THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF INDEPENDENT DISTRICT I-20, MUSKOGEE COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, MET IN REGULAR SESSION, JULY 21, 2015 AT 6:00 P.M. BOARD OF EDUCATION SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGY (B.E.S.T.) CENTER, 202 WEST BROADWAY, MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA. REQUIREMENTS OF TITLE 25, O.S. (1977 SUPP) SS 311, WERE MET AS FOLLOWS: ON NOVEMBER 12, 2014, THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF ALL REGULAR MEETINGS WERE FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF MUSKOGEE COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, AND BY POSTING THE AGENDA AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS IN THE FRONT ENTRANCEWAY OF SAID B.E.S.T. CENTER AND ON THE DISTRICT WEB SITE, PRIOR TO 5:00 P.M. ON JULY 20, 2015. PRESENT: Mike Ebert, Vice President Keith Biglow, Board Clerk Danny Shiew, Board Member Larry Stewart, Board Member John Barton , President ABSENT: 1. CALL TO ORDER – John Barton, President INVOCATION – Cedric Johnson, Former MPS Administrator and Teacher PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – John Barton, President 2. PUBLIC TO BE HEARD No request were made to address the Board. 3. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Bond Issue Update – Wayne Johnson 4. REPORTS/COMMENTS FROM MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION None 5. STANDING RESOLUTIONS Motion made by Danny Shiew seconded by Keith Biglow to APPROVE Standing Resolutions A. through K as listed and AMENDED: A. Minutes of Previous Meeting June 16, 2015 B. Regular Meeting Schedule of Payments Checks to be issued in payment of June encumbrances/invoices as duly audited from the funds and in the amounts listed below and itemized in the financial reports: AP - Checks # 20155881 to 20156563 PR - Checks #150028 - 1500030 DD’s - # 1559350 to 1561096 $10,118,404.09 $ 628.30 $ 3,308,251.00 C. Schedule of Encumbrances – Numbered D. Operating & Investment Funds June 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015 1. Operating Account 2. Investment Account E. 21507037 to 21507221 - $ 672,026.26 16000001 to 16000454 - $7,818,813.97 $(1,184,980.15) $ 0.00 Financial Report 1. 2. 3. FY 2015 Expense / Revenue Report FY 2015 Activity Fund FY 2015 Balance Sheet F. PO’s over $10,000 (per fund) 21507050 TRS 21507213 TRS 2nd Wind Exercise Equipment 21507189 21507093 Access 2 Healthcare July 21, 2015 11 $ $ $ $ 12,394.03 12,837.40 15,555.00 18,488.20 Fed’l Match May Fed’l Match June Exercise Equipment Medicaid Mgt Svc Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 1 21507102 21507077 21506969 OG&E Connections Ed Inc GCBMH 21506723 Coughran Lawn & Landscaping City of Muskogee Foundation $ $ $ 50,436.94 35,350.00 22,187.50 Electric Svc Online Licenses 4 year olds $ 10,000.00 Mowing $ 87,595.41 Turf Payment $ $ 22,881.14 14,840.25 Change Order Floor Drain Fire Alarm G Unit $ $ $ $ $ 27,900.00 86,691.80 51,110.00 19,705.84 54,033.21 Software New Tech Chromebooks Furniture Athletic Equipment $ 11,700.00 MHS Yearbook 21 21506881 27 21507101 21507100 Hemphill Services, LLC Builders Unlimited, Inc. 21507049 21507057 21507164 21507190 21507191 CDW Government United Systems, Inc Five Star Office Supply Best Sports 29 2nd Wind Exercise Equipment Weights Indoor Facility 60 21507045 Ruth Kelly Studio 16000128 16000074 OSAG Rosenstein Fist & Ringold Kerry John Patten CPA $ $ 443,269.00 41,000.00 Workers Comp Legal Fees $ 27,900.00 2015 Audit OKSRMT DHS GCBHM Computer Automation Systems Ok Health Care authority Sudden Link Ruth Kelly Studio US Postal Services Whittinghill Disposal Svc AT&T AT&T AT&T OG & E Waste Management of Okla Verizon PC Landing Zone New Technology Network The Lavin Agency $ $ $ $ 239,650 137,000 182,187.50 13,000.00 Liability Insurance Social Workers Headstart Fees Tech Services $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 55,000.00 25,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 