IPPA Service is notified of the new call being allocated to the agent’s device via
2012-04-17 08:53:40:535 TRACE [0x916fba0] SBaseCTIMgr.cpp[226] getSerializeKey:
The agent is transitioned into the Reserved state
2012-04-17 08:53:41:744 TRACE [0x916fba0] SBaseCTIMgr.cpp[226] getSerializeKey:
2012-04-17 08:53:41:748 CALL [0x8d6bba0] CtiDataManager.cpp[683]
agentStateEvent: Agent state is <Reserved>.
2012-04-17 08:53:41:748 CALL [0x8d6bba0] CtiDataManager.cpp[1563]
agentStateChange: Agent ID <agentthree> change from <Ready> to <Reserved>. UserType
Information about this call is obtained from the CTI server
2012-04-17 08:53:41:786 TRACE [0x916fba0] SBaseCTIMgr.cpp[226] getSerializeKey:
2012-04-17 08:53:41:790 CALL [0x8e6cba0] CtiDataManager.cpp[192]
callDeliveredEvent: Begin. Call ID <16786502> Calling extension <900> Calling device type
<1> Called extension <903> Called device type <1> Last redirect extension <> Skill ID <1>
Is Business call <true>.
The IPPA service begins the process to push the Enterprise Data page
2012-04-17 08:53:41:796 CALL [0x8e6cba0] HttpService.cpp[475]
pushCallDeliveredPage: Begin. IP address <> Supports AppId <true>.
2012-04-17 08:53:41:796 CALL [0x8e6cba0] HttpService.cpp[430] pushScript: Begin.
IP address <> Script <IPAgentEnterpriseData.jsp> Supports AppId <true>
Sleep time <500>.
The BIPPA service begins the process of invoking the phone’s API to call
2012-04-17 08:53:42:301 CALL [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[717] sendHttpRequest:
Begin. Script <IPAgentEnterpriseData.jsp> IP address <> Supports AppId
The BIPPA service builds the API request destined for the phone. The phone will
fetch the URL contained within the request.
2012-04-17 08:53:42:302 TRACE [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[179] setUrlAndPort:
URL <>.
2012-04-17 08:53:42:302 CALL [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[191] setRequest: Begin.
Request <XML=<CiscoIPPhoneExecute><ExecuteItem Priority%3D"0"
The BIPPA service invokes the telecaster username and password in order to
authoritatively issue commands to the agent’s phone
2012-04-17 08:53:42:303 CALL [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[210] setCredentials:
Begin. ID <telecastermonrec> Password <0AAF44E6E5275504BEC96F8579CD96F0>.
The BIPPA service uses the cURL library to connect to the phone and issue the
2012-04-17 08:53:42:303 TRACE [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug: CURL
debug: Infotype <0> Message <About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
The BIPPA service connects to the web server on the agent’s IP phone
2012-04-17 08:53:42:304 TRACE [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug: CURL
debug: Infotype <0> Message <Connected to ( port 80
The BIPPA service sets the authentication parameters of the HTTP POST request to
be that of the configured telecaster username and password
2012-04-17 08:53:42:304 TRACE [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug: CURL
debug: Infotype <0> Message <Server auth using Basic with user 'telecastermonrec'
The BIPPA service then POSTs the previously built request to the phone’s web
service. It invokes the phone’s CiscoIPPhoneExecute API command on the given URL
2012-04-17 08:53:42:304 TRACE [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug: CURL
debug: Infotype <2> Message <POST /CGI/Execute HTTP/1.1
2012-04-17 08:53:42:305 TRACE [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug: CURL
debug: Infotype <4> Message <XML=<CiscoIPPhoneExecute><ExecuteItem Priority%3D"0"
The phone console logs show the interaction between the phone and CUCM to
authenticate the POST request. The IP phone contacts the Authentication URL set in
the phone’s configuration through the CUCM Enterprise Parameters. The phone
passes the username and password give in the POST request from the BIPPA service
to the Authentication URL and queries this URL to determine if the BIPPA service
has the authority to POST requests to the phone. In addition to the username and
password sent in the POST request by BIPPA matching the configured username and
password on CUCM, the phone must also be in the telecaster Application User’s
Controlled Device list
5309: ERR 13:36:07.588907 JVM: Attempting HTTPS connect to
5335: ERR 13:36:07.691687 JVM: StcpActiveSSLConnectionStatus: SUCCESS
Once the BIPPA service is authorized by the Authentication URL to POST to this
phone, the agent’s phone processes the POST
5338: ERR 13:36:07.936571 JVM: _HTTPMakeRequest1: Processing Non-HTTPS URL,
The phone’s web service returns a 200 OK containing a successful response
2012-04-17 08:53:42:508 TRACE [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug: CURL
debug: Infotype <1> Message <HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2012-04-17 08:53:42:509 TRACE [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug: CURL
debug: Infotype <3> Message <<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Data="Success" Status="0" />
The BIPPA service closes the connection to the phone’s web service
2012-04-17 08:53:42:509 TRACE [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug: CURL
debug: Infotype <0> Message <Closing connection #0
Since the BIPPA service instructed the phone (via POST) to issue a GET request to
the IPAgentEnterpriseData.jsp page on the CAD server, the process that follows is
the same as pressing the CDATA button in which the phone contacts the IP Phone
Agent Client, Enterprise Data is gathered from the BIPPA service and the IP Phone
Agent Client’s HTTP response contains the Enterprise Data page to be displayed on
the phone.
