nervous system - De Anza College



Two major divisions

1. Central Nervous System (CNS)

2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Three specific functions

1. Receives sensory input

2. Performs integration of all input

3. Generates motor output

Nervous Tissue

Contains two types of cells

1. Neuroglial cells(make up more than half the brain)

2. Neurons

Neuroglial cell function

1. Structural and protective

2. Support and nourish neurons

3. Insulation and development guide

(myelin sheath)

Nervous Tissue (cont’)


1. Three types of neurons a. Sensory neurons – transmit nerve impulses from stimulus to the CNS b. Interneurons – in central nervous system c. Motor neurons – instructions away from to muscles or glands.

2. Parts of a neuron: dendrites, cell bodynucleus, axon, myelin sheath & nodes of


Myelin Sheath

In the PNS, the neuroglial cells responsible for myelination are called Schwann cells

In the CNS, Schwann cells are absent, therefore myelin is provided by oligodendrocytes

Speeds signal conduction

Made of lipids and phospholipids

Guides nerve regeneration

Attacked by immune system in multiple sclerosis

The Nerve Impulse

All cells have a membrane potential or voltage (electrical charge) across their plasma membrane

At rest, when no nerve impulse is being received, the potential is about - 65mV

1. Potential due to difference in Na + and K + concentration across the axon membrane

2. K + able to cross axon membrane, Na + not

The Nerve Impulse cont’

3. Build up of neg. charge results inside axon and more pos. charge outside, hence membrane potential = -65mv

When the axon receives an impulse, the membrane potential changes

1. When the membrane potential reaches – 40Mv

(threshold level), Na + channels open

2. Influx of Na + causes depolarization of the membrane to occur

3. When the membrane potential reaches +40mV,

K+ channels open – repolarization occurs

4. Inside of axon reverts to pre-dominant neg chg.

The Nerve Impulse cont’

When an impulse has passed a section of an axon, a refractory period begins

(period following an action potential when a neuron can’t conduct another impulse) as the sodium channels are unable to open.

This keeps the impulse running down the axon in the same direction

The Synapse

Synapses separate one neuron form another

Neurons physically do not touch one another

A synapse is a gap that separates neurons

Neurotransmitters released from the terminal bulb enter into the synapse and move across the space

(called the synaptic cleft) by diffusion

Neurotransmitters leave the presynaptic neuron and diffuse toward the postsynaptic neuron, where they settle on receptors and initiate a reaction

Neurotransmitters carry the message across the synapse

Neurotransmitters are chemicals that carry an impulse across the synaptic cleft

The Central Nervous System

The brain has four main parts

Brain stem + midbrain




The entire brain is involved in the integration of sensory input and motor responses.

Each section has a slightly different role

Brain cont’

Brain stem – medulla oblongata and pons and midbrain

Regulates heart rate, breathing and blood pressure

Portion of the brain (anatomically and physiologically) closest to the spinal cord


Maintains muscle tone, posture and balance, and fine-tuning conscious and unconscious movement

Portion of the brain posterior to the brain stem

Brain cont’


Functions mainly as a relay center for sensory information from the body and motor responses from the cerebrum

(including centers for visual and auditory startle reflexes)

The thalamus and hypothalamus are located in the diencephalon

Brain cont’


Largest portion of the brain, integrates information and generates appropriate responses

The center of the brain responsible for learning, remembering and planning activities

Spinal cord

Extends from the brain into the vertebral column

It is the main route of communication between the brain and the body

The spinal cord connects to almost every organ

Protection and Support

Meninges:3 layers around brain and spinal cord

Three connective tissue membranes

Inflammation is meningitis

Cerebrospinal fluid

Absorbs shocks and nourishes neurons

There are four ventricles (cavities) in the brain filled with CSF – circulates around spinal cord

Reabsorbed in brain; if not working, hydrocephaly

Protection and Support

The axial skeleton provides bony protection for the CNS

What separates the CNS from the axial skeleton?

Meninges and Cerebrospinal fluid

Damage to neurons in the CNS is generally not repaired

The oligodendrocyte retreats and leaves no tube (myelin sheath) or pathway to aid in axonal regrowth

In the PNS, neurons can recover from some damage because the Schwann cell axonal tube remains

CNS - review

The brain (skull) and spinal cord (vertebral column) are encased in the skeleton and are covered by meninges

It is the main integration center of the body

Sensory information enters the CNS, where it is analyzed and an appropriate response is generated

Motor information leaves the CNS and brings about the body’s response.

Peripheral Nervous System

The neurons of the PNS are arranged in bundles called nerves

Nerves can be motor, sensory or mixed depending on the neurons they contain

Information traveling to and from the CNS must go through the PNS

The PNS picks this information by:

Special senses receptors: enable us to see, hear, taste, and smell

General sensory receptors: found in our skin and inform us about temperature, light touch, pressure, and pain

Visceral receptors: monitor proprioception

(help control movement and awareness of limb position) and organ functioning

The Autonomic Nervous System

This division of the PNS governs our body’s responses to subtle changes in homeostasis

There are 2 subdivisions

Sympathetic – includes the nerves that control the body when it is actively moving and burning energy – also called the

“Fight, Flight, Fright” system.

Parasympathetic is responsible for digestion, energy storage, and relaxation.

“Rest and Digest” system.