23,000.00 21,000.00 700,000.00 59,500.00 Tech Services Internet Services Printing Postage Cleaning Services Phone Lines Long Distance Cell Phones Electric Svc Garbage $ $ $ $ $ 30,000.00 50,000.00 97,600.00 11,000.00 10,077.00 Celluar Internet Tech Parts & Equipment New Tech Fees Prof Ed Services Prof Ed Services $ 15,555.00 Exercise Equipment $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,500.00 52,500.00 52,500.00 105,000.00 63,750.00 10,000.00 30,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 20,940.00 30,000.00 Postage Machine Lease Water/Sewer Garbage Natural Gas Gas Commodity Maint Fire Svc Alarm Svc Maint Supplies Maint Supplies Maint Supplies Maint Supplies Maint Supplies Gasoline Cards Pest Control Custodial Supplies Mowing $ 109,470.81 QZAB Lease Payment 11 16000062 16000009 16000069 16000161 16000213 16000186 16000071 16000070 16000158 16000258 16000063 16000238 16000237 16000304 16000072 16000162 16000252 16000081 16000322 16000321 16000002 International Institute for Restorative 2nd Wind Exercise Equipment 21 16000312 16000305 16000342 16000343 16000159 16000103 16000105 16000082 16000020 16000029 16000093 16000016 16000014 16000066 16000015 16000273 16000099 16000160 Pitney Bowes City of Muskogee City of Muskogee ONG Constellation New Energy Security Alarms Security Alarms Fire Security Alarms Dealers Electrical Supply Locke Supply Co Johnstone Supply Carrier Enterprises LLC Lowes of Muskogee Finish Lin Fuels LLC Admiral Pest Control Empire Paper Co Coughran Lawn & Landscaping Zions Bank 22 July 21, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 16000328 16000151 16000140 16000134 Massco Love Bottling Co Hagar Restaurant Svc Tankersley $ $ $ $ 13,500.00 25,000.00 10,000.00 450,000.00 Cleaning Supplies Drinks Cleaning Supplies Food 27-41 All rolled from 2015 G. Contracts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. H. CRW Consulting Services LLC Collaborating for Results Pearson Juvenile Detention Center MCCoys Group Home Wish Murrows Indian Children’s Home ImageNet Love Bottling GCBHS Creek Nation Song Byrd Behaviorial Health MCCoYS GCBHS Okla Families First Integrity Pathways erate services consultant Digital Curriculum Teacher (1) Support (1) online licenses Office Rental Ed Services Print/Copier Services Exclusive Beverages Headstart Indian Bowl Naming Rights $ 3,500.00 $ 36,000.00 $376,000.00 (Amended - reduced) $ 1.00 $ 91,341.84 (State contract) $45,000.00 (income) $182,187.50 $15,000.00 no cost counseling Svc no cost counseling Svc no cost counseling Svc no cost counseling Svc no cost counseling Svc Continuing Resolution Treasurer - Mika Barton Minutes Clerk - Carla Cooper Encumbrance Clerk - Cindy Boydstun CNS Encum Clerk - Kim Logsdon Asst Treasurer - Rhonda Harder Deputy Minutes Clerk - John Little Activity Fd Encum Clerk - Rhonda Harder Attorney - Rosentein, Fist & Ringold District Memberships - ASBO & Ok ASBO Chamber of Commerce OSSAA OSSBA Muskogee Area Education Consortium Muskogee Area Human Resources Association Activity Fundraisers/Expenditures – per Activity Fund Manual Local Project/Program Codes - per list Bank cards - Armstrong Bank, Citizens Security Bank, TTCU, Firstar Loan Agreement between funds – General, Building, Child Nutrition & Bonds Funds (no interest) Purchasing Officers approval of Officers, their limits and allowed codes for FY 2016 (per list) Payroll signatures – Mike Garde, Superintendent Jim Wilson, Asst Supt. John Little, CFO Martha Brians, Human Resource Officer I. Activity Fund Transfers MHS J. Bids\Quot es #15 #1601 July 21, 2015 From 98750 98720 98970 98190 98580 $ 82.00 Empire Paper Bread Correction To $ 82.00 $3,008.94 $2,857.69 $ 141.25 Bimbo Line 3 $1,216.95 $299,577.00 Low custodial supplies) Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 Bakeries #1602 #1603 #1604 Milk NO ACTION Produce Paper NO ACTION K. MHS Cheer Booster Club ARJH PTO MHS PTSA Creek PTO Lady Rougher Basketball Arnold Fruit Unisource Standard Staples Empire $46,680.00 2,079.99 4,984.95 1,159.92 Sanctioning VOTES: AYES; BIGLOW, EBERT, SHIEW AND STEWART. BARTON ABSENT. MOTION CARRIED. 