The following configuration is required for Enterprise Data to be successfully
pushed to IP Phone Agent devices. Checking this configuration, and the associated
trace snippets, should be completed when a problem is encountered.
1. Verify a telecaster user is created as an Application User in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. The administrator can configure the username
and password of this user as long as it matches the username and password
configured in Cisco Desktop Administrator (UCCX) or PostInstall (UCCE).
2. Verify the telecaster user is a member of the group ‘Standard CTI Enabled’
3. Verify the physical devices used for IP Phone Agent (IPPA) are associated to
the telecaster user.
4. Verify the username and password of the telecaster Application User are
configured in Cisco Desktop Administrator -> CAD Configuration Setup ->
BIPPA User Login on Unified Contact Center Express and PostInstall on the
CAD server in Unified Contact Center Enterprise. If changes are made, restart
the BIPPA service.
UCCX Cisco Desktop Administrator:
UCCE CAD Server PostInstall:
If the above are incorrectly configured, the BIPPA service will not be authorized to
push instructions to the agent’s IP phone via the phone’s web services. The
following will be shown in the Browser and IP Phone Agent traces:
The BIPPA service begins the process of invoking the phone’s API to call
2012-04-17 11:45:23:459 CALL [0x67bdba0] HttpService.cpp[717]
sendHttpRequest: Begin. Script <IPAgentEnterpriseData.jsp> IP address
<> Supports AppId <true>.
The BIPPA service builds the API request destined for the phone. The phone
will fetch the URL contained within the request.
2012-04-17 11:45:23:460 TRACE [0x67bdba0] HttpService.cpp[179]
setUrlAndPort: URL <>.
2012-04-17 11:45:23:460 CALL [0x67bdba0] HttpService.cpp[191] setRequest:
Begin. Request <XML=<CiscoIPPhoneExecute><ExecuteItem Priority%3D"0"
The BIPPA service invokes the telecaster username and password in order to
authoritatively issue commands to the agent’s phone. For the purposes of
this example, the telecaster password is mismatched between the UCCX CDA
or UCCE PostInstall configuration and that of CUCM.
2012-04-17 11:45:23:461 CALL [0x67bdba0] HttpService.cpp[210]
setCredentials: Begin. ID <telecastermonrec> Password
The BIPPA service invokes the cURL library to connect to the phone and
issue the request
2012-04-17 11:45:23:461 TRACE [0x67bdba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug:
CURL debug: Infotype <0> Message <About to connect() to port
80 (#0)
The BIPPA service connects to the web server on the agent’s IP phone
2012-04-17 11:45:23:462 TRACE [0x67bdba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug:
CURL debug: Infotype <0> Message <Connected to
( port 80 (#0)
The BIPPA service sets the authentication credentials of the telecaster
username and password
2012-04-17 11:45:23:463 TRACE [0x67bdba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug:
CURL debug: Infotype <0> Message <Server auth using Basic with user
The BIPPA service POSTs the previously built request to the phone’s web
service. It invokes the phone’s CiscoIPPhoneExecute API command on the
given URL
2012-04-17 11:45:23:463 TRACE [0x67bdba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug:
CURL debug: Infotype <2> Message <POST /CGI/Execute HTTP/1.1
2012-04-17 11:45:23:463 TRACE [0x67bdba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug:
CURL debug: Infotype <4> Message <XML=<CiscoIPPhoneExecute><ExecuteItem
The phone’s web service returns a failure response
2012-04-17 11:45:23:546 TRACE [0x67bdba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug:
CURL debug: Infotype <3> Message <<CiscoIPPhoneError Number="4" />>.
The error indicates an authentication failure. Explanations of CiscoIPPhoneError
codes can be found on page 3-23 of the Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application
Development Notes.
5. Verify the phones are able to resolve the URL Authentication and Secure URL
Authentication configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager ->
System -> Enterprise Parameters -> Phone URL Parameters and Secured
Phone URL Parameters. If the URL Authentication parameter value
references the Unified Communications Manager by hostname, verify the
phones are able to resolve the hostname through DNS. Else, set the URL
Authentication parameter value to be that of the IP address of the Unified
Communications Manager.
