(Common Application)

Common ESSAY-2016-2 個 Topic 題目有變 ............................................................... 4
Rank 1 Princeton University (NJ) (Common Application) - 2016 ................................ 5
Rank 2 Harvard University (MA) (Common Application) - 2016 ................................ 8
Rank 3 Yale University (CT) (Common Application) - 2016 ...................................... 11
Rank 4 Columbia University (NY) (Common Application) - 2016 ............................ 13
Rank 4 Stanford University (CA) (Common Application) – 2016 .............................. 15
Rank 4 University of Chicago (IL) (Common Application) - 2016............................. 17
Rank 7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA) - 2016 ...................................... 20
Rank 8 Duke University (NC) (Common Application) - 2016 .................................... 23
Rank 9 University of Pennsylvania (PA) (Common Application) - 2016.................... 25
Rank 10 California Institute of Technology (CA) (Common Application) - 2016 ...... 28
Rank 10 Johns Hopkins University(MD) (Common Application) - 2016 ................... 30
Rank 12 Dartmouth College (NH) (Common Application) - 2016 ............................. 32
Rank 12 Northwestern University(IL)(Common Application) - 2016 ........................ 34
Rank 14 Brown University (RI) (Common Application) - 2016 ................................. 35
Rank 15 Cornell University (NY) (Common Application) - 2016 .............................. 37
Rank 15 Vanderbilt University (TN)(Common Application) - 2016 ........................... 39
Rank 15 Washington University in Saint Louis (MO) (Common Application) - 201641
Rank 18 Rice University (TX)(Common Application) - 2016 .................................... 43
Rank 18 University of Notre Dame (IN)(Common Application) - 2016 ..................... 46
Rank 20 University of California-Berkeley(CA) - 2016 ............................................. 49
Rank 21 Emory University (GA)(Common Application) - 2016 ................................ 51
Rank 21 Georgetown University (DC) - 2016 ............................................................. 53
Rank 23 Carnegie Mellon University (PA) (Common Application) - 2016 ................ 55
Rank 23 University of California-Los Angeles(CA) -2016 ......................................... 57
Rank 23 University of Southern California (CA) (Common Application) -2016 ....... 59
Rank 26 University of Virginia (VA) (Common Application) - 2016 ......................... 62
Rank 27 Tufts University (MA) (Common Application) -2016 .................................. 64
Rank 27 Wake Forest University (NC) (Common Application) -2016 ....................... 66
Rank29 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (MI) (Common Application)-2016 ........ 68
Rank 30Boston College (MA) (Common Application)- 2016 ..................................... 69
Rank30 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill(NC) (Common Application)2016.............................................................................................................................. 71
Rank 32New York University (NY) (Common Application)- 2016 ............................ 73
Rank 33 University of Rochester (NY) (Common Application) -2016 ....................... 74
Rank 34Brandeis University (MA) (Common Application)- 2016 ............................. 76
Rank 34 College of William and Mary (VA) (Common Application)- 2016............... 77
Rank 36 Georgia Institute of Technology (GA) (Common Application)-2016 ........... 78
Rank 37 Case Western Reserve University (OH) (Common Application) -2016........ 79
Rank 37 University of California - Santa Barbara (CA)-2016 .................................... 80
Rank 39 University of California - San Diego (CA)-2016 .......................................... 82
Rank 39 University of California - Irvine (CA) -2016 ................................................ 84
Rank 41 Boston University (MA) (Common Application) -2016 ............................... 86
Rank 41 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) (Common Application)-2016 ........... 89
Rank 41 Tulane University (LA)-2016 ........................................................................ 90
Rank 41 University of California - Davis (CA)-2016 ................................................. 92
Rank 41 University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign (IL) -2016 ................................. 94
Rank 41 University of Wisconsin - Madison (WI) -2016 ............................................ 95
Rank 47 Lehigh University (PA) (Common Application) -2016 ................................. 97
Rank 47 Northeastern University (MA) (Common Application)-2016 ....................... 98
Rank 47 Pennsylvania State University - University Park(PA) -2016......................... 99
Rank 47 University of Florida (FL) -2016 ................................................................. 101
Rank 51 University of Miami (FL) (Common Application) -2016 ........................... 103
Rank 52 Ohio State University (OH) (Common Application) -2016 ........................ 105
Rank 52 Pepperdine University (CA)(Common Application)-2016 ......................... 106
Rank 52 University of Texas - Austin (TX) -2016..................................................... 107
Rank 52 University of Washington (WA) -2016 ........................................................ 110
Rank 52 Yeshiva University (NY) -2016 ................................................................... 112
Rank 57 George Washington University (DC) (Common Application) - 2016 ......... 113
Rank 57 University of Connecticut (CT)(Common Application)-2016 .................... 115
Rank 57 University of Maryland - College Park (MD)-2016 .................................... 116
Rank 57 Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA) (Common Application) -2016 ........ 119
Rank 61 Clemson University (SC) - 2016 ................................................................. 121
Rank 61 Purdue University (IN) (Common Application) - 2016 .............................. 122
Rank 61 Southern Methodist University (TX) (Common Application) - 2016 ......... 123
Rank 61 Syracuse University (NY) (Common Application) - 2016 .......................... 125
Rank 61 University of Georgia (GA) - 2016 ............................................................. 127
Rank 66 Brigham Young University - Provo (UT) - 2015 ......................................... 129
Rank 66 Fordham University (NY) (Common Application) - 2016 .......................... 130
Rank 66 University of Pittsburgh (PA) - 2016 ........................................................... 131
Rank 69 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (MN) - 2016 ................................... 133
Rank 70 Texas A&M University - College Station (TX) - 2016 ............................... 134
Rank 70 Virginia Tech (VA) - 2016 ........................................................................... 135
Rank 72 American University (DC) (Common Application) - 2016 ......................... 137
Rank 72 Baylor University (TX) - 2016 .................................................................... 138
Rank 72 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick (NJ) - 2016
.................................................................................................................................... 138
Rank 75 Clark University (MA) (Common Application) - 2016 ............................... 140
Rank 75 Colorado School of Mines (CO).................................................................. 141
Rank 75 Indiana University - Bloomington (IN) - 2016............................................ 142
Rank 75 Michigan State University (MI) - 2016 ....................................................... 143
Rank 75 Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ) (Common Application) - 2016 ......... 145
Rank 75 University of Delaware (DE) (Common Application) - 2016 ..................... 146
Rank 75 University of Massachusetts - Amherst (MA) (Common Application) - 2016
.................................................................................................................................... 148
Rank 82 Miami University - Oxford (OH) (Common Application) - 2016 ............... 149
Rank 76 Texas Christian University (TX) (Common Application) - 2016 ................ 149
Rank 82 University of California - Santa Cruz (CA) - 2016 ..................................... 151
Rank 82 University of Iowa (IA) - 2016 .................................................................... 153
Rank 86 Marquette University (WI) (Common Application) - 2016 ........................ 154
Rank 86 University of Denver (CO) (Common Application) - 2016 ........................ 155
Rank 86 University of Tulsa (OK) (Common Application) - 2016 ........................... 156
Rank 89 North Carolina State University (NC) - 2016.............................................. 157
Rank 89 State University of New York - Binghamton (NY) (Common Application) 2016............................................................................................................................ 159
Rank 89 State University of New York - Stony Brook (NY) (Common Application) 2016............................................................................................................................ 160
Rank 89 SUNY - College of Environmental Science and Forestry (NY) (Common
Application) - 2016 .................................................................................................... 161
Rank 89 University of Colorado - Boulder (CO) (Common Application) - 2016 ..... 162
Rank 89 University of San Diego (CA) (Common Application) - 2016 ................... 163
Rank 89 University of Vermont (VT) (Common Application) - 2016 ....................... 164
Rank 96 Florida State University (FL) - 2016 ........................................................... 166
Rank 96 Saint Louis University (MO) (Common Application) - 2016 ..................... 167
Rank 96 University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa (IA) - 2016 ........................................ 168
Rank 99 Drexel University (PA) (Common Application) - 2016 .............................. 169
Rank 99 State University of New York - Buffalo (NY) (Common Application) - 2016
.................................................................................................................................... 170
Common ESSAY-2016-2 個 Topic 題目有變
Personal Essay
(只能 key 入或貼入文字,無檔案上傳選項)
The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic
and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers
of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores?
Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no
more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response.
Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it,
but don't feel obligated to do so. (The application won't accept a response shorter
than 250 words.) Please write an essay (250-650 words) on the topic selected. You
can type directly into the box, or you can paste text from another source.
Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful
they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like
you, then please share your story.
The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an
incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what
did you learn from the experience?
Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act?
Would you make the same decision again?
Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an
intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of
personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what
steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.
Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your
transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.
Additional Information(只能 key 入或貼入文字,無檔案上傳選項)
Please provide an answer below if you wish to provide details of circumstances or
qualifications not reflected in the application. You may enter up to 650 words.
Rank 1 Princeton University (NJ) (Common Application) - 2016
Application and Decision
Online Common Application and
Princeton writing supplement, as well
as the Universal College Application
SingleChoice Early
Application deadline
Nov. 1
Jan. 1
Princeton Financial Aid Application
Nov. 15
Feb. 1
Last month to take SAT and Subject
Last month to take ACT tests
Decision notification date
March 31
Candidate's reply date
May 1
May 1
and the Princeton Supplement to the
Universal College Application, are
* International students are encouraged to complete their SAT tests in December.
Testing Deadlines
 Single-choice early action candidates are strongly encouraged to complete their
testing before the Nov. 1 deadline. Students taking standardized tests in
November should have their scores sent directly to Princeton.
 Regular decision applicants must complete all SAT testing by the January test
date. All ACT testing must be completed by the December test date. If you
currently live outside the United States or Canada, try to complete all testing by
the December test date, if possible.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Princeton University Supplement
Writing Questions
In addition to the essay you have written for the Common Application, please
write an essay of about 500 words (no more than 650 words and no less than 250
words). Using one of the themes below as a starting point, write about a person,
event, or experience that helped you define one of your values or in some way
changed how you approach the world. Please do not repeat, in full or in part, the essay
you wrote for the Common Application.
Please enter your selected essay here:
1. Tell us about a person who has influenced you in a significant way.
2. “One of the great challenges of our time is that the disparities we face today
have more complex causes and point less straightforwardly to solutions.”
Omar Wasow, Assistant Professor, Politics; Founder, Blackplanet.com This
quote is taken from Professor Wasow's January 2014 speech at the Martin
Luther King Day celebration at Princeton University.
3. “Princeton in the Nation’s Service” was the title of a speech given by
Woodrow Wilson on the 150th anniversary of the University. It became the
unofficial Princeton motto and was expanded for the University’s 250th
anniversary to “Princeton in the nation’s service and in the service of all
nations.” Woodrow Wilson, Princeton Class of 1879, served on the faculty and
was Princeton’s president from 1902–1910.
4. “Culture is what presents us with the kinds of valuable things that can fill a
life. And insofar as we can recognize the value in those things and make them
part of our lives, our lives are meaningful.” Gideon Rosen, Stuart Professor of
Philosophy, chair of the Council of the Humanities and director of the Program
in Humanistic Studies, Princeton University.
5. Using a favorite quotation from an essay or book you have read in the last
three years as a starting point, tell us about an event or experience that helped
you define one of your values or changed how you approach the world. Please
write the quotation, title and author at the beginning of your essay.
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work
experiences that was particularly meaningful to you.( About 150 words) (250
words maximumon common app)
Please tell us how you have spent the last two summers (or vacations between
school years), including any jobs you have held. ( About 150 words) (250
words maximumon common app)
Your favorite book and its author: ( 含 空 白 300 characters maximumon
common app)
Your favorite movie: (含空白 300 characters maximumon common app)
Your favorite website: (含空白 300 characters maximumon common app)
Two adjectives your friends would use to describe you: (含空白 300 characters
maximumon common app)
Your favorite recording: (含空白 300 characters maximumon common app)
Your favorite keepsake or memento:( 含 空 白 300 characters maximumon
common app)
Your favorite source of inspiration: ( 含 空 白 300 characters maximumon
common app)
Your favorite word: (含空白 300 characters maximumon common app)
Your favorite line from a movie or book and its title: (含空白 300 characters
maximumon common app)
(Optional)Please attach a document if you wish to provide details of circumstances or
qualifications not reflected in the application. (No word limit. Upload a pdf file under
500 KB)
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Major Only
If you are interested in pursuing a B.S.E. (Bachelor of Science in Engineering) degree,
please write a 300-500 word essay describing why you are interested in studying
engineering, any experiences in or exposure to engineering you have had, and how you
think the programs in engineering offered at Princeton suit your particular interests.
(300 word minimum,650 word maximum)
(From Online Application)
Rank 2 Harvard University (MA) (Common Application) - 2016
When to Apply
Early Action applicants apply by the November 1 deadline and hear from us by
December 15. If you apply to Harvard under our Early Action program, you may also
apply at the same time to any public college/university or to foreign universities but
you are restricted from applying to other private universities’ Early Action and Early
Decision programs.
Timelines for Early Action or Regular Decision Applicants
You may apply to Harvard under either our Early Action or our Regular Decision
program, both of which allow you to compare admission and financial aid offers from
other institutions and to wait until May 1 to make a final college choice.
Early Action candidates apply by November 1 and receive notification by mid
December. Learn more about applying Early Action.
Regular Decision candidates apply by January 1 and receive notification by
late March.
Deadlines and decision dates
Spring (prior
to the year
you apply)
Begin taking the following tests:
Required: SAT Reasoning Test or ACT with
Writing Component
Normally required: Two SAT Subject Tests
Fall (of the
year you
As early in the fall as possible, please send:
Your application to Harvard, via the Common Application or
theUniversal Application. This is needed to open your
admissions file, track your documents, and set up
an interview.
The $75 application fee or a fee waiver request.
You may send the application supplements at a later date.
Deadlines and decision dates
October 15
Early Action applicants: We recommend that you send your
application by this date so that we may create and begin
processing your file, and schedule an alumni/ae interview
if possible.
October 31
Early Action applicants: We request that you submit your
standardized tests by the end of October. However, you are
still eligible to apply using the November series as they
should reach us in time for consideration.
Early Action applicants: Last acceptable testing date.
If you are applying Regular Decision, we recommend that
you submit standardized test scores from the November
series or earlier.
November 1
Early Action applicants: Deadline for all application
materials. Early Action applicants are also permitted to apply
at the same time to any public college/university or to foreign
universities but are restricted from applying to other private
universities’ Early Action programs.
Also submit the initial components of your financial aid
application. Even if you do not have access to final tax
information by this time, we ask that you use the best
available estimated figures.
Early Action applicants: Decisions released.
December 15
If possible, send your Regular Decision application by this
date. If you and your teachers have commitments that
preclude submission of your application materials by
December 15, please be assured that you will not be
penalized in any way.
January 1
Final deadline for all Regular Decision application
materials. You must send all application materials by this
Deadlines and decision dates
deadline for Regular Decision consideration.
Late January
Last acceptable SAT testing date for Regular Decision
February 1
Notify the Admissions Office if you have not received an
email acknowledging your application.
Submit the initial components of your financial aid
application. If you do not have access to your final tax
information by this deadline, use the best available
estimated figures.
Mid February
Last ACT testing date for Regular Decision consideration.
Submit your Mid-Year School Report forms with your most
recent grades.
March 1
Final deadline for all financial aid application materials,
including the prior year’s tax and income documentation.
Visit financial aid for details.
March 1
Final deadline for all transfer application materials.
Late March
Freshman decisions released.
May 1
Reply deadline for admitted students. No deposit required.
June 1
Transfer decisions will be released by this date.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Harvard Supplement
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work
experiences.(50 word minimum)(150 word maximum.)
What specific plan do you have, if any, for using the education you hope to
receive?(No word limit. 50 words available in common app)
You may wish to include an additional essay if you feel that the college application
forms do not provide sufficient opportunity to convey important information about
yourself or your accomplishments. You may write on a topic of your choice, or
you may choose from one of the following topics:
 Unusual circumstances in your life
 Travel or living experiences in other countries
 What you would want your future college roommate to know about you
An intellectual experience (course, project, book, discussion, paper, poetry,
or research topic in engineering, mathematics, science or other modes of
inquiry) that has meant the most to you
How you hope to use your college education
A list of books you have read during the past twelve months
Please note: If you do not intend to provide a response to this optional question, you
do not need to submit the writing supplement. If you encounter any problems
submitting your application, please upload a document that says “Not Applicable” and
hit submit.
(No word limit. Upload a pdf file under 500 kb)
(From Online Application)
Rank 3 Yale University (CT) (Common Application) - 2016
The online submission or postmark deadlines for Freshman Admission are:
Single-Choice Early Action
November 1
Regular Decision
January 1
Recommendations from Teachers and Counselors
We encourage teachers and counselors to submit the required forms to us by the
postmark deadlines above whenever possible. We understand that it may not be possible
in some cases for teachers and counselors to meet these deadlines, and we will make
reasonable allowances. This will not negatively impact your chance of admission.
Decision Notification
Admissions decisions for Single-Choice Early Action candidates will be available
online in mid-December. Decisions for Regular Decision candidates will be posted
online by April 1. Both Early Action and Regular Decision applicants have until May
1 to accept an offer of admission.
The last possible test dates for Freshman Admission are:
Single-Choice Early Action
Regular Decision
for SAT
for ACT*
November 5
*Please note: we cannot guarantee that February ACT results will arrive in time for
consideration. To increase the likelihood of a timely report, take the test in December
or earlier, and list Yale as a score recipient when you register for the test.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Yale University Supplement
Why do these areas appeal to you? (up to approximately 100 words). (125
word maximum)
Additional Questions
 Why Yale?
Why does Yale appeal to you? (100 words or less) (125 word maximum)
Short Takes
Please respond in just a few words (no more than 50 characters) to each of the
questions below: (含空白最多可以到 60 字元)
1. The two qualities I most admire in other people are
2. I am most proud of
3. I couldn't live without
4. Who or what inspires you?
5. What do you wish you were better at being or doing?
6. Most Yale freshmen live in suites of four to six students. What would you
contribute to the dynamic of your suite?
Please reflect on something you would like us to know about you that we might
not learn from the rest of your application, or on something about which you
would like to say more. You may write about anything—from personal
experiences or goals to interests or intellectual pursuits. (Please answer in 500
words or fewer). We encourage you to visit http://admissions.yale.edu/essay,
where you will find helpful advice. (500 word maximum)
Engineering Essay (Engineering major only)
If you selected one of the computer science or engineering majors, please tell us
more about what has led you to an interest in this field of study, what experiences
(if any) you have had in computer science or engineering, and what it is about
Yale’s program in this area that appeals to you. (500 word maximum)
**Applicants who select Yale Engineering will be required to complete an additional writing
(From Online Application)
Rank 4 Columbia University (NY) (Common Application) - 2016
Admissions Dates & Deadlines
November 1, 2015
Deadline for Early Decisionapplications.
Mid December
Decisions released online to Early Decision candidates.
January 1, 2016
Deadline for Regular Decision candidates.
January 15, 2016
Deposit deadline for admitted Early Decision candidates.
Late March
Admissions and financial aid decisions released online to Regular Decision
candidates, and invitations mailed for on-campus and regional programs for admitted
May 1, 2016
Deposit deadline for admitted students.
May 15, 2016
Deadline for requesting deferral of enrollment.
Late June
Final high school transcript due for incoming students.
Late August
Required New Student Orientation Program and academic year begin.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Columbia University Supplement
What single activity listed in the activity section of your Common Application are
you most proud of and why? (150 words or less) (150 word maximum)
List the required readings from courses during the school year or summer that you
enjoyed most in the past year. (150 words or less) (150 word maximum)
List the titles of the books you read for pleasure that you enjoyed most in the past
year. (150 words or less) (150 word maximum)
List the titles of the print, electronic publications and websites you read regularly.
(150 words or less) (150 word maximum)
List the titles of the films, concerts, shows, exhibits, lectures and other
entertainments you enjoyed most in the past year. (150 words or less) (150 word
Please tell us what you find most appealing about Columbia and why. (300 words
or less) (300 word maximum)
For applicants to Columbia College, please tell us what from your current and
past experiences (either academic or personal) attracts you specifically to the field
or fields of study that you noted in the Member Questions section. If you are
currently undecided, please write about any field or fields in which you may have
an interest at this time. (300 words or less) (300 word maximum)
For applicants to The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied
Science, please tell us what from your current and past experiences (either
academic or personal) attracts you specifically to the field or fields of study that
you noted in the Member Questions section. (300 words or less)
(Optional)Please review our instructions on supplementary materialsand note that
submission is not required. If you are submitting a professional resume for
Architecture, Creative Writing, Drama and Theater Arts or Film Studies,
please upload it here. (Upload a pdf under 500 kb)
(Optional) Please review our instructions on supplementary materialsand note
that submission is not required. If you are submitting a science research abstract,
please upload it here. (Upload a pdf under 500 kb)
(From Online Application)
Rank 4 Stanford University (CA) (Common Application) – 2016
Freshman Applicants
Restrictive Early Action
Regular Decision
Application with Arts October 15
Supplement Deadline
December 1
Standard Application November 1
January 3
Last Acceptable SAT October
Test Date
Last Acceptable ACT September*
Test Date
Notification of Missing Mid-November
Notification Date
December 15
April 1
Student Reply Date
May 1
May 1
*While you are able to take the October ACT test we cannot ensure the test results will
reach our office in time for final review.
The Common Application must be submitted online by the applicable deadline. We
prefer online submission of all other documents but will accept materials submitted
via mail.