6. APPROVE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER FOR GIRLS AND BOYS Motion made by Keith Biglow seconded by Larry Stewart to APPROVE Junior High School Soccer for girls and boys. VOTES: AYES; BIGLOW, EBERT, SHIEW AND STEWART. BARTON ABSENT. MOTION CARRIED. 7. ANNUAL APPROVAL OF OPTION FOR CALCULATION OF SCHOOL YEARS BY DAYS OR HOURS Motion made by Danny Shiew seconded by Keith Biglow to APPROVE that the school year consist of (not less than one thousand eighty 1,080) hours of classroom instruction. Not more than thirty (30) of these hours shall be used for professional meetings. In addition, parent-teacher conferences may be held during the school day and counted as classroom instruction for no more than six (6) hours per semester, for a total of twelve (12) hours per school year. VOTES: AYES; BIGLOW, EBERT, SHIEW AND STEWART. BARTON ABSENT. MOTION CARRIED. 8. PROPOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion made by Keith Biglow seconded by An Executive Session is proposed for discussion of: A. B. Personnel recommendations A. through K . (names listed below) being presented for the resignation, termination, or employment of staff members, with vote to be taken after return to Open Session; pursuant to OKLA. STAT. tit. 25 § Section 307 (B) (1). Negotiations Discussion Only VOTES: AYES; BIGLOW, EBERT, SHIEW AND STEWART. BARTON ABSENT. MOTION CARRIED. 9. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION Board returned to Open Session at 6:58 p.m. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES COMPLIANCE ANNOUNCEMENT All members of the Board of Education present at this meeting attended the executive session. Superintendent Mike Garde and Jim Wilson were asked to participate in the Executive Session. While in Executive session, the Board discussed only the following items: Personnel Items under Item 11 Negotiations Discussion only As authorized by Oklahoma Statutes, Title 25, Section 307 (B) (1). No other matters were discussed and no votes were taken. The Board returned to Open Session at 6:58 p.m. 11. PERSONNEL Motion made by Keith Biglow seconded by Danny Shiew to APPROVE personnel resolutions stated and AMENDED. A. through K. as A. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Muskogee Schools District I-20, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to APPROVE the reappointment of the certified administrative staff for the 2015-2016 school year: Melony Carey Heather Jones Kim Fleak Dan Hattaway Jim Wilson Madison Tomlinson July 21, 2015 David Walkingstick Joyce Weston Rafe Watkins Malinda Lindsey Bonito Gay Garrett Davis Clevetta Gray Debbie Winburn Rick Hoos Ed Wallace Jerry Huffer Dr. Justin Walker Regular Board Meeting Minutes Peggy Jones Anayai Cooper P. David Shouse Ronia Davison Brian Doerner Cheryl Hallum Page 4 Josh Berry Lisa Rogers Lori Jefferson Doyle Rowland Donna Pillars Lisa Charboneau Karen Watkins B. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Muskogee Schools District I-20, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to APPROVE the reappointment of the salaried support staff for the 2015-2016 school year: Mika Barton John Cooper Scott Meyer Kim Logsdon Joe Hughart Taylor Hignite Eric Wells Tracy Goodspeed Karah Lehman Curtis Forbes Wayne Johnson Dessa Miller Rhonda Warlick Jerrod Adair Odell Alexander Jana Taylor Whitney Padgett Martha Brians John Little Doug Ragsdale Kathy Bates Wendy Burton Mandy Scott Sam Taylor Carla Cooper Dan Hall Kim Hall Bill Parris Jeff Zarnke Michael LeDoux Kathy Rigney Martin Lang C. RESIGNATION – CERTIFIED RESOLVE, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to APPROVE the resignation of the certified staff for the 2014 -2015 school year: AMENDED *Shelly Beck – Music Teacher – Cherokee *Kaye Wittmer – 5th Grade Teacher – Grant Foreman *Mellissa Agee – Music Teacher – Irving *Devon Hahn – 5th Grade Teacher – Pershing *Susan Graham – Reading Teacher – ARJH *Brian Jones – Science Teacher – ARJH *Amanda Cypert – Math Teacher – RAA *Alisha Potts – English Teacher – RAA *Richard Agee – Computer Teacher – MHS *Kara Sholes – English Teacher – MHS *Jill Stone – Science Teacher – MHS *Beth White – Special Education Teacher – MHS effective 7-6-2015 effective 7-13-2015 effective 7-20-2015 effective 7-1-2015 effective 6-30-2015 effective 7-16-2015 effective 6-29-2015 effective 7-8-2015 effective 7-20-2015 effective 6-30-2015 effective 7-13-2015 effective 7-15-2015 D. NON-ACCEPTANCE OF EMPLOYMENT – CERTIFIED RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to APPROVE the non-acceptance of employment by the certified staff for the 2015-2016 school year: AMENDED *Shelli Cox – 2nd Grade Teacher – Cherokee *Kirstin Keller – 4th Grade Teacher – Creek *Holly Bronsert – Special Education Teacher – MHS effective 7-20-2015 effective 7-6-2015 effective 7-20-2015 E. EMPLOYMENT – CERTIFIED – TEMPORARY RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to APPROVE the temporary employment of certified staff for the 2015-2016 school year: AMENDED *Joseph Tiger – Music Teacher – Cherokee *Mollie Goosman – 4th Grade Teacher – Creek *Cheryl Holt – 5th Grade Teacher – Grant Foreman *Brooke Tilman – 6th Grade Teacher – Grant Foreman *Kelly Hartsoe – 3rd Grade Teacher – Irving *Courtney Lamont – 2nd Grade Teacher – Irving *Kameron Parmain – Music Teacher – Irving Pending OKSDE Certification *Angela Garrett – 6th Grade Teacher – Sadler *Tonya Gates – 4th Grade Teacher – Tony Goetz *John-Pierre LaFleur – Math Teacher – ARJH Pending OKSDE Certification *Brett Nichelson – Social Studies Teacher – ARJH *Lisa Rowe – Special Education Teacher – ARJH *Melissa Bethancourt – FACS Teacher – RAA *Robert Pinion – English Teacher – RAA *Robert Long – Math Teacher – RAA *Aubrey Bradley – English Teacher – MHS *Ronnie Davis – Computer Science/Wrestling Coach – MHS *Ronald Oehschlager – Vocational Agriculture Teacher – MHS *Glen Robinson – Social Studies Teacher – MHS *Samantha Walton – Special Education Teacher – MHS Pending OKSDE Certification effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 7-22-2015 effective 8-17-2015 effective 8-17-2015 F. EMPLOYMENT – CERTIFIED – TEMPORARY – EXTRA DUTY July 21, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 5 RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to APPROVE the temporary, extra-duty employment of certified staff for the 2015-2016 school year: AMENDED STIPEND ACADEMICS ARCHERY COUNSELOR CURRICULUM COORDINATOR Language Arts Elective Journalism Math Special Education Reading Social Studies English Math ESL TUTOR GIFTED & TALENTED ROBOTICS SAC SAFETY PATROL STUDENT COUNCIL SPONSOR TESTING COORDINATOR YEARBOOK NAME SITE AMOUNT Tommy Anderson Cherokee $750 Reeva Mutch Joanne Myers Jennifer Carpenter Misti Loge Jennifer Norwood Maria Smith Donna Woods Michelle Chambers Cheryl Donathan Madison Hays Dyan Riley Hailey Thomas BFSA Creek/GFE Irving TG/Sadler ARJH ARJH RAA MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Susan Boyd April Coen Julie Crank Catherine Dennis Natasha Franklin Tina Greer Pam Morgan Sarah Dennis Mike Walcutt ARJH ARJH ARJH ARJH ARJH ARJH ARJH MHS MHS $2,957 $2,957 $2,957 $2,957 $2,957 $2,957 $2,957 $3,736 $3,736 Andrew Herringshaw Cassie Herringshaw BFSA BFSA $25/hr $25/hr Brad Huddleston Kathryn Jones Creek Creek $2,200 $2,200 Jennie Price Brad Huddleston Kathryn Jones Cherokee Creek Creek $1,100 $550 $550 Susan Duval Jametra Newton Angela Cummings Brad Huddleston Cherokee Cherokee Creek Creek $25/hr $25/hr $25/hr $25/hr Tommy Anderson Cherokee $500 Brad Huddleston Creek $550 Charlotte Mitchell Donna Woods Creek RAA $1,250 $1,250 Michelle Rowan Karen Lewis ECC Creek $592 $592 Cody Autrey David Bandy Damon Beckers Josh Berry Clayton Blevins Rusty Bradley Shonika Breedlove Sharica Cole Keith Coleman Curt Denton Brenton Duncan