The IP Phone console logs show the inability for the phone to authenticate
the POST request coming from the BIPPA service on the CAD server as it is
unable to resolve the location in the Authentication URL.
9961: ERR 15:03:53.064458 JVM: _HTTPMakeRequest1: Processing HTTPS
9962: ERR 15:03:53.065298 JVM: Not TLS <1> or Not DefaultTls Port
9963: ERR 15:03:53.066287 JVM: WcAnalyzeUrl: Port = 8443, scheme =
eWcSchemeHttps, fHostName = LABCUCM86
9964: ERR 15:03:53.103050 JVM: GETHOSTBYNAME: system problem with
9965: WRN 15:03:53.104160 JVM: HTTP JNI| *** HTTP_CGI_ERROR ***
6. Verify the phone used for IP Phone Agent has Web Access enabled in the
Product Specific Configuration Layout section of the Phone Configuration
page or Web Access is enabled on the device as a result of the Common
Phone Profile Configuration settings applied to the phone.
If Web Access is disabled on the agent’s phone, the Browser and IP Phone
Agent service on the CAD server will not be able to issue HTTP requests
invoking the phone’s web services API. Therefore, the BIPPA service will be
unable to issue the command to the phone to fetch the Enterprise Data from
the CAD server.
From the Browser and IP Phone Agent debugs, the following is displayed:
The BIPPA service begins the process of invoking the phone’s API to call
2012-04-17 08:04:31:938 CALL [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[717]
sendHttpRequest: Begin. Script <IPAgentEnterpriseData.jsp> IP address
<> Supports AppId <true>.
The BIPPA service builds the API request destined for the phone. The phone
will fetch the URL contained within the request.
2012-04-17 08:04:31:939 TRACE [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[179]
setUrlAndPort: URL <>.
2012-04-17 08:04:31:939 CALL [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[191] setRequest:
Begin. Request <XML=<CiscoIPPhoneExecute><ExecuteItem Priority%3D"0"
The BIPPA service invokes the telecaster username and password in order to
authoritatively issue commands to the agent’s phone
2012-04-17 08:04:31:940 CALL [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[210]
setCredentials: Begin. ID <telecastermonrec> Password
The BIPPA service invokes the cURL library to connect to the phone and
issue the request
2012-04-17 08:04:31:940 TRACE [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug:
CURL debug: Infotype <0> Message <About to connect() to port
80 (#0)
Without Web Access enabled, the phone is not listening on port 80 for
incoming connections
2012-04-17 08:04:31:941 TRACE [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[94] curlDebug:
CURL debug: Infotype <0> Message <Connection refused
2012-04-17 08:04:31:941 DEBUG [0x7755ba0] HttpService.cpp[245]
sendRequest: curl_easy_perform return <7:Couldn't connect to server>.
2012-04-17 08:04:31:943 DEBUG [0x7755ba0] SplkException.cpp[147]
sendRequest: com.calabrio.exception.SplkIllegalArgumentException:
curl_easy_perform() failed: <7:Couldn't connect to server>. Stack trace <>.
Possible Caveats
CSCts13398 – In IPPA, CDATA key must be pressed for Enterprise Data
CSCty32822 – 6900 Series Phones Do Not Return to IPPA Service Page After Call
CSCtb90393 – TNP Phone Agent Wrap Up Code Vanish
CSCtk15055 – Enterprise server delays returning data non-queued calls
CSCtk34930 – XML parse error in IPPA with Canadian French localization
Trace Collection
The following are the recommended trace settings for each service:
Cisco Unified CCX Engine
Number of Files: Default
Size of Files: Default
Trace Settings: Default
Cisco Desktop Browser and IP Phone Agent Service (BIPPA)
Number of Files: 200 (space permitting)
Size of Files: 3mb (space permitting)
Trace Settings: Debugging Level 4 (TRACE)
Cisco Desktop IP Phone Agent Service (Client)
Number of Files: 200 (space permitting)
Size of Files: 3mb (space permitting)
Trace Settings: Debugging Level 4 (TRACE)
Cisco Desktop Enterprise Service
Number of Files: 200 (space permitting)
Size of Files: 3mb (space permitting)
Trace Settings: Debugging Level 4 (TRACE)
In Real Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) for UCCX, collect the traces for the following
Cisco Desktop Browser and IP Phone Agent Service
Cisco Desktop Enterprise Service
Cisco Desktop IP Phone Agent Client
Cisco Unified CCX Engine
Also, collect the following:
Phone console logs either via SSH or the phone’s webpage
Packet capture from the PC port of the phone (with Span To PC Port enabled)
Reference Documents
Cisco Developer Network – IP Phone Services
Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
Cisco Desktop Administrator User Guide/CAD 8.5 for Unified CM
Cisco IP Phone Agent User Guide /CAD 8.5 for Unified CM
cURL and libcurl