Late Test Scores
 We recommend students take the required tests well in advance of the
application deadlines. It is unlikely that scores from tests taken after the
deadlines will arrive in time for review. Similarly, please allow sufficient time
for official scores to arrive by the application deadlines. We cannot delay the
review of an application in anticipation of scores that will arrive after the
deadline nor can we guarantee that late scores will be reviewed.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Stanford University Supplement
Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences.(50
word minimum)(150 word maximum.)
Short Questions
Briefly respond to the following inquiries so we can get to know you better. Do not feel
compelled to use complete sentences.
Name your favorite books, authors, films, and/or artists.(50 word limit)
What newspapers, magazines, and/or websites do you enjoy? (50 word
What is the most significant challenge that society faces today?(50 word
How did you spend your last two summers? (50 word limit)
What were your favorite events (e.g., performances, exhibits,
competitions, conferences, etc.) in recent years? (50 word limit)
What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed?
(50 word limit)
What five words best describe you? (5 word limit, but 10 words
available on common app)
Short Essays
Stanford students possess an intellectual vitality. Reflect on an idea or experience
that has been important to your intellectual development. (100 to 250 words.) (100
word minimum, 250 word limit.)
Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your
future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate
-- and us -- know you better. (100 to 250 words.) (100 word minimum, 250 word
What matters to you, and why? (100 to 250 words.) (100 word minimum, 250
word limit.)
(From Online Application)
Rank 4 University of Chicago (IL) (Common Application) - 2016
Early Action
Regular Decision
Application Due Date
November 1
January 1
Admission Decision by
Late March
Student-Reply Due Date
May 1†
May 1†
†Must reply by midnight (CST) of May 1st
Applicants may apply for entrance in the autumn quarter only; students are not
admitted in other quarters.
Our Early Action program is open and non-binding.
The University of Chicago considers you an international applicant if you are neither
a U.S. citizen nor a U.S. permanent resident, regardless of where in the world you
live. We are here to help you with the admissions process and the application. If you
have any questions, contact the International Team.
Early Action
Regular Decision
Application Due Date
November 1
January 1
Admission Decision by
Late March
Student-Reply Due Date
May 1
May 1
Applicants may apply for entrance in the autumn quarter only.
Our Early Action is open and non-binding.
While we would of course like to receive your scores before the appropriate
deadline, for the Early Action deadline, we will accept November SAT scores and
October ACT scores and for the Regular Decision deadline, we will accept January
SAT scores and February ACT scores. If you choose to submit ACT scores, we do
not require the optional essay component.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
University of Chicago Supplement
Choose one of the seven extended essay options and upload a one- or two- page
Essay Option 1.
Orange is the new black, fifty’s the new thirty, comedy is the new rock ‘n’ roll,
____ is the new ____. What’s in, what’s out, and why is it being replaced? —
Inspired by Payton Weidenbacher, Class of 2015
Essay Option 2.
“I learned to make my mind large, as the universe is large, so that there is
room for paradoxes.” –Maxine Hong Kingston. What paradoxes do you live
with? —Inspired by Danna Shen, Class of 2019
Essay Option 3.
Joan of Arkansas. Queen Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Babe Ruth Bader
Ginsburg. Mash up a historical figure with a new time period, environment,
location, or occupation, and tell us their story. —Inspired by Drew Donaldson,
Class of 2016
Essay Option 4.
“Art is either plagiarism or revolution.” –Paul Gauguin. What is your “art”?
Is it plagiarism or revolution? —Inspired by Kaitlyn Shen, Class of 2018
Essay Option 5.
Rerhceseras say it’s siltl plisbsoe to raed txet wtih olny the frist and lsat ltteres
in palce. This is beaucse the hamun mnid can fnid oderr in dorsdier. Give us
your best example of finding order in disorder. (For your reader’s sake, please
use full sentences with conventional spelling). —Also inspired by Payton
Weidenbacher, Class of 2015. Payton is extra-inspirational this year!
Essay Option 6.
In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, pose a question of your own. If your prompt
is original and thoughtful, then you should have little trouble writing a great essay.
Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage,
citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk,
and have fun.
Essay Option 7.
In the spirit of historically adventurous inquiry, to celebrate the University of
Chicago’s 125th anniversary, please feel free to select from any of our past
essay questions, available at http://pastessays.uchicago.edu.
Please upload your response here.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
(Required)How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your
desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with
some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.
(Upload a pdf file under 500kb, 無字數限制說明)
(Optional)Share with us a few of your favorite books, poems, authors, films, plays,
pieces of music, musicians, performers, paintings, artists, blogs, magazines, or
newspapers. Feel free to touch on one, some, or all of the categories listed, or add
a category of your own.
(Upload a pdf file under 500kb, 無字數限制說明)
(From Online Application)
Rank 7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA) - 2016
Early Action (EA)
Application Component
October 20
Interview scheduling deadline
Part 1: Biographical Form
Part 2: Essays, Activities, and Academics
Evaluation A: Math or science teacher
November 1
Evaluation B: Humanities, social science, or language
Secondary School Report, including high school
Standardized tests: SAT, ACT, or TOEFL; and 2 SAT
Application Component
Subject Tests
February 15
February Updates & Notes Form (including midyear
Regular Action (RA)
Application Component
December 10
Interview scheduling deadline
Part 1: Biographical Form
Part 2: Essays, Activities, and Academics
Evaluation A: Math or science teacher
January 1
Evaluation B: Humanities, social science, or language
Secondary School Report, including high school
January testing date
Standardized tests: SAT, ACT, or TOEFL; and 2 SAT
Subject Tests
February 15
February Updates & Notes Form (including midyear
Other Dates & Deadlines
All students who are applying for financial aid should submit materials by
February 15th (see Financial Aid Deadlines)
 Early Action applicants will receive an admissions decision in mid-December
 Regular Action students will receive an admissions decision in mid-March
 Admitted students must inform MIT of their enrollment decision by May 1
MIT Early Action is an option for all applicants, domestic and international. Our
Early Action isn't single-choice, binding, or anything like that. If you choose to apply
to MIT during Early Action, we do not place any limits on where else you may apply,
nor do we require you to attend if admitted (though we sure hope you do!)
However: if you apply to another school during Early Action that does have a
restriction, MIT requires that you respect those rules. So for example, if you apply
to another school that is "single choice" - meaning that you can only apply there
during the early period - you may not simultaneously apply to MIT. But that's just
good manners.
In the MIT application, we're not looking for one long, highly-polished essay.
Instead, interspersed throughout the application will be short answer questions
designed to help us get to know you. Just be yourself.
We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you.
Tell us about something you do for the pleasure of it. (*)(100 words or fewer)
Although you may not yet know what you want to major in, which department or
program at MIT appeals to you and why? (*) (100 words or fewer)
At MIT, we seek to develop in each member of our community the ability and
passion to work collaboratively for the betterment of humankind. How have
you improved the lives of others in your community? (This could be one
person or many, at school or at home, in your neighborhood or your state, etc.)
(*) (200-250 words)
Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school,
community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and
aspirations?(*) (200-250 words)
Tell us about the most significant challenge you've faced or something important
that didn't go according to plan. How did you manage the situation?(*) (200-250
(Optional) No admission application can meet the needs of every individual. If
you think additional information or material will give us a more thorough
impression of you, please respond below. (around 3500 characters)
(From Online Application)
Rank 8 Duke University (NC) (Common Application) - 2016
Application Packet Items
Nov. 1
Jan. 1
Common Application
Dec. 20 (for priority
alumni interview—see
instructions below)
Early Decision Agreement
Nov. 1
Not required
Nov. 1
Jan. 1
Secondary School Report with
Counselor Recommendation
High School Transcript
Two Teacher Recommendations
First Quarter Grades
Nov. 12 (or when Not required
your first term ends)
Midyear Grade Report
For admitted
or Feb. 15 (or when your
deferred students: first
Feb. 15 (or as soon trimester ends)
as first semester
Final High School Transcript
Upon completion of Upon completion of
school high
SAT and two SAT Subject Tests
ACT with Writing
Nov. 1* (The latest
date for additional
Jan. 1*(The latest date
for additional testing is
testing is November January 23 for the
7 for the SAT and
SAT and Subject Tests
Subject Tests and
and February 6 for the
October 24 for the ACT.)
CSS Profile
Nov. 1
Mar. 1
Apr. 15
Mar. 1
Nov. 1
Jan. 1
Arts Supplement
Decisions Released
Dec. 15
Apr. 1
Student Reply Date
Jan. 6
May 1
* Duke requires all test scores. For an application to be considered complete, students
must submit any existing test scores by this date. We will consider additional testing
taken after the deadline but before decisions are made.
All deadlines are online submission deadlines
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Duke University Supplement
Writing Questions
Based on your selection of a Student Status, you will be required to complete a
writing question.
If you are applying to the Trinity College of Arts and Sciences as a first year
applicant, please discuss why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there
something particular about Duke that attracts you? (Please limit your response to
no more than 150 words.)
If you are applying to the Pratt School of Engineering as either a first year, please
discuss why you want to study engineering and why you would like to study at
Duke. (Please limit your response to no more than150 words.)
(Optional)Duke University seeks a talented, engaged student body that
embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of
our students makes our community stronger. If you'd like to share a perspective
you bring or experiences you've had to help us understand you better-perhaps
related to a community you belong to, your sexual orientation or gender identity,
or your family or cultural background-we encourage you to do so. Real people
are reading your application, and we want to do our best to understand and
appreciate the real people applying to Duke. (250 word limit)
Duke University Nondiscrimination Statement:
(Optional)Duke will learn about your extracurricular involvement through the
Activities section of the Common Application. If you wish to include a brief
resume you may include it here. (No word limit. Upload a pdf under 500kb)
(From Online Application)
Rank 9 University of Pennsylvania (PA) (Common Application)
- 2016
Application Deadline
NOVEMBER 1, 2015
JANUARY 5, 2016
SAT or ACT (required)
Last Test Dates
Last Test Dates
October 2015 (ACT) or-
December 2015 (ACT)
November 2015 (SAT)
January 2016 (SAT)
Last Test Dates
Last Test Dates
Accepted: November
Accepted: January
Mid October - Early
December - Early
Offered based on
Fine Arts Supplement
November 10, 2015
January 15, 2016
Additional Letter of
Recommendation (1)
November 1, 2015
January 5, 2016
Decision Notification
By April 1, 2016
Student Reply Date
January 5, 2016
May 1, 2016
SAT Subject Tests
The University of Pennsylvania reserves the right to evaluate an application and
render a final decision even if all pieces of the application have not been
 No student who has been denied admission under any of our decision plans may
apply again to any undergraduate division of the University in the same
academic year.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
University of Pennsylvania Supplement
How will you explore your intellectual and academic interests at the University of
Pennsylvania? Please answer this question given the specific undergraduate
school to which you are applying. (400-650 words)(400 word minimum, 650 word
*For students applying to the coordinated dual-degree programs, please answer this
question in regards to your single-degree school choice. Interest in coordinated dualdegree programs will be addressed through those program-specific essays.
If you wish to submit a resume, please upload it here (not required).No word
limits, Upload a pdf file under 500 KB)
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Applicants who select certain programs will be required to complete additional writing
Huntsman: The Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business
Discuss a current international issue, which demonstrates how international affairs and
business intersect and explain how the Huntsman curriculum might assist to resolve the
issue. (500 words maximum)
LSM: The Roy and Diana Vagelos Program in Life Sciences and Management
LSM seeks students who are enthusiastic about combining science with management.
What excites you about this combination? What advantages and opportunities does the
combination provide, and what does it address? Be as specific and original as possible in
addressing these questions. (400-650 words)
M&T: The Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology
Please complete both prompts. Question 1: Explain how you will use this program to
explore your interest in business, engineering, and the intersection of the two. It is helpful
to identify potential engineering and business paths available at Penn. (400-650 words)
Question 2: Please describe a time in which you displayed leadership. (250 words
NHCM: Nursing and Healthcare Management
Discuss your interest in nursing and health care management. How might Penn's
coordinated dual-degree program in nursing and business help you meet your goals?
(400-650 words)
VIPER: The Roy and Diana Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research
Describe your interests in energy science and technology drawing on your previous
academic, research, and extracurricular experiences that allow you to appreciate the
scientific or engineering challenges related to energy and sustainability. If you have
previous experience with research, describe your research project (outlining the goals,
hypotheses, approach, results, and conclusions). Describe how your experiences have
shaped your research and interests, and identify how the VIPER program will help you
achieve your goals. (400-650 words)
NETS: The Rajendra and Neera Singh Program in Networked and Social
Systems Engineering
Describe your interests in modern networked information systems and technologies, such
as the Internet, and their impact on society, whether in terms of economics,
communication, or the creation of beneficial content for society. Feel free to draw on
examples from your own experiences as a user, developer, or student of technology.
(400-650 words)
Seven-Year Bio-Dental Program
• Please list pre-dental or pre-medical experience. This experience can include but is not
limited to observation in a private practice, dental clinic, or hospital setting; dental
assisting; dental laboratory work; dental or medical research, etc. Please include time
allotted to each activity, dates of attendance, location, and description of your experience.
If you do not have any pre-dental or pre-medical experience, please indicate what you
have done that led you to your decision to enter dentistry. • List any activities which
demonstrate your ability to work with your hands. • What activities have you performed
that demonstrate your ability to work cooperatively with people? • Please explain your
reasons for selecting a career in dentistry. Please include what interests you the most in
dentistry as well as what interests you the least. • Do you have relatives who are dentists
or are in dental school? If so, indicate the name of each relative, his/her relationship to
you, the school attended, and the dates attended.
(From Online Application)
Rank 10 California Institute of Technology (CA) (Common
Application) - 2016
Application Deadlines
 Early Action Deadline: November 1
 Early Action Decision Notifications: Mid-December
Regular Decision Deadline: January 3
Regular Decision Notifications: Mid-March
 Early Action: October
 Regular Decision: December
ALL testing must be completed prior to the application deadline. Exams taken after
the deadlines will NOT be considered. SAT/ACT registration and test dates are
subject to change and vary by country.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
California Institute of Technology Supplement
What three experiences or activities have helped you explore your desire to study
and possibly pursue a career in STEM? (200 words max)
Required Short Answers & Essay Prompts:
Please list three books, along with their authors, that have been particularly
meaningful to you. For each book, please include a sentence explaining their
influence upon you(200 characters max). Please note that your response is not
limited to math, science or school-assigned texts.
 Book 1 (有 200 字元數的限制-含空白):
 Influence upon you (200 characters max): (有 200 字元數的限制-含空白)
Book 2 (有 200 字元數的限制-含空白):
Influence upon you (有 200 字元數的限制-含空白)
Book 3 (有 200 字元數的限制-含空白):
Influence upon you (有 200 字元數的限制-含空白)
Members of the Caltech community live, learn, and work within an Honor System
with one simple guideline; "No member shall take unfair advantage of any other
member of the Caltech community." While seemingly simple, questions of ethics,
honesty and integrity are sometimes challenging. Share a difficult situation that
has challenged you. What was your response, and how did you arrive at a
solution?(200 words max)
Caltech students have long been known for their quirky sense of humor, whether
it be through planning creative pranks, building elaborate party sets, or even the
year-long preparation that goes into our annual Ditch Day. Please describe an
unusual way in which you have fun. (200 word max)
In an increasingly global and interdependent society, there is a need for diversity
in thought, background, and experience in science, technology, engineering and
mathematics. How do you see yourself contributing to the diversity of Caltech's
community? (200 word max)
Scientific exploration clearly excites you. Beyond our 3:1 student-to-faculty ratio
and our intense focus on research opportunities, how do you believe Caltech will
best fuel your intellectual curiosity and help you meet your goals? (500 word max)
(Optional)If you need additional space, please explain using the upload function
button below. Please do not attach a resume or upload research papers. Caltech
will email you an application confirmation with information on how to upload
research papers through your student portal. (No word limit. Upload a pdf file
under 500kb)
(From Online Application)
Rank 10 Johns Hopkins University(MD) (Common Application)
- 2016
Required for all first-year applicants
Application and Supplement
Common Application with Johns Hopkins Supplement
or Universal College Application with Johns Hopkins
Supplement (including the essay portion of the application
Application fee or fee waiver
$70 nonrefundable application fee or fee waiver
Signed Early Decision Agreement
Document from the Common Application orUniversal
College Application
Secondary School Report
Guidance counselor recommendation, transcript, and high
school profile
Two Teacher Evaluations
SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Test
See Standardized Test Information for more
Mid-year Report*
TOEFL or IELTS results
For applicants who have not attended an English language
school for the last five years and whose primary language is
not English
International Certification of Finances Form and Bank
and an additional essay on the Supplement)
Required: International applicants only
Two SAT Subject Tests**
We strongly recommend that Early Decision candidates complete their required
standardized tests no later than October of their senior year. Regular Decision
candidates should complete required tests no later than December of their
senior year.
November (ED) or January (RD) scores will be accepted for those students
unable to meet their test requirements by October (ED) or December (RD). In
such cases, we encourage you to note your intention of taking the later
standardized test(s) on your application. There is no need to rush your scores.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Johns Hopkins University Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here. (Optional)
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these
types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Writing Questions
Johns Hopkins University was founded in 1876 on a spirit of exploration and discovery.
As a result, students can pursue a multi-dimensional undergraduate experience both in
and outside of the classroom. Given the opportunities at Hopkins, please discuss your
current interests—academic or extracurricular pursuits, personal passions, summer
experiences, etc.—and how you will build upon them here. (300-500 Word limit). (300
word minimum, 500 word maximum)
(From Online Application)
Rank 12 Dartmouth College (NH) (Common Application) - 2016
Early Decision
Regular Decision
November 1st
January 1st
Last test date
for SAT/Subject Test
Last test date for ACT
Admissions Notification
Intent to Enroll deadline
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Dartmouth College Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here. (Optional)
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these
types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Writing Question
We’d like to know a little more about you. To that end, please chooseoneof the
following questions and write a short response in the space below.A
paragraph to a page in length is ideal. Thank you!(1000 words maximum on
common app)
 Every name tells a story: Tell us about your name--any name: first, middle,
last, nickname--and its origin.
 Tell us about an intellectual experience, either directly related to your
schoolwork or not, that you found particularly meaningful.
 When you meet someone for the first time, what do you want them to know
about you, but generally don’t tell them?
 Describe the influence your hero has had on your life.
 We believe it is critical that your candidacy reflect the interests, experiences
and pursuits that are most important to you. To this end, is there anything
else you would like us to know?
(From Online Application)
Rank 12 Northwestern University(IL)(Common Application) 2016
Application requirement*
Audition registration deadline (Music
applicants only)
Application Deadline
Early Decision
Regular Decision
October 15
December 1
November 1
January 1
Take tests by
SAT Reasoning Test or ACT with
November test date
writing required; two SAT Subject
Tests recommended
Admission decision
January test date
December 15
Late March
February 1
May 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Northwestern University Supplement
Northwestern Statement (completion strongly recommended):
What are the unique qualities of Northwestern - and of the specific undergraduate
school(s) to which you are applying - that make you want to attend the University? In
what ways do you hope to take advantage of the qualities you have identified?
(300 word limit)
(From Online Application)
Rank 14 Brown University (RI) (Common Application) - 2016
November 1
Early Decision deadline
Mid December
Early Decision letter mail date
January 1
Regular Decision application deadline
January 1
Commitment deadline for Early Decision candidates
March 31
Regular Decision letters available online
May 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Brown University Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here. (Upload,
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these
types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work
experiences. (50 word-150 word)
Why are you drawn to the area(s) of study you indicated in our Member Section,
earlier in this application? If you are “undecided” or not sure which Brown
concentrations match your interests, consider describing more generally the
academic topics or modes of thought that engage you currently. (50 word-150
Why Brown? (100 word limit)
Tell us where you have lived-and for how long-since you were born; whether
you've always lived in the same place, or perhaps in a variety of places. (100 word
We all exist within communities or groups of various sizes, origins, and purposes;
pick one and tell us why it is important to you, and how it has shaped you. (100
word limit)
Applied Mathematics / Chemistry / Computer Science / Geology / Mathematics /
Since you have expressed an interest in Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer
Science, Geology, Mathematics or Physics, we would like to know a bit more about
you. (Please limit your total response to the following 2 questions to 350 words.)
1. Tell us about a skill or concept related to your anticipated area of study, that you
found challenging and rewarding to learn.
2. Please list the courses, including those you may have taken outside your secondary
school, that relate to your chosen field.
(Limit your total response to 350 words, Upload a pdf file under 500 KB)
Since you have expressed an interest in Engineering, we would like to know a bit
more about you. (Please limit your total response to the following 2 questions to 350
1. The School of Engineering offers 9 concentration options, including Sc.B. degrees
in Biomedical Engineering, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Computer
Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Materials
Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, as well as an A.B. degree in
Engineering, and a joint program with the Department of Physics leading to an
Sc.B. degree in Engineering and Physics. Since there is a common core
curriculum within Engineering, students need not select a specific area until their
junior year. We are curious to know, however, if any particular program
within Engineering presently appeals to you.
2. What experiences and/or courses beyond school work have broadened your
interest in Engineering?
(Limit your total response to 350 words, Upload a pdf file under 500 KB)
(From Online Application)
Rank 15 Cornell University (NY) (Common Application) - 2016
Freshman Admission Timeline
Early Decision
Submit all required
mailing instructions)
materials (application November 1
Financial aid application materials due
November 1
Architecture and art portfolio and interview due
Check Deadline (November 1)
Hotel Administration interview due
Check Deadline
Admission decisions and financial aid awards announced
Regular Decision
Submit all required
mailing instructions)
materials (application January 2
Financial aid application materials due
February 15
Architecture and art portfolio and interview due
Check Deadline (January 2)
Hotel Administration interview due
Check Deadline
Admission decisions and financial aid awards announced
Early April
Reply to offer of admission
May 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Cornell University Supplement
Based on your selection of a College or School in the Academics section you will
be required to complete an additional writing question.
