PHARMACOLOGY COURSE SYLLABUS Instructor: Dr. Sherri Clark 281-577-2800 x5207 Conference: 3rd & 8th periods: 12:00 – 1:00 Tutoring: As needed except Thursday mornings & Friday afternoons Course Description: This course provides students with knowledge and skills in the classification and study of pharmacological agents to understand the treatment, care, and restoration of the client’s health. Students will explore the practical applications of mathematics related to the disease process, dosage calculations, and interaction in therapeutic care. Course Goals: The student will know the roles of a pharmacy technician, an understanding of medication reactions in the body, and the ability to perform basic dosage calculations. The ultimate goal for the student is to take the National Pharmacy Tech Certification Test to become a CPhT. Course Expectations: 1. The student must have a social security number in order to take the National test. 2. The student must study outside of class in order to be prepared for the CPhT test. 3. Students must be in their seats when the tardy bell rings or they will be counted tardy. This does not mean walking around in the room. 4. Students will be given 3 tickets each 9 weeks for bathroom passes. No students will be allowed behind my desk, in my office or in the lab area unless a lab is taking place. 5. No electronic devices of any kind will be allowed in the classroom with the exception of the Chromebooks. 6. No food will be allowed in the classroom. 7. Students will stay awake in Pharmacology. There is too much information to consume to sleep during class. If you finish your class assignments, then you need to be studying your flashcards and learning your drug names, generic names, classifications, indications for use, conversions, and many other knowledge based materials. 8. The National Test cost $129.00. At this time, the school will pay for each student to take the exam one time. If a student signs up to take the test and does not take it, they will be required to reimburse the school for the full amount of $129.00. If the student passes this test, they can work in a community based pharmacy such as CVS or Walgreens and make about $10.00 $12.00 per hour. 9. The student may also become certified in sterile products. The cost of this test is $250.00. At this time the school will pay for each student to take the exam one time. This will enable them to work in the hospital based pharmacy and make about $12.00-16.00 per hour. 10. Each student will have to register with the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. The cost is $46.00. The school will pay for each student. 11. Each student will need to be fingerprinted before they can register to take the PTCB. The cost is $41.00. The student will be responsible for paying for their fingerprinting. This will be done around February. 12. I expect 100% effort as I will give you 100% of my effort. Supplies: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Black pens or pencils Wide ruled loose leaf notebook paper or a spiral notebook A separate binder for pharmacology 3 x 5 flashcards (optional) A basic calculator is helpful but is optional Nursing Drug Handbook is a good resource but is optional A positive, respectful & attentive attitude Grading: Tests: 60% Daily Grades: 40% Late work will be accepted by the end of the next class period after the due date for a 70. A student may retest for a maximum grade of 70% if the student attends tutoring or corrects their work and is taken within 2 weeks of the original test. The test must also be made up within the same grading period. There will be a final exam. It will count for 10% of your overall grade. LET’S WORK HARD SO YOU CAN BECOME A CPhT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sincerely, Sherri Clark, D.C. Parent Signature: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Student Signature: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________