Raisin review

Raisin review
Fill in the blank
______________ has friends over until late at
night making everyone in the house cranky
the next day
Identify the symbol
Who said…
“[God] did give us children to make them
dreams worthwhile”
Identify the symbol
Identify the character…
Shares a bedroom with Beneatha
Identify the symbol
Identify the character…
From Nigeria
Fill in the blank
Mama compares Walter to a
Who said…
“Eat your eggs”
Fill in the blank
_______________brings news that
_______________has run off with the money.
Identify the character…
Named after his father
Fill in the blank
The family moves into the new
Who said…
“Isn’t there something wrong in a house—in a
world—where all dreams, good or bad, must
depend on the death of a man? I never though
tot see you like this, Alaiyo. You!”
Fill in the blank
At the last minute, with his family watching,
Walter realizes he cannot sell his own soul
and tells Lindner that his _____________ has
earned it for them and they will move into the
Identify the symbol
Identify the character…
Buys a house in Clybourne park
Fill in the blank
Big Walter & Mama’s baby, __________,
Identify the symbol
Fill in the blank
Travis’ father gives him
_______________cents; then gives him
another _______________cents
Who said…
“..we feel that most of the trouble in this
world, when you come right down to it—most
of the trouble exists because people don’t sit
down and talk to each other”
Fill in the blank
_____________ collapses because she has
overworked herself and is in an unknown
“unstable condition”
Identify the character…
Becomes the head of the family when Mama
give him the remaining $6,500
Fill in the blank
_______________does a tribal dance to the
Nigerian records _______________has
brought to her.
Identify the symbol
Fill in the blank
Mama and Ruth discuss their dream of having
a _______________
Who said…
“I wanted to do that…Fix up the sick, you
know—and make them whole again. This was
truly being God…”
Fill in the blank
Travis asks for _______________cents from
his mother
Identify the symbol
Identify the character…
Nickames Beneatha “Aliayo” which means
“One for Whom Bread is Not Enough”
Fill in the blank
Big _______________, dies
Who said…
“He finally came into his manhood today,
didn’t he? Kind of like a rainbow after the
Fill in the blank
Mama slaps _______________for saying she
doesn’t believe in God
Identify the character…
Is pregnant
Fill in the blank
_______________comes over to take Bennie
on a date and criticizes her for cutting her
_______________and acting “eccentric”
Who said…
“Well, what I mean is that we come from
people who had a lot of pride. I mean—we are
very proud people…we don’t want to make
no trouble for nobody or fight no causes—but
we will try to be good neighbors. we don’t
want your money”
Fill in the blank
Beneatha and Asagai discuss the loss of the
money, then Asagai asks Bennie to go to
_______________with him.
Identify the character…
Lost a baby
Who said…
“But you’ve got to admit that a man, right or
wrong, has the right to want to have the
neighborhood he lives in a certain kind of
Fill in the blank
Mr. _______________comes to call and tries
to buy the house from the family for “their
own good”
Identify the character…
Wants to open a liquor store
Fill in the blank
Mama gives Walter the remaining
Who said…
“it’s just that I get tired of [God] getting credit
for all the things the human race achieves
through its own stubborn effort. There simply
is no God in heaven—there is only man and it
is he who makes miracles!”
Fill in the blank
_______________comes over and gives
Bennie a Nigerian robe
Identify the character…
Proposes marriage to Beneatha
Fill in the blank
The check for _______________comes in the
Who said…
“Good night, Prometheus.”
Identify the character…
Wants to become a doctor
Fill in the blank
Ruth announces her _______________to
Bennie and Mama
Who said…
“You say after me. In my mother’s house
there is still God.”
Identify the character…
A chauffeur
Fill in the blank
Walter lee calls _______________and asks
him to come over because he intends to take
him up on his previous offer.
Who said…
“No—he [Travis] don’t half try at all ‘cause
he knows you going to come along behind
him and fix everything. That’s just how come
he don’t know how to do nothing right now—
you done spoiled that boy so.”
Fill in the blank
Bennie, Ruth and Walter give Mama
_______________tools, while Travis gives
her a _______________.
Identify the character…
Crusader against assimilationism in the
Younger family
Who Said…
“It’s simple. You read books—to learn facts—
to get grades—to pass the course—to get a
degree. That’s all—it has nothing to do with
Identify the character…
Upper-middle-class (rich) snobbish African
Fill in the blank
Walter Lee walks out on his wife and does not
say anything when she announces her
___________ plans.
Fill in the blank
_______________tries to talk business with
George, but makes a fool of himself. George
calls him _______________on his way out
the door.
Who said…
“No. Between a man and a woman there need
be only one kind of feeling. I have that for
you…Now even…right this moment.”
Fill in the blank
Mama comes home and announces she has
spent money on a new house in
Identify the character…
Matriarch of the Younger Family
Fill in the blank
Ruth makes it known that she’s put a $5.00
down payment on an _______________
Identify the character…
Views guided by strong religious beliefs
Fill in the blank
Walter Lee comes home _______________&
joins Bennie in a tribal dance
Identify the character
An atheist
Identify the character
From the Clybourne Park “welcoming
Identify the character
Calls Walter “Prometheus”
Identify the character
Has a drinking problem
Identify the character
Sleeps in the living room
Identify the character
Compares Lindner to Judas
Identify the character
Offers to buy the Youngers’ house for more
than they paid for it
Identify the character
Has a symbolic plant
Identify the character
Gives Mama a hat
Identify the character
Receives gardening tools from her children
Identify the character
Loses the money by making a bad