Please choose the essay according to your college/school choice.
Agriculture and Life Science
How have your interests and related experiences influenced the major you have selected
in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences? (Please limit your response to 650
Architecture, Art and Planning
Why are you excited to pursue your chosen major in AAP? What specifically about
AAP and Cornell University will help you fulfill your academic and creative interests
and long-term goals? (Please limit your response to 650 words.)
College of Arts and Science
Describe two or three of your current intellectual interests and why they are exciting to
you. Why will Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences be the right environment in which
to pursue your interests? (Please limit your response to 650 words.)
Tell us about an engineering idea you have, or about your interest in engineering.
Describe how your ideas and interests may be realized by—and linked to—specific
resources within the College of Engineering. Finally, explain what a Cornell
Engineering education will enable you to accomplish. (Please limit your response to
650 words.)
Hotel Administration
Hospitality is the largest industry in the world and includes sectors such as hotel
operations, food and beverage management, real estate finance, marketing, and law.
Considering the breadth of our industry, please describe what work and non-work
experiences, academic interests, and career goals influenced your decision to study
hospitality management. How will these contribute to your success at the School of
Hotel Administration? (Please limit your response to 650 words.)
Human Ecology
What do you value about the College of Human Ecology's perspective, and the majors
that interest you, as you consider your academic goals and plans for the future? (Please
limit your response to 650 words.)
Industrial and Labor Relations
Tell us about your intellectual interests, how they sprang from your course, service,
work or life experiences, and what makes them exciting to you. Describe how these
interests may be realized and linked to the ILR curriculum. (Please limit your response
to 650 words.)
(From Online Application)
Rank 15 Vanderbilt University (TN)(Common Application) 2016
Early Decision I
October 3, 2015 — Preferred last day to take the SAT Reasoning Test
October 24, 2015 — Preferred last day to take the ACT
November 1, 2015 — Blair DecisionDesk application/prescreening video submission
November 1, 2015 — Deadline for completed application
December 5, 2015 — Blair School of Music auditions
December 15, 2015 — Admission decisions available
December 31, 2015 — Deadline for matriculation deposit
Early Decision II
December 5, 2015 — Preferred last day to take the SAT Reasoning Test
December 12, 2015 — Preferred last day to take the ACT
January 1, 2016 — Blair DecisionDesk application/prescreening video submission
January 1, 2016 — Deadline for completed application
January 29 - 30, 2016 — Blair School of Music auditions
February 15, 2016 — Admission decisions available
March 1, 2016 — Deadline for matriculation deposit
Regular Decision
December 5, 2015 — Preferred last day to take the SAT Reasoning Test
December 12, 2015 — Preferred last day to take the ACT
January 1, 2016 — Blair DecisionDesk application/prescreening video submission
January 1, 2016 — Deadline for completed application
January 29 - 30, 2016 — Blair School of Music auditions
February 12 - 13, 2016 — Blair School of Music auditions
February 26 - 27, 2016 — Blair School of Music auditions
April 1, 2016 — Admission decisions available
May 1, 2016 — Deadline for matriculation deposit
The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic
and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice.
What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses,
grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question
andwrite an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and
structure your response.
Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but
don't feel obligated to do so.(The application won't accept a response shorter than
250 words.)
Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that
they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like
you, then please share your story.
Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you,
and what lessons did you learn?
Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act?
Would you make the same decision again?
Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do
or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?
Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your
transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.
Additional Information(The Additional Information section allows up to 650
words, with no minimum)
Please provide an answer below if you wish to provide details of circumstances or
qualifications not reflected in the application.
(From Online Application)
Vanderbilt University Supplement
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences
(Recommended length:250 words)(400 words available on common app )
(From Online Application)
Rank 15 Washington University in Saint Louis (MO) (Common
Application) - 2016
Freshman applicants are students applying to become part of the class entering in fall
Complete Application
(Common Application,
support materials, and
$75 application fee.)
November 15, 2015
January 15, 2016
Academic Scholarship
and Fellowship
Applications Due*
Midyear Report
Admission Decisions
Candidate Reply Date*
January 15, 2016
you must submit your
first marking period
grades in order to
complete your
January 15, 2016
Your counselor should
mail us this form and an
updated transcript as
soon as possible after
January 1, 2016
December 15, 2015
April 1, 2016
Two weeks from date
of admission decision
and financial assistance
May 1, 2016
*Materials must be received by the dates listed.
Support materials
 School report and official transcript (submitted by High School Counselor)
 Teacher evaluation(s)
SAT or ACT scores
TOEFL or IELTS (for students whose first language is not English).
A portfolio is required for students applying to the College of Art. Portfolios
are strongly encouraged for students applying to the College of Architecture.
For details, visit thePortfolio Guidelines page.
The last test date accepted will be the December testing (October if applying Early
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Washington University in Saint Louis Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 18 Rice University (TX)(Common Application) - 2016
2015–2016 Admission Calendar
Shepherd School of
Medical Scholars
Common Application
Common Application
Common Application
Common Application
and Rice Writing
and Rice Writing
and Rice Writing
and Rice Writing
Universal College
Universal College
Universal College
Universal College
Application and Rice
Application and Rice
Application and Rice
Application and Rice
submitted by
submitted by
submitted by
submitted by
November 1, 2015
December 1, 2015
December 1, 2015
January 1, 2016
Early Decision
Audition Profile Form
application submitted
submitted by
submitted by
December 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
December 1, 2015
Deadline to request
Optional Interview
Deadline to request
Deadline to request an
an on-campus
requested by
an on-campus
on-campus interview
(see decision plan you
December 15, 2015
November 1, 2015
December 15, 2015
Deadline to request
Deadline to request
Deadline to request an
an off-campus
an off-campus
off-campus interview
December 13, 2015
November 3, 2015
December 13, 2015
(must submit
(must submit
(must submit
application by
application by
application by
December 11, 2015)
November 1, 2015)
December 11, 2015)
Last applicable
Last applicable
Last applicable
Last applicable
standardized test
Subject test date:
Subject test date:
Subject test date:
November 7, 2015
(see decision plan you
December 5, 2015
December 5, 2015
Last applicable ACT
Last applicable ACT
Last applicable ACT
test date:
test date:
test date:
October 24, 2015
December 12, 2015
December 12, 2015
TOEFL score
TOEFL score
TOEFL score
submitted by
submitted by
submitted by
November 1, 2015
December 1, 2015
January 1, 2016
IELTS score
IELTS score
IELTS score
submitted by
submitted by
submitted by
November 1, 2015
December 1, 2015
January 1, 2016
Notification of
Notification of
Notification of
Notification of
Admission to Rice:
(see decision plan you
April 1, 2016
April 1, 2016
Rice/Baylor finalist
late April
$300 enrollment
$300 enrollment
$300 enrollment
$300 enrollment
deposit and
submitted by
$100 housing deposit
submitted by
submitted by
January 1, 2016
submitted by
May 1, 2016
May 1, 2016
$100 housing deposit
(see decision plan you
$100 housing deposit
$100 housing deposit
submitted by
submitted by
submitted by
January 1, 2016
(both nonrefundable)
May 1, 2016
May 1, 2016
(both nonrefundable)
(both nonrefundable)
(both nonrefundable)
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Rice University Supplement
Writing Questions
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work
experiences. (150 word limit)
With the understanding that the choice of academic school you indicated is not
binding, explain why you are applying to that particular school of study. (150 word
(Optional) If you have applied or expect to apply to other colleges or universities
this year, please name them. (50 word limit)
How did you first learn about Rice University and what motivated you to apply?
(250 word limit)
The Committee on Admission is interested in getting to know each candidate as
well as possible through the application process. The following essay question is
designed to demonstrate your writing skills and facilitate our full appreciation of
your unique perspective. Please respond to each of the following prompts.
All major except for Architecture
The quality of Rice's academic life and the Residential College System are
heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each
student brings. What personal perspective do you feel that you will contribute
to life at Rice? (500 word limit)
For Architecture Applicant
What aspirations, experiences, or relationships have motivated you to pursue
the study of architecture? (250 word limit)
Outside of academics, what do you enjoy most or find most challenging? (250
word limit)
In keeping with Rice’s long-standing tradition (known as “The Box”), please
share an image of something that appeals to you. To successfully upload your
image, first paste it into a Word document or .pdf file, then upload your document.
(A .pdf file under 500 KB in size will be accepted. If you are unable to
successfully upload "The Box" image, mail or fax your document to us by the
appropriate ED or RD deadline. Be sure to include your full name, date of birth,
Common Application ID number, email and phone number.
Rice University
Office of Admission - MS 17
PO Box 1892
Houston, TX 77251-1892
Fax: 713-348-5323)
Depending on your answers to some questions you will be required to complete
additional writing questions.
(From Online Application)
Rank 18 University of Notre Dame (IN)(Common Application) 2016
Early Action: November 1
The Early Action process at Notre Dame is non-binding, meaning that students who
apply Early Action do not indicate that they will attend Notre Dame if they are admitted.
They do not indicate a first-choice preference by applying early, and still may wait until
May 1 to indicate their decision to attend.
Students who apply in the Early Action process receive an admissions decision before
Christmas. Three decisions are possible:
Admission to the University
Denial of Admission to the University
Deferral of Decision until Regular Action.
Regular Action: January 1
The Regular Action process at Notre Dame is also non-binding. Three decisions are
possible following the Regular Action process:
 Admission to the University
 Denial of Admission to the University
 Waitlist
Confirmation Deadline: May 1
Students who receive an offer of admission to Notre Dame should return their
confirmation card and $500 deposit by May 1 should they choose to attend the
University. Students who decide not to attend Notre Dame should inform the
Undergraduate Admissions Office of their decision, so as to make additional spaces
available for students on the waitlist.
The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic
and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice.
What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses,
grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question
andwrite an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and
structure your response.
Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but
don't feel obligated to do so.(The application won't accept a response shorter than
250 words.)
Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that
they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like
you, then please share your story.
Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you,
and what lessons did you learn?
Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act?
Would you make the same decision again?
Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do
or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?
Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your
transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.
Additional Information(The Additional Information section allows up to 650
words, with no minimum)
Please provide an answer below if you wish to provide details of circumstances or
qualifications not reflected in the application.
(From Online Application)
University of Notre Dame Supplement
Writing Supplement-Writing Questions
Your responses will be read by Notre Dame admissions staff as we seek to learn more
about you. We encourage you to use personal examples, anecdotes, or anything that
helps differentiate you from your peers.
Why Notre Dame? (required response 150-200 words)(200 words available on
common app)
Pleaseselect twoof the following four prompts and provide a response of
approximately 150 words(not to exceed 200 words)(200 Words available on
common app) to each.
A good story starts with a good beginning. Get us hooked in the first 150 words.
Blessed Basil Moreau, the founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, described
education as “the art of helping young people to completeness.” How are you
Notre Dame students are encouraged to learn through discovery by interacting
with the world around them. Describe your ideal intellectual field trip.
Initiate an in-person conversation with someone whom you've never met but who
you think might be interesting. What did you learn about that person or yourself?
(From Online Application)
Rank 20 University of California-Berkeley(CA) - 2016
Fall UC application timetable:
Application available
October 1, 2014
Filing period
November 1-30, 2014
Application deadline
November 30, 2014
Freshman Admission decisions posted
March 1 – 31, 2015
Transfer Admission decisions posted
May 1, 2015
Applications for admission are available beginning in October of the year prior to the
year in which you would enter UC Berkeley. The application filing period is
November 1-30. All applications must be submitted by November 30th.
UC Berkeley does not offer any early admissions or any early decisions.
Application available
August 1
Filing period
November 1-30
SAT test deadline
December 31
Application deadline
November 30
Berkeley notifies applicants of receipt of application
Early January
Freshman decisions posted
End of March*
Transfer decisions posted
End of April*
Submit Intent to Register - Admitted Freshman Deadline
May 1
Submit Intent to Register - Admitted Transfer Deadline
June 1
Instructions (Read before you submit your statement.)
The personal statement is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the people reading
your application. Think of it as your interview with the admissions office. Be open, be
honest and remember to talk about yourself. This will give us a better understanding
of the information you present in other parts of your application.
Your personal statement is made up of three sections: Two required prompts
and one optional prompt. Respond to both required questions, using a maximum
of 1,000 words total. You may allocate the word count as you wish, but we suggest
each of your answers be no less than 250 words.
A few tips:
 Read each prompt carefully and respond to all parts.
 Present your information and ideas in a focused, thoughtful manner.
Making a list of accomplishments, activities, awards or work will lessen
the impact of your words.
Use specific, concrete examples to support the points you want to make.
Focus your examples on the present and near past.
Tell us about yourself. Your personal statement should be about you - your
personal triumphs or challenges, leadership opportunities and experiences
outside the classroom.
Use your own voice. The personal statement should reflect your ideas and
be written by you alone. Use "I" and "my" statements in your response.
Relax. This is one of many pieces of information we consider in reviewing
your application; an admission decision will not be based on your
personal statement alone.
Personal Statement 1 (Required)
Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community
or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and
UC-Berkeley Only
(請在 Prompt 1 填寫此問題)
Freshman applicants to the College of Engineering、College of Chemistry
are advised to discuss their interest in their intended major in the personal
(From online application)
UC Berkeley 針對上述的 ESSAY Prompts 有更詳細的說明:
Academic achievement
For freshman students:
 Academic accomplishments, beyond those shown in your transcript.
To a professional college (such as the College of Engineering or Chemistry), it
is important that you discuss:
Your intended field of study in your personal statement
Your interest in your specific major
Any school or work-related experience
For scholarship, we recommend that you elaborate on the academic and
extracurricular information in the application that demonstrates your motivation,
achievement, leadership and commitment.
Personal Statement 2 (Required)
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or
experience that is important to you. What about this quality or
accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person you
Additional Comments (optional)
If you wish, you may use this space to tell us anything else you want us to
know about you that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere
in the application.
(Additional comments can be no more than 550 words.)
(From Online application)
Rank 21 Emory University (GA)(Common Application) - 2016
2015-16 Application Deadlines
Application Plan
Application Deadline
Decision Notification
Early Decision I
November 1
By December 15
Emory University Scholars
November 15
By February 6
Early Decision II
January 1
By February 15
Regular Decision
January 1
By April 1
Spring Transfer
October 15
Fall Transfer
March 15
End of April
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Emory University Supplement
In addition to the Common Application’s Personal Statement, please choose one (1)
of the essays below (500 word limit). This supplemental essay should give us insight
on your character as well as your potential fit with Emory University. Please consider
your essay thoughtfully, as our Admission Committee and Faculty have special interest
in this portion of your application.
Apply to Emory College and Oxford College
Essay Option 1
Last August, Susan Grant, chief nurse executive for Emory Healthcare, said
this of Emory’s choice to treat patients with Ebola: "We can either let our
actions be guided by misunderstandings, fear and self-interest, or we can lead
by knowledge, science and compassion. We can fear, or we can care."
Consider her idea of doing what is in the public interest despite potential cost.
Please discuss an example in your life or the life of another that's come
to your attention. (500 word limit)
Essay Option 2
In the interest of courageous inquiry, what question do you want to help
answer and why? (500 word limit)
Optional Oxford Essay
Unique to Emory University, Oxford College is a small liberal arts campus with
more intimate class sizes, faculty dedicated to experiential learning, and
unique leadership opportunities early in the undergraduate college career.
This environment, which is optimized for freshmen and sophomore students,
is located at Emory’s birthplace in Oxford, GA.
Think about your own first two years of college. What type of academic and
co-curricular accomplishments would you like to achieve, and how do you
think Oxford will help foster them? (500 word limit)
(From Online Application)
Rank 21 Georgetown University (DC) - 2016
Date or Deadline
As soon as possible
Submit the Georgetown Application
November 1
Deadline for Early Action applications
December 15
Announcement of Early Action results
January 10
Deadline for Regular Decision applications
February 1
Deadline for financial aid forms: CSS Profile and FAFSA
April 1
Announcement of Regular Decision results
May 1
Reply date for all accepted first year students
All applicants for Early Action must clearly indicate their intention in the appropriate space
on the application form, but otherwise should follow the normal application procedure.
While we recommend that Early Action applicants complete testing requirements in
their junior year, scores from the September and October test dates will typically
arrive in time for consideration at Early Action. Students should make certain to
request that scores be sent to Georgetown well in advance of the deadline to ensure timely
(OPTIONAL) If you wish to attach a resume to your application, in addition to
completing the above fields, please click here.
Accepted File Types: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .txt
(OPTIONAL) You are welcome to attach a recent photograph of yourself, if you
wish. A passport photograph will do. Please click here to upload a JPEG or PDF.
Accepted File Types: .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf
Short Essay
In the space available discuss the significance to you of the school or summer activity
in which you have been most involved.
Essay Requirement
Compose two brief essays (approximately one page each) on the topics given below.
Essay One
All applicants: As Georgetown is a diverse community, the Admissions Committee
would like to know more about you in your own words. Please submit a brief essay,
either personal or creative, which you feel best describes you.
Essay Two
Applicants to Georgetown College: Please relate your interest in studying at
Georgetown University to your goals. How do these thoughts relate to your chosen
course of study? (If you are applying to major in the FLL or in a Science, please
specifically address those interests.)
Applicants to the School of Nursing & Health Students: Describe the factors
that have influenced your interest in studying health care. Please specifically
address your intended major (Health Care Management & Policy, Human Science,
International Health, or Nursing).
Applicants to the Walsh School of Foreign Service: Briefly discuss a current
global issue, indicating why you consider it important and what you suggest should
be done to deal with it.
Applicants to the McDonough School of Business: The McDonough School of
Business is a national and global leader in providing graduates with essential
ethical, analytical, financial and global perspectives. Please discuss your
motivations for studying business at Georgetown.
(From Online Application)
Rank 23 Carnegie Mellon University (PA) (Common Application)
- 2016
Deadlines are the same for international students as those posted for Early Decision,
Regular Decision and transfer applicants.
Early Decision
Early Decision is a binding admission plan for students who view Carnegie
Mellon as their first choice college.
Due by: November 1
Notified by: December 15
Enroll by: February 1
Note about November standardized tests for Early Decision applicants:
Students can take standardized testing in the month of November and still apply
Early Decision. Please make sure you've indicated what future tests you're taking
on the Common Application and rush report your scores. The Office of
Admission will then wait until these scores are in before making an admission
decision. December testing is too late for Early Decision consideration.
Regular Decision
Regular Decision is the most common plan used by students who apply to
Carnegie Mellon.
 Due by: January 1
 Notified by: no later than April 15
 Enroll by: May 1
Due by: December 1
Notified by: no later than April 15
Enroll by: May 1
Early Admission
Early Admission is for highly qualified juniors in high school who apply to
Carnegie Mellon a year early.
Due by: January 1
Notified by: No later than April 15
Enroll by: May 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Carnegie Mellon University Supplement
Optional One Page Resume
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Writing Questions
Please submit a one page, single-spaced essay that explains why you have
chosen Carnegie Mellon and your particular major(s), department(s) or
program(s). This essay should include the reasons why you've chosen the
major(s), any goals or relevant work plans and any other information you
would like us to know. For freshmen applying to more than one college or
program, please mention each college or program to which you are applying.
Because our admission committees review applicants by college and program,
your essay can impact our final decision. Candidates applying for early decision
or transfer may apply to only one college and department. (One page, singlespaced essay)(Uploads a pdf file under 500 KB)
List the books (if any) you've read this year for pleasure. Choose one and in a
sentence describe its impact on you. (No word limit. 500 words maximum on
common app)
(Optional) If there was an interruption during your secondary school or collegiate
experience or between your secondary school and collegiate experience (gap
year(s)) when you were not enrolled and as a result, not making normal academic
progress, please explain the reason for the interruption. (No word limit. 500
words maximum on common app)
(Optional) While not a requirement, have you been interviewed by an alumni or
on campus representative prior to applying for admission? If so, indicate the name
of your interviewer and tell us how it impacted your decision to apply. (No word
limit. 500 words maximum on common app)
(From Online Application)
Rank 23 University of California-Los Angeles(CA) -2016
UCLA is on the quarter term system with regular sessions in the fall, winter, and
Fall Quarter (September - December)
 UCLA is open to new students in most undergraduate programs. The
application filing period for November 1-30.
UC Application Site
The application for Fall Quarter 2016 is available now. You can start your
application today and submit it beginning November 1.
Winter Quarter (January - March)
UCLA is not open to new applicants for the winter quarter.
Spring Quarter (March - June)
UCLA is not open to new applicants for the spring quarter.
Early Decisions
UCLA does not offer an early decision option.
 August 1:Application opens for Fall 2016
 November 1-30:Applications must be submitted November 1 – November 30,
 January 1:Filing period opens for Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) and Dream Act. Application for all applicants; filing period opens for
GPA Verification Form (required for California residents only for Cal Grant
March 2: Deadline for applicants to submit financial aid application and Cal
Grant GPA verification forms
Late March:Admission notification (freshmen)
May 1:Deadline to submit your enrollment deposit and applications for oncampus housing and The College of Letters and Science Honors Program
In order for your test scores to be availablein time for our review, all tests must
betaken by December of your senior year. All scores should be sent directly to
the UCLA Undergraduate Admissions Office through the testing agency. UCLA’s
ACT number is 0448; our College Board (SAT) numberis 4837.
Spring Quarter (March - June)
UCLA is not open to new applicants for the spring quarter.
