Chapter 2: Overview of the Standards

The English Language Arts (ELA)/
English Language Development (ELD)
Framework Overview
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
• To define the intent of the framework; highlighting
how it is different from our past framework
• To explore the guiding principles, the structure, and
the contents of the framework
• To explain why the framework combines English
Language Arts and English Language Development
standards and expectations
• To illustrate the differences between Integrated and
Designated ELD
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Why do we have a new framework?
• Locate the handout titled Why Do We Have a
New Framework?
• Read the quote and highlight a “golden line”
that resonates with you.
• Share the “golden line” with a partner and
explain why it resonated with you.
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Guiding Principles of the
ELA/ELD Framework
• Schooling must help all students achieve their highest
• The responsibility for learners’ literacy and language
development is shared.
• ELA/ELD curricula must be well designed, comprehensive, and
• Effective teaching is essential to student success.
• Motivation and engagement play crucial roles in learning.
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Why combine the ELA and ELD Framework?
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Table of Contents
Review ELD/ELA
Framework Chapters
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Draft ELA/ELD Framework Table of Contents
to the Framework
Chapter 3
Content and Pedagogy:
Transitional Kindergarten
Through Grade One
Chapter 1
Overview of the Standards
Chapter 4
Content and
Pedagogy: Grades
Two and Three
Chapter 2
Key Considerations in ELA Literacy and ELD
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Content and Pedagogy:
Content and Pedagogy:
Grades Six Through
Grades Four and Five
Chapter 7
Content and Pedagogy:
Grades Eight Through
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Access and Equity
Chapter 10
Learning in the 21st Century
Chapter 11
Implementing High-Quality ELA/Literacy and ELD
Instruction: Professional Learning, Leadership, and
Program Supports
Chapter 12
Instructional Materials to Support the California Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
and Literacy for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects and English Language
Development Standards, Kindergarten through Grade 12
Chapter 1:
Overview of the Standards
• To explore the goals, contexts and themes of
the Framework
• To understand the interrelationship between
the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy and the CA ELD
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
• Readiness for College,
Career & Civic Life
• Capacities of Literate
• Broadly Literate
• 21st Century
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
• Integrated
• Motivating
• Engaging
• Respectful
• Intellectually
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
• Meaning Making
• Language Development
• Effective Expression
• Content Knowledge
• Foundational Skills
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Develop Understanding of
the Key Themes
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Develop Understanding of the Key Themes
• Count off 1-5 at your table.
Meaning Making
Language Development
Effective Expression
Content Knowledge
Foundational Skills
• Read about the theme that corresponds to your
number in the handout Key Themes.
• Record ideas about your theme in Padlet
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Develop Understanding of the Key Themes
• Count off 1-5 at your table.
Meaning Making
Language Development
Effective Expression
Content Knowledge
Foundational Skills
• Read about the theme that corresponds to your number
in the handout Key Themes.
• Record four ideas about your theme on the appropriate
column of the Key Themes graphic organizer.
• Share ideas with your team and collaborate to complete
the graphic organizer.
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Structure of the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy
To learn more about CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy, go to Professional Learning Modules.
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Structure of the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy
To learn more about CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy, go to Professional Learning Modules.
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Structure of the CA ELD Standards
To learn more about CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy, go to Professional Learning Modules.
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Structure of the CA ELD Standards
To learn more about CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy, go to Professional Learning
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Let’s Observe It!
As you watch the video montage, record evidence
of the five key themes onto the video note-taking
• Meaning Making
• Language Development
• Effective Expression
• Content Knowledge
• Foundational Skills
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Viewing the Key Themes
• Hypothesizing about Bugs (TK-1st Grade)
• Grappling with Complex Informational Text (Grade 5)
• Text Analysis: Questions & Symbols (Grades 9-12)
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Collaborative Discussion
At your table, discuss the key ideas from this video.
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Chapter 2:
Key Considerations in ELA/Literacy and ELD
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
• To review the sections of Chapter 2
• To illustrate the differences between Integrated
and Designated ELD
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Five Sections
• Goals of ELA/Literacy and ELD
• Instructional Context
• Key Themes of ELA/Literacy and ELD
• Approaches to Teaching and Learning
• English Language Development
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Jigsaw Activity
Read your assigned section.
Create a 3-2-1 Response
• 3 Big Ideas of the section
• 2 Questions that the section raises
• 1 Ah Ha about classroom implications
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Jigsaw Activity for Small Group
1. Read Goals of ELA/Literacy and ELD Instruction (pg. 4 line 38
- pg. 15 line 346)
2. Read Context for Learning (pg. 15 line 347 - pg. 24 line 591
including chart)
3. Read Approaches to Teaching and Learning (pg. 55 line 1253
- pg. 63 line 1484)
4. Read Approaches to Teaching and Learning, Using
Assessment to Inform Instruction (pg. 63 line 1485 - pg. 72
line 1754)
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Jigsaw Activity for Large Group
1. Read Goals of ELA/Literacy and ELD Instruction (pg. 4 line 38 - pg. 15 line
2. Read Context for Learning (pg. 15 line 347 - pg. 24 line 591 including chart)
3. Read Key Themes of ELA/Literacy and ELD Instruction (pg. 25 line 592- pg.
35 line 771)
4. Read Key Themes of ELA/Literacy and ELD Instruction, starting with Reading
Closely (pg. 35 line 772 - pg 44 line 965)
5. Read Key Themes of ELA/Literacy and ELD Instruction, starting with
Effective Expression (pg 44 line 966 - pg 55 line 1252)
6. Read Approaches to Teaching and Learning (pg. 55 line 1253 - pg. 63 line
7. Read Approaches to Teaching and Learning, starting with Using Assessment
to Inform Instruction (pg. 63 line 1485 - pg. 72 line 1754)
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Process Jigsaw Reading
Participants take turns to share their ideas from the
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
English as an Additional Language
The ELA/ELD framework offers guidance on
scaffolding, designing and implementing the type
of quality instruction that will ensure an English
learner’s rapid progression along the ELD
continuum, achieving full access to the standards
and curriculum thus successfully adding another
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
What Are Some Ways to Provide
Language Development and Support for ….
