Year 3/4 Topic Autumn term Lost Things Spring term Summer term Where do we live? Literacy Units Information texts Poetry Writing in role Information writing Narrative Writing in role Non- fiction reports Roman Alcester Narrative Poetry Character development Incidental Literacy Persuasive texts -Adverts Persuasive writing Power of Reading Firebird The Lost Thing Letter writing Persuasion Drama Varjak’s paw Maths Time, Number- Place Value, 4 operations, fractions Measure- length Perimeter 2D Shapes Money Position and direction Time, Number - Place value, 4 operations, fractions Properties of 3D shape Mass Time, Number - Place value, 4 operations, fractions Capacity Angles Area Money Incidental Maths Skills investigations and enquiries Analyse evidence Knowledge Stone Age to Iron Age Geography Investigations and enquiries Analyse evidence Compass points Symbols Keys Science Generate ideas Investigate, observe and explain Rocks History ICT Music RE MFL Art and DT Books Find Information Communicate and share ideas Computing Explore Create Improvise Present Evaluate Exploring Considering Expressing meaning reflecting Living Things & their Habitats Money Roman Numerals Skills Investigations and enquiries Analyse evidence Communication Generate ideas Investigate, observe and explain Evaluate Knowledge The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain Animals including Humans Sound Research Boudicca Flora and Ulysses Skills Investigations and enquiries Analyse evidence Communication Knowledge Roman Alcester Investigations and enquiries Analyse evidence Communication Name and locate counties and cities of the UK Land use and Patterns Light Generate ideas Investigate, observe and explain Evaluate Research Find information Communicate and share ideas Computing Descriptive sounds Rhythmic patterns Ensemble playing (recorders) Explore Create Improvise Present Evaluate Arrangements Melodies and scales Sound colours Ensemble playing (recorders) Explore Create Improvise Present Evaluate Exploring Considering Expressing meaning reflecting Spring Caring for others Exploring Considering Expressing meaning reflecting Summer 1 A Fair World Summer 2 Working together Explore Create Rehearse and refine Evaluate Work of a group of artists Autumn 1 Follow my Leader Autumn 2 People worth Celebrating Explore Developing the Create use of a sketch Rehearse and book refine Evaluate Information texts – Stone Age to iron Age French Explore Topic based Create Rehearse and refine Evaluate Fiction –The Roman empire Find information Communicate and share ideas Computing