Instructions (Read before you submit your statement.)
The personal statement is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the people reading
your application. Think of it as your interview with the admissions office. Be open, be
honest and remember to talk about yourself. This will give us a better understanding
of the information you present in other parts of your application.
Your personal statement is made up of three sections: Two required prompts
and one optional prompt. Respond to both required questions, using a maximum
of 1,000 words total. You may allocate the word count as you wish, but we suggest
each of your answers be no less than 250 words.
A few tips:
 Read each prompt carefully and respond to all parts.
 Present your information and ideas in a focused, thoughtful manner.
Making a list of accomplishments, activities, awards or work will lessen
the impact of your words.
 Use specific, concrete examples to support the points you want to make.
Focus your examples on the present and near past.
Tell us about yourself. Your personal statement should be about you - your
personal triumphs or challenges, leadership opportunities and experiences
outside the classroom.
Use your own voice. The personal statement should reflect your ideas and
be written by you alone. Use "I" and "my" statements in your response.
Relax. This is one of many pieces of information we consider in reviewing
your application; an admission decision will not be based on your
personal statement alone.
Personal Statement 1 (Required)
Describe the world you come from — for example, your family,
community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your
dreams and aspirations.
Personal Statement 2 (Required)
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution
or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or
accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person
you are?
Additional Comments (optional)
If you wish, you may use this space to tell us anything else you want us to
know about you that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere
in the application.
(Additional comments can be no more than 550 words.)
(From Online application)
Rank 23 University of Southern California (CA) (Common
Application) -2016
Fall 2014 Deadlines
 December 1, 2015:
 Merit Scholarship consideration.
First-year and transfer deadline for some Cinematic Arts and
Dramatic Arts programs, all Music programs, Dance, the Iovine and
Young Academy, and the World Bachelor of Business program. (Check
department websites for details.)
January 15, 2016: Final first-year deadline for regular consideration.
All first-year applicants who submit a complete application (Common Application
and USC Writing Supplement) by the December 1 deadline will be considered for
USC Merit Scholarships and will receive notification of their status in February.
Applicants who are not selected to receive or interview for scholarships will still be
considered for regular admission. All first-year applicants who submit a complete
application (Common Application and USC Writing Supplement) by the January
deadline will be mailed an admission decision by April 1. USC does not have an
Early Decision or Early Action program. Only notification from the Office of
Admission constitutes an offer of admission.
USC does not accept first-year or transfer applications for spring admission. However,
a small number of fall applicants will be offered spaces in the spring semester.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
University of Southern California Supplement
Writing Questions
USC students are known to be involved. Briefly describe a non-academic pursuit
(such as service to community or family, a club or sport, or work, etc.,) that best
illustrates who you are, and why it is important to you. (250 word limit)
Describe your academic interests and how you plan to pursue them at USC. Please
feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections. (250 word limit)
Describe yourself in three words.
First Word: (25 characters limit –含空白)
Second Word: (25 characters limit –含空白)
Third Word: (25 characters limit –含空白)
Favorite food: (100 characters limit –含空白)
Favorite fictional character: (100 characters limit –含空白)
Greatest invention of all time: (100 characters limit –含空白)
What do you like to do for fun? (100 characters limit –含空白)
Role model: (100 characters limit –含空白)
Favorite book: (100 characters limit –含空白)
Best movie of all time: (100 characters limit –含空白)
Favorite musical performer/band or composer: (100 characters limit –含空白)
Dream job: (100 characters limit –含空白)
**Applicants who select certain Majors will be required to complete additional writing
ASCJ: USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism Essay
Explain your educational and career interests and why Annenberg is the best match
for you. (250 word limit)
VSE: USC Viterbi School of Engineering Essay
How do you plan to use your engineering degree to benefit society? (250 word
Some people categorize engineers as geeks or nerds. Are you a geek, nerd, or
neither? Why? (250 word limit)
While scientists yearn to discover the world that exists, Engineers and
Computer Scientists seek to create the world that never was. Our faculty and
students believe collaborative teams are the key to great accomplishments.
Please describe a time in your life (academic, co-curricular, or otherwise)
where you had to collaborate to accomplish more than you could alone. (250
word limit)
Your browser history says a lot about you. Take a moment to think about the
time you spend online. Whether it’s browsing an Instagram account, listening
to your favorite podcast, subscribing to the best web series on YouTube, or
even addressing questions on tech-help forums, we want to know where you
spend the most time online, and why. Please share your favorite online
destination (via a web address, specific app, social network, etc.) - and
describe why in a few sentences. (250 word limit)
MBUS: World Bachelor in Business Essay
No additional essay
(From Online Application)
Rank 26 University of Virginia (VA) (Common Application) 2016
Early Action
Common App, U.Va. Supplement, &
November 1
January 1
Standardized Test Scores
November 1
January 1
Secondary School Report, Transcript,
& Recommendations
November 10
January 10
Mid-Year Reports
as soon as available
February 15
Final Transcripts
as soon as available
as soon as available
Early Action
Early Action is a non-binding, unrestrictive admission plan. We aim to release
decisions by the end of January. We may deny admission, offer admission, or defer
the application. A deferred application will be evaluated again during the Regular
Decision review.
Students who are admitted under Early Action have until May 1 to make their deposit
and reserve a seat in the first-year class.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
University of Virginia Supplement
We are looking for passionate students to join our diverse community of scholars,
researchers, and artists. Answer this question, which corresponds to the
school/program you selected above, in a half page or roughly 250 words. (300
words maximum on common app)
College of Arts & Sciences: What work of art, music, science, mathematics,
or literature has surprised, unsettled, or challenged you, and in what way?
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences - UVA engineers are working
to solve problems that affect people around the world, from our long-term
water purification project in South Africa to continuing to research more
efficient applications of solar power. However, most students start small, by
using engineering to make a difference in daily life. If you were given funding
for a small engineering project that would make your everyday life better,
what would you do?
Architecture: Describe an instance or place where you have been inspired
by architecture or design.
Nursing: Discuss experiences that led you to choose the School of Nursing.
Kinesiology: Discuss experiences that led you to choose the kinesiology
Required of ALL applicants, regardless of school or program. Answer one of the
following questions in a half page or roughly 250 words (300 words maximum
on common app)
 What is your favorite word and why?
 We are a community with quirks, both in language (we’ll welcome you to
Grounds, not campus) and in traditions. Describe one of your quirks and why
it is part of who you are.
 Student self-governance, which encourages student investment and initiative,
is a hallmark of the U.Va. culture. In her fourth year at U.Va., Laura Nelson
was inspired to create Flash Seminars, one-time classes which facilitate highenergy discussion about thought-provoking topics outside of traditional
coursework. If you created a Flash Seminar, what idea would you explore and
U.Va. students paint messages on Beta Bridge when they want to share
information with our community. What would you paint on Beta Bridge and
why is this your message?
(From Online Application)
Rank 27 Tufts University (MA) (Common Application) -2016
Tufts requests that students adhere to the following application deadlines and make
every effort to submit the application as early as possible. Earlier submission of the
application will assist with the assignment of an alumni interview.
Notification date
Early Decision I
November 1
Early Decision II
January 1
Regular Decision
January 1
April 1
Transfer Admission
March 15
May through mid-June
Exam Timing:
To ensure that your exams arrive on time, plan to take your standardized testing well
before the application deadlines. If you are concerned about your exams arriving after
the deadline, please refer to the following information for the last possible test date to
be considered for each round of admission.
 Early Decision I: Students may take the October ACT / November SAT or
Subject Tests
 Early Decision II: Students may take the December ACT / December SAT or
Subject Tests
Regular Decision: Students may take the February ACT / January SAT
Subject Tests
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Tufts University Supplement
Writing Questions
Short Responses (Required of all Applicants)
Which aspects of Tufts’ curriculum or undergraduate experience prompt your
application? In short: “Why Tufts?” (Required length is 50-100 words)(100
words maximum on common app)
There is a Quaker saying: “Let your life speak.” Describe the environment in
which you were raised—your family, home, neighborhood or community—and
how it influenced the person you are today. (Required length is 200-250
words)(250 words available on common app)
Answer one of the following questions. Think outside the box: take a risk and go
somewhere unexpected. Be serious if the moment calls for it but feel comfortable
being playful if that suits you, too. (Your response must be between 200 - 250
words.) (250 words maximum on common app):
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf—the first elected female head of
state in Africa and winner of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize—has lived a life of
achievement. “If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough,"
she once said. As you apply to college, what are your dreams?
What makes you happy?
Science and society are filled with rules, theories and laws such as the First
Amendment, PV=nRT, Occam’s Razor, and The Law of Diminishing
Returns. In baseball, three strikes and you’re out. A green light on a
roadway means “go.” Pick any law and explain its significance to you.
It’s cool to be smart. Tell us about the subjects or ideas that excite your
intellectual curiosity.
Nelson Mandela believed that “what counts in life is not the mere fact that
we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that
will determine the significance of the life we lead.” Describe a way in which
you have made or hope to make a difference.
F. Celebrate the role of sports in your life.
(From Online Application)
Rank 27 Wake Forest University (NC) (Common Application) 2016
November 15
Deadline for Early Decision applications. (Note: Early Decision applicants may
apply any time after completion of their junior year.)
December 1
Deadline for all merit-based scholarship consideration.
January 1
Deadline for Regular Decision applications.
As soon as available senior year
Send Mid-Year Report form [PDF]
Notifications of Acceptance:
Early Decision applicants
Notified on a rolling basis. Early Decision candidates are either accepted, deferred
to the Regular Decision applicant pool, or are not accepted.
Regular Decision applicants
Notified by April 1. Regular decision applicants are either accepted, placed on the
Wait List, or not accepted.
Transfer applicants
Applications for the fall semester will be reviewed beginning on April 1;
applications for the spring semester will be reviewed beginning on November 1.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Wake Forest University Supplement
How did you become interested in Wake Forest University and why are you applying?
(150 words or less)(150 words maximum on common app)
Writing Questions
List five books you have read (with authors) that piqued your interest. Discuss an
idea from one of these works that influenced you. (100 - 300 words)(100 word
min.,300 word max.)
We want to know what makes you tick intellectually. A paper? A project? An
academic passion? Describe it. (75-150 words)(75 word min.,150 word max.)
Hashtags trend worldwide. Give us a hashtag you wish were trending.
#__________________ Why? (75-150 words)(75 word min.,150 word max.)
Give us your top ten list. (85 characters limit-含空白字元 / each)
There is a nationwide dialogue about cross-cultural interactions. Like most
college campuses, Wake Forest is currently in a place of conversation about
what it means to engage across difference. As a country, why do you think we
have reached this point? (75-150 words)(75 word min.,150 word max.)
What outrages you and why? (75 - 150 words)
**Depending on your answers to some questions you will be required to complete
additional writing questions.
(From Online Application)
Rank29 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (MI) (Common
As one who lives a great distance from Michigan and the United States, it’s important
to submit your application, test scores, and related materials as soon as possible —
ideally, long before you plan on attending the U-M. Your application materials will be
reviewed once all of them have been received. Although deadlines vary by school,
college, or program, some general deadlines to keep in mind include:
Fall—February 1
Early Action—November 1
Winter—October 1
Spring—February 1
Summer—February 1
**Dec 1: Application Deadline for School of Music, Theatre & Dance Only
If I take the SAT or ACT in January, will the scores arrive in time for the
February 1 application deadline?
The January SAT or ACT testing date is generally too late a date to ensure
that your scores are received by the deadline date of February 1.
Since the application review cannot begin until all required components of an
application, including the SAT or ACT with writing, have been received by our office
and we review late completed applications on a space available basis only, all the
spaces for the incoming class may be filled by the time the January test results are
received by our office.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
University of Michigan Supplement
If you could only do one of the activities you have listed in the Activities section
of your Common Application, which one would you keep doing? Why?
(Required for all applicants. Approximately 100 words) (150 word on
common app)
Essay #1 (Required for all applicants. Approximately 250 words)
Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by
(among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine,
interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities
to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. (100
word minimum, 300 words maximum on common app)
Essay #2 (Required for all applicants. 500 words maximum)
Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate
College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to
which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that
curriculum support your interests? (100 word minimum, 650 words maximum
on common app)
(From Online Application)
Rank 30Boston College (MA) (Common Application)- 2016
Regular Decision: The Regular Decision application deadline is January 1. We will
notify you of our admission decision no later than April 1.
Restrictive Early Action: The deadline for our Early Action program is November 1
and we will notify applicants regarding their admission decision by December 25.
Application Type
Last Accepted Test
Early Action
(entrance in September
November 1
SAT: October
ACT: October
by December
Regular Decision
(entrance in September 2015
January 1
SAT: December
ACT: December
by April 1
Spring Freshman
(entrance in January 2015)
November 1
SAT: October
ACT: October
by December
(From Online Application)
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Boston College Supplement
Please make sure you complete the Activities section of the Common
Application. If you would like to highlight additional activities, you may upload
a brief resume.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Writing Questions
We would like to get a better sense of you. Please select one of the questions below
and write an essay of 400 words or less providing your response. . (400 word
maximum on common app)
1. What contemporary issue or trend relating to politics, culture, and society, or
foreign policy particularly concerns you and why?
2. Many human beings throughout history have found inspiration and joy in
literature and works of art. Is there a book, play, poem, movie, painting,
music selection, or photograph that has been especially meaningful to you?
3. Contemporary higher education reflects a tension between preparing for a
meaningful life and preparing for a career. What are you looking for in your
undergraduate education? Which emphasis is more important to you at this
time and why?
4. “Magis,” a Latin word meaning “more,” is often cited in reference to goals of
Jesuit education, which seeks to help students become better, do more, and
have as much impact on society as possible. How do you hope to achieve the
Magis in your life?
(From Online Application)
Rank30 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill(NC)
(Common Application)-2016
First Year Students
Early Action: Apply by October 15 to get your decision by the end of January.
Regular Decision: Apply by January 15 to get your decision by the end of March.
What is due at each deadline?
Just your online application and your application fee, but we ask that you submit the
other parts of the application (transcripts, test scores and supporting materials from
your teacher/counselor) within 2-3 weeks after the deadline. Of course, the sooner you
complete your application, the sooner we’ll be able to review it. After you’ve
submitted your application, we’ll send you information on how to check the status of
your application and view any missing items online.
Early Action vs. Regular Decision
If you’re applying as a first-year student, you’ll choose one of our two deadline
plans—Early Action or Regular Decision. We offer two deadlines simply because we
want to give you more options. Neither of our deadlines results in a binding decision,
and both have the same May 1 enrollment deadline. Although we have two deadlines,
we evaluate each application within the context of our entire pool of applicants, so
there’s no inherent advantage in applying for one deadline over the other. Choose
whichever deadline best fits your schedule.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Supplement
If you wish to submit your resume, you may upload it here.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work
experiences. (250 word maximum)
Other Information
In addition to the essay you provided with your Common Application, please choose
one of the prompts below and respond in an essay of 400-500 words.
1. Teen activist and 2014 Nobel Peace prize winner Malala Yousfzai said, “I
raise up my voice-not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice
can be heard”. For whom have you raised your voice?
2. Students learn both inside and outside the classroom. What would other
members of the Carolina community learn from you?
3. You get one do-over of any moment in your life. What would you do over, and
4. You’ve been invited to give a TEDtalk…what is yours about?
5. There are 27 amendments to the Constitution of the US. What should be the
28th? "
(Upload a pdf file under 500kb)
Short Answer Questions: Complete each of the following sentences about yourself.
Don’t think too long or too hard; just help us get to know you better. Your responses
may be as short as one word or as long as 10 words—no longer, please.
1. Biggest little worry:" (100 characters limit – 含空白)
2. Note to my future self: (100 characters limit – 含空白)
3. Fun fact: (100 characters limit – 含空白)
4. Most fun I ever had: (100 characters limit – 含空白)
5. Question I would most like answered: (100 characters limit – 含空白)
**Depending on your answers to some questions you will be required to complete
additional writing questions.
(From Online Application)
Rank 32New York University (NY) (Common Application)- 2016
Application Type
Early Decision I
November 1
December 15
Early Decision II
January 1
January 15
February 15
Regular Decision
January 1
February 15
April 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
New York University Supplement
We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. We are particularly
interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically,
why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school,
college, program, and/or area of study? If you have applied to more than one,
please tell us why you are interested in each of the campuses, schools, colleges, or
programs to which you have applied. You may be focused or undecided, or simply
open to the options within NYU's global network; regardless, we want to understand Why NYU? (400 word maximum)
(From Online Application)
Rank 33 University of Rochester (NY) (Common Application) 2016
Deadlines for Domestic and International Freshmen
Domestic and International Freshmen
Regular Decision Freshmen
All Application Materials: 12:00 am EST, January 5
Notification Date: by April 1
Your Response Required: May 1
Early Decision Freshmen
All Application Materials: 12:00 am EST, November 2
Notification Date: Mid-December
Your Response Required: within 3 weeks of notification
Note that all dates below are “postmark deadlines”; that is, they are the dates by
which you should mail or submit all materials (not when they must arrive in our
If you’re interested in applying for one of our Professional Degree Programs (CAPs
or Dual Degree), the deadline is December 1. Additionally, to be more competitive
for one of our higher merit scholarships, we encourage you to apply by our priority
deadline of December 1.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
University of Rochester Supplement
The University of Rochester provides students the opportunity to build their own
curriculum based on their own unique strengths and interests. Aligned with this
philosophy, we wish to provide applicants the ability to build their individual
supplemental response. Please select one the following methods that best
illustrates your interest in attending the University of Rochester and will best
highlight your individual talents and interests. (你可以選下列三種方式的其中一
Answer Essay Question: February 2015 saw global, record-breaking low
temperatures in the Eastern US and Rochester. Students here who thrive in
white winters (and three beautiful other seasons) wonder how can you make
Rochester ''ever-cooler''? (250 word maximum)
Submit Creative Supplement which could include art, music, video or
creative writing
CREATIVE RESPONSE. Please describe how your creative submission
relates to your interest in University of Rochester (max 250 words). To
upload smaller documents, such as an abstract or writing sample, log in
to MyROC at enrollment.rochester.edu/myroc. File size cannot exceed
800KB and must be in .PDF format. For larger files, such as music or
video, please provide a URL where they can be accessed.
Submit a Research Abstract
RESEARCH RESPONSE. Please describe how your research abstract
relates to your interest in University of Rochester (max 250 words). To
upload smaller documents, such as an abstract or writing sample, log in
to MyROC at http://www.enrollment.rochester.edu/myroc. File size cannot
exceed 800KB and must be in .PDF format. For larger files, such as
video, please provide a URL where they can be accessed.
**Applicants who select a Professional Degree Program will be required to complete
additional writing questions.
(From Online Application)
Rank 34Brandeis University (MA) (Common Application)- 2016
First-Year Applicants
Application Deadline Admission Notification*
Early Decision I
Nov. 1
Dec. 15
Early Decision II
Jan. 1
Feb. 1
Regular Decision
Jan. 1
April 1
Spring/Freshman Admission
Nov. 1
Dec. 1
Transitional Year Program (TYP) March 1
April 15
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Brandeis University Supplement
Please include a short response to one of the 3 prompts below (250 words or fewer.)
Why would you like to attend Brandeis?
Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis said, "If we desire respect for the law,
we must first make the law respectable." Tell us about an unjust law (written or
unwritten) that you believe should be broken.
There is a ticket in your hand. Where are you going?
What is your dream?
For International Students Only
Brandeis attracts students from many corners of the world. As an international student
at Brandeis, how would you enrich the campus community? Please provide your
response below. (250 words or fewer) (250 words available on common app)
(Optional) If you would like to submit a resume, please upload it below. (No word
limit. Upload a pdf file under 500 KB)
(From Online Application)
Rank 34 College of William and Mary (VA) (Common
Application)- 2016
Freshmen Deadlines and Decision Dates
Early Decision
November 1 - application deadline: applications must be submitted online
Early December - decision will be emailed to students
Two Weeks from Receipt of Decision Letter - enrollment deadline: enrollment
deposits must be submitted electronically or postmarked by this date
December 12 - CSS Profile priority deadline for receiving a financial aid estimate
March 1 - FAFSA priority deadline for financial aid
Regular Decision
January 1 - application deadline: applications must be submitted online
March 1 -- FAFSA and CSS Profile priority deadline for financial aid
Early April - decisions will be emailed to students
May 1 - enrollment deadline: enrollment deposits must be submitted electronically
or postmarked by this date
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
College of William and Mary Supplement
Additional Essay
Beyond your impressive academic credentials and extra curricular accomplishments,
what else makes you unique and colorful? We know nobody fits neatly into 500 words
or less, but you can provide us with some suggestion of the type of person you are.
Anything goes! Inspire us, impress us, or just make us laugh. Think of this optional
opportunity as show and tell by proxy and with an attitude. For additional context,
check out the William & Mary Admission Office video message
atwww.wm.edu/admissionvideo. (650 word maximum.)
**Applicants who select the St. Andrew's Joint Degree Programme will be required to
complete an additional writing question.
(From Online Application)
Rank 36 Georgia Institute of Technology (GA) (Common
Application Plan
Application Deadline
Decision Date
Early Action
October 15
Early January
Regular Decision
January 10
Early March
Document Deadlines & Submission
 You SHOULD NOT wait until the last minute to send documents to us. Click
here to learn how to submit your documents.
 Scores from standardized tests already taken should be sent to us immediately so
your file is not held up in initial review. Additional scores may be sent once
 Required documents will be added to your application up to two weeks prior to
decision release.
