Defining Scientific Literacy

National Science
Education Standards
Scientific literacy requires
“knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts and
processes ... for personal
decision making, participating
in civic and cultural affairs,
and economic productivity.”
Project 2061: Science
for all Americans
“The scientifically literate
person is one who is aware
that science, mathematics, and
technology are interdependent
human enterprises with
strengths and limitations;
understands the key concepts
and principles of science; is
familiar with the natural
world and recognizes both its
diversity and unity; and uses
scientific knowledge and
scientific ways of thinking for
individual and social
Illinois Learning
“Science is the quest for
objective truth. It provides a
conceptual framework for the
understanding of natural
phenomena and their causes
and effects.
Among the purposes of the
study of science is the
development of students who
are scientifically
knowledgeable, understand
that modern technological
growth is an outcome of the
scientific enterprise;
knows the difference between
objective fact and subjective
values, and can apply
scientific thinking and
information in problem
solving and decision making.”
Scientifically Literate?
Are we scientifically literate?
 How many Americans can do
what the definitions suggest?
 Only 6.9% of Americans are
scientifically literate at the
lowest level – term recognition
Per Jon Miller at NIU
US Citizens Not SL
During March 2010, reporter
John Stossel recruited people
in Times Square (NYC) to sign
a petition banning dihydrogen
monoxide. See petition.
 80% of those solicited signed
the petition to ban – water.
The Outlook:
In the US 50 - 60 year olds
are the most SL:
– those 70 - 80 have low rate.
– those 20 - 30 have low rate.
In foreign countries, SL
decreases with age.
 Implications are profound.
Scientific Literacy
not easy to define
– Dewey all the way down to...
– current reform movements
several types
– cultural or nominal (recognition of terms)
– functional (use of scientific/technical terms)
– conceptual/procedural (concepts/processes)
– multidimensional (nature of science, social
context, differentiates science from other ways
of knowing)
Common Elements
 content knowledge
– facts
– vocabulary
– concepts
– manipulative
– intellectual
– attitudes
– behaviors
What is worth knowing?
personal needs
societal needs
global needs
How should one think?
 independently
 objectively
 skeptically
 critically
 rationally
Benefits of SL:
develop effective solutions to
 foster intelligent respect for
 avoid being prey to dogmatists
 assess use of new technologies
The Problems:
Science teachers not oriented
toward achieving SL emphasize:
answers over questions
memory over thought
recitation over argument
reading over doing
Teaching Problems:
little metacognition going on
 teaching versus learning
 training versus educating
 failure to determine essential content
 teaching topically, not thematically
 focusing on low-order skills
 poor assessment skills/programs
 emphasizing breadth over depth
Other Problems:
Science & math voluntary
most pupils take biology in HS
45% take chemistry in HS
23% take physics in HS
10% take no algebra
6% take calculus
More Problems:
Minorities, girls, and noncollege-bound students are
under-represented in math/sci
 Personal relativism has
become a societal problem
We are all
responsible for...
the current state of affairs
breadth over depth
 seatwork over activity
 memorization over critical thinking
 recitation over well-reasoned
making necessary changes.