• English Learners in content areas...?
• English Learners in their language
development class?
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
ELD Instruction
All teachers must attend to the language learning needs
of their ELs in strategic ways that promote the
simultaneous development of content knowledge and
advanced levels of English .
In this chapter of the Framework, ELD instruction is
described generally and then in terms of using the CA
ELD standards in two ways:
– Designated ELD; and
– Integrated ELD
Chapter 2 Page 76
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
“ELs at all English proficiency levels and at all ages
require both integrated ELD and specialized attention
to their particular language learning needs, or
designated ELD.”
Integrated + Designated
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Integrated ELD
Table activity and discussion:
• Individually read in ELA/ELD Framework (pg. 78 lines 18911904 and pg. 81 Figure 2.21)
• What are the key words that help you understand Integrated
ELD? Highlight these words.
• Discuss with a partner.
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Integrated ELD
Effective instructional experiences for ELs throughout the day
and across the disciplines:
• Are interactive and engaging, meaningful and relevant, and
intellectually rich and challenging
• Are appropriately scaffolded in order to provide strategic
support that moves learners toward independence
• Build both content knowledge and academic English
• Value and build on primary language and culture and other
forms of prior knowledge
Chapter 2 Figure 2.21. Integrated ELD Page 87
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Designated ELD
“Teachers use the CA ELD Standards as the focal
standards in ways that build into and from content
instruction in order to develop critical English language
skills, knowledge, and abilities needed for content
learning in English”
“During this protected time, ELs should be actively
engaged in collaborative discussions where they build up
their awareness about language and develop their skills
and abilities to use language.”
ELA/ELD Framework Chapter2 p. 88
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Designated ELD Snapshots
TK-K: 3.6 Designated ELD Connected to Science in Kindergarten
(Emerging and Expanding)
1-3: 4.3 Designated ELD Connected to Science in Grade 2
4.10 Designated ELD Connected to ELA in Grade 3 (Expanding)
4-5: 5.4 Designated ELD Connected to Mathematics
5.9 Designated ELD Connected to ELA and the Visual Arts
6-8: 6.2 Designated ELD Connected to World History in Grade 6
9-12: 7.4 “Unpacking Sentences” and “Nominalization” in Complex
History Texts (Late Emerging to Early Expanding)
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Designated ELD in Action!
Locate the handout titled Designated ELD in
Action! Record your responses to the following
– What is the role of content and how does this lesson build
into and from the content students are learning the rest of
the day?
– What kind of language are students using and how are they
developing it?
– How does the teacher determine when students need
additional support and how is the support provided?
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Designated ELD ~ A Video Example
Designated ELD
Using Sentence Frame to Jumpstart Writing
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Integrated ELD and Designated ELD
Locate the handout titled ELD Compare and Contrast
Graphic Organizer and complete the activity.
– What is similar and what is different about
Integrated ELD and Designated ELD?
– Complete the ELD Compare and Contrast Graphic
Organizer with a partner
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Additional Support for Learning about
Integrated and Designated ELD
in the Framework
Grade Span Descriptions of Integrated and Designated ELD
Grade Specific Descriptions
Snapshots by Grade
Vignettes by Grade
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Some Considerations
Integrated ELD
• Primary Language Support (p. 70)
Designated ELD
• Essential Features of Designated English Language
Development (Figure 2.23)
• Grouping for Designated ELD
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
A Comprehensive Approach to ELD
“ELs at all English proficiency levels and at all ages
require both integrated ELD and specialized attention to
their particular language learning needs, or designated
ELD. Such a multilayered application of the CA ELD
Standards requires deep collaboration between
educators, support for teachers, and, most importantly,
a sustained focus on the strengths and needs of
individual ELs and a persistent belief that all ELs can
achieve the highest levels of academic and linguistic
ELA/ELD Framework
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
California’s Commitment
“California is a vibrant and dynamic state of extraordinary global influence and
is unsurpassed in its cultural and linguistic resources, yet too many of its
children and youth are ill-prepared for the incredible opportunities that await
them. The adoption of the CA CCSS in ELA/Literacy and the CA ELD Standards
and the development of the ELA/ELD Framework represent California’s
commitment to ensure that all its students receive an education that will
enable them to take advantage of possibilities, pursue their dreams, and
contribute to the wellbeing of California and the world. The most promising
futures await our students and our society when we ensure that all individuals
acquire strong literacy and language skills in every discipline.”
ELA/ELD Framework (2014)
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013
Collaborative Summary
• 1: Decide what are the most important ideas in this
• Step 2: Summarize the most important ideas in 20 or
fewer words. It can be more than one sentence.
This PPT draft is developed by the CISC ELA/ELD Workgroup. June 2013