Any files still incomplete two weeks prior to decision release will not receive a
When You Should Test
You are strongly encouraged to complete your file as quickly as possible. To
receive a decision in the round to which you have applied, your test scores must
sent by:
 Early Action - December 1
 Regular Decision - February 15
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Georgia Institute of Technology Supplement
Questions-Other Information:
Beyond rankings, location, and athletics, why are you interested in attending
Georgia Tech? (max 150 words)
A Georgia Tech experience and education provides you an unbound future.
What will yours be? (max 150 words)
Georgia Tech's motto is: "Progress & Service." In 25 words or less, what is
your personal motto? (max 25 words)
(From Online Application)
Rank 37 Case Western Reserve University (OH) (Common
Application) -2016
Notification By
Early Action
Decision I
Nov. 1
Nov. 1
Jan. 15
Jan. 15
Dec. 15
Dec. 15
Feb. 1
March 20
May 1
Decision II
Jan. 1
Feb. 15
May 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Case Western Reserve University Supplement
No writing supplement required.
Applicants who select the Pre-Professional Scholars Program in the Academics section
will be required to complete additional writing questions.
(From Online Application)
Rank 37 University of California - Santa Barbara (CA)-2016
UC Santa Barbara Application Periods
Fall 2015
Filing Period
November 2014
Freshman Applicants
Submit: Nov. 1-30
Junior-level Transfer
Submit: Nov. 1-30
Fall 2015
International Applicants
Submit: Nov. 1-30
Meet the examination requirement by taking the ACT Plus Writing or the SAT
Reasoning Test by December of your senior year. We don't require SAT Subject
Tests, but certain programs on some campuses recommend them, and you can use
subject tests to satisfy the "a-g" requirements listed above.
Freshman applicants for fall 2016 must arrange to have official score reports sent to
us by December 2015. If you plan to take an exam in December, indicate the planned
test date on your admission application.
And don't worry - if you report your scores to one campus, they will be shared
with every campus to which you've applied.
Instructions (Read before you submit your statement.)
The personal statement is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the people reading
your application. Think of it as your interview with the admissions office. Be open, be
honest and remember to talk about yourself. This will give us a better understanding
of the information you present in other parts of your application.
Your personal statement is made up of three sections: Two required prompts
and one optional prompt. Respond to both required questions, using a maximum
of 1,000 words total. You may allocate the word count as you wish, but we suggest
each of your answers be no less than 250 words.
A few tips:
 Read each prompt carefully and respond to all parts.
 Present your information and ideas in a focused, thoughtful manner.
Making a list of accomplishments, activities, awards or work will lessen
the impact of your words.
 Use specific, concrete examples to support the points you want to make.
Focus your examples on the present and near past.
Tell us about yourself. Your personal statement should be about you - your
personal triumphs or challenges, leadership opportunities and experiences
outside the classroom.
Use your own voice. The personal statement should reflect your ideas and
be written by you alone. Use "I" and "my" statements in your response.
Relax. This is one of many pieces of information we consider in reviewing
your application; an admission decision will not be based on your
personal statement alone.
Personal Statement 1 (Required)
Describe the world you come from — for example, your family,
community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your
dreams and aspirations.
Personal Statement 2 (Required)
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution
or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or
accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person
you are?
Additional Comments (optional)
If you wish, you may use this space to tell us anything else you want us to
know about you that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere
in the application.
(Additional comments can be no more than 550 words.)
(From Online application)
Rank 39 University of California - San Diego (CA)-2016
Fall UC application timetable:
Application available
October 1
Filing period
November 1-30
Application deadline
November 30
Meet the examination requirement by taking the ACT Plus Writing or the SAT
Reasoning Test by December of your senior year. We don't require SAT Subject
Tests, but certain programs on some campuses recommend them, and you can use
subject tests to satisfy the "a-g" requirements listed above.
Freshman applicants for fall 2016 must arrange to have official score reports sent to
us by December 2015. If you plan to take an exam in December, indicate the planned
test date on your admission application.
And don't worry - if you report your scores to one campus, they will be shared
with every campus to which you've applied.
Instructions (Read before you submit your statement.)
The personal statement is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the people reading
your application. Think of it as your interview with the admissions office. Be open, be
honest and remember to talk about yourself. This will give us a better understanding
of the information you present in other parts of your application.
Your personal statement is made up of three sections: Two required prompts
and one optional prompt. Respond to both required questions, using a maximum
of 1,000 words total. You may allocate the word count as you wish, but we suggest
each of your answers be no less than 250 words.
A few tips:
 Read each prompt carefully and respond to all parts.
 Present your information and ideas in a focused, thoughtful manner.
Making a list of accomplishments, activities, awards or work will lessen
the impact of your words.
 Use specific, concrete examples to support the points you want to make.
Focus your examples on the present and near past.
Tell us about yourself. Your personal statement should be about you - your
personal triumphs or challenges, leadership opportunities and experiences
outside the classroom.
Use your own voice. The personal statement should reflect your ideas and
be written by you alone. Use "I" and "my" statements in your response.
Relax. This is one of many pieces of information we consider in reviewing
your application; an admission decision will not be based on your
personal statement alone.
Personal Statement 1 (Required)
Describe the world you come from — for example, your family,
community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your
dreams and aspirations.
Personal Statement 2 (Required)
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution
or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or
accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person
you are?
Additional Comments (optional)
If you wish, you may use this space to tell us anything else you want us to
know about you that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere
in the application.
(Additional comments can be no more than 550 words.)
(From Online application)
Rank 39 University of California - Irvine (CA) -2016
Application submission deadline is November 30.
Meet the examination requirement by taking the ACT Plus Writing or the SAT
Reasoning Test by December of your senior year. We don't require SAT Subject
Tests, but certain programs on some campuses recommend them, and you can use
subject tests to satisfy the "a-g" requirements listed above.
Freshman applicants for fall 2016 must arrange to have official score reports sent to
us by December 2015. If you plan to take an exam in December, indicate the planned
test date on your admission application.
And don't worry - if you report your scores to one campus, they will be shared
with every campus to which you've applied.
Instructions (Read before you submit your statement.)
The personal statement is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the people reading
your application. Think of it as your interview with the admissions office. Be open, be
honest and remember to talk about yourself. This will give us a better understanding
of the information you present in other parts of your application.
Your personal statement is made up of three sections: Two required prompts
and one optional prompt. Respond to both required questions, using a maximum
of 1,000 words total. You may allocate the word count as you wish, but we suggest
each of your answers be no less than 250 words.
A few tips:
 Read each prompt carefully and respond to all parts.
 Present your information and ideas in a focused, thoughtful manner.
Making a list of accomplishments, activities, awards or work will lessen
the impact of your words.
Use specific, concrete examples to support the points you want to make.
Focus your examples on the present and near past.
Tell us about yourself. Your personal statement should be about you - your
personal triumphs or challenges, leadership opportunities and experiences
outside the classroom.
Use your own voice. The personal statement should reflect your ideas and
be written by you alone. Use "I" and "my" statements in your response.
Relax. This is one of many pieces of information we consider in reviewing
your application; an admission decision will not be based on your
personal statement alone.
Personal Statement 1 (Required)
Describe the world you come from — for example, your family,
community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your
dreams and aspirations.
Personal Statement 2 (Required)
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution
or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or
accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person
you are?
Additional Comments (optional)
If you wish, you may use this space to tell us anything else you want us to
know about you that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere
in the application.
(Additional comments can be no more than 550 words.)
(From Online application)
Rank 41 Boston University (MA) (Common Application) -2016
Regular Admission
November 15
Application deadline for the Accelerated
Medical and Accelerated Dental Programs.
December 1
Application deadline
Scholarship and
for the Trustee
the Presidential
December 1
Prescreening recording submission deadline
for flute, violin, and voice applicants to the
School of Music in the College of Fine Arts.
January 4
Application deadline. All materials may be
submitted online, including your high school
transcripts and non-refundable application
Deadline for the CSS PROFILE and Free
February 1
Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) to be received by the processors.*
Late-March to Early-April
the Applicant Link.
Late March to Early April
Financial aid notifications are available on
the Applicant Link for admitted students
who have met the Feb. 15 financial aid
Deadline for accepting BU offers of
May 1
admission and financial aid. Enrollment
deposit due.
* We recommend registering for a CSS PROFILE online with CSS six weeks before
the financial aid deadline. For more information, please see the Financial
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Boston University Supplement
Essay Questions
In no more than 250 words, please tell us why BU is a good fit for you and what
specifically has led you to apply for admission. (250 words or less)
Additional Information (optional): Please use this space if you have additional
information, materials, or writing samples you would like us to consider. (No word
limit. Upload a pdf file under 500 KB)
(From Online Application)
**如果要申請此獎學金才需要填寫,而且 common 申請表及其他文件的送出必須
在 12/1 之前
Trustee Scholarship Essay
Boston University Trustee Scholars are encouraged to develop well-informed and
well-reasoned views of important political, social, and artistic issues. We select
students who have a sense of how to present persuasive arguments in support of their
views. With that in mind, please select one of the questions below and respond
with an essay explaining your perspective in 600 words or less.
 David Brooks, a columnist for The New York Times, recently wrote: “I don't
know if America has a leadership problem; it certainly has a followership
problem. Vast majorities of Americans don’t trust their institutions. That’s not
mostly because our institutions perform much worse than they did in 1925 and
1955, when they were widely trusted. It’s mostly because more people are
cynical and like to pretend that they are better than everything else around them.
Vanity has more to do with rising distrust than anything else.” In your opinion,
does America have a followership problem? Does it have a leadership problem?
If so, what do you think should be done about this?
The author Saul Bellow wrote: “For a very long time the world found the
wonderful in tales and poems, in painting and in musical performances. Now the
wonderful is found in miraculous technology, in modern surgery, in jet
propulsion, in computers, in television, and in lunar expeditions. Literature
cannot compete with wonderful technology.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
In a paper delivered in 2013 called “The Future of Employment,” the Oxford
economists Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne estimate that in the coming
two decades 47 percent of all jobs in the U. S. are at risk of disappearing due to
computer- and robot-driven automation. They predict intensified polarization
between the rich and the poor as a consequence, with the most jobs lost
occurring among low-skill and low-wage positions and an ever-larger share of
income held by a relative few. In your view, does this represent progress with its
inevitable costs or a disturbing trend that must be slowed? Should governments
intervene in any way to affect this process and its effects?
Rank 41 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) (Common
Early Decision I
November 1st
Early Decision II
December 15th
Regular Decision
January 15th
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Supplement
If you wish to submit your resume, you may upload it here.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
(Optional Resume)
Rensselaer allows students to submit a resume as a part of their application. This
is optional- if you feel that the activities section of the Common Application
provides enough space to describe your activities, you do not need to submit a
resume. Resumes should include information not found elsewhere on the
application, and should not repeat what is already described on the Common
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work
experiences. (300 word maximum on Common Application)
 Why are you interested in Rensselaer? (300 word maximum on Common
The programs that require a specific essay, along with the essay topics, may be found
State your reasons for choosing architecture as your profession.
Accelerated Programs (Law/Medical)
State your reasons for aspiring to a career in law or medicine.
Electronic Arts
Discuss your interests in the field of electronic arts and state how this is reflected
in your portfolio.
Games and Simulation Arts and Sciences
State your reasons for choosing the field of games and simulation arts and
sciences, making reference to your portfolio if one has been submitted.
Electronic Media, Arts, and Communication (EMAC)
State your reasons for choosing the field of Electronic Media, Arts, and
Communication, making reference to your portfolio if one has been submitted.
All Other Programs
If you are not applying to a program listed above, the essay that you complete as
a part of your application is all that we require.
**No word limit! Upload document.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
(From Online Application)
Rank 41 Tulane University (LA)-2016
Please keep in mind that all deadlines are postmark deadlines.
Freshman Early Action & Single choice
Early Action application and all
supporting materials
Secondary school report for freshman
application submission deadline (for
November 15th
early action applicants)
Certification of Finances due (Early
Action International applicants)
Freshman Regular Decision application
Secondary school report for freshman
application submission deadline (for
regular decision applicants)
January 15th
International Student Certification of
Finance Form deadline
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Tulane University Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
 Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or
work experiences. (20 word minimum, 250 word maximum)
Please describe why you are interested in attending Tulane University (optional).
(50-1,000 words)
(From Online Application)
Rank 41 University of California - Davis (CA)-2016
Applicants for fall 2016 may start working on the UC application as early as August
1. The application filing period for fall 2016 admission to UC Davis opens November
1 and closes at midnight on November 30, 2015.
UC Davis does not accept applications for winter or spring quarters, though you may
apply to other open UC campuses.
Meet the examination requirement by taking the ACT Plus Writing or the SAT
Reasoning Test by December of your senior year. We don't require SAT Subject
Tests, but certain programs on some campuses recommend them, and you can use
subject tests to satisfy the "a-g" requirements listed above.
Freshman applicants for fall 2016 must arrange to have official score reports sent to
us by December 2015. If you plan to take an exam in December, indicate the planned
test date on your admission application.
And don't worry - if you report your scores to one campus, they will be shared
with every campus to which you've applied.
Instructions (Read before you submit your statement.)
The personal statement is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the people reading
your application. Think of it as your interview with the admissions office. Be open, be
honest and remember to talk about yourself. This will give us a better understanding
of the information you present in other parts of your application.
Your personal statement is made up of three sections: Two required prompts
and one optional prompt. Respond to both required questions, using a maximum
of 1,000 words total. You may allocate the word count as you wish, but we suggest
each of your answers be no less than 250 words.
A few tips:
Read each prompt carefully and respond to all parts.
Present your information and ideas in a focused, thoughtful manner.
Making a list of accomplishments, activities, awards or work will lessen
the impact of your words.
Use specific, concrete examples to support the points you want to make.
Focus your examples on the present and near past.
Tell us about yourself. Your personal statement should be about you - your
personal triumphs or challenges, leadership opportunities and experiences
outside the classroom.
Use your own voice. The personal statement should reflect your ideas and
be written by you alone. Use "I" and "my" statements in your response.
Relax. This is one of many pieces of information we consider in reviewing
your application; an admission decision will not be based on your
personal statement alone.
Personal Statement 1 (Required)
Describe the world you come from — for example, your family,
community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your
dreams and aspirations.
Personal Statement 2 (Required)
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution
or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or
accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person
you are?
Additional Comments (optional)
If you wish, you may use this space to tell us anything else you want us to
know about you that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere
in the application.
(Additional comments can be no more than 550 words.)
(From Online application)
Rank 41 University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign (IL) -2016
Application Filing Period
Freshman Applicants
September 1–December 1, 2014
We need to receive all supporting documents (application fee and test scores) by
December 12.
Priority Honors Filing Period
Freshman Applicants
September 1–November 1, 2014
You'll receive priority consideration for admission into honors programs if you apply
during the Priority Honors Filing Period. You must submit a complete application
online by midnight Central time on November 1. All supporting documents (application
fee and test scores) must be postmarked or received by November 1.
As an applicant, it's your responsibility to know the application requirements and to
submit the necessary materials. Applications will be designated as received during the
Priority Honors Filing Period once the entire application file has been completed and
processed. Please allow up to 10 business days for processing time.
Admission Notification
Freshman Applicants
Our official admissions notification date is February 13, 2015. Students applying to
performing arts majors (dance, music, or theatre) will receive their decisions by March
15, 2015.
Enter the requested essay(s) in English. The essay portion is an important factor in
our evaluation, so take your time. We appreciate creativity, but also make sure you’re
answering the question(s) in full. We encourage you to write your essay(s) in a word
processing program and then copy and paste. Special formatting will not carry over.
Essay 1 (required)
Explain your interest in the major you selected. You may describe a related experience
you’ve had to that area of study and/or your future career goals. Please limit your
response to approximately 300 words.
Essay 2 (required)
Tell us about one interest or experience of yours that allows us to get to know you better
as an individual. Please limit your response to approximately 300 words.
*Essay 3 (Second choice major selection only appears after choosing an
Engineering major)
You have selected a second choice major. Please explain your interest in this major.
(No word limits)
(From Online Application)
Rank 41 University of Wisconsin - Madison (WI) -2016
The fall term application opens September 1, and the spring term application opens
February 1. The following deadlines pertain to both domestic and international
Application Deadline
Material Receipt
Spring 2016 Term
October 1
To be announced
End of
First Fall 2016
November 2
To be announced
End of
Second Fall 2016
February 1
To be announced
End of March
Freshman Notification Period
Applications received by November 2and completed in a reasonable time will be
reviewed by the end of January, and those received by February 1 and completed in a
reasonable time, will be reviewed by the end of March. Applicants who miss the first
notification deadline can still be considered in the second notification period.
Application material receipt deadlines will be posted above when they become
available. Applicants are notified by email if they are missing items. To ensure you
address onwisconsin@admissions.wisc.edu to your approved senders list.
Non Enrollment Period
Did you have a period of non-enrollment or a period not accounted for in this application, from
grade 9 to present?
If yes, explain the gap(s) in your educational history:
Activity Statement:
Briefly explain (in 50-100 words), how you decided which activity was the most
important to you.
Statement One:
Consider something in your life you think goes unnoticed and write about why
it's important to you.
Statement Two: (Additional Statement)
Tell us why you decided to apply to the University of Wisconsin–Madison. In
addition, share with us the academic, extracurricular, or research opportunities
you would take advantage of as a student. If applicable, provide details of any
circumstance that could have had an impact on your academic performance
and/or extracurricular involvement.
Keep these tips in mind as you work on your writing:
 Develop your thoughts before you begin the writing process, and create an
About 300-500 words for each statement should be sufficient.
Do not type directly into the web form. Instead, work on your draft in word
processing software.
Allow time to develop and revisit your writing.
Check for spelling mistakes and ask someone to proofread your final version.
Be genuine and honest in your writing.
(From Online Application)
Rank 47 Lehigh University (PA) (Common Application) -2016
Decision Options
Application Deadline
Decision Date
Early Decision I
November 15
Mid December
Early Decision II
January 1
Mid February
Regular Decision
January 1
Late March
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Lehigh University Supplement
What do you and Lehigh have in common? Please reply with 250-350 words. (250
word minimum,350 word maximum)
Please select one of the following prompts and respond with 150 to 250 words.
(150 word minimum, 350 word maximum on Common app)
 Imagine that you just completed your visit to Lehigh University. What
would you Tweet about us and why?
 Describe your favorite “Bazinga” moment.
 If your name were an acronym, what would it stand for and how would it
reflect your strengths and personality?
In your opinion, what are the five characteristics of a successful person?
You've just reached your one millionth hit on your YouTube video. What is
the video about?
(From Online Application)
Rank 47 Northeastern University (MA) (Common Application)2016
Early Decision is binding—You will be notified of your decision online by December
Early Decision Deadlines:
Applicant Deadline: November 1
CSS Profile Deadline: November 15
FAFSA Deadline: February 15
Deposit Deadline: January 15
Early Action is non-binding—you will be notified of your decision online by
December 31.
Early Action Deadlines:
Applicant Deadline: November 1
CSS Profile Deadline: December 1
FAFSA Deadline: February 15
Deposit Deadline: May 1
Regular Decision is non-binding. You will be notified of your decision online by
April 1.
Regular Decision Deadlines:
Applicant Deadline: January 1
CSS Profile Deadline: February 15
FAFSA Deadline: February 15
Deposit Deadline: May 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Northeastern University Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here. (Upload, optional)
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 47 Pennsylvania State University - University Park(PA) 2016
In order to have the greatest chance of acceptance to your first choice of campus
and major, be sure to submit a complete application (including all of the required
supplemental materials) by the appropriate dates, as outlined below:
International First-Year Applicant Dates
Priority Filing
for Student
Notification Enrollment
June 1
October 1
Mid-November Rolling*
May 1
Refer to
*Applying after the priority filing deadline, while acceptable, may limit your
campus and/or major choices.
Please note: Some of our programs require complete applications by November 30.
For more information on specific program deadlines for first-year students, visit Dates
& Deadlines for First-Year Students.
First-Year Applicant Dates (Domestic)
Submission Date
Notification by:
Fall Semester and
Summer Session
November 30
January 31*
Deadline for
Notification of
May 1
December 31
February 28
May 1
January 31
March 31
May 1
Rolling after
January 31
November 1
May 1, or date on
offer notification
Refer to offer
Spring Semester
Activities (Optional)
Please use this space to list or discuss your activities other than academic work during
the last several years (for example: school organizations, jobs, athletics, the arts,
community service, religious groups, or other individual interests).
You may already have an activities resume or list prepared and should feel free to
paste it into the space below. We suggest a limit of 500 words or fewer.
Personal Statement (Optional)
Please tell us something about yourself, your experiences, or activities that you
believe would reflect positively on your ability to succeed at Penn State. This is your
opportunity to tell us something about yourself that is not already reflected in your
application or academic records. We suggest a limit of 500 words or fewer.
Educational Gap Statement
Please use this space to explain any time that has elapsed between your high school
graduation and your anticipated enrollment at Penn State. Please provide a
summary of why that gap occurred. If you attended another college or university
during that time, please note it below and ensure that you have entered the
information in the Academic History section of this application.
(From Online Application)
Rank 47 University of Florida (FL) -2016
International Students
Because of the time required to process an international application and the time that
you will need to make visa and financial arrangements, undergraduate applicants
should submit their admission applications and supporting materials well in advance
of the published undergraduate deadlines . The UF Office of Admissions cannot
process an application for undergraduate admissions until ALL credentials have been
Freshmen - November 1
The freshman application priority deadline is November 1. Please submit the completed
online application no later than the end of the day to be considered on-time.
Freshman applications received after November 1 will receive a decision on a spaceavailable basis only.
