Keertan is not an unfamiliar word, even for those not walking on the

Keertan is not an unfamiliar word, even for those not walking on the spiritual path. When we
hear the term, most of us know we are supposed to clap and sing along when the music plays.
But Keertan has a deep spiritual significance.
In this talk, our Celestial Friend, Shreee talks about how Keertan is a very effective meditation
technique if done right. Shreee also talks about how Keertan is far from robotic clapping and
singing. Read on to know more about the super technique called Keertan.
Please note, this eBook is a spontaneous live talk delivered by Shreee to his disciples. This talk
is meant for the modern man with examples from the real world. YouTube link is available for
this talk.
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Preface .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Keertan.................................................................................................................................................... 4
For the seekers of God or bliss, and for liberation from sorrow - meditation is the only and the
ultimate path. Meditation is the journey as well as the destination. There are umpteen
techniques that guide us to the meditative state. Amongst the array of these techniques is a
very simple and wonderful method: Keertan. Throughout ancient times, it has been one of
the most prominent and successful method of meditation.
Keertan is such a beautiful technique that it is almost like the destination in itself. Meditation
is fruitful only when the meditator drops the expectation of receiving something from
meditation. A person trying to meditate will never be able to meditate if he is focused on the
result. It is not possible to experience peace when you constantly think about achieving it.
Because then, the mind is constantly in the future, it is never able to come in the present.
Meditation is possible only when you are meditating just to meditate; when there is no
expectation out of meditation. If you look deeply, meditation is a creative act. It is easily
possible when you lose yourselves in Keertan. The process of Keertan is so joyful and blissful,
that it brings you in the present. Any expectations from the future are automatically dropped.
Keertan brings so much joy that you are able to come in the present moment effortlessly. You
can be absolutely present in the moment. Keertan has music. Music is the absolute core of
our Being, the sound of Omkar, our origin, our life. As we float with the music, the body, mind
and soul come in one rhythm and harmony. Our heart does not resist music and the body
responds and starts floating. When this happens, the soul awakens and comes into awareness
and consciousness. Stillness and witnessing awaken with ease.
Keertan is a beautiful technique of meditation. When you are dancing, you are already in a
state of joy and it is extremely easy to slip into the ultimate joy or bliss. You just need to lose
yourself in the music and dance and become oblivious of the surroundings. Forget about who
is looking, and whether they are judging you.
Dancing is the path towards divinity, it gives glimpses of the divinity; it is divinity itself. This is
possible only when you dance from the heart, without thinking about whether others are
watching you or not. Music is also exactly the same.
Keertan is an entire package; it is so many techniques put together in one. It is an
amalgamation of music, dance and mantra chanting too. Unlike ordinary songs which are
wordy and have a lot of lyrics, Keertan repeats the same line over and over. So it gives the
benefit of mantra chanting too. Mantra chanting is a technique that brings the mind to the
centre. The cacophony of multiple thoughts transforms into the symphony of one thought.
Mantra chanting is a popular and effective technique for meditation; and Keertan includes
this technique within it.
There is another element that is extremely vital in meditation: Catharsis. In the process of
listening to Keertan, we clap, move our body to the beat and even shout. In this whole
process, we unknowingly yet easily release the blocked energy clots in the body. The
meditator will subtly feel lighter too. Without any hesitation, just let go of yourself with the
music. When the music starts to play, just close your eyes and stand up; let your body loosen
up. First listen to the music, allow it to flow to your heart and Being, feel the rhythm and the
beat. I have often observed that some people have this preconceived notion, that Keertan
means that you have to clap, and they mechanically start clapping. Their clapping has no
connection with the beat of the Keertan. This is a clear indication that their presence is only
physical. They just know that Keertan is an indication that they have to clap and sway with
the music. It is done mechanically, habitually - just like a robot.
The correct way is to stand, loosen the body, listen to the music and let it flow into your heart.
Imagine that the music is actually originating from within you, your heart, your Being. The
strings of the instrument are the strings of your heart and the beat of drums resonate with
your heartbeat. Every single cell of your body will feel the music and sway with it. Every single
cell will live the music, and breathe the music.
Your Being will start to resonate with the music and the words of the Keertan will become
your prayer and there will be an absolute harmony between you and the music. You just have
to allow the music to take over and flow with it. Allow the music take control of you and flow
with it. Let yourself disappear. Let only music, dance, and rhythm exist and you will realize
that you have got what you were looking for. The depth, the ecstasy that you have been
looking is right there.
The depth, the ecstasy, the silence within, that human being is searching for from eternity,
can be experienced so simply. Don't take this lightly, don't miss this opportunity and never
meditate half-heartedly. If you have chosen to be here and meditate, do it with all your heart
and do it with absolute presence and complete effort.
Consider this as the last moment of your life. This is a valuable opportunity for you to
participate in the celebration, in prayer, and experience the bliss and ecstasy called Keertan.
Lose yourself completely in Keertan and experience the bliss.
Click here to watch this recorded talk on YouTube