The Scarlet Ibis - Sidebotham9Honors

Make a list of situations that might make
someone feel proud.
Is pride positive or negative-or both?
Meet the Author
James Hurst (1922- )
Born in North Carolina on a farm by the sea
Studied singing in New York and Rome and
eventually became a banker in New York
During his banking career he also
published some short stories
Literary Focus
Symbol: an object, person, animal, event or
setting that stands for something more than itself
In literature, symbols add deeper meaning to a
As you read, try to identify the symbols AND find
the deeper meaning
Reading Skill
Making Inferences from Details
Inference: educated guess
Details that may seem insignificant at first often
develop greater meaning as you read
It is up to you to make inferences about what the
writer is trying to convey through these details
Making Inferences
Keep track of the little things in this story:
Try to see the larger meaning behind these things.
Reading Skill
Note Taking/Summarizing
As you read take notes directly on the paper –
this is called annotating:
Identify setting
Record each new character
Indicate character development
Record plot developments
Notice word choices
Note Taking/Sticky Notes
Taking notes/using sticky notes helps you
stay focused because you are actively
involved in what you are reading
Allows you to look back and quickly
summarize what you have read
This story is set in the American South
The climax takes place in 1918-the year
World War 1 ended.
There are references in the story to battles
being fought---as you read, think about why
the author chose this setting.