Student Resume
1. Do you have any employment or family obligations that limit your participation
in extracurricular activities? If so, please describe. (950 characters)
2. Extracurricular activities. List the organization(s) that are most important to you
and in which you have made your highest achievements. Include your position,
a description of the activity and the number of hours you contributed each week.
(950 characters)
3. Community service. List of activity, role and level of responsibility. (950
4. Honors, awards and recognitions. List each and describe the level and the
number of years of your involvement. (950 characters)
5. List any programs or activities that helped you prepare for higher education,
such as University Outreach, Talent Search, Upward Bound, etc. (950
6. Employment. List and describe each job you've had, including dates of
employment, job titles and hours worked each week. (950 characters)
7. Describe an experience you have had in creating or developing a solution to a
problem that benefited you and others? What aspects made it enjoyable? (1200
Additional information (voluntary)
8. Any other information for the Admission Committee to consider when your
application is reviewed? (950 characters)
The Personal Essay
Your essay is a very important part of your application. What you provide helps the
university know you as an individual -- independent of grades, test scores and other
objective data.
Please submit an approximately 3980 character (400-500 word) essay. It is strongly
recommended that you compose the essay in a word processor and then paste it into the
text box or you can type directly in the text box. When you are finished save your work.
Essay Topic (Select One)
You have been elected President of the United States. Write your
inauguration speech for us.
Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, "Our loyalties must transcend our race,
our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a
world perspective." Describe a time when your perspective changed. How
did your perspective change and why did it change?
If you were offered the role of the villain or the hero in a movie, which role
would you accept and why?
4. If admitted to the University of Florida, tell us 3 SPECIFIC things you plan
to do during your time here.
(From Online Application)
Rank 51 University of Miami (FL) (Common Application) -2016
Early Decision (international freshman)
For well-qualified freshman applicants whose first choice is UM.
Fall Admission
November 1
this date)
» Application for Undergraduate Admission Due (postmarked by
November 1
» U.S. Citizens - CSS / Financial Aid PROFILE Priority Date
(Financial Aid Application of U.S.
Citizens 1)*
February 1
» FAFSA Priority Date (Financial Aid Application of U.S. citizens
Late December
January 15
» Notification of Admission Decisions and Academic Scholarship
» Enrollment deposit due
Early Action (international freshman)
For students seriously considering UM but also would like to keep their options open
to hear from other schools.
Fall Admission
November 1
this date)
» Application for Undergraduate Admission Due (post marked by
February 1
» U.S. Citizens - CSS / Financial Aid PROFILE Priority Date
(Financial Aid Application of U.S.
Citizens 1)*
February 1
» FAFSA Priority Date (Financial Aid Application of U.S. citizens
May 1
» Notification of Admission Decisions and Academic Scholarship
» Enrollment deposit due (post marked by this date)
Regular Decision (international freshman)
For students who choose the standard application option.
Fall Admission
January 1
» Application for Undergraduate Admission Due
February 1
» CSS / Financial Aid PROFILE Priority Date (Financial Aid
Application of U.S. Citizens 1)*
February 1
» FAFSA Priority Date (Financial Aid Application of U.S. citizens
» Notification of Admission Decisions and Academic Scholarship
May 1
» Enrollment deposit due
Spring Admission
October 1
» Application for Undergraduate Admission Due
November 1
» CSS / Financial Aid PROFILE Priority Date (Financial Aid
Application of U.S. Citizens 1)*
November 1
» FAFSA Priority Date (Financial Aid Application of U.S. citizens
October 10
» Notification of Admission Decisions (no academic scholarships
awarded for Spring
December 1
» Enrollment deposit due (date specified in acceptance letter)
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
University of Miami Supplement
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 52 Ohio State University (OH) (Common Application) 2016
You are a freshman applicant if you have never enrolled in a college or university
after graduating from high school. You are an international applicant if you are NOT
a U.S. citizen or immigrant -- including permanent residents, refugees and political
Application deadline
Deadline for all required
application materials.
Spring 2016
Autumn 2016
Oct. 1
Early action: Nov. 1
Regular decision: Feb. 1
To apply, submit a complete application by the deadline
Your application is considered complete when we have received your admission
application and all required materials, listed below.
Meet Ohio State’s November 1 early action deadline (non-binding) to receive an
admission decision by mid-January. If you apply after November 1, you’ll receive an
admission decision by end of March. February 1 is the final date to submit your
We highly recommend applying by November 1 if you wish to be considered
for Honors and Scholars Programs.
We highly recommend applying by November 1 if you wish to be considered
for majors within the College of Engineering. After Nov. 1, applications are
considered on a space-available basis.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Ohio State University Supplement
No writing supplement required.
Applicants who select the Honors and Scholars or Morrill Scholars Program will be required
to complete an additional writing question.
(From Online Application)
Rank 52 Pepperdine University (CA)(Common Application)2016
Spring Term
Application deadline: October 15
Decisions sent: November 15
Enrollment deadline: December 1
Fall Term
Application deadline: January 5
Decisions sent: April 1
Enrollment deadline: May 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Pepperdine University Supplement
Write a letter to your future roommate at Pepperdine. Tell them what
characteristics would make you a good roommate and what you are looking
forward to most in college. (50-300 words) (50-300 words)
As a Christian university, Pepperdine expresses its Christian principles through all
aspects of academic life and administrative policy. The university affirms that truth,
having nothing to fear from investigation, should be pursued relentlessly in every
discipline. Students, faculty, and staff members of all faith traditions are welcome
to become part of the Pepperdine University community. Please tell us a little bit
about how faith has influenced your life. (50-300 words)
(From Online Application)
Rank 52 University of Texas - Austin (TX) -2016
Summer/Fall Deadline
December 1
(Test scores accepted through December 31)
Spring Deadline
October 1
Along with your ApplyTexas application, submit at least two essays.
不在德州系統內,專屬 UTAustin,無法透過德州系統上傳
What’s Required
All applicants must submit an essay responding to Topic C, along with a
second essay addressing topic A, B, D or S.
Nursing requires that the essay written in response to Topic C focus on your
goal of becoming a nurse and/or a career in nursing. Topic S, used to detail
special circumstances you want considered as part of your admissions
application, may be submitted as a third essay at your discretion or if you are
required to submit an essay in response to Topic D due to the major you
selected. (Topic D is required for those applying to Architecture and
to Fine Arts’ Department of Art and Art History.)
Essay Topics
Topic A
Describe a setting in which you have collaborated or interacted with people
whose experiences and/or beliefs differ from yours. Address your initial
feelings and how those feelings were or were not changed by this experience.
Topic B
Describe a circumstance, obstacle or conflict in your life, and the skills and
resources you used to resolve it. Did it change you? If so, how?
Topic C
Considering your lifetime goals, discuss how your current and future
academic and extracurricular activities might help you achieve your goals.
Topic D
Personal interaction with objects, images and spaces can be so powerful as
to change the way one thinks about particular issues or topics. For your
intended area of study (architecture, art history, design, studio art, visual art
studies/art education), describe an experience where instruction in that area
or your personal interaction with an object, image or space effected this type
of change in your thinking. What did you do to act upon your new thinking and
what have you done to prepare yourself for further study in this area?
Topic S
There may be personal information that you want considered as part of your
admissions application. Write an essay describing that information. You might
include exceptional hardships, challenges, or opportunities that have shaped
or impacted your abilities or academic credentials, personal responsibilities,
exceptional achievements or talents, educational goals, or ways in which you
might contribute to an institution committed to creating a diverse learning
Submitting Your Essays
Generally, you should plan to submit your essays in conjunction with
your ApplyTexas application; do so even after you’ve submitted other portions
of the application by logging in to your ApplyTexas account.
Essays written in response to Topic S may not be submitted through
ApplyTexas. To submit these essays, use the Document Upload System.
You may also submit other essays using the Document Upload
System—or by mailing them to the Office of Admissions—although these
submission methods are not preferred.
Submit an expanded résumé offering additional information about your achievements.
While this isn’t required, it’s strongly recommended.
What to Include
Your résumé should include all your achievements, not just those that didn’t fit
on the ApplyTexas application. That said, if you’re able to list everything
on the ApplyTexas application, there’s no need to submit a
separate résumé.
If you submit a résumé, you should include:
 Details about what each activity involved rather than a general
 The number of hours per week and weeks per year you spent on each
Submitting Your Résumé
Submit your résumé using the Document Upload System.
Rank 52 University of Washington (WA) -2016
Quarter of Quarter
application begins
Freshmen: Oct. Freshmen:
September 1
Dec. 1
Freshmen: March
Transfers: Dec. Transfers: Feb. Transfers: June15
international student applications not accepted this term
Spring **
international student applications not accepted this term
Summer *
Freshmen: Oct. Freshmen:
Dec. 1
Freshmen: March
Transfers: Dec. Transfers: Feb. Transfers: May
** Spring Quarter
Spring quarter is not open for general admission; therefore, the online
application is not available for this term.
Freshman applicants for 2015 must submit English proficiency test scores from any
exam taken on or before December 31, 2015.
December is the last month for international freshmen to take an English
proficiency exam. For freshmen applying for autumn or summer quarter 2015,
we will allow any test scores from any exam taken on or before December 31,
2015. Test scores from exams taken after December 31, 2015, will not be
accepted and will be considered late.
A. Personal Statement (required)
Choose either Topic A or B. (Please do not exceed 600 words)
A. Discuss how your family's experience or cultural history enriched you or presented
you with opportunities or challenges in pursuing your educational goals.
- OR B. Tell us a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your
character or helped to shape it.
B. Short Response (required)
Choose one of the following two topics and write a short essay. (Maximum length:
300 words.)
1. The University of Washington seeks to create a community of students richly
diverse in cultural backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints. How would you
contribute to this community?
2. Describe an experience of cultural difference or insensitivity you have had or
observed. What did you learn from it?
C. Additional information about yourself or your circumstances (Optional)
Directions (Maximum length: 200 words.)
You are not required to write anything in this section, but feel free to include
additional information if something has particular significance to you. For example,
you may use this space if:
 You are hoping to be placed in a specific major soon
 A personal or professional goal is particularly important to you
 You have experienced personal hardships in attaining your education
Your activities have been limited because of work or family obligations
Unusual limitations or opportunities unique to the schools you attended
D. Additional space (Optional)
You may use this space if you need to further explain or clarify answers you have given
elsewhere in this application, or if you wish to share information that may assist the
Office of Admissions. If appropriate, include the application question number to which
your comment(s) refer.
E. Journal of Activities & Achievements
Using the spaces provided below, identify and describe up to five of your most
significant activities & achievements you participated in during grades 9-12.Write
about why this activity or achievement is significant and had meaning for you.
(Maximum length: 50 words for each activity.)
You may include activities, skills, achievements, or qualities from any of the following
Leadership in or outside of school-e.g., athletics, student government, cultural
clubs, band, scouting, community service, employment
 Activities in which you have worked to better your school or community
 Exceptional achievement in an academic field or artistic pursuit
 Personal endeavors that enrich the mind, e.g., independent research or reading,
private dance or music lessons, weekend language or culture school
Rank 52 Yeshiva University (NY) -2016
Deadlines and Dates
Applications for the fall semester are processed in three stages:
Applicants whose applications are complete by October 15, will be informed of
a decision by mid-December.
Applicants whose applications are complete by December 15, will be informed
of a decision by mid-February.
Applicants whose applications are complete by February 1, will be informed of
a decision by April 1.
Applications for the spring semester must be completed by November 15.
The essay section is an opportunity to share information about yourself that grades
and test scores alone cannot provide, as well as a chance to demonstrate how you
organize your thoughts and express yourself. The essay should be one typed page.
Be sure your name and Social Security number appear on every page you submit.
Please choose one of the topics listed.
Throughout Tanach, history and literature there are many examples of people
who have prevailed in spite of or because of their imperfections. What is one
'flaw' of yours that if given the opportunity you would not give up?
You are stranded on a desert island. Please choose one person and two items you
would like to bring with you. Explain the significance and relevance of each
(From Online Application)
Rank 57 George Washington University (DC) (Common
Application) - 2016
Early Decision I
November 1
Seven-Year B.A./M.D.
December 1
Early Decision II
January 1
Regular Decision
January 1
Spring Admission
October 1
Fall Admission
April 1
Spring Admission
October 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
The George Washington University Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these
types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Upload Document
Writing Question0073
Please respond to one of the following essay questions in 250 words or fewer:
Question 1:
Research shows that an ability to learn from experiences outside the classroom
correlates with success in college. What was your greatest learning experience over the
past 4 years that took place outside of the traditional classroom?
Question 2:
Historians write that Martha Washington was George Washington's sounding board and
closest confidant. Reflect on a significant challenge you have encountered during your
high school career. Tell us about the person (mentor, family member, friend, coach,
teacher, etc.) who provides support, advice, and wisdom to you in times of difficulty.
Question 3:
We imagine you have spent a great deal of time researching different colleges and
universities. Describe how GW offers a strong fit with your interest, talents, and goals?
Depending on your answers to some questions you will be required to complete writing
Only for Journalism and Mass Communication major: Write a profile of yourself
in news or news feature style, as if you had interviewed yourself. (500 words or
fewer)(500 words available on common app)
Only for Political Communication major: If you could be any one person who has
been active in politics, who would you choose to be and why? (500 words or
fewer)(500 words available on common app)
(From Online Application)
Rank 57 University of Connecticut (CT)(Common Application)2016
Fall Semester
Deadline (received
Storrs Campus
January 15*
Beginning March 1
Regional Campuses
July 1
Beginning March 1
Please allow several business days for document processing.
*Apply by December 1 for full review for merit-based scholarships and
invitations to special programs.
*Students applying for the Special Programs in Dental Medicine, Medicine, Law or
Pharmacy must submit both their application to the University and supplemental
application to the specific program along with all supporting documents
by December 1.
**Admissions decisions made after May 1 have an enrollment deposit deadline of two
weeks from the date of decision letter.
Spring Semester
Deadline (received
All Campuses
October 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
University of Connecticut Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here. (Upload)
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 57 University of Maryland - College Park (MD)-2016
Student Type
Deadline1 Decision
Fall 2016 Enrollment beginning in September3
U.S. Freshmen
U.S. Transfers
Nov. 1,
By Feb. 1,
Jan. 20,
By April 1,
Nov. 1,
By Feb. 1,
May 1, 2016
March 1,
By Mid-
June 1,
By Mid-
30 days from
April 2016
July 2016
date of admission
March 1,
By Mid-
April 2016
June 1,
May 1, 2016
May 1, 2016, or 30 days
from date of admission
(whichever is later)
U.S. citizens
to UMD at
Shady Grove
Before the beginning of
the semester of admission
students applyin
to UMD at
March 1,
Before the beginning of
the semester of admission
Shady Grove
Spring 2016 Enrollment beginning in January
U.S. Freshmen
U.S. Transfers
Dec. 1,
By Mid-
30 days from
Dec. 2015
date of admission
By Mid-
Nov. 15.,
By Mid-
30 days from
Oct. 2015
Dec. 2015
date of admission
Aug. 1,
By Mid-
Oct. 2015
Nov. 15,
Aug. 1,
Aug. 1,
By Mid-
Dec. 2015
30 days from
date of admission
Nov. 15, 2015, or 30 days
from date of admission
(whichever is later)
U.S. citizens
to UMD at
Before the beginning of
the semester of admission
Shady Grove
students applyin
to UMD at
Before the beginning of
the semester of admission
Shady Grove
1. Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply by the Priority Deadline where
applicable. Freshmen who apply by the Priority Deadline for the fall semester will
receive best consideration for admission to the university, consideration for meritbased scholarships, and invitations to special programs. Transfer students who
apply by the priority deadline for the fall or spring semesters will receive best
consideration for admission to the university and consideration for merit-based
scholarships. This is not an early-decision program; you will have until the date
listed in the Enrollment Confirmation Deadline column to confirm your
2. Applications received after the Regular Deadline will be considered on a rolling,
space-available basis.
3. Freshmen students who apply for the fall semester are automatically considered
for spring admission.
4. International applicants include students who are not U.S. citizens and students
with any non-U.S. academic records. International applicants must apply by the
Priority Deadline.
Freshman Essay and Activities Statement
The college admission process is an effort to uncover the aspects of your personality
and experience that fit well with the University of Maryland community. When
considering your approach to the following essay questions, think deeply about your
answers, making them creative and succinct. We hope that you will use this opportunity
as a time for self-reflection and intellectual meditation. Please choose one of the
following essay questions to answer. Your essay should be no more than 500 words.
Include the question you choose at the start of your essay. The question will not be
included in the essay word count.
1. Terps are diverse. They bring intellectual, social and cultural differences to our
community. Describe the different parts of you which will contribute to our
diverse campus community.
2. Tell us about a time when your expectations and outcomes differed. How did
you grow from this experience?
3. Include an image of a place that is significant to you. Share its story with us.
(Please upload your image in the document with your essay.)
4. Big problems need big solutions, and Terps are often asked to “Think Big.”
Tell us about a time when you encountered a problem and implemented a
In addition to answering one of the questions above, please include any additional
information you would like to provide if extenuating circumstances have affected
your performance or extracurricular activities. This information is only necessary
if these circumstances have not been discussed in any other part of your application.
Maximum 100 words.
Please include both essays in a single document before uploading.
Activities Résumé
Please submit a resume or list of your community, arts, leadership, athletic and family
involvement, work, global or research experiences, and extracurricular activities and
awards in the order of interest to you. (Upload Document)
Short Answer Questions
Complete This Sentence…
Our President’s Promise allows students to engage in special experiences that
complement the academic curriculum and offer opportunities for extraordinary personal
growth outside of the classroom. Getting to know you better will help us understand
what opportunities may interest you most.
To tell us more about yourself, please complete the following sentences using only the
space provided. (含空白字元-不可超過 160 字元/每一題)
If I could travel anywhere, I would go to...
The most interesting fact I ever learned from research was…(160 characters)
In addition to my major, my academic interests include…(160 characters)
My favorite thing about last Thursday was…(160 characters)
Something you might not know about me is…(160 characters)
(From Online Application)
Rank 57 Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA) (Common
Application) -2016
Early Action
(Round 1)
n Deadline
g; early
notice of
g; early
notice of
Early Action
(Round 2)
January 1
April 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Other Information
Please tell us about your future academic interests and how attending WPI
would fulfill them. (No word limit. 300 words available on common app)
(From Online Application)
Rank 61 Clemson University (SC) - 2016
Fall semester
Dec. 1 (Priority notification deadline)
Dec. 31 (Deadline for supporting materials, including test scores and transcripts
for priority consideration for academic scholarships)
May 1 (Application deadline)
Spring semester
Dec. 15
Admission is closed when all class space has been committed. We encourage
applicants to submit materials early in the fall of their senior year. In mid-February,
decisions are mailed to students who applied before Dec. 1; students who applied
after Dec. 1 will receive their decision at this time or shortly thereafter. After you
submit your application, you will receive a confirmation email.
Additional Information
Please list your academic awards and honors. Also, please list extracurricular activities,
leadership, community service, special talents, work and other educationally enriching
experiences. (An additional sheet or resume may be sent to the Office of Admissions if
Candidate's Comments (Optional)
Write a brief essay (one or two paragraphs) in the provided text field. Focus your
remarks on any points you believe to be important in the evaluation of your application,
including your academic background, other achievements, educational objectives or
career goals. If you are an international student, briefly describe your educational
objectives in the United States and your reasons for choosing Clemson University.
(From Online Application)
Rank 61 Purdue University (IN) (Common Application) - 2016
Freshman Applicants
Spring Semester (begins in January): October 1, 2015
Summer Semester (begins in June): February 1, 2016
Fall Semester (begins in August): February 1, 2016
NOV. 1, 2015
residents only)
To be considered for the full range of Purdue scholarships, a student’s application must
be completed by this date.
FEB. 1, 2016
Except for the majors listed for the Nov. 1 deadline, Purdue will continue accepting
applications until at least this date. However, applying earlier is strongly
recommended; admission is more competitive for those who apply later.
Admitted students may submit a separate scholarship application to be considered
for a small pool of scholarships that have very specific criteria, including a
financial need component.
Financial aid awards are communicated.
MAY 1, 2016
MAY 5, 2016
Deadline to submit contract for on-campus housing. New students are guaranteed
housing if they sub
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Purdue University Supplement
 Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work
(25 word minimum)
How will opportunities at Purdue support your interests, both in and out of
the classroom? (Respond in 100 words or fewer.) (100 words max.)
Briefly discuss your reasons for pursuing the major you have selected.
(Respond in 100 words or fewer.) (100 words max.)
**Applicants who select the Veterinary Technology Animal Nursing Program in the
Academics section will be required to complete additional writing questions.
(From Online Application)
Rank 61 Southern Methodist University (TX) (Common
Application) - 2016
Early Decision I
 October 4, 2015: Recommended last day to take ACT
 November 7, 2015: Recommended last day to take SAT
November 1*: Electronic application submission or postmark deadline
November 1: Financial Aid priority consideration deadline
Students pursuing Music, Dance, Theatre, Art, or Film & Media Arts click here for
additional information.
*SMU is extending its Early Action and Early Decision I deadline to Sunday, November 9. Please
have all application materials postmarked or submitted electronically by November 9.
Early Decision FAQ
Early Action
 October 4, 2015: Recommended last day to take ACT
 November 7, 2015: Recommended last day to take SAT
November 1*: Electronic application submission or postmark deadline
February 15: Financial Aid priority consideration deadline
Students pursuing Music, Dance, Theatre, Art, or Film & Media Arts click here for
additional information.
*SMU is extending its Early Action and Early Decision I deadline to Sunday, November 9. Please
have all application materials postmarked or submitted electronically by November 9.