Heidi Flanary Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr ATHLETICS GATE WORK July 21, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 6 GOLF Head Mary Beth Flusche Nathan Frisby John Graham John Hammer Carmen Heath David Heath Patricia Hill Angie Hillmon Aaron Hobbs Brad Huddleston Coleman Hughes Donna Lawson Lori Martin Paul McCann Amanda McMillan Jason Medrano Jimmy Monroe Jennifer Norwood Melissa O’Dell Erin Peters Jim Platter Jack Reavis Darrin Reeves Kurtis Rowan Myles Thomas Don Yates Nick Zodrow Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr Jared Smith MHS $2,730 Mark Peters ARJH $3,014 WRESTLING G. RESIGNATION – SUPPORT RESOLVE, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to APPROVE the resignation of the support staff for the 2014 -2015 school year: *Tesha Bray – Enrollment Clerk – BEST *Kindi Duncan – Attendance Secretary – MHS effective 7-16-2015 effective 7-6-2015 H. EMPLOYMENT– SUPPORT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of Superintendent of Schools to APPROVE the employment of support staff for the 20152016: *Tia Alexander – Special Education Data Entry & Compliance Specialist – BEST *Ruth Ann Logan – CNS Manager – Cherokee *Vicki Cobler – Finance Secretary – MHS *Pam Stonebarger – Attendance Secretary – MHS *Jessica Hooper – Secretary – Transportation effective effective effective effective effective 7-22-2015 8-17-2015 7-22-2015 7-22-2015 7-22-2015 I. EMPLOYMENT – SUPPORT – TEMPORARY – EXTRA DUTY RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to APPROVE the temporary, extra-duty employment of certified staff for the 2015-2016 school year: STIPEND FOOTBALL GATE WORK Lay Lay July 21, 2015 NAME SITE AMOUNT Kye Staley ARJH $2,500 Jerrod Adair Jessie Alexander Mea Anderson Rocky Battenfield Pat Birdtail Martha Brians Janice Brown Wendy Burton Doug Fulkerson Tami Gardenhire Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $15/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 7 Mark Haile Tressa Heytz James Hill Tommy Hutson Jerome Jones Theresa Little Kim Logsdon Ron Lowe Anthony McNac Prentiss McNac Whitney Padgett Deana Paeden Thomas Price Kathy Rigney Shelley Sinnett Lana Stevenson Jimmy Walker Rhonda Warlick Lay Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $15/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr $20/hr J. RESIGNATION – ADMINISTRATION RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to APPROVE the resignation of the administrative staff for the 2015-2016 school year: *Larry Sholes – Principal – RAA effective 6-22-2015 K. EMPLOYMENT – ADMINISTRATION RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to APPROVE the employment of the administrative staff for the 2015-2016 school year: *Steve Barton – Principal – RAA effective 7-22-2015 VOTES: AYES; BIGLOW, EBERT, SHIEW AND STEWART. BARTON ABSENT. MOTION CARRIED. 12. NEW BUSINESS None 13. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn meeting made by Danny Shiew seconded by Keith Biglow. VOTES: AYES; BIGLOW, EBERT, SHIEW AND STEWART. BARTON ABSENT. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m. July 21, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 8 STATE OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY OF MUSKOGEE ) ) ss: ) I, THE UNDERSIGNED minutes clerk of the Board of Education of Muskogee Public Schools District I20, Muskogee County, Oklahoma do certify the above to be the true and correct minutes of the Board of Education Regular Meeting, July 21, 2015 (6:00 p.m.) with proper notification of meeting given as stated on Page 1 of these minutes. Witness my hand and seal of this District this _____ day of ____________________, 2015. __________________________________ Board Minutes Clerk Muskogee Public Schools District I-20 (District Seal) BOARD OF EDUCATION: ____________________________________ John Barton, President ATTEST: __________________________________ Keith Biglow, Clerk July 21, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 9