Math Test Study Guide chapter 4


Math Test Study Guide chapter 4

4-1 - 4-7

By: Logan


To get prime factors use the method on the side. You use this for comparing fractions. Or gust listing the factors of a number. Like find the factors for 24:

1,2,4,6,8,24. or use the Rainbow method put the number like 24 and 1 next and compare like so and draw lines from 1 to 24 and 2 to 12 and so on

8 4 2 1 24 12 6 3


To find the GCF (Greatest

Common Factor) this is used for fractions to compare so you can have a common denominator. To find the GCF do the method below.

Factors of 16: 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 ,16

Factors of 24: 1 , 2 , 4 ,6, 8 ,12,24

8 is the biggest factor that 16 and 24 have together.


To make a fraction as a decimal us the method on the side Ex: ¾ t get this as a decimal do this divide 3 by 4 add zeros after the decimal point then what you get as the answer is ¾ in decimal form.


To Find the missing number that makes the fractions equivalent make a table chart or divide it by 10 if there is 1 zero and so on Ex: 70/100 7/?

What is the missing number

70 divided by 7


To make a mixed number into a improper fraction multiply the hole number by the denominator and add the sum to the numerator and you have done it


To find what to do with the denominator read the problem and if it says people need to go some where and there is one left over you need to add one to the answer so that one person would not be left behind of if it says how many bags can he make use fractions to show how much the bag is filled up.