Early Decision II
 December 12: Recommended last day to take ACT
 December 5: Recommended last day to take SAT
January 15: Electronic application submission or postmark deadline
January 15: Financial Aid priority consideration deadline
Students pursuing Music, Dance, Theatre, Art, or Film & Media Arts click here for
additional information.
Early Decision FAQ
Regular Decision
 January 15: Electronic application submission or postmark deadline
 February 15: Financial Aid priority consideration deadline
Students pursuing Music, Dance, Theatre, Art, or Film & Media Arts click here for
additional information.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Southern Methodist University Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Upload Document
Writing Questions
SMU appeals to students for a variety of reasons. Briefly describe why you are
interested in attending SMU and what specific factors have led you to apply.(250
word limit)(250 words available on common app)
SMU is a diverse learning environment shaped by the convergence of ideas and
cultures. How will your unique experiences or background enhance the
University, and how will you benefit from this community?(250 word limit)(250
words available on common app)
(From Online Application)
Rank 61 Syracuse University (NY) (Common Application) - 2016
Application postmarked/
Early Decision
Plan (First-year
Decision Plan
Nov. 15, 2015
First Year: Jan.
Nov. 15, 2015
1, 2016
Transfer: July 1,
electronic submission
College of Visual and
In-person portfolio review or
audition for programs in Art &
Design, Transmedia, Drama
and Music**
15, 2015
Feb. 1, 2016
Nov. 15, 2015
Nov. 15, 2015
Dec. 1, 2016
Students may
of Architecture:
In-person portfolio review
of Architecture:
Portfolio postmarked /
submission deadline
(Portfolios should be mailed to
the School of
only apply for
fall semester
Nov. 15, 2015
Jan. 5, 2016
Students may
only apply for
fall semester
Admission notification begins
Candidates reply date
Early December
Late March
Feb. 15, 2016
(If admitted to
first choice. If
admitted to
second or third
choice, reply date
is May 1.)
May 1, 2016
Dec. 30, 2015
*Transfer applications will be accepted on a space available basis after November 15
for spring. However, we encourage you to apply by the deadlines indicated in the chart
above. The earlier you apply, the earlier you will be notified. It is in your best interest
to apply earlier for the fall semester as transfer students are admitted on a rolling basis
beginning in late February.
**Further instructions on submitting your portfolio/audition are available on the VPA
website. Please note that an audition is not required if you are applying to the Bandier
Program for Music and Entertainment Industries in the Setnor School of Music.
*** For further instructions on submitting your architecture portfolio please visit
the School of Architecture website.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Syracuse University Supplement
Who or what influenced you to apply to Syracuse University? (Maximum: 250
Who is the person you dream of becoming and how do you believe Syracuse
University can help you achieve this? (Maximum: 250 words)
Tell us more about your interests. What subjects do you most enjoy in school?
In what type of profession do you see yourself? (Maximum: 250 words)
**Applicants who select Citizenship and Civic Engagement or the Syracuse University
Discovery Program in the Academics section will be required to complete an additional
writing question.
(From Online Application)
Rank 61 University of Georgia (GA) - 2016
First-Year International Applicants
The information below is for students who have never attended any college or
university before.
Deadlines for First-Year International Applicants
Early Action - October 15
Regular Decision for Fall Semester - January 15
Spring Admission - August 15
Critical Deadlines for First-Year Applicants
October 15 - Postmark Deadline for Early Action Applicants
November 4 - Postmark deadline for Foundation Fellowship & Bernard Ramsey
Honors Scholarship
December 15 - Admission Decisions released to Early Action applicants
December 15 - Priority Postmark Deadline for Regular Decision Applicants
Seeking Merit Scholarship and Honors Consideration
January 15 - Postmark Deadline for Regular Decision Applicants and "Move
on When Ready" applicants
 February 1 - Deadline for First-Year Honors Program Application
 March 1 - Priority Deadline for Submission of Financial Aid Application Forms
 April 1 - Admission Decisions Released to Regular Decision and Deferred Early
Action Applicants
 April 15 - Postmark Deadline for Dual Enrollment (Summer/Fall)
May 1- Commitment Deposit Deadlinehttps://www.admissions.uga.edu/article/first-
Intended Major
Briefly explain your choice of major, using 200 characters or less. (Maximum of
200 characters) (Note: Some browsers may count double spaces as characters in
a word.)
Second Intended Major
Briefly explain your choice of major, using 200 characters or less. (Maximum of
200 characters) (Note: Some browsers may count double spaces as characters in
a word.)
Essay A of the four available essay topics, below, is required of everyone using
this application, and it can be addressed in as many as 300 words. The other essays
should be limited to 150-200 words. You will have your choice of TWO of the three
other topics for your Essays B and C. An appropriate approach for first drafts might
be to focus on the essay prompts and the basics of good writing in developing your
insights; meet word count limits with your final draft. In addition you might also
profit from reading the UGA Faculty Statement on Diversity.
 Essay A (REQUIRED)
The UGA faculty has determined that the student body should demonstrate the qualities
listed in the Admissions Philosophy Statement. After reviewing this, help us understand
which of your qualities will add value to our community of scholars. (250-300 words)
 Essay B (REQUIRED)
In the space provided please address the following topic in a response of 150-200 words.
Please choose one of the following questions to answer (different from Essay C
1. Describe a problem, possibly related to your area of study, which you would like
to solve. Explain its importance to you and what actions you would take to solve
this issue.
2. Tell us an interesting or amusing story about yourself that you have not already
shared in your application.
3. UGA's First Year Odyssey Program offers more than 300 seminar courses for
new freshmen. Some examples include "The History of Horseracing", "Einstein
and the Theories of Relativity" and "The Zombie Plague" (Full listing here). If
you could create your own seminar course at UGA in any subject area that
interested you, what would it be? What would the course be named and what
would you hope to learn? Please write your response in the style of the UGA
First Year Odyssey descriptions as seen on their website.
 Essay C (REQUIRED)
In the space provided please address the following topic in a response of 150-200 words.
Please choose one of the following questions to answer (different from Essay B
1. Describe a problem, possibly related to your area of study, which you would like
to solve. Explain its importance to you and what actions you would take to solve
this issue.
Tell us an interesting or amusing story about yourself that you have not already
shared in your application.
UGA's First Year Odyssey Program offers more than 300 seminar courses for
new freshmen. Some examples include "The History of Horseracing", "Einstein
and the Theories of Relativity" and "The Zombie Plague" (Full listing here). If
you could create your own seminar course at UGA in any subject area that
interested you, what would it be? What would the course be named and what
would you hope to learn? Please write your response in the style of the UGA
First Year Odyssey descriptions as seen on their website.
(From Online Application)
Rank 66 Brigham Young University - Provo (UT) - 2015
Application Deadlines
Winter 2016
Spring 2016
Summer 2016 Fall 2016
February 1,
October 15,
October 15,
October 15,
Freshman/Transfer October 1,
Final Deadline
December 1,
February 1,
February 1,
Financial Deadline November
March 15,
May 1,
July 1,
The application for summer/fall is available online beginning October 15.
Rank 66 Fordham University (NY) (Common Application) - 2016
Freshman, Performance, & International Freshman
There are several application plans that you can use to apply to Fordham University.
These plans include Early Action, Early Decision, Priority Performance, and Regular
Decision. Descriptions of each of these plans and a chart containing their deadlines
can be found below:
Early Action
In Early Action, students apply early and receive a decision well in advance of
the University's regular response date. Early action is a non-binding (students are
not required to enroll if admitted) application plan. Our deadline is November
1. Decisions will be received by December 20.
Early Decision
In Early Decision, students make a commitment to a first-choice institution
where, if admitted, they will definitely enroll. Early decision is
a binding (students must enroll if admitted and withdraw any other pending
applications) application plan. Our deadline is November 1. Decisions will be
received by December 20.
*Priority Performance
Students who are applying to Fordham's BFA Program in Dance and BA
Program in Theatre must apply under this application plan. Priority
Performance has the same deadline as our Early Action and Early Decision
plans (November 1). Please refer to individual program pages for additional
application and audition requirements. Decisions are released on a rolling basis
after February 1, and all decisions are received by April 1.
Regular Decision
In Regular Decision, students submit an application by a specified date and
receive a decision in a clearly stated period of time, typically no later than April
1. Regular decision is a non-binding application plan. Our deadline is January
Plans and Deadlines
Application Deadline
Admission Decision
Notification Date
Between 2/1 and
Deposit Deadline
Spring Freshman Admission
We also accept application for spring Freshman admission. The deadline
is November 1.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Fordham University Supplement
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 66 University of Pittsburgh (PA) - 2016
April 1: fall term (August)
October 15: spring term (January)
Short Answer Questions:
It is strongly encouraged that you complete short answer questions following
submission of this application. You will receive an e-mail with instructions after
submission. International applicants are required to complete the short answer
(From Online Application)
Short Answer Questions (For Domestic)
In lieu of an essay or personal statement, we ask interested applicants to answer a
series of short answer questions. Answering the following questions is optional, but
strongly encouraged. Your answers may increase the likelihood that you are
considered for scholarships, guaranteed admission to graduate or professional school,
or given special consideration due to extenuating circumstances. The Admissions
Committee reviews responses for quality rather than length. Keep your answers
concise and purposeful. The most effective response typically ranges from 250-500
words in total for all three questions. Responses that are longer or shorter are
acceptable. If you decide to submit short answers, please answer all three questions:
1. How have you overcome failure and what did you learn from it?
2. How have you exhibited outstanding leadership?
3. Why is Pitt a good choice for you?
Submitting a completed application for admission will have you automatically
reviewed for University Honors College eligibility, Graduate/Professional School
Guaranteed Admissions Programs, and merit-based scholarships.
Submit Your Short Answers. (For International Applicant)
We require applicants to answer a series of short answer questions. If you have not
submitted your answers yet, then you may submit your responses online or via email
at intladm@pitt.edu. Please be sure to include your full name exactly as it appears on
your passport, date of birth, and student ID (if known) in your email. Answer all three
 Describe yourself.
Why is studying in the U.S. and at Pitt a good choice for you?
Have you had an experience where you had to adjust to a culture other than your
Rank 69 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (MN) - 2016
December 15, 2014
Priority deadline for fall 2015 admission application
*International Application:
Educational Interests
In English, describe your educational interests and goals and what your plans are for
when you return to your home country. Please include an explanation of why you would
like to study the major you have selected. (Maximum 600 characters)
 School-Sponsored Activities
Please list any school-sponsored activities such as clubs, music, student
government, etc.
 Name of activity (35 characters limit-含空白字元)
 Leadership position(s) and school year(s) held (45 characters limit-含空白字
Activities Outside School
 Name of activity (35 characters limit-含空白字元)
 Leadership position(s) and school year(s) held (45 characters limit-含空白字
Other Talents, Achievements, Activities
Please list any other special talents, honors, achievements, awards, or activities
that don't fit above. (Maximum 4,000 characters.)
(From Online Application)
Rank 70 Texas A&M University - College Station (TX) - 2016
When to Apply as a Domestic Freshman:
Application Term
Application Opening Date
Application Closing Date
Spring 2015
August 1, 2015
October 15, 2015
Summer/Fall 2015
August 1, 2015
December 1, 2015
**Fall 2016 additional required documents Deadline: December 8, 2015
When to Apply as an International Freshman:
Application Term
Application Opening Date
Application Closing Date
Spring 2016
April 1, 2015
August 1, 2015
Fall 2016
August 1, 2015
December 1, 2015
**Fall 2016 additional required documents Deadline: December 8, 2015
If you are submitting your essay online, it must be no longer than 120 eightycharacter lines of text (including spaces and blank lines).
Essay Topics:
Each word in the submitted essays are considered. Please take the time to craft
and organize your thoughts carefully.
 Should be personal and utilized as tools to share your story with the Admissions
 Average length is about a page to a page and a half
Topic A. (required)
Describe a setting in which you have collaborated or interacted with people whose
experiences and/or beliefs differ from yours. Address your initial feelings, and how
those feelings were or were not changed by this experience.
Topic B. (required)
Describe a circumstance, obstacle or conflict in your life, and the skills and resources
you used to resolve it. Did it change you? If so, how?
Topic C. (optional)
Considering your lifetime goals, discuss how your current and future academic and
extra-curricular activities might help you achieve your goals.
(From Online Application)
Rank 70 Virginia Tech (VA) - 2016
Applying for:
Notified on:
Reply due:
Early Decision (Binding)
November 1
December 15
January 15
Fall (Freshmen)
January 15
April 1
May 1
Applying for:
Notified on:
Reply due:
January 15
April 1
May 1
Note: Applications are not being considered for spring 2014 due to space limitations.
We recommend the TOEFL or IELTS be taken by January 15. Late test scores MUST
be received by March 1.
International Freshman Applicants - Leadership and Extracurricular Activities:
List activities below or upload a resume. (Upload Resume)
 Please provide details of all organizations you've held membership in, and
include officer/leadership information.
Honors and Awards: Please list any honors and awards you have received.
Volunteer work: Please list all volunteer work you have completed.
Athletics: Please list all athletics/sports participation and include any
officer/leadership information.
Freshman Applicant Personal Statements (Strongly Recommended):
You may respond to up to three of the personal statements below (choose either
one, two, or three) as you feel they support your individual application. Please limit
your statement(s) to no more than 250 words in length (each).
1. What are the top five reasons you want to be a Hokie?
2. If there is something you think would be beneficial for the Admissions
Committee to know as we review your academic history, please take this
opportunity to explain.
Our motto is Ut Prosim (That I May Serve). How is service to others important
in your life?
If you could have any superhero power what would it be and why?
If you could spend one day with any person (living or deceased) who would
it be and why? What would you want them to know about you?
We believe strongly in the Virginia Tech Principles of Community and the
value of human diversity affirmed therein. Share a perspective or
experience related to your culture, age, color, disability, gender, gender
identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race,
religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status that might explain how you
will enrich the climate of mutual respect and understanding here.
Virginia Tech is one of the six senior military institutions in the country, how
will this setting contribute to your college experience.
(From Online Application)
Rank 72 American University (DC) (Common Application) - 2016
Application Deadlines
If you plan to begin your studies in August (fall semester):
Early Decision I (ED I)
November 15
Early Decision II (ED II)
January 15
Regular Decision (RD)
January 15
If you plan to begin your studies in January (spring semester):
All spring applicants
October 1
For students living outside the United States, we recommend September 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
American University Supplement
Writing Questions
Instructions: Both short answer writing questions are optional. You may choose to
submit neither, one or both.
1. Discuss a research topic of importance to you and describe how you would
further explore it at AU. (650 word maximum)
2. How has your past shaped your world view and what will you plan to do at
AU to expand it? (650 word maximum)
(From Online Application)
Rank 72 Baylor University (TX) - 2016
International Students:
Key Dates - International Freshmen Applicants
 Early Action: November 1 (non-binding)
 Regular Admission: February 1
We strongly encourage International Freshman students to apply by the
November 1 deadline so we have sufficient time to receive documents and
process your application file.
Key Dates - International Transfer & Post-Baccalaureate Applicants
 Spring Admissions: December 1
 Fall Admissions: June 1
(Optional) Is there anything else you would like the Admissions Committee to know?
Please include it below. (Limit response to 2000 characters)
(From Online Application)
Rank 72 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - New
Brunswick (NJ) - 2016
Application due dates for the School of Health Related Professionsare based on the
degree program. For all other Rutgers undergraduate schools you may apply after the
due dates have passed, subject to the conditions noted below.
Applicant Type
Application Due Online
Candidate’s Reply
All (first-year and
Date* +
October 1,
December 5,
December 12,
+ Individuals may apply after due dates have passed. However, those who apply
after the due dates or whose files remain incomplete after due dates for credentials
submission have passed will be withdrawn from admissions consideration if their
school(s) of application meet enrollment goals before University Undergraduate
Admissions reviews their applications.
* Required credentials are due October 15, 2015.
** Admissions decisions will be posted online via "Your Rutgers Status" no later
than this date, except for Mason Gross School of the Arts.
Student Type and Action
Application Due Online
Date* +
First Year, Early Action^
1, January 31, 2016
Reply Date
May 1, 2016
Regular December 1, 2015 February 28, 2016 May 1, 2016
^ Applying to Rutgers by our fall early action date does not restrict students from
applying to other colleges or universities, and Rutgers early action decisions are not
* Required credentials are due two weeks later than the Application Due Date. For more
information, please see the credentials required of first year applicants or
the credentials required of transfer applicants. "Your Rutgers Status" displays updates
after required credentials are received.
+ Students may apply after due dates have passed. However, students who apply after
the due dates or whose files remain incomplete after due dates for credentials
submission have passed will be withdrawn from admissions consideration if their
school(s) of application meet enrollment goals before University Undergraduate
Admissions reviews their applications.
** Admissions decisions will be posted online via "Your Rutgers Status" no later
than this date, except for Mason Gross School of the Arts. Because of portfolio review
and auditions, Early and Regular Action notification dates do not apply for
applicants to Mason Gross School of the Arts. Mason Gross School of the Arts
applicants will be notified of admissions decisions by April 1.
Rutgers requires that you provide a short essay that is your original work. Please reflect
on what you consider to be an important personal experience related to your talents,
interests, or commitments. Using this experience, please tell us what you learned about
yourself. How will this experience prepare you for success at Rutgers? (3800
characters - includes spaces).
(From Online Application)
Rank 75 Clark University (MA) (Common Application) - 2016
FALL deadline: January 15
SPRING deadline: October 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Clark University Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these
types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Upload Document
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work
experiences. (250 word maximum)
Other Information
(Optional) If there are any inconsistencies within your academic record that you would
like to explain, please do so here (200 words maximum) (300 words available on
common app)
(Optional) If there are any additional materials that you wish to submit for
consideration, you may do so here. While we will review supplementary material, it is
not required and is not part of the official evaluation of your file. (No word limit.
Upload a pdf file under 500 KB)
(From Online Application)
Rank 75 Colorado School of Mines (CO)
Application Deadlines
You must submit the Application for Undergraduate Admission, along with the
application processing fee, by the deadline specified for each semester. In order to
expedite the evaluation of your application, also submit official transcripts, test scores
and supporting credentials immediately.
Fall Semester
Mines' international application deadline for fall semester is March 1.
Spring Semester
Preferential application deadline is October 1.
Personal Statement
If you like, please tell us something about yourself that you feel the rest of your
application does not communicate. Or, tell us why Mines is the best fit for you. (7000
characters limit)
(From Online Application)
Rank 75 Indiana University - Bloomington (IN) - 2016
Students who complete their application materials by the priority date get first
and maximum consideration—both for admission and for financial aid. By
completing your application by the priority date for the term you wish to begin
studying here, you will increase your odds of being able to join us here.
If you submit your application materials after these dates, your application will only
be considered if space is still available.
Fall Semester Priority Dates
Priority Date
November 1
Deadline for Selective Academic Scholarship consideration
February 1
Final priority date for admission and merit-based scholarships
First year (freshman) applicants who submit a complete application for
admission to IU by November 1 will be evaluated for Selective Scholarship
Application (SSA) eligibility. Students who meet the November 1 SSA deadline can
submit updated SAT or ACT scores through January 15 for additional SSA
Additionally, qualified international students who submit a complete application
for admission by February 1 will be considered for merit-based scholarships
specifically for international students. These scholarships will be determined based on
academic information provided in the admission application. No separate application
will be required.
** February 1 is also the final priority date for freshman applicants for the fall
term. Any applications received after this date will be considered on a space-available
Other Priority Dates
Spring (January start)
September 15
Summer *
January 1
* Because of requirements for full-time enrollment, international applicants interested
in summer admission are only eligible to apply for the Summer II term and must take
a minimum of 6 credits during this term.
No ESSAY for International Applicant
Essay – For Domestic / PR Applicant ONLY
Describe your academic and career plans and any special interest (for example,
undergraduate research, academic interests, leadership opportunities, etc.) that you are
eager to pursue as an undergraduate at Indiana University. Also, if you encountered any
unusual circumstances, challenges, or obstacles in pursuit of your education, share
those experiences and how you overcame them. (200-400 words) (Upload
*This essay may be used in scholarship consideration.
Other Information (Required)
* Explanation of time after high school
Did you take classes, attend a school, college, or university between graduating high
school and enrolling at IU? If no, explain all time from your completion of high
school until you plan to enroll at IU. Include the dates you were involved with each
activity. For example, 'library assistant: Jan 2006-May 2006'
(From Online Application)
Rank 75 Michigan State University (MI) - 2016
Please note: Michigan State University uses rolling admission, but the number of
qualified applicants has exceeded available space in recent years. Depending on
several factors -- including space available in the entering class -- it may not be
possible to submit an application for certain semesters.
Admission decisions for undergraduate applicants are typically made eight to 12
weeks after all application materials are received. A complete application includes the
application for admission as well as official transcripts and standardized test scores.
An initial admissions decision may be a "withhold" decision, in which a student is
asked to provide more information to the Office of Admissions.
 High School Students
For maximum scholarship consideration, seniors should apply by November 1.
(Students applying after November 1 may qualify for scholarships if funds are
still available.)
 International Undergraduate Students:
International students applying for Fall Semester admission are encouraged to
apply as soon as possible during their last academic year of secondary school.
Personal Statement
As part of your application for admission, a personal statement is required. Michigan
State University is interested in learning more about your background, talents, and
experiences and how you plan to apply them to your MSU education and future. Your
statement may be considered as a positive factor to enhance your admissibility, as
well as for scholarship consideration. Choose one of the personal essay topics below
and write a short essay of up to 400 words.
1. Michigan State University recognizes that an assortment of interests, viewpoints,
and life experiences are important in student learning and enhance the university
community. Describe an experience, passion, or characteristic that illustrates what
you would contribute to the MSU community and how this will add to the overall
richness of campus life.
2. Describe a significant experience from the past two years which required you to
interact with someone outside of your own social or cultural group (ethnic, religious,
geographic, socioeconomic, etc.). How did this impact you? What did you learn and
what surprised you?
Additional Information
Please provide any additional details, circumstances, or qualifications not reflected in
the application for admission.
(From Online Application)
Rank 75 Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ) (Common
Application) - 2016
International Students
International applicants have the same deadlines as domestic applicants. Priority
deadline is February 1st.
Domestic Students
November 15
Notification Date
Early Decision I +
November 15
Early Decision II +
January 15
December 18
February 15
Regular Decision
February 1
December 18
April 1 Stevens
April 15 medical
December 15
program decision
Accelerated PreMedicine or PreDentistry Applicants
November 15
November 15
April 15
Transfer for Spring
November 1
November 1
Transfer for Fall
July 1
July 1
* Supplemental information that must also be submitted by the application deadline
include: Secondary School Report with official transcript, at least one teacher
recommendation, SAT or ACT scores, interview (if pursuing), personal statement, and
for international students, the financial verification form.
** Interviews are strongly recommended for all applicants to Stevens. Interviews are
required for students applying to our accelerated medicine and law programs.
Candidates who live within a 250-mile radius of campus should strive to complete
their interview on campus. Those who live more than 250 miles away are encouraged
to interview on campus; however, if this is not possible, you can arrange to interview
by Skype or phone. If you have questions about the interview process review
our frequently asked questions.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Stevens Institute of Technology Supplement
Provide a personal resume to highlight your activities within the club,
competitions/conferences attended, awards earned, or leadership positions. (Optional
- can be submitted after you apply).
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Upload Document
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 75 University of Delaware (DE) (Common Application) 2016
Fall Application Dates
January 15
May 1
Application deadline for freshmen
Deposit Deadline for freshmen
Application deadline for transfers
Supplemental Deadlines for Special Programs
Apparel Design Portfolio Deadline
January 15
Art Portfolio Deadline
January 15
Music Major: Request an Audition
Spring Application Dates
Spring 2014 Application Deadline
November 1
The University of Delaware is a member of the Common Application.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
University of Delaware Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these
types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Writing Questions
Writing Questions are Optional: Provide a short response, 200 words or fewer, to
each of these prompts.
Q1. Anticipate what it will be like for you as a student at the University of Delaware.
Both in and out of the classroom, where do you expect to feel most comfortable
and where will you need to stretch? (250 word maximum on common
Q2. Relate a personal experience in which you were denied an opportunity or treated
unfairly. How did you resolve the situation? If that were to happen during your
college experience, what would you do? (250 word maximum on common
Q3. Describe an accomplishment that took a great deal of time and/or effort on your
part. What motivated you to persevere when it got challenging? Who or what
did you turn to for support, and how was that helpful? (250 word maximum on
common application)
Self-Appraisal of your academic performance: Your academic performance. With
Delaware's increasing selectivity, grades of "B" or above are expected. The
Admissions Committee expects that you will take advantage of this question to
explain any grade on your transcript that is unusually low or varies significantly
from your usual performance in the section below. (500 word maximum on
common application)
Why UD? (optional) In one or two sentences, tell us why the University of
Delaware excites you. (100 word maximum on common application)
(From Online Application)
Rank 75 University of Massachusetts - Amherst (MA)
(Common Application) - 2016
Applications Deadlines
Freshman Applicants
Early Action
November 1(deadline for credentials is Nov 20)
Regular Decision
January 15(deadline for credentials is Feb 1)
Spring Term
October 1(deadline for credentials is Oct 15)
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
University of Massachusetts - Amherst Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Upload Document
No writing supplement required
(From Online Application)
Rank 82 Miami University - Oxford (OH) (Common
Application) - 2016
International applicants (all)
November 15
International first-year (freshman) applicants
February 1
International transfer applicants
May 1
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Miami University - Oxford Supplement
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 76 Texas Christian University (TX) (Common Application)
- 2016
November 1
Early Action
If you wish to be reviewed early based on transcripts through your
junior year, you must have your application postmarked by
November 1. You must take the SAT or ACT no later than November.
Nonbinding notification by January 1.
If you believe you are a candidate for the Chancellor's Scholarship,
it is highly recommended that you apply by the November 1 deadline,
or shortly thereafter.
November 1
Early Decision
If you wish to be reviewed early for a binding decision based on
transcripts through your junior year, you must have your application
postmarked by November 1. You must take the SAT or ACT no later
than November. You, your counselor, and your parent must sign this
document demonstrating an understanding that an admission
decision to TCU is contractually binding. Binding notification by
January 1.
Students applying Early Decision who intend to apply for Financial
Aid must also submit the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE in order to
complete their application. Students who enroll at TCU will have the
cost of filing the CSS Profile credited to their student account.
January 1
Early Action II
If you wish to be reviewed early based on transcripts through your
junior year, you must have your application postmarked by January 1.
You must take the SAT or ACT no later than December. Nonbinding
notification by March 1.
February 15
Final Deadline
If you wish to include your fall semester/trimester grades, you must
have your application postmarked by February 15. You must take the
SAT or ACT no later than February. Notification by April 1. All
students who apply by the Final Deadline will be considered for
scholarship until funds are depleted.
Applications received after February 15 will be considered on a
space-available basis.
May 1
National Candidate Reply Date
Tuition and housing deposits are due.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Texas Christian University Supplement
If you wish to submit your résumé, you may upload it here.
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
Upload Document
Other Information
What makes TCU a great fit for you? (Recommended Length: 100 words. 250
word available in common app)
What do you hope to discover about yourself after four years at TCU?
(Recommended Length: 100 words. 250 word available in common app)
(From Online Application)
Rank 82 University of California - Santa Cruz (CA) - 2016
Fall UC application timetable:
Application available
October 1
Filing period
November 1-30
Application deadline
November 30
*December 5, 2015:
SAT and SAT Subject Tests for U.S. Test Takers (last opportunity for seniors)
*March 15-31, 2016
Fall 2016 admissions decisions appear on my.ucsc.edu for all on-time freshmen
Meet the examination requirement by taking the ACT Plus Writing or the SAT
Reasoning Test by December of your senior year. We don't require SAT Subject
Tests, but certain programs on some campuses recommend them, and you can use
subject tests to satisfy the "a-g" requirements listed above.
Freshman applicants for fall 2016 must arrange to have official score reports sent to
us by December 2015. If you plan to take an exam in December, indicate the planned
test date on your admission application.
And don't worry - if you report your scores to one campus, they will be shared
with every campus to which you've applied.
Instructions (Read before you submit your statement.)
The personal statement is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the people reading
your application. Think of it as your interview with the admissions office. Be open, be
honest and remember to talk about yourself. This will give us a better understanding
of the information you present in other parts of your application.
Your personal statement is made up of three sections: Two required prompts
and one optional prompt. Respond to both required questions, using a maximum
of 1,000 words total. You may allocate the word count as you wish, but we suggest
each of your answers be no less than 250 words.
A few tips:
Read each prompt carefully and respond to all parts.
Present your information and ideas in a focused, thoughtful manner.
Making a list of accomplishments, activities, awards or work will lessen
the impact of your words.
Use specific, concrete examples to support the points you want to make.
Focus your examples on the present and near past.
Tell us about yourself. Your personal statement should be about you - your
personal triumphs or challenges, leadership opportunities and experiences
outside the classroom.
Use your own voice. The personal statement should reflect your ideas and
be written by you alone. Use "I" and "my" statements in your response.
Relax. This is one of many pieces of information we consider in reviewing
your application; an admission decision will not be based on your
personal statement alone.
Personal Statement 1 (Required)
Describe the world you come from — for example, your family,
community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your
dreams and aspirations.
Personal Statement 2 (Required)
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution
or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or
accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person
you are?
Additional Comments (optional)
If you wish, you may use this space to tell us anything else you want us to
know about you that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere
in the application.
(Additional comments can be no more than 550 words.)
(From Online application)
Rank 82 University of Iowa (IA) - 2016
College to Which You are
International Application Deadline
Liberal Arts & Sciences
March 1 for Fall Semester or Summer Session
October 1 for Spring Semester
March 1 for Fall Semester or Summer Session
October 1 for Spring Semester
March 1 for Fall Semester or Summer Session
October 1 for Spring Semester
March 1 for Fall Semester or Summer Session
October 1 for Spring Semester
March 1 for Fall Semester
October 1 for Spring Semester
January 15 for Summer Session (option for RN/BSN program
January 1 for Fall Semester (summer and spring admission not
August 15 for Fall Semester
Domestic Student
Deadlines vary depending on when you plan to enroll. Deadlines also vary for
students applying to Nursing.
May 1—for Summer Session or Fall Semester
 December 5—for Spring Semester
No required essay
(From Online Application)
Rank 86 Marquette University (WI) (Common Application) -
Fall Freshmen
April 1 - Applications due
May 1 - All supporting materials due
June 15 - Deposits due
Spring Freshmen
November 1 - Applications due
November 15 - All supporting materials due
December 1 - Deposits due
Transfer Students: International transfer applications are reviewed on a rolling basis
and admission is granted as space permits. However, please submit all materials as early
as possible to allow time for review and enrollment.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Marquette University Supplement
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 86 University of Denver (CO) (Common Application) 2016
Admission decision
Early Action
November 1
early January
Regular Action
January 15
Applications submitted after January 15 will be considered on a case-by-case, spaceavailable basis.
Application Due
CSS PROFILE Admission Decision
Priority Deadline & Merit Scholarships Deposit Due
Nov. 1
Nov 1
Dec 23
Nov. 1
Feb 15 or
Dec 1 *
Late Dec
May 1
Jan. 15
Jan 15
Late Feb
March 9
Jan. 15
Feb 15
Early March
May 1
* EA students have the option to submit the CSS PROFILE by Dec. 1 in order to receive an earlier
need-based financial aid estimate. This also results in a final need-based financial aid package a bit
later in Early April.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
University of Denver Supplement
No writing supplement required
(From Online Application)
Rank 86 University of Tulsa (OK) (Common Application) - 2016
Early Action Admission: Application materials must be postmarked by
November 1. Non-binding notifications of Early Action admission are mailed in
late November.
Rolling Admission: Applications received after November 1 are reviewed as they
are completed. Decision notifications for rolling admission applicants will
commence mid-January and continue on an ongoing basis. The Preferred date to
submit an application for rolling admission is prior to February 1.
Academic Scholarships: Admitted students will automatically be considered for
academic scholarships prior to February 1. After February 1, applicants will
receive academic scholarship consideration based on availability of funding.
Admitted students have until May 1 to notify the University of their college
Applying to TU is easier than ever when you submit your application on-line.
However, applying for admission to an American university is a time-consuming
process. In order to allow sufficient time for the processing of your application and
for you to receive necessary documentation to obtain a visa, allow four months to
complete the entire procedure.
Deadline dates for applications, including all supporting documents, are as follows:
FALL - June 1: Transfer students
July 15: First-year students outside of U.S.
SPRING - October 1: Transfer students
November 15: First-year students outside of U.S.
(From International Student Application Form)
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
University of Tulsa Supplement
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 89 North Carolina State University (NC) - 2016
International Applicants: Fall Semester (beginning in early August)
First Deadline
October 15: Application deadline
Final Deadline
January 15: Application deadline
International Applicants: Spring Semester (beginning in early January)
 October 1: Application deadline
Decisions for international freshman and transfer applicants are posted as applications
are completed and reviewed. Separate deadlines pertain to studio-based
majors and Agricultural Institute programs. See the bottom of this page or
follow the links provided to learn about decision time lines for these programs.
Admissions decisions for studio-based majors and Agricultural Institute do not follow
decision notification dates that are listed below. See the bottom of this page or
follow the links provided to learn about decision timelines for these programs.
Freshmen Applicants: Summer or Fall admission
 First Deadline
 October 15: Application deadline
 January 30: Applicants will be notified of their admission status.
 May 1: Deadline for admitted students to submit their Advanced Enrollment
Deposit (AED) to confirm enrollment.
Final Deadline
 January 15: Application deadline
 March 30: Applicants will be notified of their admission status.
 May 1: Deadline for admitted students to submit their Advanced Enrollment
Deposit (AED) to confirm enrollment.
Please note: If you miss a deadline, your application will be reviewed in the next
notification period.
Freshmen Applicants: Spring Semester
October 1: Application deadline
December 1: Applicants will be notified of their admission status.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
North Carolina State U Supplement
More about you
Discuss your reasons for pursuing the Major/Academic Program selected above?
(500 word maximum)
Discuss any obstacles and/or hardships you have encountered and how you dealt
with them. (500 word maximum)
NC State is a community that is strong because of the diversity of our
perspectives and experiences. Please describe how you could contribute to or
benefit from campus diversity. (500 word maximum)
Rank 89 State University of New York - Binghamton (NY)
(Common Application) - 2016
International Freshman Admission (fall admission only)
Application Deadline
Decision Date
November 15* (early action)
January 15
January 15* (regular
By April 1
*Applications received after the deadline will be reviewed on a space-available basis.
 You must submit either The Common Application or SUNY Application by
November 15.
 All other required application materials (transcripts and test scores) must be
submitted by December 2.
 Binghamton will provide early action decisions by January 15.
All required application materials (transcripts and test scores) must be submitted
by January 15.
 Binghamton will provide regular admission decisions by April 1.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
SUNY Binghamton University Supplement
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 89 State University of New York - Stony Brook (NY)
(Common Application) - 2016
Priority Deadlines
Applications will be accepted after these priority deadlines on a space-available
Entry Term
Notification Schedule
Fall 2016
January 15
February 1
By April 1*
November 1
November 1
Beginning MidNovember
*International applicants follow a separate notification schedule.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
SUNY Stony Brook University Supplement
No writing supplement
**Applicants who select certain scholars programs (Scholars for Medicine, Scholars for
Dental Medicine or Engineering Scholars for Medicine) in the Academics section will be
required to complete an additional writing question.
(From Online Application)
Rank 89 SUNY - College of Environmental Science and Forestry
(NY) (Common Application) - 2016
Application Deadlines
Spring 2016
 All Applicants:
November 1, 2015*
Fall 2016
 Early Decision Freshman:
December 1, 2015
Regular Freshman:
February 1, 2016*
Guaranteed Transfer:
February 1, 2016*
March 1, 2016*
*Applications received after this date will be considered on a space available basis.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
SUNY ESF University Supplement
SUNY ESF Specific Question
The ESF Admissions Committee would like to understand your interest in the college
and our programs of study. Please explain why you have chosen the SUNY-ESF
majors you selected in the Academic section of this screen and how each would fulfill
your educational and career goals? If you selected 'Undeclared' as one of your
choices, please tell us which majors you are considering and how they will fulfill your
educational and career goals. (Upload Documeny)
Hint: File should be under 500 KB and one of these types: .pdf .doc .docx .rtf .txt.
(From Online Application)
Rank 89 University of Colorado - Boulder (CO) (Common
Application) - 2016
First Year
October 1
Spring deadline
All applicants
Fall 2016
Early Action - 11/15/2015
November 15
Summer & Fall deadlines
Early action
Freshman applicants
Regular Decision - 01/15/2016
Summer 2016
Regular Decision - 01/15/2016
Spring 2016
Regular Decision - 10/01/2015
January 15
Summer & Fall deadlines
Freshman applicants
March 1
Summer & Fall deadlines
Transfer applicants
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
University of Colorado - Boulder Supplement
The University of Colorado Boulder’s Flagship 2030 strategic plan promotes
exceptional teaching, research, scholarship, creative works, and service distinguishing
us as a premier university. We strive to foster a diverse and inclusive community for all
that engages each member in opportunities for academic excellence, leadership, and a
deeper understanding of the world in which we live. Given the statement above, how
do you think you could enrich our diverse and inclusive community, and what are your
hopes for your college experience? (250-500 word limit) (250 word minimum, 500
word maximum)
(From Online Application)
Rank 89 University of San Diego (CA) (Common Application) 2016
Freshman Applicants
Spring 2016
 Regular Decision: October 1, 2015
 Late Consideration: November 1, 2015
Regular decision applicants will be notified of a decision between mid-November and
early-January, 2016. Late consideration applicants, and those with late-arriving
transcripts, will be notified of a decision in early January, 2016.
Fall 2016
 Regular Decision: December 15, 2015
 Late Consideration: February 1, 2016
Regular decision applicants will be notified of a decision beginning February 25,
2016 through April 1, 2016. Late consideration applicants will be considered after all
regular decision applicants have been notified of a decision.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
University of San Diego Supplement
As a Changemaker Campus, USD promotes entrepreneurship, collaboration, and
innovation for positive social change. Briefly describe how your past activities or
work experiences will enhance our community. (150 words maximum on
common app)
How does USD stand out amongst all of the other colleges to which you are
applying? (150 words maximum on common app)
If you are Catholic, please enter the name, city, state, and nation of your home
(From Online Application)
Rank 89 University of Vermont (VT) (Common Application) -
Application submission Decision
Early action
Candidate's reply date
Nov. 1
Nov. 11 and
Dec. 16
May 1
Jan. 15
Feb. 11 and
March 11
May 1
April 15
10 working days after
Application submission
Candidate's reply date
Early action
Nov. 1
Dec. 18
Nov. 1
10 working days after
Applications received after deadlines will be considered on a space-available basis.
*International first-year and transfer candidates are encouraged to apply by
October 15.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
University of Vermont Supplement
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 96 Florida State University (FL) - 2016
All information used to make an admission decision must be received by the
published deadlines. In addition, the University reserves the right to close freshman
admission earlier if warranted by enrollment limitations and the number and quality of
applications. There are two deadlines and corresponding notification dates for freshmen
applying for either the summer or fall term. The University does not generally accept
freshman applications for the spring term.
Applications And All Supporting Documents Decision Available Online:
Received By:
October 15, 2015
December 9, 2015
January 13, 2016
March 16, 2016
Submit your essay (strongly encouraged).
We firmly believe that every person is unique and of value. Our University is
enriched by embracing individual differences and creating a community that is
much more than the sum of its parts. In 650 words or less, share your story with
us. Tell us how you came to be the person you are today, and about your
passions and future expectations. Describe how you will benefit from our
community and how our community will benefit from you.
(Upload File: The file cannot exceed 1 MB in size and should be
in .csv, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .xls, .xlsb, .xlsx, .xlw, or .wpd format. Note that the
filename must include the appropriate three- or four-letter extension. Please do not
upload a document that is password-protected, encrypted, or contains macros, as this
will prevent us from being able to view the document.)
Submit your résumé (strongly encouraged).
You may wish to include any extracurricular and volunteer activities,
employment, special talents, and awards that you have received.
(Upload File)
(From Online Application)
Rank 96 Saint Louis University (MO) (Common Application) 2016
Admission Timeline
Rolling admission begins
Transfer application deadline (spring)
Scholarship consideration priority deadline
Presidential Scholarship application deadline
Deadline to apply for medical scholars, honors program, physical
therapy and occupational therapy
Preferred deadline for nursing program
FASFA becomes available to first-time filers
Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship application deadline
Admission wait-list, physical therapy and occupational therapy
decisions announced
Preferred deadline for filing FAFSA
Transfer application deadline (fall)
National candidate reply date
**Rolling Admission - 07/31/2016
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
Saint Louis University Supplement
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 96 University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa (IA) - 2016
The University of Alabama admits new students for academic intake three times a year: Fall,
Spring, and Summer. We encourage incoming freshman students to apply for Fall and
Spring, as Summer is a short, intense semester, and is often challenging for new students.
Academic Calendar
Application Deadline
Fall Semester
August – December
May 1
Spring Semester
January – May
October 1
Summer Semester
June – August
March 1
Students who are seeking conditional admission may apply for six intake
options. See more about conditional admission here.
The application deadline is when we expect to have ALL application materials in our
office in order to make an admission decision. Applications are not considered
complete and ready for review until ALL application materials are
received. Remember that agency evaluations can take time to complete, so please
start the process early.
No essay required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 99 Drexel University (PA) (Common Application) - 2016
Material Due
November 1
Early Action applications due; decisions released in mid-December.
Applicants applying to the BA/BS/MD accelerated degree program
must have all application materials submitted
November 15
Early Action CSS Profile due; required if interested in institutional
need-based financial aid.
November 17
Early Action CSS Profile noncustodial parent supplement due;
required for students with a noncustodial parent.
January 15
Regular Decision applications due; decisions released by April 1.
February 15
Regular Decision CSS Profile due; required if interested in
institutional need-based financial aid.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) priority
submission deadline; required if interested in federal or state needbased financial aid.
February 17
Regular Decision CSS Profile noncustodial parent supplement due;
required for students with a noncustodial parent.
May 1
Tuition deposit and housing deposit due for accepted students.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for Common
Application Essay Questions.
Drexel University Supplement
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)
Rank 99 State University of New York - Buffalo (NY) (Common
Application) - 2016
We recommend that you apply by February 1st (for Fall semester) and September 1st
(for Spring semester). After those dates we use "Rolling Admission" and will accept
students IF seats are still available in the incoming class. For scholarship consideration,
we recommend that you apply well in advance of February 1 for fall admission.
• UB has rolling admission (no specific deadline).
• Applications are accepted until all available seats are filled.
• We recommend that you apply before Feb. 1 for fall semester.
• We recommend that you apply before Sept. 1 for spring semester.
*Please refer to the document named “Common App ESSAY” for
Common Application Essay Questions.
State University of New York - Buffalo Supplement
No writing supplement required.
(From Online Application)